

Ar leam gu'n d' sheas mi air an t-sliabh
Bho'n d' sheall Balàam nuas o chian
Air buidhnean Israeil:
Tha bùthaibh Iacoib àilidh, grinn,
Is sona 'm pobull sin air chinnt,
A fhuair deadh-ghean an Dé.

Na h-Israeilich tha 'n sud leò féin,
Aig Dia tha còir orra gu léir,

'S e 'n aobhar aobhar Dhé:
Bho làmh an nàmhaid thug iad saor,
'S an crannchur thug e do gach aon,
A's dh'ainmich iad air féin.

Tha'n sàrachadh ach beag aig ceann,
'S an ùine ghearr gheibh fois nach gann
San tir a gheall o chian:

A beanntan àrda chi mi 'n céin,
Is ùror, àillidh iad gu léir,

'S ann gheibh iad fois gach iall.

Cò's cosmhail riut am measg chloinn-daoin'? Pobull a ghairm 'sa thug e saor,

"Tha sònruicht' thar gach seòrs'! 'Se féin do sgiath ni dion's gach càs; Do chlaidheamh chasgras gach nàmh; 'S do dhuais ata ro mhòr!

Fo gheilt na bi ged bhagras bàs,
Oir's treise Dia gu mòr na càch,
A làmhsan tha ro threun:
Tha tìr a' gheallaidh sgaoilt a mach,
Gabh suas gun dàil a's rach a steach
Do'n oighreachd a's leat féin.

'N a mhòrachd chi thu féin an Triath,
A's bròn cha chlaoidh thu 'n sin no pian,
Oir caisgidh e gach truaigh':

'S an sin o'n sgios gheibh fois gu sior, 'S o'n nàmh gheibh tearuinteachd gu fior, A's siochaint a bhios buan.

Fair emblem of a better rest,
Of which the saints shall be possess'd,
When they have run their race!
Methinks I see the heavenly shore,
Where sin and sorrow are no more;
And long to reach the place.

Nor shall I always absent be
From him my soul desires to see,
Within the realms of light;

Ere long my Lord will rend the veil,
And not a cloud shall then conceal
His glory from my sight.

Sweet hope! it makes the timid brave;
It makes a freeman of the slave,
And bids the weary rise;

It lifts a worm of earth on high,
It gives him wings, and bids him fly
To everlasting joys.


Jesus, lover of my soul,

Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the raging billows roll,
While the tempest still is high:
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
Till the storm of life is past;
Safe in to the haven guide:
O receive my soul at last!

Other refuge have I none;

Hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, ah, leave me not alone,
Still support and comfort me!
All my trust on thee is stay'd,
All my help from thee I bring;
Cover my defenceless head

With the shadow of thy wing!

Feuch samhladh àigh air sonas buan,
A gheibh na naoimh, 'n uair ruigeas shuas,
'S a chrìochnaicheas an réis!
Ar leam gu'm faic mi'n dùthaich àigh,
'S nach inndrinn pian, no bròn, no cràdh,
Ach sonas feadh gach ré.

Cha bhi mi ghnàth air seachran cian
O'n dùthaich anns am bheil mo mhiann,
Far bheil an solus iùil;

Gu grad bheir Dia air falbh gach sgàil',
A's neul cha'n fholaich ann gu bràth
A ghlòir o m' shealladh sùl.

Ni dòchas gealtaire ro threun,
A's saoraidh tràill an otraich bhréin,
'S do'n ànrach lag bheir buaidh;
Togaidh e cnuimh an duslaich suas,
Bheir neart da dh'itealaicheas luath,
Gu aoibhneas tha bith-bhuan.


Iosa, ghràdhaich m' anam truagh,
Cuir mu'n cuairt orm do làmh,
'M feadh a bheucas guth a' chuain,
Leis an doininn uaibhrich, àird:
A'd' bhroilleach folaich mi gu caoin,
Gus 'n téid gaoir na gaillinn seach;
Stiùrsa mi do'n chaladh naomh,

'S m'anam thoir gu caomh do d' theach.

Teanacas eile cha 'n 'eil ann,

No cùltaic' an teanntachd m' fheum; O! na fàg mi, 's mi cho fann,

Dion mo cheann fo sgàil do sgéith': M'uile dhòigh tha annad féin,

Cuibhrionn m' anm' fo'n ghréin is tu; 'N uair bhios buaireadh ann am cheum, Bi-sa 'n sin, a Dhé, dhomh dlùth.

Thon, O Christ, art all I want!
All in all in Thee I find;
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,

Heal the sick, and lead the blind!
Just and holy is thy name,

I am all unrighteousness,
Vile and full of sin I am,

Thou art full of truth and grace.

Plenteous grace with thee is found,
Grace, to pardon all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound;
Make and keep me pure within!
Thou of life the fountain art,
Freely let me take of thee;
Spring thou up within my heart;
Rise to all eternity!


Thou art, O Lord! my only trust,
When friends are mingled with the dust,
And all my loves are gone;
When earth has nothing to bestow,
And every flower is dead below,
I look to thee alone.

The bosom friend may sleep below
The churchyard turf, and we may go
To close a lov'd one's eyes;
They will not always slumber there,
We see a world more bright and fair—
A home beyond the skies.

Thou wilt not leave, in doubt and fear,
The humble soul, who loves to hear
The lessons of thy word;
When foes around us thickly press,
And all is danger and distress,

There's safety in the Lord.

'S tusa, 'Chriosd, a mhàin tha dhith, Gràsan siorruidh 's leat gach uair; Thoir do'n truaghan mheata clith,

'S gabh do'n dilleachd' acrach truas : 'S ceart 's is naomha t'ainms' gu bràth, M' ainm-sa tha ro ghràineil, thruagh; Urram buinidh dhuits' a's gràs, Dhomhsa tàir a's rughadh gruaidh.

Agadsa tha gràs gun dith,

Gràs a dh'ionnlad dhiom gach sal; Sgaoil feadh bhuaghan m' anm' do shith, 'S fuadaich o mo chrìdh' gach smal! Sruth na beatha 'se do ghràdh,

M'anam pàiteach gluais 'n a dhéigh; Tuilleadh biodh e 'm chridhe blàth, 'G éiridh 'n àird air feadh gach ré!


'S tu, 'Thriath, mo mhuinghinn a's mo threòir,
Ged tha mo chàirdean caomh fo'n fhòid,
'S gach aon d'an tug mi gràdh;
Gach solas talmhaidh ged a thréig,
'S a shearg gach blàth d'an tug mi spéis,
Riut féin gu'n seall mi'n àird.

Ar càirdean ionmhuinn tha 'n an suain
'S a' Chill fo fhòidean gorm na h-uaigh',
Fo cheangal cruaidh a' bhàis;
An là tha 'teachd 's an dùisg iad suas,
A's inntrinnidh air sonas buan

'S an dachaidh tha gu h-àrd.

A choidhch' cha'n fhàg fo gheilt no fhiamh
An t-iompachan a ni do riar,

'S do t'fhocal a bheir géill;

Ar naimhdean 'n uair bheir ionnsuidh gharg, Gidheadh, o'm mìrun a's o 'm fearg,

Gheibh dìdein ann ad féin.

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