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1 Glory be to God on | high, || And on earth | peace, good | will to-wards | men.

2 We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we | wor-ship | Thee, || We glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory.

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O Lord God, | heaven-ly | King, || God the | Fa-ther | Al- | mighty.

4 O Lord, the only begotten Son, | Je-sus | Christ; || O Lord God, Lamb of God, | Son—| of the Father,

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5 That takest away the of the world, || Have mercy up- | on — 6 Thou that takest away the sins of the world, || Have mercy up- | on — - ❘ us. 7 Thou that takest away the | sins of the world, || Re- | ceive our prayer. 8 Thou that sittest at the right hand of | God the Father, || Have mercy up- | on- | us.

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10 Thou only, O Christ, with the | Ho-ly | Ghost, || Art most high in the | glory ⋅ of |

God the Father. || A- | men.

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1 We praise Thee O | God || We acknowledge | Thee to be the | Lord.

2 All the earth doth | worship | Thee || The Father | ev-er- | lasting.

3 To Thee all Angels | cry a- | loud || The Heavens and all the | Powers there- | in. 4 To Thee Cherubim and | Ser-a- | phim || Con- | tin-ual- | ly do cry, 5 Holy Holy | Holy || Lord | God of | Sab-a- |oth;

| Glo

| ry. - | Thee. --Thee.

- | Thee.

6 Heaven and earth are full of the | Maj-es- | ty || Of | Thy
7 The glorious company of the A-postles || Praise |
8 The goodly fellowship of the | Prophets || Praise |
9 The noble army of Martyrs || Praise |--|
10 The holy Church throughout all the world || Doth |
11 The Fa--| ther || Of an in- finite | Maj-es- | ty;
12 Thine a dor- able, | true || And | on-- |-ly | Son;
13* Also the Holy Ghost || The Comfort-
14 Thou art the King of Glory || O |
15 Thou art the ever- | last-ing | Son || Of |

Last half of Chant.

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ac-knowl-edge | Thee;

er. Christ.


the Father.

Robert Cooke, 1768-1814.

16 When Thou tookest upon Thee to de- | liv-er | man || Thou didst humble Thyself to

be born of a Virgin.

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sharpness of death || Thou didst open the Kinglievers.

God || In the | Glo-ry of the Father. 19 We believe that | Thou shalt | come || To be our Judge.

20 We therefore pray Thee | help Thy | servants || Whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy

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24 Day by day || We | mag-ni- | fy
25 And we worship Thy | Name || Ever | world with- | out
26 Vouchsafe O| Lord || to keep us this day with- | out
27 O Lord have mercy up- on us | Have | mercy
28 O Lord, let Thy mercy be up- on us || As our trust | is in Thee.
29 O Lord, in Thee | have I trusted || Let me | never be con- | founded,

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Verses 1-4; 7-13.

Verses 5 and 6.

[blocks in formation]

G. Percy Harris.


Ho-ly, Lord God of Sab-a-oth, 6. Heav'n and earth are full of the

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1 My soul doth magni- | fy the | Lord | And my spirit hath re- | joiced · in | God my | Saviour.

2 For He hath re- | garded || The lowli- | ness of | His hand- | maiden.

3 For be- | hold from | henceforth || All gener- | ations shall | call me | blessed.

4 For He that is mighty hath | magni- · fied | me || And | ho-ly | is His | name.

5 And His mercy is on | them that fear Him || Through- | out all | gen-er- | ations.

6 He hath showed strength | with His | arm || He hath scattered the proud in the imagin- | a-tion of their | hearts.

7 He hath put down the mighty | from their | seat || And hath ex- | alted · the | humble · and meek.

8 He hath filled the hungry | with good | things || And the rich | He hath sent | empty


9 * He remembering His mercy hath holpen His servant | Is-ra- | el || As He promised to our forefathers, Abraham | and his | seed for- | ever.

Glory be to the Father | and to the | Son || And | to the | Ho-ly | Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now and ev-er shall be || World without | end — | A-- men.

• Last half of Double Chant

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1 Blessed be the Lord God of | Israel || For He hath visited | and re- | deemed His | people;

2 And hath raised up a mighty sal- | vation | for us || In the house | of His | servant | David;

3 As He spake by the mouth of His | holy | prophets || Which have been | since the | world began;

4 That we should be saved from our enemies || And from the hand of all that | hate us.

Glory be to the Father and to the | Son || And | to the | Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now and ev-er | shall be || World without | end

A--| men.


Benjamin Rogers, 1614-1698.

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1 Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant de- | part in | peace || Ac- | cord-ing | to Thy | word. 2 For mine eyes have seen || Thy | -sal-va-


- tion,

3 Which Thou hast pre- | pared || Before the face of all | people;

4 To be a light to lighten the Gentiles | And to be the glory of Thy | peo-ple | Isra- el.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son | And to the | Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now and ev-er

shall be || World without ! end

A--| men.

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