

At the afternoon meeting Rev. C. |borough, and Rev. E. Bott, of Barton Clarke, of Ashby, presided, and Revs. Fabis, to prepare two short papers to be J. C. Smith and J. Salisbury prayed. read at the afternoon sitting of the WhitForty-eight were reported as baptized suntide Conference. since the December Conference, twentyone were now candidates for baptism, and five had been restored to fellowship. From upwards of twenty churches there was no report, among which were some of the largest churches in the Conference. The doxology was sung, the minutes of the previous meeting were read, and the following business transacted :

Castle Donington on The next Conference will be held at May 17. Rev. S. Cox, of Nottingham, Whit-Tuesday, to preach in the morning; or in case of failure, Rev. E. J. Jackson, of Billesdon. a lecture in the evening on "The Man Rev. C. Clarke, B.A., of Ashby, gave for the Times." 1. The Magazine.-The Editor of the J. J. GOADBY, Secretary. Magazine, at the request of the Conference, stated that the circulation of the [Castle Donington, April 19, 1864. Magazine was somewhat increased, but friends to wish you to be kind enough, Dear Sir, I am requested by our that it was yet far from equal to the size in the May number of the Magazine, to of the denomination. The improvement state that the Inn selected for the accomin the Magazine was generally acknow-modation of friends coming to the Conledged, and a suggestion was thrown out ference here on Whit Tuesday, is the that the most strenuous efforts of the "Turk's Head." Editor would be defeated unless the ministers more heartily aided him by their sympathy and co-operation.

Yours respectfully,


2. Swadlincote.-There was no official report on this case, but it transpired that the friends in that village had de- bled at Burnley, Ebenezer chapel, March THE YORKSHire Conference assemcided as soon as possible to build a 29th. In the morning Rev. Mr. Leigh, chapel. 3. Ripley. This church, having with-gaged in prayer, and Rev. W. Salter, of of Clayton, read the Scriptures and endrawn from the North Derbyshire Con- Lineholme, preached from Acts xv. ference, applied for admission into the 36-40. Midland Conference. Their request was unanimously acceded to.

In the afternoon, at two o'clock, the 4. The Easter Conference.-A discus- R. Ingham presided, and Rev. W. Gray, Conference met for business, when Rev. sion arose as to the desirableness of dis-of Birchcliffe, opened the meeting with continuing the Easter Conference, since prayer. Forty-five were reported bapso few representatives were present, and tized since the previous Conference. so many important churches in the Con- After the singing of the doxology, the ference had not even sent a written following resolutions were adopted:— report. It was felt, however, that as, according to the present Conference plan, approved. 1. That the minutes now read be the districts where the Conferences were held could only be visited once in five years, it would seriously shorten the circle of their influence if there were but three in the year. Agreed: That the propriety of continuing the Easter Conference be taken up at the Conference next ensuing.

5. Village Churches.-The discussion on the best mode of sustaining nonconformist churches in villages was deferred by the December meeting till the meeting at Whitsuntide. that some preparation should be made It was thought for its being suitably opened; and the Conference unanimously resolved to request Mr. T. W. Marshall, of Lough

tute the committee for investigating the
2. That the following brethren consti-
Dewsbury case, namely, Revs. R. Hors-
field, J. Tunnicliff, and Mr. Woodson,
of Leeds; Revs. B. Wood, W. Beevers,
and Messrs. D. Rushforth and J. Rhodes,
of Bradford; Revs. Mr. Leigh, of Clay-
stall Slack.
ton, and C. Springthorpe, of Hepton-

consider the question of making loans
3. That at our next Conference we
instead of donations from the funds of
new chapels and reducing debts, to be
the Home Mission in helping to build
repaid by instalments without interest.

postponed till the next Conference.
4. That the case from Edgeside be


5. That this Conference inform the relatives of our departed and very highly esteemed Miss Ibbotson of our gratitude on hearing from the treasurer of the Home Mission that he has received the sum of £90, being the £100 (excepting legacy duty) bequeathed to the Home Mission.

6. That we most cordially welcome the Rev. Mr. Leigh, of Clayton, into this Conference and district.

7. That the next Conference be held at Queensbury on Whit-Tuesday, and that Rev. Mr. Leigh, of Clayton, preach in the morning.

O. HARGREAVES, Secretary.

THE CHESHIRE CONFERENCE was held at Audlem on Tuesday, April 5th. The Rev. Thos. Clark, Baptist minister, of Market Drayton, opened the morning service, and the secretary preached from Phil. i. 18.



SHORE, Yorkshire.-On Good Friday, March 25, our minister, the Rev. Thomas Gill, baptized fourteen believers. The day being fine, there was a large number of spectators. After the baptism tea was provided in the school-room, and after tea an interesting and profitable meeting was held in the chapel. newly baptized, after an impressive and suitable address from the pastor, were received into the church. The meeting was also addressed by the Rev. William Salter, and Messrs. Joseph Crabtree, William Gill, James Cunliffe, William Law, John Crabtree, John Greenwood, and Thomas Greenwood. During the past two years sixty-three persons have been baptized and received into this church.

Two other candidates were received, but were obliged to postpone their baptism on account of bodily indisposition.

LOUTH, Walker-gate. - Feb. 7, one The brethren met for business in the brother was baptized, who has recently afternoon, when the Rev. R. Pedley was been brought to Christ, though for many called to occupy the chair. After read-years a hearer of the word. March 27, ing the reports of the churches, it was five others put on Christ by baptism. stated that since last Conference the A widow who has for many years worRev. J. B. Lockwood had entered upon his labours as the pastor of the church at Nantwich. Resolved:

1. That the business connected with the chapel at Nantwich be left in the hands of the committee appointed at our last Conference.

2. That the rules proposed for the management of our Chapel Building Fund be considered again at our next Conference.

3. That we request Mr. Jos. Aston to act as treasurer for the Chapel Building Fund.

4. That the church at Nantwich be recommended for reception at the next Association.

5. That our next Conference be held at Tarporley on the first Tuesday in October, and that the Rev. W. Taylor be the preacher.

6. That the thanks of this Conference be given to the secretary for his sermon in the morning.

JAMES MADEN, Secretary.


COVENTRY.-On Sunday, April 3, eight friends put on Christ by baptism six of them were from the Sabbath school. In the evening they were received into the fellowship of the church.

shipped with us-a young woman trained in our Sabbath school-a daughter of praying parents who are already united with us a young man and a believing mother, lately brought to rejoice in Christ Jesus.

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NOTTINGHAM, Stoney Street.—On Lord's-day, April 3, we baptized eleven candidates, after a sermon by Mr. Lewitt, and in the afternoon of the same day they were fully received into the fellowship of the church, with a number of other friends who had been baptized on the same day at our branch chapel of Prospect Place. Additional interest was felt in the latter, inasmuch as it was the first baptism administered there. B. Y.

STALYBRIDGE.-On Sunday, Feb. 21, Rev. Wm. Salter, and in the afternoon one young man was baptized by the was received into the fellowship of the church.

QUEENSBURY.-On Lord's-day, April 10, Mr. Hardy baptized five persons, and on Feb. 15 one.

PETERBOROUGH. On Lord's-day, April 3, one candidate was baptized by Mr. Barrass, and received into the church.

ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH.-March 27th, seven persons were baptized by the pastor.


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PETERBOROUGH. On Lord's-day, April 10, the Rev. B. O. Bendall, of Stamford, preached twice, to good congregations, in the General Baptist chapel, Westgate. On the following day the Rev. Francis Tucker, of London, preached in the afternoon, in the above chapel, and in the evening in the Assembly Room, Wentworth Street. The attendance was exceedingly gratifying, and the services, on both days, interesting and profitable. At half-past five considerably more than two hundred persons sat down to an ample and well arranged tea in the Assembly Room. The amount realized, after payment of all expenses, was £20 16s. 1d. This sum will be applied to the formation of a fund for providing increased chapel and school accommodation, which is much needed now.

LEICESTER, Dover Street.-On Lord'sday, March 20, the chapel anniversary sermons were preached, in the morning and evening by the Rev. James Martin, B.A., of Nottingham, and in the afternoon by the Rev. J. A. Picton, M.A. A tea-meeting was held on Easter Monday, which was well attended. spirited effort was made towards reducing the chapel debt. On Tuesday evening, April 19, Rev. W. Landels, of Regent's Park chapel, preached, when a collection was made towards the same object.


KIRTON LINDSEY.-On Good Friday we had our annual tea meeting, when upwards of one hundred sat down to tea in the schoolroom. Afterward addresses were delivered in the chapel by Mr. W. Copeman, Wesleyan, Mr. G. Wakefield, Primitive, Rev. W. Rowe, Baptist mindeacons, and Mr. Stapleton, our minisister, of Wrawby, J. Parkin, one of the ter. The congregation was large and attentive. COLLEGE.

BERKHAMPSTEAD.-On Good Friday a most spirited meeting was held in the Town Hall in aid of our new chapel movement. Trays were gratuitously furnished, and nearly three hundred sat down to tea. After tea appropriate ad- THE Treasurer begs to acknowledge the dresses were delivered to a crowded following, and will feel greatly obliged if assembly by the Revs. C. Bailhache, the friends will kindly favour him with W. Chapman, I. Preston, and H. C. their collections and subscriptions as Leonard, M.A. J. Lawton, the pastor, soon as convenient. He also hopes the presided, and gave a very encouraging friends will enable him to acknowledge report of the pecuniary efforts of the a good many sums on Purchase Account friends during the past year. Including in the June Magazine. the sum realized by the bazaar held in July last, the years receipts amount to about £260, thus raising the funds in hand to £500. It was stated that an endeavour will be made to commence building the new edifice this spring. The style chosen is the Gothic. The NOTTINGHAM, Stoney Street.-In March architect, Jos. Neal, Esq., of Bristol, is collections were made on behalf of the engaged professionally in the erection of fands of our College, after sermons by three other Baptist chapels in this neigh- Rev. T. Stevenson of Leicester. Amount, bourhood. The proceeds of the tea and £10 28. B. Y. collection amounted to £18. L. B.

[blocks in formation]


£ s. D. 35 0 0 11 4 4

10 0 0 4 6 0

General Account.
Rent of Sherwood Rise
Rents of Cottages
Loughborough, Wood Gate
Stoke-on Trent




3 3 0

[blocks in formation]

Other Congregational Churches.


with since the formation of the Society, | congregation in the most enthusiastic about forty children brought to the terms to a lady who has generously asschool, and several permanent additions sisted in sustaining the church from its made to the congregation. The facts commencement, and has rendered valelicited at the meeting induced a gentle- uable aid by a large contribution. man, a perfect stranger to the congregation, to promise two guineas per annum to the society, and other friends promised to become subscribers. It was felt by all present to be one of the best meetings we have had for years.

HOUGHTON REGIS, BEDS.-The new Baptist chapel at Houghton Regis was opened on Thursday, April 7. In the morning the Rev. W. Robinson, of Cambridge, preached from Gen. xxii. 12. The subject discussed was Divine foreknowledge in reference to the development of human character. In the afternoon the Rev. C. Bailhache delivered a discourse upon Psalm cxviii. 25, in which he distinguished between a true and a false prosperity. In the evening the Rev. J. H. Hinton took for his text Heb. vi. 20, "Whither the Forerunner hath for us entered, even Jesus." The

HUGGLESCOTE BAPTIST DAY SCHOOL. -The examination of the children of this school was held in the Baptist chapel on Friday, March 25. The children acquitted themselves well. At five o'clock the friends took tea together, the trays being gratuitously provided by the ladies and friends of the General Baptist congregation. The proceeds were appropriated to the school. In the evening congregation was a crowded one; and the Rev. J. Salisbury delivered a lecture on Forethought." The attendance was more numerous than on any previous occasion. H. C. B.

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Other Congregational Churches.

the singing of the last hymn testified to the deep impression produced by the sermon. The Revs. D. Gould, H. Leonard, M. A., and T. Hands, took part in the services. Dinner and tea were provided in the school-room, to the latter of which a large number sat down. The sum of £45 was collected.

CHELTENHAM.-A public recognition service on the settlement of the Rev. J. E. Cracknell as pastor of the Baptist church, Cambray, Cheltenham, was held on Monday, April 4. The Rev. Thomas Haynes took the chair, and congratulated the church on their progress, and their unanimity in the choice of the present pastor as successor to the late respected Rev. James Smith. Addresses were also delivered by the Rev. Messrs. McPherson, of the Scotch Church, Dr. Brown, E. B. Smith (Wesleyan), W. G. Lewis, J. Sargent, and the new pastor. A resolution of thanks to the chairman for his presidency on the occasion, and for his sympathy and help during the illness of the late pastor, was carried unanimously. The prospects of the church are highly encouraging.

STAFFORD.-The foundation-stone of the new Baptist chapel in this town was laid on Easter Monday. At half-past ten the ceremony was commenced by the Rev. W. H. Cornish, the pastor. The Rev. W. Jackson, of Bilston, read the 84th Psalm, and conducted the devotional part of the services; after which J. H. Hopkins, Esq., of Birmingham, adjusted the stone into its proper place, and delivered a very interesting and appropriate address. The Rev. S. B. Brown, B.A., of Salford, and Mr. J. Brown, the senior deacon, also delivered congratulatory addresses. The Doxology was then sung; and the friends retired to the school-room, in which luncheon had been provided; after which Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Brown again addressed the meeting. At five o'clock the tables were spread for tea. The Bow.-Services in connexion with the room was soon crowded in every part. settlement of the Rev. J. H. Blake (late After tea Mr. J. Brown was called on of Sandhurst) as pastor of the church to preside. Valuable and interesting meeting here, were held on Thursday, addresses were delivered by the Revs. March 31. The Rev. W. A. Blake, of G. W. White (Wesleyan New Connex- Shouldham Street, opened the meeting ion); Davis, of Smethwick (Inde- with prayer; the Rev. C. Woollacott pendent); W. Jackson, of Bilston; W. gave an address on "Protestant NonconH. Cornish; and Messrs. Rudge, E. formity"; the Rev. J. A. Spurgeon on Lovett, and J. T. Evans. A vote of "Christian Love"; the Rev. W. Stott thanks was then given by the church and on "The duty of the church to the

world." The Rev. G. W. Fishbourne | chairman gave a short sketch of the and other ministers took part in the ser- progress of the church from its formation vice. The Rev. W. P. Balfern presided, two years ago, and reported on the Saband gave suitable advice to the church. On the following Wednesday evening_a sermon was preached by the Rev. F. Tucker, B.A.

bath-schools, Bible-classes, district meetings, Dorcas society, and other operations. What had been done, however, he looked upon as only indications of greater things LEEDS, South Parade Chapel.-This to be accomplished, now that the church building, which has been closed since had got into working order. A chapelthe 1st of February, was again used for building fund had just been commenced, divine service on Lord's-day, April 10, the result of which he hoped would be, when sermons were preached, in the that they would be able to meet, ere morning by the Rev. J. Makepeace, of long, in a building "simple but beautiful, Bradford, and in the evening by the like the Gospel which will be preached Rev. Robert Newton Young, to large in it." In the course of the evening one congregations. The alterations made of the office-bearers presented Mr. Bouldinclude the re-pewing of the body of the ing with "Dr. Smith's Dictionary of the chapel, a better system of lighting, the Bible," in three large volumes, together erection of a new organ, the improve- with a purse of sovereigns. One of the ment of the Sunday school accommoda- volumes bore the following inscription: tion, and general decoration of the inte- "Presented to the Rev. J. W. Bouldrior and painting of the exterior. The ing by members of the Bath Street Bapworks have been executed under the tist church and congregation, Glasgow, superintendence of Mr. W. Hill, archi- as a token of respect and appreciation of tect, of Albion-street, at a total cost of his ministry." The meeting was after£1,078. To meet this the friends con- wards addressed by most of the gentlenected with the place have subscribed | men above named." £847, and the sale of the small organ previously used and of the pewing, &c., has realised £79; leaving about £150 to NONCONFORMIST DEFENCE ASSOCIAbe met by the opening services and fur- TION.-A few gentlemen met together ther contributions. Towards this amount at the Queen's Hotel, Manchester, on the sum of £30 was collected on the Wednesday, March 30th, and resolved Sunday named. On Tuesday evening, to form a fund of £20,000 for the the new organ was formally opened, purpose of rendering assistance to those when Mr. Wm. Holt, of Leeds, the districts where Nonconformists were builder, presided at the instrument, and displayed its powers to great advantage. The selection of music included many favourite pieces, and was exceedingly well received. The collection at the close of the musical performance amounted to £16. The services were continued on Thursday evening, when the Rev. W. Landels, of London, preached an able sermon: last Sunday, when sermons were preached by the Revs. W. Best, B.A. (pastor), and E. R. Conder, M.A.


pressed into contests on the Church rate question. It was stated at the meeting that the Church party had determined to insist on levying Church rates in every district where they believed they could do so successfully. Instances were mentioned of two places where contests had been carried on by Dissenters, but where they were not very well able to raise all the necessary expenses. The meeting unanimously resolved on forming an association to be BATH STREET, GLASGOW.-The an- called "The Nonconformist Defence Asnual soirée of this church was held on sociation," and the gentlemen present Tuesday, April 12, in the Scottish Ex- subscribed, in a few minutes, upwards hibition Rooms. Mr. Boulding, the pas- of £3,000 towards the fund. A partor, occupied the chair, and was sup- liamentary and a finance committee were ported by the Rev. Messrs. Alex. Mac-appointed before the meeting separated. leod, Medhurst, Glover, Field, Dr. H. BAPTISM OF AN INDEPENDENT MINISSinclair Patterson, Dr. James Patterson, TER.-On Wednesday, March 30, the H. Batchelor, and several office-bearers Rev A. Tanner was baptized by the of the church. There was a large at- Rev. R. P. Macmaster, at Counterslip tendance of friends from the various Chapel, Bristol. Previously to being churches in the town. After tea, the baptized, Mr. Tanner gave a very

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