
I'm a consumer. The busy world are producers, and we idlers are


can contribute to the human stock in the whole course of their lives.

In short, I observed that people were respected and esteemed in pro portion to their means of consump tion; while, on the other hand, he who most contributed to production by his personal labour was the least regarded. This was further confirmed in my mind by observing, that all producers wished to be thought consumers, and would, in fact, do every thing in their power and run many risks to become such.

On further considering the subject, I also found, that the disting tions of gentle and simple, into which society is divided, meant neither more nor less, than consumers and producers. By gentility or gentleness, the consumer does the tradesman out of his produce, and this latter is simple enough to feel himself honoured by the acceptance of it. So it is in literature. The simple author offers his goods to the "gentle reader," who perhaps consumes at one sitting what took the poor wretch years of toil to compose. 1 Now, that girl just launched from the board

Having thus, in my own mind, divided the world into producers and consumers, I began to draw a comparison between these two orders of society. The former, thought I, is doubtless a very useful class, but the other is certainly the more important; for though things must be produced before they can be consumed, yet without demand their could be no supply. I observed too that the world was quite of this opinion, for the producer always bows to the consumer. One man thanks you for walking in his shoes, and another for wearing his coat. Mine host makes you a low reverence for condescending to eat his dinner, and another looks upon you as a pitiful fellow if you do not drink his claret. That insignificant wretch, whose worn-out frame and squalid looks speak him infinitely more of a producer than a consumer, what a poor figure he cuts along side of that portly gentleman, who consumes as much food as would supply a whole family of poor producers, and whose tai-ing-school, with what avidity she lor's bill would clothe half a parish! Again, what a wide difference there is between the tax-gatherer who produces the revenue and the minister who consumes it! The one you envy, and the other you despise. Then conquerors and heroes, those vast consumers of the human species, are they not dignified with the epithet of great, solely for their success in the art and practice of consumption? An Alexander or a Napoleon will consume you whole millions of their fellow-creatures in a few years; while a dozen or so is the most that a pair of producers

consumes whole volumes of novels and romances, in the production of which countless inches of tallow-candle (quarts of midnight oil would have been more classical, but not so true,) must have been expended! She has already nearly exhausted: the circulating library. God send her soon a husband and brats; for not even can that literary mint, the soidisant modern Athens, keep pace with her present novel-reading appetite.


Look again at that greedy hawkeyed politician. He will swallow you at one gulp what took the statesman full twenty-four hours to com

pose, two hours more to deliver, and the gentlemen connected with the press (as they are called) at least six hours additional to put into English. Indeed, the superiority in the powers of consumption over those of production needs no other proof, than to witness the effects of fire, that mighty consumer, whose power is proclaimed by so many noble institutions. In one brief hour will it not consume what has been the work of years to produce?

Then, that greatest of all consumers, Death, what a sublime personage he is! how awful! how dreaded! while the supplier of subjects for his insatiable jaws is not even dignified with a name, birth being in nowise personified.

In short, throughout nature, production is ignoble, and toilsome consumption honourable and easy.

Having thus satisfied my mind of the importance of being a consumer, I sat myself down to consuming in earnest. Hitherto I had been rather economical, having judged it wrong to spend much on myself; but from that moment I spent every farthing of my income, and that being a good one, I consumed of course "no small quantity of productions. My conscience became less troublesome, my disposition less fidgety, and gradually I swelled into the dignity of a ́most useful and important member of society. I married another consumer like myself, never dreaming that I should then become a producer. However, as it was the only

instance in which I ever acted in that humble capacity, I consoled myself in the determination to bring up all my children as consumers; and so fully acted up to this resolution, that, by dint of stuffing and overclothing, I actually drove them into a consumption.

Being then left to ourselves, my partner and I went on consuming at such a rate, that from interest we got to principal, and from principal to credit, till at last I had just interest enough left to get a birth in the King's Bench, just principle enough to prevent my cutting my throat, and credit only for having spent my fortune like a gentleman.

What a return for my efforts to be useful in my generation! O ungrateful world! Here we are then in durance vile, with little or nothing to consume but time, and that is doled out to me in driblets from a neighbouring clock, whose incessant tick, tick, tick, strikes my ear as if in mockery of my miserable plight. In the attempt to consume this enemy to the rich and idle, but friend to the industrious and poor, I have been delivered of this production, which it hath pleased thee, gentle reader, to consume. May many others consume it also! I care not how. Let them light their pipes with it if they like. It is all the same to me, so as they pay for the copies, and I and my wife get something for the consumption of our hungry jaws.


ARTHUR, a poor clerk, lived at St. || Petersburg, and contrived to maintain himself with his small salary.


Respected by his superiors, and beloved by his equals, he was content with his sphere; always cheerful,

without wishes or cares, if he did not despise wealth, he could at least dis"pense with it.

Time, however, can effect a great deal, and already did this adventure begin gradually to fade from his memory, when one holiday, intending to avail himself of the fine weather, he was just putting on his coat, that coat which he had never worn since his visit to Count Paulowsko, and which strongly reminded him of the cruel usage he had received. All at once he heard a knock at his door; he opened it, and a well dressed man entered. "I come," said he, bowing to the very floor, " from Count Paulowsko,"-" From Count Paulowsko!" rejoined Arthur, glowing with anger. "What would the barbarian have with me?"-" Sir," replied the stranger, bowing incessantly," the count expects you in his palace." "I go to him again? No, never!""Yet go you must; but he would much rather you went voluntarily.'

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One day Arthur was sent by his employer to Count Paulowsko, a nobleman equally well known for his 'influence and his wealth. As his errand was not important, his visit, was soon over; he took his leave of the count, and proceeded through halls, corridors, and courts, with the intention of returning home. He was just opening the last door when he was suddenly intercepted by twenty retainers, who surrounded and seized him, and without farther explanation began to administer fifty blows with a stick. In vain he cried, that they must be mistaken, and that he had just come from the count; they did not release him till he had receiv ed the prescribed number of strokes. Furious with rage, he snatched the weapon from their hands, and laid-"By what right can I be compelabout him at random on all sides. One of the serfs assured him, that they had but obeyed the commands of their master: at these words he paused; but again overcome by indignation, he was for returning, and calling to account the barbarian by whom he had been so insulted. He was actually hastening back for this purpose, when a person, whom he did not know, but who had witnessed this scene, laid hold of him, and thrust him out of the palace with these words: " Be gone, unfortunate man! Draw not down on thyself the hatred of so potent a noble: nothing would screen thee from his vengeance." It was in vain to make farther opposition: he was obliged to put up with the affront, in spite of his just indignation, and to resume his usual employment.

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led?"-" It is the count's pleasure," replied the stranger, again bowing: "according to his orders I am to conduct you to him."-" I am my own master, and-"-"That may be, but as my master anticipated your refusal, he sent twenty of his people along with me, to be employed in case of necessity. A carriage is waiting for you at the door. Consider then, sir, whether it would not be better to go of your own accord than by compulsion."

Arthur hesitated for a moment. Who was there to protect him if he resisted? Should he suffer himself to be dragged away like a slave, and thus lose the advantage which he might derive from a spirited step? At length the singularity of the invitation, and the carriage that was sent for him, piqued his curiosity, and he


resolved to brave the issue of the adventure. Assuming a firm and tranquil air, he accompanied the stranger, who now made himself known to him as the count's steward, and followed him bareheaded. He had actually to pass through a troop of twenty sturdy serfs drawn up before his door, and unconsciously frowned on recognising them to be the very same rogues who had handled him so roughly, and who now bent their heads down to the very ground.

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On reaching the palace, Arthur alighted; the steward conducted him to the count's apartment and retired. The young man's eyes sparkled when he beheld his enemy: he entered boldly and with clenched fist. Paulowsko received him with open arms and pressed him to his bosom. "My dear friend," said he, " how rejoiced I am to see you!"--Arthur was filled with astonishment. "You are angry with me," he resumed, "for the scurvy trick I lately played you: I have done wrong, very wrong, I confess, and beg your pardon. Let us be better friends in future, and to make a beginning, pass the rest of the day with me. In future, a cover shall be placed for you regularly at my table, and if you do not come voluntarily, I shall have you fetched by force: for this is a fancy that I have taken into my head. Choose then between my friendship and my enmity."

Arthur actually spent that day in Paulowsko's palace; the count placed him at table between himself and his daughter, an amiable girl of sixteen. She was acquainted with her father's ill treatment of Arthur, and had employed all her influence to induce him to compensate for it. Joy at her success heightened her beauty at that

moment. Arthur was struck by it: Elisca's voice, her look, penetrated his heart. The charming girl, with no other view than to make amends for her father's injustice, occupied herself almost exclusively with Arthur. How could he help being transported with her kindness, and forgetting all that had passed? He was agreeable, amiable, and easy it was for him to be so, for he was happy. The other distinguished guests, who were at first surprised at the attentions which the count and his daughter lavished on Arthur, were at length obliged to do him justice, and to admit that a very poor fellow may sometimes be rich in mental endowments.

From this day forward, whenever Arthur shewed a reluctance to appear at the palace, the count sent for him with fresh solicitations and fresh menaces. Arthur deemed it right to comply with this whim, or to confess the truth, a secret charm drew him thither against his will; and the gracious reception which he experienced from the amiable Elisca produced a ready obedience. It was not long before he became the favourite and dearest friend of the man whom he thought himself bound to hate as long as he lived. Arthur, however, though in such high favour with Paulowsko, received neither any appointment nor pecuniary assistance from him. A single word from this powerful patron might have opened to him the most brilliant career; but the count, so far from pronouncing this word, did not seem to harbour any intention of doing so.

One day, it was just a year after that event which left behind it such painful recollections in Arthur's mind, he happened to be alone with the count. "My dear friend," said

the latter with a smile, " on this memorable day I have a little proposal to make to you, which you must not refuse. I wish you to-to marry. The lady whom I have selected for you is a good match; she has talents, beauty, and some property. For the rest judge for yourself-look, here she is!" At these words the count took his daughter by the hand and led her to the young man. Arthur's astonishment, emotion, and joy may be better conceived than described. Elisca blushed; but a sweet smile signified that she would not be disobedient to the will of her father. Arthur threw himself at the feet of the count: he was unable to express his gratitude, and merely covered his hand with kisses and tears. What language, indeed, could have spoken so eloquently as his looks!

modest embarrassment, and the blushes that covered the cheeks of the lovers, they would have suspected the truth; but how could they suppose that the sole heiress of the Paulowski was destined to be the wife of a young man of neither rank nor property, of an obscure person, who brought his illustrious consort nothing but a cultivated understanding, an excellent heart, and the most ardent affection?

Midnight arrived. The count, who had quitted the company for a short time, returned. Profound silence prevailed. "You have partaken," said he, " of my daughter's wedding feast; before you go, you shall wit ness the nuptial ceremony which is about to be performed in my domes tic chapel. Come, Arthur, give your arm to your bride!"—" Arthur! Arthur!" reiterated the illustrious assemblage: " is it possible? Did any one ever see the like before?""No, my friends," replied the count, smiling at the chorus of exclamations;

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The same day the count gave a splendid entertainment, to which a select company was invited. When all his guests were seated, Paulow-" but you shall presently see that it sko thus addressed them: "Dear is nevertheless possible enough." and noble friends, the feast of which And they did actually see not only you are about to partake is given in this, but something more, which exhonour of the nuptials of my daugh- cited not less astonishment. At the ter. You all know the husband moment when the guests were prewhom I have selected for her: I will paring to depart, the count embraced not name him, you shall have the his children. "Now, my friends," pleasure of guessing who he is, and said he, "it is time for all of us to I am convinced that you will approve retire to rest. My carriage will be my choice." The guests strove in ready directly, Arthur: take your vain to guess the happy man. One wife along with you; we shall see one mentioned the young Prince P, another to-morrow, so good night!" another the wealthy Count N-; Arthur at first smiled, from a thoand a third the elegant Baron S- :rough conviction that this was only in short, every one concluded that it one of the count's jokes; but his must be some distinguished person-grave look, the perfect seriousness age; and all consoled themselves with the idea, that they should not have to wait long for the solution of the mystery. Had they noticed the

with which he ordered the carriage. and hastened their departure, left no room for doubt: to remonstrate would have been useless; he was obliged to

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