
receive the free-will offerings of as many | call to mind, in the long annals of the as cared to contribute towards the main empire, a single victory at sea which could tenance of the child. It should be called be said, by any fair stretch of language, "Bess's Box." This sacred duty per- to be of national importance, while he formed, the meeting dispersed, but only to would have no difficulty in discovering reassemble the next night to discuss an- naval disasters. In this respect they have other matter concerning the departed always appeared at a disadvantage, in Bess. It would not do to allow her grave comparison with their neighbors the Japto have no protection from the sacrilege anese, with whom the spirit of adventure of those who in a short time would see has ever been stronger, and who have only a green mound. They must protect played in the waters of the Far East the the sacred dust with a tombstone. The part of sea-rovers or pirates from immetombstone was erected, and the grave morial antiquity. This naval incapacity surrounded with hanging chains attached has always perplexed the historical stuto four small stone pillars. dent, for he has had to reconcile with it the indisputable fact that the seaboard population of China represents as excellent a recruiting ground as any in the world for the maintenance of a great navy. In numbers, in physical endurance, and even in experience of the sea, they are not to be surpassed by any other population similarly situated. From their ranks arose the one popular naval hero that China possesses, the pirate or patriot Koshinga, of the seventeenth century. With these facts in our mind, we may now take an instructive glance at the navy which China is rapidly creating, and which already contains the promise of future power.

The landlord of the Rising Sun accompanied me to the churchyard, but not before showing me "Bess's Box," and thanking me for my tribute. We stood beside the little mound with uncovered heads, and looked down upon the green sod that covered the heroic woman who had had

The homage of a thousand hearts,

The strong, deep love of one.

I thought of that cheery face, those sparkling eyes, the genial smile, and the welcome voice silent forever.

On the neat little stone at the head of the grave were the words, characteristic of the rough people who had inscribed them: "Here lie BILL THOMSON, and the Queen of Black Regis, Bess."

From The Spectator.

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The Chinese navy consists in all of about seventy war vessels, constructed partly in foreign and partly in home dockyards, but all on the lines of European ships of similar class. A commencement was first made in the formation of this fleet twenty years ago, after the contest with the allied powers of England and France had clearly shown the utter inability of the old war-junk to cope with even wooden vessels. The obligations which the Chinese incurred under the treaties of Tientsin and Pekin for the

THE launch, a few weeks ago, at Stettin, of the turret ironclad "Ting-yuen serves to attract attention to the steps which the Chinese government has for some time been taking towards strength-repression of piracy, rendered it necesening the naval defences of its territory. sary for them to purchase gunboats suitaThe activity recently shown by the Chi- ble for action in the estuaries of the great nese in this particular direction is the rivers and off the coasts of the maritime more important because, in thus seeking provinces. These gunboats, which were to establish a strong and efficient marine, generally the cast-offs of American or they are, in a greater degree than is ob- English dockyards, formed the nucleus of servable in any other of their public the modern Chinese navy. Europeans departments, imitating the condition of and Americans were appointed to their things prevailing in Europe. Here, at command, and although utterly valueless least, they are casting tradition to the in war, they were held by many to suffice winds, and emulating with fervor the ex- for the requirements of the Chinese. ample of the West. The Chinese have During more than ten years, the Chinese rarely been famed as naval heroes, the themselves appeared to share the same genius of the nation has never shone on opinion, and nothing was done to increase the sea, and, strange as it may appear, it the efficiency of their navy. It is possiwould task the memory of the most eru-ble that even now no progress would in dite professor of the Hanlin College to this matter have to be recorded, but for


the jealousy and apprehension raised in ence of Li Hung Chang, are also availa-
their breasts by the rapid development in ble for the latter purpose. Nor are the
the naval resources of Japan. The im- Chinese dependent alone on foreign dock-
minence of a hostile collision six years yards and manufacturers. The attention
ago, in consequence of the Formosa dif- they have devoted to their arsenal and
ficulty, first roused the attention of the shipyard at Kiangnan is beginning to re-
Pekin authorities to the condition of their pay them well, as they now possess a dock
navy, and their interest has been kept in which their men-of-war can be repaired;
alive in the same matter by the possibility and in course of time they will be able,
of complications arising from the unset- by the aid of Western engineers and con-
tled diplomatic questions relating to both structors, to build for themselves more
Corea and the Loo Choo Islands. The ships from the models of those they have
explanation of the steps taken a few years purchased. China is, therefore, on the
ago to increase the number of vessels road to obtain a fleet of war vessels which
constituting the Chinese fleet, is to be will place her on more than a par with
found in the feverish anxiety of the Japan- her neighbor Japan, and which will ena-
ese to obtain a powerful navy; but China ble her to maintain her dignity in her own
awoke so late to the exigencies of her waters. The significance of this fact is
situation, that appearances favored the the more striking, because China, unlike
supposition that she had been hopelessly Japan, has not strained her material re-
left behind by her more agile and enter- sources by these purchases of gunboats
prising rival in the race for naval superi- and ironclads. Good sense has charac
ority. After due deliberation, the Chi- terized all her transactions, and unlike
nese, who resolved to spend only a mod-most Eastern governments, she seems to
erate sum in the purchase of men-of-war, have really obtained the full value of her
gave that commission which resulted in money.
the ordering from the eminent naval con- But the Chinese will have to remember,
structor Sir W. Armstrong of the gun- when all has been admitted in favor of
boats known by the first twelve letters of the admirable type of war vessel which
the Greek alphabet. The Chinese were they have selected, that the efficiency of
so pleased with their new purchase, that a navy depends quite as much on the con-
they gave a further order for two more dition and discipline of the men, as on
war vessels of a superior class. These the capabilities of the ships. In the di-
latter vessels are remarkable for their rection of training their sailors and of
high rate of speed, and for the formidable organizing a corps of officers, they have
character of their armament; and they still much to do, and, perhaps, everything
are quite capable of taking part in a reg- to learn. The Pekin authorities will have
ular battle, and of keeping at sea for a to encounter in this matter many deeply
considerable period. The "Ting-yuen" rooted prejudices, and it will require much
is a further addition to the sea-going ves- tact and patience on their part to eradi
sels of the Chinese marine, and carries cate them. The Chinese man-of-war's
the growth of the navy one step further. man of the present may be open to ridi-
There is no doubt that it is the most for- cule, but he has the stuff in him of which
midable of them all, for whereas the ships good seamen are made. But the healthy
constructed by Sir W. Armstrong are influences which are to assist in his ele-
unarmored, and depend for their safety vation must come from above, and Li
on the small object they present as a Hung Chang, who has taken the lead in
mark, the "Ting-yuen" is a heavily ar- the founding of the Chinese navy, will
mored, double-turretted corvette. A twin have to exercise all his influence to re-
vessel is in course of construction, and move incompetence and corruption from
within the next few months the Chinese the ranks of the officers and superintend-
navy will have been reinforced by these ents of his fleet. The Chinese ambassa-
two formidable men-of-war. China will dor at Berlin dwelt on the peaceful objects
then possess a fleet, as we said, of about of his government; but there is, evident-
seventy vessels, of which sixteen will ly, more importance in the declaration of
compare for efficiency with those of any the part a fleet will play, in "guarantee-
other navy. The remainder consist of ing those rights to the Chinese empire
gunboats and other ships well suited for mutually recognized and accorded by the
the duties of the preventive service, and civilized States of modern times." Mean-
useful as transports in time of war. The time, China is fast attaining a position
steamers of the North China Navigation | which will enable her to resist the en-
Company, an association under the influ-croachments of Japan. The Loo Choo

dispute is so far from being settled that diplomacy has now given it up in despair, but the last Chinese declaration on the subject was that they "intended to maintain their rights." In Corea, affairs are also critical, and the interference of the Japanese on the mainland is regarded as an almost intolerable impertinence. With out a navy, China could do nothing; the activity shown in supplying the deficiency hardly leaves room for doubt as to the first use in which it will be employed. The Loo Choo question is one of scarcely more than fifth-rate importance, but who doubts, if France were to seize one of the Channel Isles, or Germany to make a

swoop on Heligoland, that the outrage, practically unimportant as it might be in material consequences, would be productive of war? The case of Loo Choo is almost exactly similar, and "the greatest nation of the Asiatic continent" is not likely to show less persistency in this matter than it has already in the case of Kuldja. The progress made by the Chinese in naval matters is some further evidence that this empire, with its vast population, strange history, and enormous material resources, is not standing still; and the world can hardly remain unaffected by its development and progress.

IN RAPHAEL'S TIME. The pope spent | place is more humble than you think," and, eight thousand ducats a month on his table. raising the hangings, he showed his Holiness Yet all his biographers describe it as having that the dining-hall was no more than a stable. been of the simplest character, as he gave to Leo laughed good-humoredly at this rather his guests neither expensive wines nor delicate dangerous pleasantry, and promised to come viands. Intellectual pleasures were foremost again. Upon the same occasion Chigi gave even at his feasts. When any one gave him a another proof of his savoir faire. Eleven composition, either in prose or verse, he at massive silver plates of great weight having once read and discussed it, and the rapidity of disappeared, doubtless stolen by some of the his judgments amazed his companions as much pope's retinue, Chigi ordered the fact to be as their correctness. To complete the picture kept secret to avoid annoyance to his guests. of this gay and worldly existence we must not As soon as the feast was over a hundred omit to mention hunting expeditions, of which horses took their places in the hall. In a secLeo was so passionately fond. Those which ond banquet given to the pope a few months took place at the Villa Magliana and in the later, Chigi showed that he possessed wit as country about Viterbo are still famous in the well as a love of magnificence. The feast was annals of venery. The court, of course, fol- held in his pavilion on the bank of the Tiber, lowed the lead of its master, and Rome seemed and each splendid dish, as it was emptied, was almost to have returned to the time of pagan- cast by servitors into the water, which was as ism. The banquets given to the pope by much as to say that Chigi was so rich in silver Agostino Chigi displayed a pomp worthy of plate that he could afford new dishes for each the Roman Empire itself. In the biography of course. The wonder of the guests was great. his grandfather, Fabius Chigi, the future pope, They did not know that their cunning host had Alexander VII., has devoted a chapter to these spread nets below the surface of the yellow festivities. The feast given in 1518 by the water, and that after the feast his servants Siena banker to Leo X., fourteen cardinals, would go a-fishing for silver. At a third banand numerous ambassadors, deserves special quet the pope himself, twelve cardinals, and a mention. It took place in the famous stable crowd of prelates, were served upon silver just completed by Raphael. We may premise dishes, each of which bore the arms of him that it took place before the rightful four- before whom it was placed. In applauding footed owners had taken possession. The all this rather vulgar magnificence, Leo X. was walls were hung with superb tapestries of a traitor to the teachings of his own family. golden tissue, which concealed the racks and The ostentation of the Siena banker had little mangers. On the floor was laid a gorgeous in common with the refined luxury of Cosmo, silk carpet made in Flanders. The repast cost the "father of his country," of his son Pietro, two thousand golden ducats, and Leo X., or of his grandson, "Lorenzo il Magnifico." amazed at all this magnificence, said to his The Medici palaces had sheltered as many host: " Agostino, your banquet has made me treasures as the villas of Chigi, but a delicate afraid of you.' "Do not alter your feelings, taste and a true love of art had alone dictated holy father," replied the artful banker, "this their collection. Raphael, Eugène Muntz.


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Single Numbers of THE LIVING AGE, 18 cents.

SOMETIMES, as in the summer fields
I walk abroad, there comes to me
So strange a sense of mystery,
My heart stands still, my feet must stay,
I am in such strange company.

I look on high-the vasty deep
Of blue outreaches all my mind;
And yet I think beyond to find
Something more vast-and at my feet
The little bryony is twined.

Clouds sailing as to God go by,
Earth, sun, and stars are rushing on;
And faster than swift time, more strong
Than rushing of the worlds, I feel
A something is, of name unknown.

And turning suddenly away,
Grown sick and dizzy with the sense
Of power, and mine own impotence,
I see the gentle cattle feed
In dumb, unthinking innocence.

The great Unknown above; below,
The cawing rooks, the milking-shed;
God's awful silence overhead;
Below, the muddy pool, the path
The thirsty herds of cattle tread.

Sometimes, as in the summer fields
I walk abroad, there comes to me
So wild a sense of mystery,
My senses reel, `my reason fails,
I am in such strange company.

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One dimpled shoulder leans beyond
The time-worn grayness of the stone;
And to the heavings of her breath,
Tumultuous as of strife with death,
Or with the tumult of young life,
That struggles and yet loves the strife,

Her beaded necklace falls, to rise

And fall again. And bright eyes gleam, And watch and watch along the way, And now grown dreamy seem to say That with the roosted birds they keep Their vigils in the land of sleep.

But they awake to hear a step

Come measured down the dusty road.— It is the way that fathers come, Expected at the sunlit home: And be it dappled sward they tread, With canopy of blue o'erhead,

Or be it laden with some gift,
Or be it weary from his toil,
Or be it over ice and snow,

In winter when, the chill winds blow,
Where hearts are beating, homes shall be
Sunlit to fathers such as he.

The soft eyes brighten. He is come!

A shrill sweet welcome parts the air. What heeds she that the passers look Soft smiling, at the homely nook Where this small Patience takes her stand, While evening glories gild the land?

He comes. She passes from our sight.
The window place, an empty square,
Looks blankly out upon the world.
The sentinel is gone, and furled
Are all her colors; and alone
The tall pinks lean against the stone.
C. C. FRASER Tytler.

THE shadows deepen in the room,
As down behind the trees there slopes
The summer sun, who fills the sky
All with a hazy ecstasy:

And from the shadows to the light
A quaint face flashes into sight.

On the old window-sill she leans,

Her warm hands pressed upon the stone: The tall carnations breathe their prayer Of fragrance on the evening air, And soon for Day the skies shall weep, Passed gently to the realms of sleep.

But still the glory gilds the land,

And still the flicker comes and goes Among the wayward locks that lie Upon her forehead, who can spy With keen sweet eyes, a mile away, Her beacon of the closing day.


To go or stay, I scarcely knew,
Perplexed by mandates twain,
For while my love pronounced "Adieu,"
Her aspect said "Remain."
'Twixt what I saw and what I heard,
My judgment wavered quite, —
Whether she meant by glance or word
To part us, or unite.

But now each lover I advise,
Like me, to make his choice;
In duty to his lady's eyes,
To disregard her voice.

Such orbs with kinder light are filled,
The nearer we adore;

And pouting lips, if bravely stilled,
Will banish us no more.

J. S. D.

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