The New Italian, English, and French Pocket Dictionary: Italian before the English and French

Wingrave, 1820

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Populaire passages

Pagina 538 - ... declares Will not that faithless doubt. " ANNA LG ." In numerous cases the addresses of the persons concerned are given, with only the suppression of a few letters. I have reserved to the last what I think the tit-bit of my little collection — which could, of course, be made much larger. Before me lies "A short treatise upon arts and sciences, in French and English, by Question and Answer. The ninth edition, revised and carefully corrected. A Work very useful to those who desire to improve...
Pagina 298 - J sombre, couvert de nuages Nuca, sf the nape of the neck, la nuque Nudamente, ad.
Pagina 532 - Uscire я riva, lo land, aborder Uscir di bando, to be recalled from banishment, être rappelé d'exil Uscir dell...
Pagina 34 - Assédio, sm a siege, siège, blocus. (Voléreún» cosa per assédio, ta wish for a thing, and to get it by hook or by crook...
Pagina 186 - Frenare, va to bridle, curb, stop, mettre la bride, le frein, réprimer Frenélla, «. /. a bit of a...
Pagina 1 - Accordálo, sm the harmony of all the parts in a picture, juste rapport de toutes les parties d'un Accordatóre, 5.
Pagina 182 - Forféccbia, sf a sort of worm with a forked tail, sorte de ver qui a la queue fourchue...
Pagina 205 - Gozznlo, ta, a. having a wen in the throat, qui a une loupe, ou ganglion à la gorge...
Pagina 117 - ¿g n. to run, courir Correr diétro ad uno, to entreat one, prier, courir après quelqu'un Correré...

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