
In attempting to unriddle the meaning of this mystical warning, Guion advised Quarrè to leave the house where he lodged in Saumur, the unwholesome air of which had occasioned him several

attacks of the cholic. But eight days afterwards, the prediction was fulfilled. Quarrè went, on public business, to Flavignac, and during his absence, the house fell down in the night, and crushed its inhabitants to death. Guion is said to have written a poem on the escape of his friend. This story rests, I believe, on the unsupported assertion of La Mare. If it be authentic, it seems to belong to the class of dreams.

On the same principles we must explain the apparitions recorded by VINCENTIUS, in the SPECULUM HISTORIE, and extracted from him by WOLFIUS, in his LECTIONES MEMORABILES ET RECONDITÆ, particularly the appearance of Pope Benedict to the Bishop of

Capua. "Idem lib. 25. Damianus re"fert: Episcopus, inquit, quidam Capu"anus vidit Benedictum majorem Papam "sibi olim familiarem, nigro, quasi "corporabiter, equo insidentem: (vide


quam conveniant scripturæ Apoc. 6 "cum historiis) at is territus ea visione "dicebat: Heus tu, nonne es Papa

Benedictus, quem jam defunetum no"vimus? Ego sum, inquit, infelix iste, "Quomodo, inquit, est tibi, pater? "Graviter, inquit, torqueor, sed de Dei “misericordia non dispero, si mihi ad

jutorium præbeatur, quia juvari pos"sum: sed perge, quæso, ad fratrem "meum Joannem, qui nunc sedem apos"tolicam occupat, eique de mea parte "dic, ut illam summam, quæ potissimé in tali theca reposita est, in pauperes dis"tribuat: sicque me redimendum esse quandocumque, cum hoc divina mise"ratio decreverit, cognoscat, nam cætera

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quæ pro me indigentibus tradita sunt, “nihil, mihi penitus profuerint eo, quod

"de rapinis et injustitis acquisita sunt. "His auditis, Episcopus Romam impi"ger adiit, et Joanni Papæ (cui et ipse apparuit ille Benedictus 9. precans idem, et dicens, O utinam Odilo Clu"niacensis pro me rogaret!) fratris verba narravit, et episcopatum mox deposuit, ❝et monachatum induit."


Lection. Memorab, et zecondit. T. i. p. 530.

My observations on this subject may be strengthened, by observing the great prevalence of spectral delusions, during the inter-regnum, in this country, after the civil war, in 1649. The melancholic tendency of the rigid puritans of that period; their occupancy of old family seats, formerly the residence of hospitality and good cheer, which in their hands became desolate and gloomy; and the dismal stories propagated by the discarded retainers to the ancient establishments, ecclesiastical and civil, contributed altogether to produce a national

horror unknown in other periods of our history.

A curious example of this disposition is afforded, by the trial of Dr. Pordage, a Clergyman in Berkshire, which was published under the frightful title of 'Damonium Meridianum, or Satan at Noon-day;' among many charges brought against him, Dr. Pordage was accused of demoniacal visions, and of frequent apparitions in his house; one of which consisted in the representation of a coach and six, on a brick-chimney, in which the carriage and horses continued in constant motion for many weeks. It was said that a great dragon came into his chamber, with a tail of eight yards



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long, four great teeth, and did spit fire ' at him.

That his own angel stood by him,

' in his own shape and fashion, the same shape, band and cuffs, and that he

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'supported him in his combat with the


That Mrs. Pordage and Mrs. Flavel had their angels standing by them also;

and that the spirits often came into the chamber, and drew the curtains when they were in bed.'

The developement of the story, which is not necessary for my purpose, exhibits the combined effects of mysticism, supperstition and sensuality, which evidently produced a disordered state of the sensorium, and gave rise to the visions, which were admitted by the parties. It is indeed, an awful truth, well known to physicians who see many lunatics, that religious melancholy is one of the most frequent causes of the Damonomania.

The subject of latent lunacy is an untouched field, which would afford the

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