
for he was an Example to Believers, in Word, in Converfation, in Charity, in Spirit, in Faith, and in Purity. He exemplified the Power of his Principles in Religion, by his clofe Walk with God; and tho his Arguments for Chriftianity were always demonftrative, and his Perfuafions ftrong, yet there was a greater force in the fhining Vertues of his Life: for by thefe, Men were convinc'd that himself believ'd what he preach'd.

Preaching the Gospel was the very Pleasure of his Soul: And the Zeal of God's Houfe had eaten him up. He was fo entirely devoted to the Work of the Ministry, and his Heart fo engag'd in it, that. from the time of his firft appearing in Publick to the laft, his Life was one continued Scene of Labour and Toil. His clofe Study and conftant Preaching (frequently three times a Day) did greatly exhaust his Animal Spirits, and enfeeble his Strength. Yet to the laft he discovered a becoming Zeal against the prevailing Errors of the Day, for he knew no Face in the Pulpit; his Soul was too great to balk any Truth that he own'd, for the Frowns or Flatteries of the Greatest; and I may fay of him as the Apostle does of himfelf, That he had obtain'd Mercy to be faithful.

With what Application of Mind, and unwearied Diligence did he discharge his Pastoral Office, not only preaching in feafon and out of feafon, but in vifiting thofe under his Charge, incouraging the ferious, gently reproving the froward, and inftructing thofe that oppos'd themselves; defending the great Truths of the Gofpel, and fetting them in a clear Light?


As for the Matter of his Sermons, it was always folid and fubftantial. He difpenfed the Bread of Life to nourish your Souls, and not Curiofities to indulge your Fancies. Christ Crucified was the Sum of his Preaching. He took care to deliver the great and important Truths of the Gofpel, in found as well as acceptable Words. He did not debafe the Majefty of Divine Truths, by a fordid Negligence of Speech; but spoke in a Stile correct and strong, as became the Oracles of God. His Notions were not only weighty, but there was a conquering Force in his well-chofen Expreffions; for as Job fays, How forcible are right Words! In fhort, He was a Workman that needed not to be afham'd, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, and giving to every Soul a Portion in due feafon. He preach'd fo as to fave himself and them that heard him. A fervent Love to Christ and the Souls of Men feem'd to reign in his Breast, as appear'd by his flaming but regular Zeal to exalt the Glory of the Redeemer, and promote the Salvation of Souls. He did not count his Life dear to himself, fo that he might finish his Courfe with Joy, and the Miniftry which he had receiv'd of the Lord Jefus Christ, to testify the Gospel of the Grace of God. And alas! 'tis to be fear'd, that in Judgment to us who furvive, God has remov'd this excellent Perfon from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant; where this Star fhines with an unfading Luftre, tho it difpenfes no Light and Influence to us below. And that which aggravates our Lofs, is this, that this Useful Minifter is remov'd in the

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of his Days. His Removal is fudden to us, but 'twas not furprizing to him: for he liv'd in the constant expectation of his Death, as may be collected from an Expression he us'd more than once in Family-Prayer a little be fore his Decease: He beg'd of God, That the tottering of his frail Tabernacle might always put him in mind of its falling down. And at the beginning of his laft Illness he told a near Relation, he fhould study no more.

A little after he faid, O how Sweet will Rest be to me after my weary Labour! At another time he exprefs'd his Propriety in God: God (fays he) is my God, and I have his gracious Prefence with me. O how precious is the Blood of Chrift, and how excellent the Union betwixt Chrift and Believers! for 'tis indiffoluble. And when refresh'd once with taking fomething that was agreeable, he cry'd out, O how refreshing will be the Streams of the River of God! But his Distemper affecting his Head, he foon grew delirious, and a few Days put an end to his Excellent and Valuable Life. His Body we have committed to the Duft, his Soul is fled to the Regions of Light and Love, where he refts from all his Labours, and is feated on fo high a Throne, that neither the Malice of Devils, nor the Strife of Tongues can be able to reach him. Therefore ftop your Tears; our Friend is not dead, but fleepeth; and those that fleep in Jefus will God bring with him.

I fhall only addrefs my felf to the Church in particular, and then to you that were his Auditors in general, and fo conclude.

1. To the Church in particular. It must be own'd that you have loft an Able Paftor, one that fed yon according to the Integrity of his


Heart, and guided you according to the Skilfulness of his Hands; fo that you have abundant caufe of Mourning: But do not altogether weep for him, but weep for your felves and your Children, that you made no better Improvement under his excellent Miniftry, who upon his Death-bed exprefs'd a great Concern for you, and died in the Faith that God would take care of his own Work. He was very defirous to have fat down with you at the Holy Table of the Lord once more; but before the Day came wherein that Ordinance was to have been celebrated, God took him to the Marriage-Supper of the Lamb. Let me intreat you to study your felves and this Providence, and may the Language of it be intelligible to every one of you. Remember him that had the Rule over you; whofe Faith follow confidering the end of bis Converfation. And let me exhort you to fly to that God by Prayer, who has the Refidue of the Spirit, that he would anoint another for his Service, and fend you a Paftor after his own Heart. God has made a Breach upon you, lay your Mouths in the Duft, and humble your Souls; and let all prefent put up thofe Petitions for this Church which Mofes did for Ifrael: Let the Lord, the God of the Spi- Numb. 22. rits of all Flesh, fet a Man over this Congregation, that may go out before you, and that may go in before you, that may lead you out and bring you in, that this Congregation of the Lord may not be as Sheep without a Shepherd.

May God fuddenly fet up a burning and fhin ing Light in this Golden Candlestick: May a Star arife here, whofe Light may refresh, and whose Influences fhall spread, and last long.

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16, 17.

2. To you that were the conftant Auditors of the deceas'd Minifter. Confider how indulgent and favourable God has been to several of you, even in this dark Difpenfation: He has remov'd one that was ripe for Heaven; but how dismal had been your State, if he had call'd you that are unprepar'd! If you drop into the Grave while you are unprovided for Eternity, you fink beyond the Referves of Mercy. O adore the Patience and Long-fuffering of God, that you are yet alive, and have one Call more from this Pulpit, and another very Awful one from the Grave of that Person who us'd to fill it. His Death calls upon you to repent, and turn to close with Christ, and make fure of Heaven. Surely you cannot but feel fome Emotions in your Breafts, when you think you fhall never fee nor hear your painful Minister more. And methinks the Rocks within you fhould flow, when you think that he preached himself to Death, and you have not yet entertain'd that Jefus whom he preach'd. 'Tis true, God gave him feveral Seals of his Ministry, which was the Joy of his Heart, and will be his Crown in the Day of the Lord.

But if you who were only Hearers will continue fo, he will be a fwift Witness against you in the Day of God. For tho one Place held you and him in this World, you'l have very different Habitations in the next. He fhall eternally folace himself in boundless Rivers of Pleafure; but you fhall be eternally plung'd into a bottomlefs Lake of Fire. But let me intreat you by all that is facred, by the Joys of Heaven and the Torments of Hell, by the Intereft of your never-dying Souls, by Chrift's bloody Sweat in the Garden, and his Agony ↓


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