

twelve others had been a whole week || Siwald in exchange as much gold as knocking together. The smith there- he could lift; if he could not, Siupon insisted that he should work wald was still to receive the gold, but with a smaller hammer till he had to retain the hammer. The dwarf made compensation for the mischief thereupon seized the shaft with both he had done; which so enraged Si- hands, and swung the hammer thrice wald, that beating down the smithy over his head as if it had been a about the ears of the master and all straw. At that instant Siwald recolhis men, he pursued his route. The lected his father's words; but it was farther he went, the stronger he then too late to retract. He therefound himself, so that by the time he fore put his gold into a sack, travelreached the next smith's, the ham- led farther, and said to himself, mer seemed as light as, a feather." Now I am equal to the richest of The door was locked, for it was late, 'but he hit against the wall with the shaft of the hammer, so that the beams gave way, and the smith perished in the ruins. It was evident enough that he had nothing to expect here. Reflecting on past events, he considered that it was but a miserable life to do nothing but mischief wherever one went; for his provisions were quite exhausted, and he was in great need of meat and drink. He took the hammer peevishly from his shoulder, and flung it with violence upon the ground, in which it made a deep hole, and a pigmy figure instantly sprung forth amidst a shower of sparks that issued from the flint-stones. This dwarf, like the smiths in general, was black, and clothed in a thick bearskin. He stood still before Siwald, and asked what he wanted. "Wert thou not so shabby a smith," replied Siwald, "I would offer myself to thee for a journeyman: as it is, it would be of no great service to thee, if thy house were to tumble about thy ears, as soon as I should throw my hammer upon the ground." It was soon agreed upon between them, that if the dwarf could swing the hammer, it should be his, but he should give Vol. IV. No. XIX.


His strength, however, daily decreasing, according to his father's prediction, while he had still the same weight to carry on his back, he soon grew weary, and was obliged to stop in order to rest himself. It so happened, that when he was about to pursue his way, he found himself, to his no small mortification, unable to lift all his gold. He, therefore, divided it into four parts, buried one of them, and marked the spot, that at some future time he might fetch it away. He continued his route with the rest; but this soon became too heavy a burden for him, and he was obliged, however reluctantly, to bury a second portion. Going farther, his strength declined more and more, and unable any longer to carry the half of the gold which he had received, he was necessitated, much as it went against the grain, to bury the third fourth part. He then resolved to divide it into many small parcels, and when he felt fatigued as he journeyed along, he buried one of them after another; and hence the origin of the treasures found in many places in the bosom of the earth, especially towards the north.

Meanwhile he had proceeded far


ancestors. In its stead I have given thee a horn, which is more valuable than thine inheritance, and more powerful than thy gods: for what is bound on earth by enchantment, it can loose, if but a single tone be produced from it. This, however, cannot be accomplished but by a good Christian, and whoever would be a good Christian, must travel eastward. As soon as thou canst blow this horn, thou shalt see me again, and have reason to rejoice at it." OP

When Siwald awoke, his face was turned towards the East, but what had been told him in his dream was

to the south, and the heat greatly contributed to make his burden oppressive to him. When he had still three small parcels left besides the last fourth, it happened, that at midnight, while he was sleeping with his gold under his head, a beautiful female appeared to him in a dream, holding in her hand a superb horn, carved out of a single precious stone. Grasping eagerly at the horn, he awoke, and heard a raven croaking over his head. Here he was forced to bury another portion of his treasure; and he travelled a great way before he came to the next spring. He was sorely vexed at his disap-enveloped in profound obscurity. He pointment with the beautiful female. extended his hand to pick up his He again fell asleep, and again she gold, with the intention of proceedstood before him, holding a gold horning farther; but before him lay a in hoth hands. Again Siwald eagerly stretched out his hands to seize the horn; but awoke, and again heard the raven croaking over his head. He was compelled to bury another portion of his treasure; but now he did it without any reluctance, for he cared but little for the gold, and would cheerfully have given all he had for another sight of the lovely damsel. He travelled this day only till noon before he grew weary, and was forced to bury another portion of his treasure; hoping, at the same time, that he should be able to retain the remaining fourth. At night, as he was sleeping in the open air, the same female stood beside him, holding in her hand a silver horn, on which strange characters were engraven. She dexterously removed the last fourth part of the gold from under his head, and deposited the silver horn in its place, calling him by name, and saying, "Now thou hast nothing left but thine inheritance, and art relieved of the gold of thine

bright silver horn, and the gold was gone. He felt somewhat chagrined; for it seemed to him that the horn was too dearly purchased. When he once more beheld the coal-black raven flying away over his head, he bethought him of the beauteous maiden, and he longed more ardently than ever to see her. He now perfectly well recollected that he was to see her when he blew the horn, and nothing, thought he to himself, can be easier than that. All his attempts to produce a sound from it, however, proved fruitless. He tried at least ten times a day, but heard only the hoarse cry of the raven: the thoughts of his love engaged him more and more, and in this mood he repented him of all the heinous sins which he had committed, 199, IG

Travelling onward he met a pilgrim, and rejoiced exceedingly that he had some one to whom he could communicate what he suffered. The pilgrim was filled with amazement at the sight of the horn, because it was

she had long been spell-bound by the raven; and Siwald rejoiced with exceeding joy at the wondrous pow

Covered with religious signs and em blems. These he was capable of illustrating" and explaining, for he was versed in every branch of learner of his horn. ing Siwald, therefore, took great delight in his society, and they travelled on together. When they had at length arrived in the East, Siwald's mind was so soothed by all the pilgrim had told him, that he had nearly forgotten the lovely dam-out roof till the birth of her last.


The pilgrim commanded Siwald to fix his abode on this spot, and gave him moreover this advice: That when his wife should have borne her first child, he should build a sacred house in the forest, but leave it with

After this exhortation, he took leave of Siwald, and pursued his way.

The blessing of heaven rested on Siwald and his wife, and when she had borne her first child, he built a lofty portal, to serve as an entrance

sel, for whom he had previously felt so ardent a passion. The pilgrim thence inferred that such a man could not fail to be a Christian, and admired the power of love, which was thus capable of changing the human heart. Siwald himself being earnest-to the sacred edifice; and over the ly desirous to become a Christian, the pilgrim took water out of the saered river Jordan, and poured it over him, on which the unclean spirit departed from him.

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They then set out on their return, and had traversed many fair countries together, when Siwald came one morning to the spot where he had had his remarkable dream. The idea darted across his mind, as if by inspiration, that if he could sound the horn, he should see the maiden who was the object of his passion. He applied it therefore to his lips, and, lo! it sounded so loud, that the very earth shook under his feet, and at the same time the raven dropt like a seagull into the water. They were both astonished at this circumstance; but the pilgrim was of opinion that it was a propitious omen. Having proceeded a little farther, they were met by a damsel more beautiful than imagination can conceive. Siwald could scarcely believe his eyes, for she exactly resembled her who had so long engaged his thoughts. It was thep evident to both travellers, that

door he placed a black raven, as a grateful memorial. When they had led a pious life together for ten years, Siwald found himself the father of ten sons, and thought that he might now cover in the building. But it so happened that in two years more Siwald's wife produced her eleventh son; and he was troubled in spirit, because the edifice was already roofed, believing that this child was destined to fulfil the curse pronounced by his grandfather. He therefore resolved to overlay the roofs with plates of gold, so that it might appear to be still unfinished; and he strove by all the means in his power to collect as much gold as he possibly could. A very large quantity being required for this purpose, he longed for the gold which he had buried in his northern native land. As a punishment for indulging this desire, the father's former passion was infused into his eleventh son, who would grasp at gold while yet in his cradle. The ten seemed to vie with each other in virtue and piety, but the youngest grew up in

sin, to the destruction of them all: for when both Siwald and his wife were dead, they divided the whole property. Now the father had directed, that the sacred house should be set apart for the accommodation of pious travellers: all his sons were satisfied with this arrangement, excepting the eleventh, who declared that it was unjust, and plotted mischief against his brothers. He slew five of them in the forest, and buried them there. This happened before midnight; but after midnight he killed the five others in the sacred edifice, and interred them in the middle of the court-yard. Prompted by avarice, he then removed the gold plates from the roof, and exulted in the possession of the rich booty. But when he went forth into the forest, he felt as if a sword had pierced his heart; for, on the spot where he had buried his five brothers, five oak-trees had sprung up from their blood, and from that moment he could not abide in the forest. In a very short time five more oak-trees grew up in the middle of the courtyard, out of the blood of the other

five murdered brothers, and thereaf ter he could not enjoy any peace at home. In vain did he endeavour to cut down the trees with a keen axe, the steel would not so much as penetrate the bark, and the memorials of his guilt were not to be removed. Henceforward he could not remain either in the forest or in the house: he therefore formed a subterraneous abode for himself, taking with him his gold and his other effects, among which was the silver horn, and avoid➡ ing the light of day. Ever since that time the house has been held accursed by men. Tradition adds, that he at length sold himself to Satan for a certain term of years, in which he was engaged in seducing men into all sorts of wickedness: but some believe, that he is still living among his treasures in his dreary darksome solitude, tortured by remorse, and that he will not find the peace of the grave till he has converted a certain number of worldly-minded persons to the ways of righteousness.

Such is the history of Siwald and his eleven sons.



Philip Hurd, Esq. Kentish-Town House,

raising oaks for timber-large gold medal.

Henry Blyth, Esq. Burnham, Norfolk, for

embanking 253 acres of marsh land from the sea-large gold medal.

ON the 26th of May the annual | IN AGRICULTURE & RURAL ECONOMY. distribution of the rewards adjudged by this Society took place, as last year, at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket. The house was filled with company of the highest respectability, eager to witness the interesting ceremony. The medals and other rewards were presented by his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, President of the Society, in the following order:

Messrs. Cowley and Staines, Winslow, Bucks, for cultivating 12 acres of poppies, and obtaining therefrom 196lbs. of opiumthirty guineas.


Mr. R. W. Dickinson, Albany Brewery, Kent-road, for a machine for clearing beer while in fermentation—large silver medal.

Mr. H. Wilkinson, Ludgate-Hill, for an

improved safety chamber to the oxyhydrogen blowpipe-large silver medal.

Mr. T. Griffiths, Kensington, for an improved's stop-cock for chemical purposessilver Vulcan medal..

Mr. G. Chapman, of Whitby, for a mode of consuming the smoke of steam-engine boilers-large silver medal.

Miss Eliz. Twining, Norfolk-street, Strand, for a composition of flowers-large silver medal.

Miss Fr. Strickland, Henley-Park, for a composition of flowers-gold Isis medal. Miss A. L. Napier, Woolwich Common, for a composition of fruit-silver palette. Miss M J. Hull, Beverley, for a composi

IN POLITE ARTS.—Original Oil Paintings. tion of flowers-silver palette. (HONORARY CLASS.)

Mr. E. Knight, jun. Covent-Garden Chambers, for a landscape-gold Isis medal.


André, jun. York - place, Citylandscape-silver Isis medal.

Miss A. Robertson, Tweedmouth, for a portrait silver Isis medal.

Miss A. Eggbrecht, Frith-street, Soho, for a portrait-silver palette.

The same, for a composition in still-lifesilver Isis medal.

Miss Jesse Robertson, Tweedmouth, for a landscape-silver palette.


Mr. Evan Williams, Charlotte - street, Bloomsbury, for a portrait-large silver medal.

The same, for a composition in still-lifelarge silver medal.

Mr. H. Johnson, Rodney-Buildings, New Kent-road, for a portrait-silver Isis medal. Mr. H. Pearsall, Bath, for a landscape (a composition)-large silver medal.

Mr. J. M. Gilbert, Clifton, for a view of shipping-gold Isis medal.

Mr. J. Eggbrecht, Frith-street, Soho, for a composition in still-life-silver Isis medal. Mr. W. Gill, Wilmot-street, Brunswicksquare, for a composition in still-life-silver palette.

Mr. H. C. Slous, Bayham-street, CamdenTown, for an historical composition-large gold medal.

Copies in Oil.


Mr. G. Hilditch, Ludgate-Hill, for an historical subject-silver Isis medal.

Miss A. Robertson, Tweedmouth, for an historical subject-large silver medal. (ARTISTS' CLASS.)

Mr. J. W. Solomon, Piccadilly, for an historical subject-large silver medal.

Mr. J. Sargeant, Burlington-place, Kentroad, for an historical subject-silver palette Mr. J. Eggbrecht, Frith-street, Soho, for a portrait-silver Isis medal.

Original Paintings in Water-Colours.


Copies in Water-Colours.


Miss Twining, Norfolk-street, Strand, for an historical subject-silver Isis medal.

The same, for a portrait, a miniaturelarge silver medal.

Mrs. Matheson, Margaret-street, Cavendish-square, for an historical subject-silver palette.

Miss E. Twining, Norfolk-street, Strand, for a portrait, a miniature-silver palette. Miss S. Cox, Nottingham-street, for a portrait, a miniature-silver palette.

Miss J. S. Guy, Bartlett's-place, for a landscape-silver palette.

Miss A. Hopkins, Berwick-street, Soho, for a landscape-large silver medal.


Mr. Edwin Williams, St. Alban's-place, for a landscape-silver palette.

Miss L. J. Green, Argyll-street, for a miniature composition-silver palette.

Original Drawings in Chalk, Pencil, and In-
dian Ink.

drawing from the living figure--silver palette.
Mr. Ed. Williams, Ambroseden, for

Copies in Chalk, Pencil, and Indian Ink. (HONORARY CLASS.)

Mr. T. Barrett, Mark-lane, for a landscape --silver Isis medal.

Miss E. Bartrum, Upper Bedford place, for a head in chalk-silver palette.

Miss Stacey, Hart-street, Bloomsbury, for a head in chalk-silver palette.

Miss M. J. Lightfoot, Ebury-street, Pimlico, for a head in chalk-silver palette.

Mr. M. Starling, Weston-place, Pancrasroad, for a landscape in pen and ink-silver Isis medal.

Miss S. II. Oakes, Mitcham, for a head in chalk-silver Isis medal.

Miss H. M. Lightfoot, Ebury-street, Pimlico-for a head in chalk-silver palette. Miss E. Guy, Bartlett's-place, Holborn,

Miss M. Smith, Bucklersbury, for a mi- for an historical subject in chalk-silver Isis niature portrait-silver Isis medal.


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