
increasing on all sides, and the very heart of the country was threatened with a hostile invasion.

"In this state of things the troops stationed on the western frontiers, impressed with a lively sense of their duty to their native country, were advancing forward to the ca pital. His Majesty, as soon as he became acquainted with that measure, resolving to leave Stockholm, gave notice to the royal family, and ordered the principal officers of the state to follow him. The strongest remonstrances against the execution of this unfortunate plan were made, but without effect, and necessity pointed out the only means left to save the state, and provide even for the safety of his Majesty's person.

"His royal highness was called upon to take the reins of government, and notwithstanding his advanced age, he obeyed the call."

[The act of abdication of the late King of Sweden was inserted in our last Vol. p. 435.] 7

had furnished provisions and other necessaries for the army could not be paid, nor means be found to provide for the arrears of the army. Fourteen millions of rix dollars in bank specic (about 3,000,000l. ster ling) had been wasted in the disas trous campaign of 1808: about five millions and a half of that sum were foreign money, the rest was wrung from the country! In this calamitous situation, the committee of finance, appointed at the end of 1808, to devise the most expedient means of relieving the public wants, repor ted to his royal highness at full length, the absolute impossibility of raising the sum required for the year 1809, without the utter destruction of the country. That sum amounted to 26 millions of rix dollars, in bank specie. The committee represented in vain to his Majesty, that this sum far exceeded the circulating capital of the kingdom, and made at least 23 per cent. of the aggregate property of the whole country in money, goods, and estates of every description; in short, that it was next to impossible to procure that enormous sum. The commit tee was ordered within 24 hours to present a plan for raising the money. "In the mean time, negociations with England were set on foot to increase the subsidies; the English government declared in the course of these negociations, that the sub- The states having accordingly sidies could not be augmented be- met on the 6th, in the great Coun yond the stipulated sum, but that cil-hall, and the Duke Regent beit had no objection against Sweden ing present, the marshal of the realm making a separate peace, provided addressed him in an appropriate it could be procured on terms which speech, expressing the above resoluwere not evidently directed against tion and sentiments of the states; the interests of Great Britain. In- to which he returned a short answer, telligence having been received of declaring not only his approbation this declaration, a general embargo of the new constitution, but also was laid on all English shipping in his acceptance of the Swedish crown. Swedish ports; yet fortunately rai- The same day, the new King is sed upon the strongest recommenda- sued the following tion made fron all quarters, almost as soon as imposed.

Stockholm, June 6.-The states of the realm having sanctioned, by their approbation, the plan of the new constitution, framed by the committee in the sitting of the 5th inst. it was at the same time resolved to entreat of his royal highness the Duke Regent, not only his ratification of the new constitution, but also his acceptance of the Swedish crown.


We, Charles XIII. by the grace Dangers were now, dreadfully of God, King of Sweden, &c, to

all our faithful subjects, &c. &c. greeting:

When, under divine Providence, We assumed some time ago the provisional government of our beloved native country, committed to us by the states of the realm, we immediately called the attention of the diet to the indispensable and important task of framing a new constitution, calculated to promote the prosperity, tranquillity, and welfare of the country, by an irrevocable union between the mutual rights and duties of the King and people of Sweden. The states having informed us, that they have not only performed the important task committed to them by us, and the confidence of their fellow-subjects, but also that they have chosen me King of Sweden, and of the Goths and Wends, requesting our approbation of that choice, the cordial and loyal manner in which that election was made, did not allow us to decline its acceptance. Relying on the omnipotent, who explores the inmost recesses of the human heart, and knows the sincerity and purity of our sentiments; moved by the most fervent love and zeal for our native land, which can only cease with our existence; and trusting we shall be most powerfully supported by the loyal attachment of the noble Swedish nation, we have therefore accepted the crown and sceptre of Sweden. It is far more gratifying to our feelings to have been called upon by the free and uncontrouled voice of the people to become their King, their protector, and defender, than if we had ascended the ancient Swedish throne, merely by right of hereditary succession. We shall govern the kingdom and people of Sweden, as an indulgent parent does his children, with implicit confidence in the honest forbearance towards those who err, and liberality, with uprightness towards all; and when the day arrives, the near ap

proach of which is announced by our advanced age, which shall put an end to our worldly cares, we will hail our last moments with the pious resignation of the just, and close it by blessing you all, CHARLES.

GUST. LAYDSjelke, Council Hall, Aulic Chancellor. Stockholm Castle, June 6, 1809.

Stockholm, June 9.-On the 5th the Duke of Sudermania was chosen King; on the 7th he was proclaimed; and on the day following a grand procession was to have taken place, but the rain prevented it; the next day, however, it was performed, The streets were lined by the troops, His Majesty, Charles XIII. rode through the ranks on horseback, amidst acclamations from all ranks of people.

The following official papers have been communicated to the diet by his royal highness the Duke Regent: Copy of a note from Count Romanzoff to Baron Schwerin, April 21, 1809.

The undersigned minister for foreign affairs having reported to his Majesty the Emperor, his master,the conversation which he had with Baron Schwerin, master of the horse, and grand master of the ceremonies of the order of Sweden, has received his Majesty's command to declare to him in answer, that his Imperial Majesty is animated by the most lively desire to conclude a speedy peace with Sweden. The interruptions of the military operations at a moment when the success attained, afforded the most flattering hopes of gaining still greater advantages, cannot but prove it in the most unquestionable manner; but his Majesty feels extremely concerned to discern very clearly that the Swedish government is not influenced by the same desire, but merely endeavours to protract matters, and thus to remove the salutary work of peace to a still greater distance. His Ma

jesty has also strong reasons, from all the intelligence he receives from Sweden, to entertain a just distrust with regard to the situation of the actual government of Sweden. All these considerations impose on him the painful obligation to refuse the proposed armistice, and to continue hostilities until the period when a lawful government in Sweden shall acquaint him, that it is sincerely and firmly determined to conclude peace on the sole conditions which his Imperial Majesty can accept, and which are already known to Sweden. This resolution of his Majesty is not by any means dictated by a desire to make new acquisitions, and he declares himself ready to restore all that shall have been occupied by his troops on the other side of Kalix.

The undersigned avails himself of this opportunity, &c. &c.


Copy of a letter from Count Romanzoff to Baron Lagerbjelke, St. Petersburgh, April 22.

SIR,-Baron Schwerin has delivered to me the letter which you have done me the honour to write to me, dated Stockholm, April 6, (new style) by which you have been pleased to acquaint me that the resignation of Baron Ehrenheim having been accepted, the department of foreign affairs is entrusted to you. I anticipate the pleasure which this appointment will one day procure me to entertain with you, through the restoration of peace, relations beneficial for both states, and which I shall resume with the greatest satisfaction.

The Emperor, my master, is sincerely desirous of peace, influenced both by the feelings of his heart, and his sentiments towards the king dom of Sweden. He has already declared, that restricting himself to the preservation of what he has acquired by the fate of arms, he does not desire any more; and as to the

relations of Sweden with England, if it be true that the change which has taken place in Sweden, has no other object than to save the state, and rescue it from the calamities to which it was exposed by the false political systém hitherto pursued, what can Sweden do better than change it at once? An armistice has appeared inadmissible to his Majesty, and the note which I have presented to Baron Schwerin, and of which I annex a copy, contains the Emperor's opinion on this subject. I have the honour to be, &c. ROMANZOFF.

Petersburgh, May 15.-After so many successes of the Russian arms in Sweden, it was natural to expect a sudden change to peace. The reports circulated of negociations, represent that event as very probable; but the recent occurrences at Stockholm have placed an important ob stacle in their way. At the same time, when the hopes of peace, in consequence of the exhausted military means of Sweden, and the decisive movements of our troops seemed likely soon to be realised, a revolution took place in that kingdom. The King was removed from his government, and his unele, the Duke of Sudermania, declared himself regent of that kingdom. An assembly of the states was appointed for the 1st of May, and in the mean time the troops, which composed the Norwegian army, approached Stockholm by their own authority, and in part entered that capital. The pretext assigned for all these movements was, the gene ral discontent at a system which had involved the kingdom in a war, disproportionate to its strength. One of the first acts of the government was to make proposals to Russia for negociations for peace, in the mean time soliciting an armistice for an indeterminate time. Neither of these propositions could be assen

ted to. It was impossible to treat for peace with a government which, according to all accounts, had not yet acquired sufficient stability, and was still under the influence of the military power, which had thrown off its obedience,

In like manner no armistice could be granted; for to restrain the Russian army in their victorious career, and successful progress, without a firm and definite expectation of peace, and without principles which might, with certainty, be relied on, would have been a proceeding which, only advantageous to the new government ad interim, would have been entitely repugnant to the true object of peace, and the restoration of a stable order of things in Sweden.

In consequence of these considerations, orders were given to the troops to prosecute their functions with vigour; and to the two-fold proposals for peace, and an armistice, an answer was returned briefly, of the following tenor :

Russia is willing to make peace, but can only negociate with the le gal government, the principal basis of a peace must be

1. The possession of Finland, be ing a country not only subjected by arms, but by political and civil relations, already irrevocably united to the Russian empire.

2. The exclusion of the English from all the Swedish ports in the Baltic.



Though the Presburg treaty of peace bore, in all its essential articles, the stamp of those unhappy circumstances which imposed upon his Imperial Majesty the duty of rendering every other consideration subordinate to the momentary necessities of his monarchy, yet in the execution of this treaty the severe conscientiousness was not to be mistaken, with which his Majesty has ever

been anxious to discharge obligations once incurred.

The articles which imposed upon Aus tria severe sacrifices, and painful renunciations, were executed without reserve or limitation; while those which were inserted for the alleviation of Austria were either not at all carried into effect, or only after arbitrary and disadvantageous alterations; or at the close of fatiguing negociations; and, in part only, at the expence of new sacrifices.

Scarcely one of the conditions of this treaty, which affected the interests of the Emperor's court, his princes, or his subjects, was fulfilled to the full extent, within the period prescribed, and to the real satisfaction of the parties.

Neither his imperial highness the Archduke, then elector of Saltzburg, nor his imperial highness the Grand Master of the German Order obtained the full enjoyment of the possessions or revenues assigned them.

His royal highness the Archduke, then Landgrave of Breisgau, was, according to the express terms of the treaty, to the lands and revenues he had lost.—— receive an indemnity of the full value of Every attempt to realise this precise engagement, in any way, remained without effect. It even appeared, in the course of frequently renewed negociations, that the French cabinet had at no time the intention of compensating his royal highness even in part; and the ministers of his Imperial Majesty were forced more than once, to endure the mortification of seeing the just demands of the princes of the imperial house, treated as objects which merited no se

rious consideration.

A like fate was reserved for every

made concerning of his Majesty's From the day of articles of peace,

complaint which was the violated interests subjects or revenues. the exchange of the no further contributions were to be raised, and all arrears of military requisitions were to be discharged by the payment of 40,000,000 of francs. The payment was made, but the hoped-for alleviation did not take place. On the one hand new and oppressive requisitions for the sup port of the French ariny was made, be cause the French magazines were suddenly found empty which had been late ly richly filled at the expence of the country. On the other hand, a number of valuable objects, the undoubted property of his Majesty, lying in various of

the ceded provinces, were yielded to the new possessors of them, for a consideration ascertained by express treaty; and this remained unpaid. The loss sustained by these two articles amounted to 24,000,000 of florins. All endeavours to procure satisfaction for this were

in vain.

Nevertheless, his Imperial Majesty would have endeavoured to forget this loss and these affronts, however painful, could the great end of a peace, purchased by such great sacrifices, have been attained. To devote himself in uninterrupted repose to the welfare of his people to provide for the success of the internal administration, and divert fresh dangers by suitable measures of defence this was the wish, this the just expectation of his Majesty. To frustrate this pacific plan by all means, has been, from the conclusion of the Presburg peace to the present moment, the undeviating effort of the French government. Before any articles stipulated in favour of Austria were carried into execution by France, his Imperial Majesty found himself involved in unpleasant discussions by demands of a very questionable kind. In order to facilitate the military communication between Venice and the provinces on the opposite coast of the Adriatic Sea, an uninterrupted march for the French troops was required through the imperial dominions, and this not for the moment only, but to be confirmed by a formál convention as a permanent arrangement. The weigh tiest objections (derived partly from former relations towards the republic of Venice, which had never obtained or required this prerogative-partly from the condition of these maritime provinces, by no means well supplied with provisions-partly from the danger of occasioning neighbouring states to make like demands) were opposed to this proposal they obtained neither a reply nor even a hearing. The will of the Emperor Napoleon, which had been already intimated the intimation that more serious evils might occur, if this were not readily endured-the threat to renew the war, and proceed at once to take possession of the frontier-provinces; these were the unanswerable arguments before which every remonstrance was to give way. As in that, so in all later discussions, no other were ever urged by the French cabinet.

A fertile source of unpleasant embar

rassments was soon after opened by the unexpected appearance of a Russian fleet, which had seized the harbour and territory of Cattaro. The delay of the French plenipotentiaries, in taking pos session of this territory within the period assigned by treaty, was the sole cause of the intervening occurrence, and Austria was forced to suffer for their negli gence. It was in vain that every thing was done to convince the French cabinet, that how little soever his Imperial Majesty could be answerable for this accident, he would yet do every thing in his power to evince, by every becoming measure, the perfect purity of his designs, and the wish to fulfil even this stipulation of the treaty with literal exactness: it was in vain that the required convention for the right of passage was assented to and concluded: it was in vain that, on the tumultuous entreaties of France, the Austrian seaports were shut against the Russian and English flag a measure which struck a deep wound into the reviving commerce, the consequent internal prosperity, and into the finances of the monarchy: it was in yain that troops were sent out in order, in common with the French, to effect the surrender of Cattaro. No notice was taken of either of these steps. The Austrian territory on the right bank of the Isonzo, which ought to have been yielded up by the French troops within two months of the exchange of the ratifications of peace, not only continued in their possession, but was even formally organized and considered as French property; the prisoners of war did not return back; the fortress of Brannau was not delivered up. But, what was more offensive than all the rest, the great French army prolonged their abode in Germany, and incessantly threatened the frontiers of the monarchy from the side of Bavaria and Franconia.

The procrastinated delivery up of Catarro was but an insignificant pretence for this highly vexatious proceeding. But what at the same time was taking place in Germany, furnished a clue to the real motives.

'The Presburgh treaty had introduced important changes in the possessions of several Princes of the empire of the South of Germany. Nevertheless, in this treaty, the former constitution of the empire was not merely maintained in silence, but even expressly confirmed, The title of "Emperor of Germany,"

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