
thal, Colloredo, May Hohenfeld, and Buresch, 663 officers, and 15,651 subalterns and privates were wounded. Of these Field-Marshal Lieut. Weber, 8 officers, and 829 men were taken prisoners by the enemy.

The loss of the enemy was prodigious, and exceeds all expectation. It can only be accounted for by the effect of our concentric fire on an exceedingly confined field of battle where all the batteries crossed one another, and calculated by the following authentic data. Generals Lasnes, D'Espagne, St. Hillaire, and Albuquerque are dead; Massena, Bessieres, Molitor, Boudet, Legrand, Lasalle, and the two brothers Legrange wounded; Durosnel and Fouler taken. Upwards of 7000 men, and an immense number of horses were buried on the field of battle; 5000 and some hundred wounded lie in our hospitals. In Vienna and the suburbs there are at present 29,773 wounded; many were carried to St. Polten, Enns, and as far as Linz; 2,300 were taken. Several hundreds of corpses floated down the Danube, and are still daily thrown upon its shores; many met their death in the island of Lobau, and since the water has fallen in the smaller arms of the river, innumerable bodies, thus consigned by their comrades to everlasting oblivion, have become visible. The burying of the sufferers is not yet over, and a pestilential air is wafted from the theatre of death. His imperial highness, the generallissimo, has indeed undertaken the duty, so dear to his heart, of acquainting the monarch and the country with the names of those who took the most active share in the achievements of these glorious days; but he acknowledges with profound emotion, that amidst the rivalship of the highest military virtues, it is scarcely possible to distinguish the most valiant, and declares all the soldiers of Aspern worthy of public gratitude.

His imperial highness considers the intelligent dispositions of the chief of his staff, General Baron Wimpffen, and his incessant exertions, as the foundation of the victory. The officers commanding corps have rendered themselves deserving of the highest favours by uncommon devotedness, personal bravery, warm attachment to their sovereign, and their high sense of honour. Their names will be transmitted to posterity with the

achievements of the valiant troops who were under their direction. Col. Smola, of the artillery, by his indefatigable activity in the proper application of the ordnance, and his well known bravery, reudered the most important services.

[Here follows a long list of the names of the officers who distinguished themselves on this occasion. The Gazette concludes as follows:]

Many individual traits of heroism are not yet known, and consequently cannot be recorded. Thus Corporal Prager of Zettivitz's, took prisoner one of the enemy's chefs d'escadron before the mass of his battalion. Corporals Donnar and Horner,, and the privates Pressich, Hirmah, and Schmerha, of the battalion of Prince Kinsky's legion, were cut off by a fire of musketry from their corps, and surrounded by the enemy's cavalry; they fought their way through, and rejoined their battalion. The oberjager Fickerberger, and the unterjager Schaffer of the 2d. battalion of jagers penetrated into the French Emperor's guard, and seized one of the enemy's captains in the midst of his ranks. The private Larda, of Duke Albert's cuirassiers, retook a 6-pounder which had fallen into the enemy's hands, and brought it back with its equipage. Serjeant Pap, of Chastelar's, snatched the colours of his battalion from the hands of the dying First-Lieut. Cazan, who had himself taken it from the Ensign who had been killed, and headed his troops with the most exemplary intrepidity. Among the artillery there are few but what highly distinguished themselves by deeds of the noblest daring, and contempt of every danger.

But a grateful country will not fail to hold in honourable remembrance the departed heroes who found death in the arins of victory. In this number those particularly worthy of mention are, Col. De Fiennes, of Bellegarde's; Major Danzer, of O'Reilley's; Maj. Gerdech, of Froon's; Captain Charles Kaifer and Kanovsky, of Rosenberg's; Capt. Surgeant, of Reussgreyz's; First Lieut. Cazan, of Chastelar's;, and Lieut Zakazill, of the artillery, who displayed the most extraordinary proofs of valour, and with his dying breath recommended his widow to the paternal care of his Majesty.




Vienna, June 8.-Colonel Gorgoli, aid-de-camp to the Emperor of Russia, has arrived at the Imperial head-quarters with a letter from that sovereign for his Majesty. He has announced that the Russian army, which is marching upon Olmutz, had passed the frontiers on the 24th of May. The Emperor, the day before yesterday, reviewed his guardInfantry, cavalry, and artillery. The inhabitants of Vienna admired the number, fine appearance, and excellent condition of these troops.The viceroy has gone with the army of Italy to Oedemburgh in Hungary. It appears that the Archduke John intends to rally his army on the Raab. The duke of Ragusa arrived with the army of Dalmatia, on the 3d of this month, at Laybach.-The heat is very great, and persons acquainted with the Danube assure us that in a few days it will overflow. We shall employ this time to finish driving the piles, independent of the bridges of boats and rafts.-All the accounts which we receive from the enemy state, that the towns of Presburgh, Brunn, and Znaym, are full of wounded. The Austrians themselves estimate their loss at 18,000 men.-Prince Poniatowski, with the army of the duchy of Warsaw, is pursuing the advantages he has gained. After the taking of Sandomci, he took the fortress of Zamosa, where the enemy suffered a loss of 3,000 men and 30 pieces of cannon. All the Poles who are in the Austrian army desert.The enemy, after having failed before Thorn, have been vigorously pursued by Gen. Dombrowski.-The Archduke Ferdinand will derive nothing from his expedition but disgrace. He must have arrived in Austrian Silesia with his force reduced to one-third.-The Senator Wibiski has distinguished him

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self by his patriotic sentiments and his activity. The Count de Metternich has arrived at Vienna, he is to be exchanged at the advanced posts for the French legation, to whom the Austrians, contrary to the law of nations, had refused passports, and had sent to Pest.

This Bulletin is followed by the details at length of the operations of the Duke of Ragusa's army in Dalmatia; which state, that he gained a victory over the Austrians on the 16th of May, at Kitta in Croatia, in which the latter lost 400 killed, from 6 to 700 wounded, and 500 prisoners. And in another affair, on the 17th, at Gradschatz, the French are stated to have lost 300 men, and Marmont was himself wounded. Another victory is stated to have been subsequently gained by the French at Gospich, which they entered on the 23d, and arrived at Fiume on the 28th, after some skirmishes, from whence, he says, they were to march on the 31st, to unite with the army of Italy. In the whole of the actions, 6,000 Austrians, and Croa tians are said, in this account, to have been put hors de combat. The loss of the French in the affairs subsequent to the 16th, is stated at 400 killed and wounded.


Vienna, June 13.-The division of Gen. Chastelar which had raised the Tyrol, proceeded on the 4th of this month to the environs of Clagenfurth, in order to throw itself into Hungary. Gen. Rusca marched against it, and a severe engagement took place, when 900 prisoners were made. Prince Eugene with a large corps manœuvres in the centre of Hungary. For some days past the Danube has risen a foot.Gen. Graben, with a Dutch division, having marched to Stralsund, where Schill had entrenched himself, carried the entrenchments by assault. Schill gave orders to burn the town to secure his retreat, but

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had no time. Schill himself was killed in the great square, near the Corps de Garde, and at the moment when he fled, and was endeavouring to reach the port in order to embark. -The Archduke Ferdinand evacuated Warsaw precipitately on the 2d inst. so that the whole of the Grand Duchy is abandoned by the enemy's army, whilst the troops under the command of Prince Poniatowsky occupy three-fourths of Gallicia.


Vienna, June 16.-The anniversary of the battle of Marengo has been celebrated by the victory of the Raab, which the right wing of the army, under the command of the Prince Viceroy, has obtained over the united corps of the Archduke John, and the Archduke Palatine. Since the battle of the Piave the Viceroy has pursued the Archduke John at the point of the bayonet.--The Austrian army hoped to canton itself on the banks of the Raab, between St. Gothad and Kormond. On the 5th of June, the Viceroy advanced from Neustadt, and established his head-quarters at Edenburgh, in Hungary. On the 7th he followed up his movements, and arrived at Guns. Gen. Lauriston, with his corps of observation, formed a junction with his left wing. On the 8th, Gen. Montbrun, with his division of cavalry, effected the passage of the Raabnitz, near Sovenyhaga, routed 300 cavalry of the Hungarian insurrection, and drove them towards Raab. On the 9th, the Viceroy proceeded towards Sarvar. The cavalry of Gen. Grouchy fell in with the enemy's rearguard at Vasvar, and made some prisoners. On the 10th, Gen. Macdonald arrived from Gratz at Kor-. mond. On the 11th, Gen. Grenier came up at Karako with a column of the enemy's flank corps which defended the bridge. He, however, passed the river in force. Gen. Debroc made a brilliant charge with


the 9th hussars upon a battalion of 400 men, 300 of 'whom were made prisoners. On the 12th the army passed the bridge of Merse near Papa. The Viceroy from a height, observed the whole hostile army in battle-array. Gen- Montbrun debouched in the plain, and' charged the enemy's cavalry, which he completely overthrew, after having made many skilful manœuvres. The enemy had already begun to retreat; the Viceroy passed the night at Papa. On the 13th, at five A. M. the army marched towards Raab, Our cavalry and the Austrians shewed themselves near the village of Szanach. The enemy were defeated, and we took 400 prisoners. Archduke John having united with the Archduke Palatine, took a fine position upon some heights, the right wing rested upon Raab, a fortified town, and the left covering the road of Comorn, another strong place in Hungary. On the 14th, at 11 P. M. the Viceroy drew up his army in order of battle, and with 35,000 men attacked 50,000 of the enemy, But the zeal of our troops was animated by the recol lection of the memorable victory which had sanctified this day. All the soldiers shouted with joy when they saw the enemy, who were placed in three lines, consisting of from 20 to 25,000 men of the remains of the fine army of Italy which had already imagined itself masters of Italy; of 10,000 men under Gen. Haddick; of 5 or 6,000 men of the remains of Jellachich's corps, and the corps of the Tyrol which had joined the army through the passes of Carinthia; of 10 or 12,000 of the Hungarian insurrection.--The Viceroy placed General Montbrun's cavalry, the brigade of Gen. Colbert, and the cavalry of Gen. Grouchy, on his right wing; the corps of Gen. Grenier formed two platoons, whereof Gen. Serres's division was the right one---In the

advanced guard an Italian division, commanded by Gen. Baraguay d' Hilliers, formed a third platoon. The reserve of Gen. Puthod formed the reserve; Gen. Lauriston, with his corps of observation, supported by Gen. Sahuc, formed the extremity of the left wing, and watched Raab,-At two in the afternoon the cannonade began. At three our second and third platoons were engaged, The fire from the musketry was severe, The first line of the enemy was overthrown; but the second withstood for a moment the shock of our first division, which being speedily reinforced, also overthrew the line of the enemy. The enemy's reserve then appeared. On his side the Viceroy, who followed all his movements, advanced with his reserve. The fine position of the Austrians was taken, and at four the victory was decisive. The enemy, who were in complete disorder, could not easily unite, so that in no way was the movement of our cavalry obstructed. Three thousand prisoners, six pieces of cannon and four standards, are the memorials of this átchievement. The enemy left 3,000 dead on the field of battle, among whom is a majorgeneral. Our loss amounts to about 900 killed and wounded. Among the first is Col. Thierry; and among the latter Brig.-Gen. Valentine and Col. Expert.-The field of battle had long been pitched upon by the enemy, who had determined to make a stand in that fine position. On the 15th he was closely pursued on the road of Comorn and Pest. The inhabitants of the country remain tranquil, and take no part in the war. The Emperor's proclamation has set men's minds reflecting. It is known that the Hungarian nation always desired its independence. The part of the insurrection which is now with the army was raised by the last diet; it is in arms and does


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Vienna, June 20.-When the news of the victory of Raab arrived at Buda, the Empress immediately left it.-The enemy's army was pursued during the 15th and 16th. It passed the Danube over the bridge of Comorn.-The town of Raab has been invested; we hope to be masters of it in a few days. We have taken the entrenched camp of Raab, which will contain 100,000 men.— The enemy inundate the country with false reports; this is part of the system adopted for stirring up the lower classes.-M. De Metternich left Vienna on the 18th. will be exchanged for M. Dodun and the officers of the French legation.


Prince Gallitzen entered Gallicia on the 3d, in three columns.


Vienna, July 22.-The enemy pleases himself in spreading his ephemeral bulletins, in which he always boasts of victory.

General Marziani, who was made prisoner in the battle of Raab, has arrived at the head-quarters. He says, that since the battle of the Piave, the Archduke John has lost two-thirds of his army; that he afterwards received recruits, which scarcely filled the vacancies, and who do not understand the use of arms. He reckons the loss of the Archdukes John and Palatine, in the battle of the Raab, at 12,000 men; according to the report of the Hungarian prisoners, the Palatine was on that day the first to take to flight.

Some persons seem to wish to put in opposition the force of the Austrian army at Essling, estimated at 90,000 men, with the 80,000 men which have been made prisoners since the opening of the campaign! They have shewn very little reflec tion. The Austrian army entered upon the campaign with nine corps of 40,000 men each, and they had,

in the interior, corps of recruits and Llandwehr; so that Austria really had more than 400,000 men under


From the battle of Abersberg to the taking of Vienna, they reckon, that in Italy and Poland we have taken 100,000 prisoners from the enemy, and he has lost 100,000 men in killed, deserted, and dispersed. There still remain there fore to him 200,000 men, distributed as follows the Archduke John had, in the battle of the Raab, 50,000 men; the principal Austrian army was, previous to the battle of Essling, 90,000 men; there remained 25,000 men with the Archduke Ferdinand, at Warsaw, and 25,000 men were dispersed in the Tyrol and Croatia, and spread in bands on the confines of Bohemia.

When the Archduke John entered on the campaign, his army was composed of the 8th and 9th corps, amounting to 80,000 men. At Raab he had only 50,000. But in these 50,000 were comprised 15,000 Hungarians of the insurrection. His loss was, therefore, really 45,000


The Archduke Ferdinand entered Warsaw with the 7th corps, consisting of 40,000 men. It is reduced to 25,000-His loss is, therefore, 15,000 men. We will see how these different calculations are made and verified.

The Viceroy has, with 30,000 French, beaten, at Raab, 50,000


At Essling 90,000 men have been beaten and restrained by 30,000 French, who would have completely routed and destroyed them, if the carrying away of the bridges had not caused a want of ammunition.

Not a single regiment has been drawn from Spain, except the imperial guards.


Vienna, June 24.-Raab has capitulated; this city forms an excel

lent position in the centre of Hungary; it is defended by bastions, its ditches are full of water, and an inundation covers a part of it; it is situated at the confluence of three rivers; it resembles, on a small scale, the situation of the grand entrenched camp, where the enemy hoped to assemble and exercise the Hungarian insurrection, and were he had constructed immense works. The garrison, 1800 strong, was insufficient. The enemy intended to have left 5000 men, but by the battle of Raab, his army was separated from that place. The city has suffered considerably from a bombardment of eight days, which has destroyed its finest edifices. All that could be said as to the inutility of a defence was ineffectual; it was misled by the hope of being relieved.


Two battalions of Landwehrs, two squadrons of Hulans, and one battalion of troops of the line, forming together 2,500 men, have entered Bayreuth. They have, as usual, distributed proclamations, and endeavoured to excite insurrections. At the same time General Amende entered Dresden with three battalions of the line, three battalions of landwehrs, and a collection of men raised by the Duke of Brunswick, and some squadrons of cavalry, drawn from different corps, forming, in the whole, from seven to eight thousand men.

The King of Westphalia has joined the 10th corps, and is on his march; the Duke of Valmy has put in motion the advanced guard of the army of reserve which he commands.

[Here follows the capitulation, consisting of eleven articles, dated 22d of June, by which it is agreed, that the garrison shall march out with the honours of war, and deposit their arms on the glacis, if not relieved by four o'clock in the afternoon of the 24th; they are afterwards to proceed to Comorn, and are not to serve against, France or

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