

Addison, 31

Eschylus, 116

"Antagonism," 178

Arabian Nights, The, 114

Arnold, Matthew, 12, 30, 32, 55,


Art, decorative, 33

as expression of individuality,
29ff., 90f., 109, 118, 171, 174,

form and content in, 37ff.
as intuition-expression, 23, 27ff.,
118, 121, 137ff., 146ff., 160f.,
167ff., 172ff., 236ff., 246
and myth, 50, 52ff., 238
as passion, 27ff., 115, 150, 169
and philosophy, 50, 83, 110ff.,
148ff., 177ff., 233

and the practical activity, 32ff.,
192, 237, 242ff., 253ff.
unity in, 35f., 92, 107ff., 135

see also Communication; Ex-

Inspiration; Romanticism;

Association of ideas, 126

Beatty, W., 126ff.

Berkeley, 193f., 211n.

Blake, chap. iii passim, and 11ff.,

51, 155n., 197

Boehme, 12, 81ff., 96

Bowles, 44ff., 79

Brooke, Rupert, 25

Browne, Sir Thomas, 120

Burnet, J., 209

Butler, Samuel, 174

Byron, 12, 30, 44ff., 243

Cambridge Platonists, 81
Campbell, 45

Carducci, 29, 33

Carlyle, 4, 6, 13, 34

Carritt, E. F., 246

Classicism, lf., 6, 116, 180ff.
Coleridge, chap. iv passim, and 4, 6,

11f., 50, 53, 206, 210, 244, 257
and De Quincey, 164f., 171, 173
and Keats, 235

and Shelley, 183

and Wordsworth, chap. v pas-

Collingwood, R. G., 242n., 250n.
Collins, 9

Colvin, Sir Sidney, 222, 239
Communication, chap. ix passim,
and 157n.

Coterie, 39
Cowley, 71

Criticism, Coleridge's, 110ff.,114ff.,


Croce's view of, 15, 242f., 245ff.
De Quincey's, 171, 174f., 178f.,

Keats's, 235
philosophical, 16
Shelley's, 216, 218f.

Croce, chap. ii and chap. ix passim,
and lf., 12, 52, 58f., 61, 63,
65f., 105, 110, 118, 121, 139,
147, 149n., 192n., 220n., 221,
237, 240

Dante, 53

De Quincey, chap. vi passim, and
4, 12, 145, 247
De Sanctis, 34, 39, 43

[blocks in formation]

Pope, 48, 174, 258

Post-impressionism, 42, 64f.

Proclus, 81f.

Pythagoras, 81

Radcliffe, Mrs., 184

Realism, 124, 157

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 48, 59
Richards, I. A., 247n.
Rivers, W. H. R., 252n.
Robinson, Crabb, 59n., 77, 81
Rodin, 63

Romanticism, chap. i passim
attitude to Nature, 20, 43ff., 59,

in art, 16, 24, 27f., 116f., 258
in Blake, 53

in Coleridge, 73, 75, 80, 85, 104,

in De Quincey, 162, 165, 171,

in Keats, 222ff., 228, 235

in Shelley, 184, 195, 218

in Tennyson, 6

in Wordsworth, 123, 148f.

mystical, 13, 23f., 240, and see

Rousseau, 5, 10, 53, 135

Saint-Evrémond, 6, 74

Schelling, 33, 82, 94ff., 104ff.,


Schlegel, 106, 121

Schopenhauer, 33

Science, natural, 19
Severn, Joseph, 235

Shakespeare, 32, 109ff., 113, 116,

120, 150, 182
Shawcross, J., 91n., 96n., 98n.
Shelley, chap. vii passim, and 2,
4f., 12f., 31, 44, 235, 243

Sophocles, 117

Southey, 80, 85

Spenser, 53ff.

Spinoza, 12, 81, 102, 126, 129, 195,


Squire, J. C., 2
Steele, 31
Swedenborg, 12
Swinburne, 47

Sydney, Sir Philip, 216f., 238
Symbolism, 88, 103, 106, 176f.
Symons, Arthur, 63

Taylor, Thomas, 73, 81
Technique, 37f.
Temple, Wm., 211
Tennyson, 6f., 13, 120
Thompson, Francis, 40f.

82ff., 108, 146,
183, 226f., 231, and see Im-


Trelawny, 184

Turner, 47

Unconscious, The, 20, 106f., 120,

Van Gogh, 47, 65

Wordsworth, Dorothy, 123, 128
William, chap. v passim, and 3,
5, 10, 12, 50, 111, 115, 190,

and Blake, 60

and Coleridge, 75, 88f., 111,
113f., 120

and De Quincey, 164, 173f.,


and Keats, 226ff., 230, 235,

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