
Phyficians; when we fhall fee Cato, Cicero, "Socrates, and his famous and holy Difciples; "when we fhall fee Ariftides, Antoninus, Epilte66 tus, and an innumerable multitude of Men of "all Nations and of all Ages! &c." Zuinglius had the fame good opinion of the honeft Heathens, as it appears by a paffage of that illuftrious Reformer, much like that of Dr. Harris. It may be seen in the fecond Volume of the old Memoirs of Literature, page 138. of the fecond Edition.

The Author is very much for simple remedies, and fays that compound remedies are the work of Men, whereas fimple remedies were appointed by God himself from the beginning of the world. He does not believe that fimple remedies will ever be fashionable; and upon this occafion he tells us the following ftory. One of his friends having obferved in an extraordinary heat that the Infects, called Weevils, got into his corn, and having driven them away by putting fome handfuls of Pellitory of the wall upon the heaps of that corn; a fecret which he had learned of Varro in his Book de Re ruftica; he imparted it immediately to a Peafant of his Parish, upon condition that he fhould communicate it to all his neighbours. But that countryman took care to keep the fecret to himself. Not long after, Dr. Harris's friend imparted it to another Peasant of the fame Village, upon the fame condition; but the cunning Boor did not perform his promife: he concealed from his neighbours the Receipt against Weevils. Then Dr. Harris's friend applied himself to another Peafant, who plaid the fame trick to him. The ftory goes no farther.

Dr. Har

Dr. Harris declares openly for the Inoculation of the fmall pox. His Book would have afforded me a long Article, if this Journal was defigned for the use of foreign Readers.


NOUVEAU VOYAGE autour du Monde, par M. LE GENTIL, enrichi de plufieurs Plans, vûes & perfpectives des principales Villes & Ports du Perou, Chily, Brefil, & de la Chine; avec une defcription de l'Empire de la Chine, beaucoup plus ample & plus circonftanciée, que celles qui ont paru jusqu'a prefent, où il eft traité des Moeurs, Religion, Politique, Education, & Commerce des Peuples de cet Empire. A Paris, chez François Flahaut, Libraire, Quay des Auguftins. 1725.

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That is,

A NEW VOYAGE round the World, by Mr. LE GENTIL, adorned with many Plans, Views and Profpects of the chief Towns and Ports of Peru, Chili, Brafil,


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and China; with a defcription of the Empire of China, much larger and much more particular, than thofe that have been publifhed hitherto, containing an account of the Manners, Religion, Education, and Trade of the Inhabitants of that Empire. Paris. 1725., in 12°. pagg. 451.


Taken from the Journal des Sçavans.

R. Le Gentil, the Author of this Relation, fays that the Readers must not expect. to find in it a pompous narration, and florid defcriptions: he declares that he is no Orator; and that he will exprefs himself with as much plainnefs and fincerity as he can: he further fays that. he had too many companions in his voyages, to pretend to impose upon the Public. Afterwards he begins to give an account of his voyage. The first things fomewhat remarkable which he obferves, concern the Isle of Grande, or the Ifle of St. George, which is fourteen leagues in com-, pafs, and lies under the Tropic of Capricorn, two leagues from the Continent of America. There is a continual Spring in that Ifland: it is full of trees unknown in Europe, which form many Groves the more pleafant, because they owe their beauty to mere Nature. Orange and Lemon-trees grow in that Ifland, and in the greatest part of America, without any culture; but 'tis only to cover with their fhade Monkeys and Crocodiles. Among thofe Monkeys, fome are as big as Calves, and make fuch a ftrange, noife, that one would think the mountains are falling, becaufe being full of concavities, the JULY 1725.



cries of those animals refound on all parts. The noife of the others, who are called Weepers, is like the cries of children. All of them are fo wild, that no body can come to them. There are alfo Crocodiles, and very dangerous Reptiles. The moft troublesome and the most familiar animal of that Ifland, fays our Traveller, is a fmall Worm, which infinuates it felf under the nails of the hands and feet, where it grows bigger by degrees. It occafions a painful itching: the flesh becomes white, and a tumor is formed. In order to cure it, they gently take out the worm with the point of a needle; but care ought to be taken to leave no part of the worm in the tumor; otherwife there happens an inflammation, the confequences whereof are very dangerous. We fhall obferve by the by, that this worm might very well be of the nature of the Dracunculus, to be feen in Ethiopia and Guinea, where it does a great deal of harm to the legs and thighs, and is taken out much in the fame manner: only being much longer, they roll about a small stick that part of it, which is vifible, till the worm is quite out. There is fometimes in the thighs of Gold-finches a like worm, which thofe birds have the industry to pull out with their bills. The fact mentioned by Mr. Le Gentil, makes our reflexion very credible; and if it be true, the Dracunculus is not a worm bred in the legs or thighs, but introduced into them.

What the Author fays of Chili, may be obferved. That country, fays he, affords animals of all kinds: the cattle have no owners: they wander at random in the Plains; and every body may take them. Upon the fea-coaft and in Towns, the largest Ox does not coft above



three or four crowns, and others proportionably. Partridge-hunting is performed in the following manner. When a partridge takes its flight, it generally goes two hundred paces: then they purfue it on horfeback; and because it feldom takes a fecond flight, being weary of the first, the dogs take it alive. Horfes are very cheap; and a horse which would coft thirty piftoles in France, is fold only for four or five crowns. They graze in vaft Plains, and rich paftures. The Indians catch them with great dexterity: they have a running knot made of an Ox's hide: it is a long ftrap: they get upon a horse used to that exercife, and going among the wild horses, they throw the noofe over the horse's neck, and do it fo dexterously, that he cannot drag the other horse upon which the Indian is mounted. Though he struggles never fo much, he is quickly tamed, thofe Indians having a wonderful talent to make them gentle and familiar. Mr. Le Gentil obferves in this place, that when a horse is weary of a long race, the Indians bathe him, notwithstanding the fweat; and that the water, far from making him fick, gives him a surprising vigour.

Our Author proceeds to Peru: he fays that Peru, fo famous for its riches, and whofe name alone makes covetous people figh, is of all coun tries the faddeft and the most unpleasant. He adds that what he has feen of it, does not answer his expectation; that he regrets every day the woods and the charming Plains of Chili; that he has found at Arica the affairs of trade in a deplorable condition; that he confiders no longer his return into France but as a fine Perspective, and that he is fallen into fuch a black melancho ly, that all the Art of Phyfic has not been able D 2


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