
case is state hence they constantly appear to the left who are to the left, to the right who are to the right, in front who are in front, backward who are to the back, at the plane of the head, of the breast, of the back, of the loins, of the feet, above the head, and beneath the soles of the feet, directly and obliquely, at a less or greater distance, who are there, however, or to whatever quarter a spirit turns himself about.

In the spiritual world, the Lord as a sun constantly appears to the right at a middle altitude (of 45 degrees), a little above the plane of the right eye of the beholder. (SWEDENBORG, Arcana, n. 4321.-See Acts vii. 55, 56.) — As the sun of the spiritual world appears in a middle altitude, the angels (and those men whose spiritual sight is opened) can always turn their faces to the Lord, and see Him with their eyes in every turn of their bodies which is peculiar to that (concave) world (where the Lord, invisible at the centre, is imaged by reflection in the confronting horizontal point of the circular expanse, to every angel or spirit considered as having the zenith over his head and the nadir under his feet). (Ibid. on Divine Love, n. 105.) — Thus, the only begotten Son, who is in the Father's bosom, he has manifested God.

3629. [Ps. xvi. 8.] All lines that make an angle of 45 degrees with the ground line, converge in what are called points of distance. And all the lines that are parallel to one another, and to the horizon, if they be inclined to the ground line, converge to some point in the horizontal line; and through this point also, a line drawn from the eye, parallel to them, will pass. To exhibit the appearance of the disc of the sun with all its spots, in a camera obscura, place a telescope in the direction of the rays of the sun; so that a person may either look through it, and take the image on his eye, or, with a little alteration of the focus, receive it on a white sheet of paper; when a number of persons at the same time, may contemplate it at their leisure, seeing the spots on it, or the clouds passing over it, in a most beautiful


PRIESTLEY on Vision, pp. 92, 119.

3630. [Ps. xvii. 14. Men of the world who have their portion in this life] Dr. Jenner, having received a REWARD OF £30,000, for the introduction of VACCINATION, afterwards inoculated his own child with the small pox!

This was kept a profound secret in the family for ten years. WHITE'S Independent Whig, No. 396, p. 679.

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3632. [Ps. xix. 1.] As the moon at best is but a small star in comparison of the sun, and has but a dim light, and that too, but borrowed; and, has her wane, as well as her full, and is often subject to eclipses, and always blemished with dark spots so the light of human reason is but very small and dim, in comparison of His knowledge, that is truly called in Scripture the Fountain, as well as the Father, of light; and this-light itself which shines in the human intellect, is derived from the irradiation it receives from God, in whose light it is that we see light.


BOYLE, on the High Veneration Man's
Intellect owes to GOD,
P. 104.

There is not one thing contained in the universal atmospheric region of the stars, but what in its mauner and measure is representative of the LORD's kingdom. SWEDENBORG, Arcana, n. 3483.

3634. [5.] The appellation of bridegroom ceased with the eighth day of the marriage-feast. In this qualified sense, the Hebrew language has no word to express a bridegroom.

See Univer. Hist. vol. ii. p. 503.

3635. Among other rites antiently in use with the Hebrews, BUXTORF (in his Synagog. Jud.) informs us, that it was usual for a tent or canopy to be pitched in the open air, in which the bride and bridegroom met; and the bride being there delivered to the bridegroom, they came forth with great pomp and joy.—See Gen. xxix. 30.

3636. The Sun neither moves in the circle of the Equator, which would set the Earth on fire; nor in that of the Meridian, which would produce an inundation of water; but his course is traced in the Ecliptic, describing a spiral line between the two Poles of the World. In this harmonious course he dispenses cold and heat, dryness and humidity, and derives from these powers, each of them dcstructive by itself, Latitudes so varied and so temperate all

over the Globe, that an infinite number of creatures of an extreme delicacy find in them every degree of temperature adapted to the nature of their frail existence.

Philolaus, of Crotona, a Pythagorean, maintained that the sun, instead of emanating heat and light from itself, received and reverberated the (electrical) fire diffused over the Universe.

St. PIERRE's Studies of Nature, vol. i. p. 167. vol. ii. p. 89.

The sun advances towards the east in the space of one year, as much as the moon does in that of one month. Nat. Displayed, vol. iv. p. 30.

See No. 51.

3637. [Ps. xxii. 6.] Dr. HARVEY (De Gen. Anim. Ex. 18) acknowledges that all animals, even the most perfect, are generated from a worm.

3638. [—— 14.] A species of Myrica, called the waxtree, grows in wet sandy ground about the edges of swamps in some parts of North America: it rises erect nine or ten feet, dividing itself into a multitude of nearly erect branches, which are garnished with many shining deep-green entire leaves of a lanceolate figure; the branches produce abundance of large round berries, nearly the size of bird cherries, which are covered with a scale or coat of white wax; no part of this plant possesses any degree of fragrance. It is in high estimation for the production of candles, answering equally well with bees' wax, or preferably, as it is harder and more lasting in burning.

BARTRAM'S Trav. p. 403.

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3642. [Ps. xxiv. 2.] Mr. Wulliamy sunk a well 236 feet deep, and 4 feet wide; and on their boring a few feet lower, with a five-inch borer, so much sand arose, with a violent stream of water, as to fill up the whole well, which was repeatedly cleared away by buckets in its fluid state, and at last the water ran over the surface to the amount of 46 gallons in a minute. In sinking the king's-well at Sheerness, the water rose 300 feet above its source in the well (Phil. Trans. vol. 74). At Hartford, Counecticut in America, a well was dug 70 feet before water was found; wheu on boring an augerhole through a rock, the water rose so quick as to induce great difficulty in keeping it dry by pumps until the hole could be blown larger by gun-powder; which was no sooner and has been accomplished, than the well filled and ran over, a brook nearly a century.

Month. Mag vol. xxii. No. 150, p. 438.

3643. [1,2.] Acknowledgment of Jehovah's reign on earth, by the priests standing on the steps at the east door of the Temple.

Verse 3.] Address to the priests, by the attendants on the king to be crowned.

Verses 4, 5, 6.] The answer returned by the said priests. Verse 7.] On the ground of the Priests' answer, the King's friends demand his admission to Coronation in the Temple.

Verse 8.] The virgin daughters of Aaron, opposing the admission of an earthly king, ask in whose name he comes: this induces the king to acknowledge Jehovah's supremacy. Verse 9.] The whole body of the people then re-demand their king's admission.

Verse 10.] To whom the Virgins put the same question, as they had done to the king; and receive virtually the same answer. As no further opposition is now made, it is to he understood that the answers are satisfactory, and that the king is admitted and crowned accordingly.

All this is beautifully illustrated by an account of the coronation-ceremonies still existing in Ethiopia, as recorded in BRUCE'S Trav. vol. ii. pp. 278, 280:

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It was on the eighteenth of March that his (coronation) festival began. His army consisted of 30,000 men. All the

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great officers, all the officers of state, and the court, then present, were every one dressed in the richest and gayest manner, nor was the other sex behind hand in the splendor of their appearance. The king, dressed in crimson damask, with a great chain of gold round his neck, his head bare, mounted on a horse richly caparisoned, advanced at the head of his nobility, passed the outer court, and came to the paved way before the church. There he was met by a number of young girls, daughters of the umbares, or supreme judges, together with many noble virgins standing on the right and left of the court. Two of the noblest of these, held in their hands a crimson cord of silk, somewhat thicker than a common whip-cord, but of a looser texture, stretched across from one company to another, as if to shut up the road by which the king was approaching the church; when this cord was prepared, and drawn tight, about breast high, by the girls, the king entered, advancing at a moderate pace, curvetting, and shewing the management of his horse. He was stopped by the tension of this string, while the damsels on each side, asking—who he was? were answered, "I am your king, the king of Ethiopia." To which they replied, with one voice, You shall not pass; you are not our king." The king then retires some paces, and then presents himself as to pass, and the cord is again drawn across his way by the young women, so as to prevent him; and the question repeated, "Who are you?" The king answered, "I am your king, the king of Israel." But the damsels resolved even on this second attack, not to surrender but on their own terms; again answer, "You shall not pass ; you are not our king." - The third time, after retiring, the king advances with a pace and air more determined; and the cruel virgins, again presenting the cord, and asking who he is? he answers, "I am your king, the king of Sion;" and drawing his sword, cuts the silk cord asunder. Immediately on this, the young women cry, "It is a truth, you are our king; truly you are the king of Sion." On which, they begin to sing hallelujah; and in this they are joined by the court and army on the plain; fire arms are discharged, drums, and trumpets sound; and the king, amidst these acclamations and rejoicings, advances to the foot of the stair of the church, where he dismounts and there sits down on a stone, which, by its remains, apparently was an altar of Anubis, or the dog-star. At his feet, there is a a large slab of freestone, on which is the inscription mentioned by Poncet. The king is first anointed, then crowned, and is accompanied half up the steps by the singing priests, called Dipteras, chaunting psalms and hymns. Here he stops at a hole, made for the purpose, in one of the steps, and is there fumigated with incense and myrrh, aloes and cassia. Divine service is then celebrated; and, after receiving the sacrament, he returns to the camp, where fourteen days should regularly be spent in feasting, and all manner of rejoicing, and military exercise. After the king, comes the norbit, or keeper of the book of the law in Axum, supposed to represent Azurias, the son of Zadock; then the twelve umbares, or supreme judges, who, with Azarias, accompanied Menilek, the son of Solomon, when he brought the book of the law from Jerusalem, and these are supposed to represent

the twelve tribes. After these follow the Abuna at the head of the priests, and the Itchigue at the head of the monks; then the court, who all pass through the aperture made by the division of the silk cord, which remains still on the ground." See also Ps. xlv.

3644. [Ps. xxv.] The Hebrew of this Psalm begins every verse with a different letter of the alphabet successively; and is therefore, called an alphabetic Psalm.

3645. [Ps. xxxiii. 2.] The Psalterium is in the form of an oblique triangle, so large as to lie commodiously on the kuees of the musician. It has two bottoms, two inches from each other, with about twenty catguts of different sizes. Accompanied, as is usual in Egypt, with songs on Providence, a contented mind, &c. it affords an agreeable entertainment. It was perhaps with this simple, but ingenious. instrument, that David's Psalms were sung and performed. Linneus' HASSELQUIST, p. 84.

3646. [Ps. xxxiv.] This is an alphabetic Psalm, in which every verse successively, begins with a fresh letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.

3647. [Ps. xxxv. 6.] Certain valleys in Palestine were remarkably dark, and the roads on them slippery declivities. See MAUNDRELL, p. 7.

3648. [16.] The mock bird, or Virginian nightingale, is of the color and about the size of a thrush, but more slender; it imitates the song of every other bird, but with increased strength and sweetness. The bird whose song it mocks generally flies away, as if conscious of being excelled by the other, and dissatisfied with its own powers. WELD's Trav. through N. America, vol. i. p. 195.

See No. 1114..

3649. [Ps. xxxvii.] The Hebrew of this alphabetic Psalm inserts a different letter in their orderly succession, at the beginning of every other verse.

3650. [Ps. xxxviii. 11.] The small-pox, in India, is so highly infectious, that parents abandon their children, and children their parents. BARTOLOMEO, by Johnston, p. 411.

3651. [Ps. xl. 6.] Oznaim carita li (Hebr.), My ears thou hast bored alluding to the law of boring those servants' ears that refused to be released; Exod. xxi — 2, &c. The Septuagint fearing, in all probability, lest such a servile remark should be thought too derogatory, have unwarrantably substituted soma de katertiso moi, a body hast thou prepared or adopted for me. The Apostle, however, has sanctioned this Version, by quoting it in Hebrews x. 5. Univer. Hist. vol. iii. p. 194.

3652. [Ps. xlii.] SECOND BOOK.

3653. [——— 7.] In the tropical seas, water-spouts are very common. "The first of these," says TOURNEFORT, "that we saw (in the Mediterranean), was about a musketshot from our ship. There we perceived the water began to boil, and to rise about a foot above its level. The water was agitated and whitish; and above its surface there seemed to stand a smoke, such as might be imagined to come from wet straw before it begins to blaze. It made a sort of a murmuring sound, like that of a torrent, heard at a distance, mixed, at the same time, with a hissing noise, like that of a serpent: shortly after we perceived a column of this smoke rise up to the clouds, at the same time whirling about with great rapidity. It appeared to be as thick as one's finger; and the former sound still continued. When this disappeared, after lasting for about eight minutes, upon returning to the opposite quarter of the sky, we perceived another, which began in the manner of the former; presently after a third appeared in the west; and instantly beside it still another arose. The most distant of these three could not be above a musket-shot from the ship. They all continued like so many heaps of wet straw set on fire, that continued to smoke, and to make the same noise as before. We soon after perceived each, with its respective canal, mounting up in the clouds, and spreading where it touched; the cloud, like the mouth of a trumpet, making a figure, to express it intelligibly, as if the tail of

an animal were pulled at one end by a weight. These canals were of a whitish color, and so tinged, as I suppose, by the water which was contained in them; for, previous to this, they were apparently empty, and of the color of transparent glass. The canals were not straight, but bent in some parts, and far from being perpendicular, but rising in their clouds with a very inclined ascent. But what is very particular, the cloud to which one of them was pointed happening to be driven by the wind, the spout still continued to follow its motion, without being broken; and passing behind one of the others, the spouts crossed each other, in the form of a St. Andrew's cross. In the beginning they were all about as thick as a man's finger, except at the top, where they were broader, and two of them disappeared; but shortly after, the last of the three increased considerably; and its canal, which was at the first so small, soon became as thick as a man's arm, then as his leg, and at last thicker than his whole body. We saw distinctly, through this transparent body, the water, which rose up with a kind of spiral motion; and it sometimes diminished a little of its thickness, and again resumed the same; sometimes widening at top, and sometimes at bottom; exactly resembling a gut filled with water, pressed with the fingers, to make the fluid rise, or fall; and I am well convinced, that this alteration in the spout was caused by the wind, which pressed the cloud, and impelled it to give up its contents. After some time its bulk was so diminished as to be no thicker than a man's arm again; and thus, swelling and diminishing, it at last became very small. In the end, I observed the sea which was raised about it to resume its level by degrees, and the end of the canal that touched it to become as small as if it had been tied round with a cord; and this continued till the light, striking through the cloud, took away the view. I still, however, continued to look, expecting that its parts would join again, as I had before seen in one of the others, in which the spout was more than once broken, and yet again came together; but I was disappointed, for the spout appeared

no more."

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3656. [Ps. xlv. 3.] In Persia, as soon as a new Shah, to ascend the throne, quits the Harem, he throws himself on the ground at the door of it; then, rising, sits down on his heels, while one of the lords, sent to notify his accession, girds the sabre about his waist, and, without further ceremony, orders the trumpets to sound, and drums to beat; on which notice, all the people run to the palace-gate, to salute their emperor.

See No. 854.


Modern Univer. Hist. vol. vi. p. 1.

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3657. [4.] The insignia or marks of royalty, distinguishing the king of Abyssinia, are a white horse with small silver bells at his head, a shield of silver, and a white fillet of fine silk or muslin, but generally the latter, some inches broad, which is tied round the upper part of the head over the hair, with a large double or bow knot behind, the ends banging down to the small of his back, or else flying in the air.

BRUCE, vol. iii. p. 267.

3658. [— 8.] The Asiatic aloe, which is as tall as the olive-tree and much of the same shape, has three sorts of wood lying in different strata under its bark. The first, called Eagle-wood, is black, compact, and heavy. The second, termed by the natives Calembouc, is swarthy and as light as touchwood: it burns like wax; and, when thrown into the fire, has an aromatic odor. The third sort, which is the heart of the tree and called Tambac, diffusing a very strong and fragrant flavor, is used to perfume the clothes and the apartments of persons of distinction: this, being the wood in which the Indians set their jewels, is more valued by them than gold itself.

Nature Delineated, vol. i. p. 277.

The word Baris, of Chaldee extraction and peculiar in its application to Palestine, signifies a house or castle enclosed on every side. In the plural it is Bareis, castles, rather than palaces.


See Univer. Hist. vol. x. p. 83.

The American aloe, before it puts forth its blossoms, has a vigorous upright stem generally about twelve feet high. It grows about a hundred years before it blooms; and, after yielding its seed, the stem withers and dies.

3660. [

See Month. Mag. for Sept. 1814, p. 115.


9.] In Egypt, the queen had more power, and more honor shewn her than the king; and in private contracts the greater honor was given to the women, the husbands [men] thereby promising to be obedient to their wives

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3664. [Ps. xlvii. 1.] The Indians, while singing their heroic poems, frequently clap their hands perhaps to denote the clash of arms, as we represent the discharge of guns by what is called the shooting of our bells.

See BARTOLOMEO, by Johnston, p. 370. In the festive dances of the American Indians, young men and maidens move with a slow shuffling alternate step in exact time with vocal and instrumental music, in two opposite circles; that is, first a circle of young men, and within, a circle of young women, move together opposite ways, the men with the course of the sun, and the females contrary to it: the men strike their arm with the open hand, and the girls clap hands, and raise their shrill sweet voices, answering an elevated shout of the men, at stated terminations of the stanzas of their sacred songs.

BARTRAM's Travels, p. 503. At all the dances and concerts, among the negroes of Africa, clapping of hands appears to constitute a necessary part of the chorus.

MUNGO PARK'S Travels, p. 278.

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