
I shall therefore proceed with my analysis of this book, guided by the rule which I have already laid down.

In the second page of the Archbishop of Cashel's translation, immediately after the passage quoted from this book by St. Jude, there is a sudden transition; the subject is abruptly changed, and the book proceeds with the words, "All who are in "the heavens know what is transacted there." And here I conceive that the first interpolation occurs. But from this place, for a space of more than forty pages, (to page 45,) although the subject is several times interrupted, and a portion of a vision is interposed which in some degree resembles the commencement of the book; yet the passage abruptly broken does not seem to be resumed, till at the 45th page, the enumeration of the stars, &c. is as suddenly suspended, leaving that subject also apparently incomplete. The 45th chapter then begins with a title, evidently added by some transcriber, for it does not correctly describe what follows; and the next words which occur are, "Heaven they "shall not ascend, nor shall they come upon the "earth; This shall be the portion of sinners who

"deny the name of the Lord of Spirits, and who

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are thus reserved for the day of punishment and "affliction."

But this is at least perfectly coherent with the former fragment. They who shall not ascend nor come upon the renovated earth, are the sinners and the ungodly, just before mentioned; and the sense of the denunciation there commenced against them, is continued so as to make the description of their fate complete.

The subject thus resumed remains unbroken for the next page, when a portion of one of the visions left unfinished in the former space, appears to intervene. My reasons for the rejection of these portions, which at first sight appear to relate to the subject of the judgment, are that the first book appears to speak of "that day" only, without reference to place, while these rejected parts contain a successive enumeration of places seen after each other, with a constant allusion to the former book of secret things, which afterwards also occupies a considerable space, occurring in a more connected form. These portions likewise contain some apparent imitations of passages which afterwards.

occur, in that which I judge to be the older book, while the expressions found in the latter, are distorted and exaggerated in the imitation, as if they had been misunderstood.

Thus, to the Son of man, instead of the office of judgment, that of "revealing the treasures of that which is concealed," is ascribed; and this is apparently imitated from the subsequent declaration, that "he shall judge every secret thing."

Moreover, it will be observed, that the same phraseology occurs here, as in the book of secret things, at page 41, of which description this appears to be a continuation. In that page and in the 44th, we have similar expressions. "I besought the angel of peace who was with me to explain," &c. "I enquired of the angel who proceeded with me:" &c. " and here I enquired of one of the angels who went with me and shewed me every secret thing," &c. But we shall find no trace of these forms of expression in that which I regard as the original book.

Thus also to the name of Ancient or "head of days," is added the description of Daniel, "whose head was like white wool." This internal evidence

concurs with the reference to place instead of time in these portions, to make their interruption of the subject of the older book so obvious, that this want of connexion; together with their imitation of the passages to which I have alluded, has caused me to reject them, passing on to the 47th page, where time again becomes, as it were, the measure of the vision.

"In that day the prayer of the holy and the righteous, and the blood of the righteous, shall "ascend from the earth, into the presence of the "Lord of Spirits." It will be seen that this is very exactly connected with the last passage previous to the interpolation.

That passage is, "My righteous ones shall I

satisfy with peace, placing them before me; but "the condemnation of sinners shall draw near, that "I may destroy them from the face of the earth." Thus, to a declaration of the general happiness of the righteous, succeeds an especial commemoration of the reward of the martyrs. From this place the subject of the book, thus resumed, appears to be continued; except that a single verse in the 48th page, rather belongs to the style and subject

of the book of secret things. I have therefore omitted it, especially as it refers to place, and not to time; and it will be seen that the verses thus brought into juxta-position, appear originally to have succeeded each other. From hence, for a considerable space, till page 52 of the Translation, no interpolation occurs; but there, as in former instances, the subject is suddenly and entirely changed, and all connexion ceases; while the difference of style as well as of ideas is so obvious, as to have remained visible even in a translation.

Passing over for the present this interpolated part, which appears to belong to the book of the secrets of heaven, we have to look forward for six pages, to page 58 of the Translation; where the subject of the judgment is again resumed as suddenly as it had been suspended, and on examining the last verse previous to the interpolation, and the first verse of the resumed subject, they are found to correspond. The last having been, "The earth "shall rejoice, the righteous shall inhabit it, and "the elect possess it," the succeeding verse is, "Blessed are ye, Oh! Saints and elect, for glorious "is your lot." The correspondence of the two can

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