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" The star that bids the shepherd fold, Now the top of heaven doth hold ; And the gilded car of day His glowing axle doth allay In the steep Atlantic stream, And the slope sun his upward beam Shoots against the dusky pole, Pacing toward the other goal Of... "
Arundines Cami; sive, Musarum Cantabrigiensium lusus canori, collegit atque ... - Pagina 280
door Cam river - 1851
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Poetical Works

John Milton - 1909 - 504 pagina’s
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Paradise regain'd, a poem. To which is added Samson agonistes; and Poems ...

John Milton - 1747 - 238 pagina’s
...Joy, and Feift, Midnight fhout, and revelry, Tipfie dance, and Jollity i Braid your Locks with rofie Twine, Dropping Odours, dropping Wine, Rigour now is gone to bed, And Advice with fcrupulous head, Strift Age, and four Severity) With their grave Saws in llumber lie, We, that are...
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Bell's British Theatre: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays

John Bell - 1777 - 374 pagina’s
...welcome jeft, ' ' Midnight ftiout and revelry, Tiply dance and jollity ; Braid your locks with rofy twine, Dropping odours, dropping wine Rigour now is gone to bed, And advice with fcrup'lous head, Strift age and four feverity, With their grave faws in flumber lie. Comus. We that...
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Bell's British Theatre,: Consisting of the Most Esteemed English Plays ...

1777 - 380 pagina’s
...jeft, Midnight fliout and revelry, Tipfy dance and jollity ; Braid your locks with rofy twine, Droppmg odours, dropping wine. Rigour now is gone to bed, And advice with fcrup'lous head, Strict age and four feverity, With their grave faws in flumber lie. Comus. We that...
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A Collection of the Most Esteemed Farces and Entertainments ..., Volume 4

1783 - 402 pagina’s
...fong, and welcome jeft, Midnight-fhout and revelry, Tipfy dance and jollity; Braid your locks with rofy twine, Dropping odours, dropping wine. Rigour now is gone to bed, And Advice with fcrup'lous head, Strift Age and four Severity, With their grave faws in flumber lie. Comas. We that...
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Drinking songs. Miscellaneous songs. Ancient ballads

1783 - 360 pagina’s
...and welcome jeft, Midnight fhout and revelry, Tipfy dance and jollity ; Braid your locks with rofy twine, Dropping odours dropping wine. Rigour now is gone to bed, And advice with fcrup'lous head, Strict age, and four feverity, With their grave faws in flumber lie. * In the bnrlefque...
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 31-32

John Bell - 1788 - 630 pagina’s
...pole, . ,',.'. Facing toward the other goal '.,.,.. .' . e00 Of his chamber in the East. • .' , t-» Meanwhile welcome Joy and Feast] Midnight Shout and...Dance, and Jollity. Braid your locks with rosy twine, ;. , •i lo. Dropping odors, dropping wine. !,»..., ' Rigor now is gone to bed, And Advics with scrupulous...
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The banquet of Thalia, or the Fashionable songsters pocket memorial

Thalia, Frederick Atkinson (of York) - 1790 - 234 pagina’s
...jeft— — Midnight fliout and revelry—— Tipfey, dance, and jollity. Braid your locks with rofy twine, Dropping odours dropping wine. Rigour now is gone to bed, And advice, with fcrup'lous head, Strickt age, and four feverity, With their grave faws, in (lumber lie. Da Capo, SONG....
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British Theatre, Volume 11

John Bell - 1791 - 294 pagina’s
...joy and feast. SONG. Now Ph^lius sinketh in the west, Welcome song and welcome jest, Midnight shont and revelry* Tipsy dance and jollity ; Braid your...is gone to bed ; And Advice with scrupulous head, 160 Strict Age aid sour Severity, With their grave saws, in slumber lie. We, that are of purer fire,...
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Comus: A Mask

John Milton, John Dalton - 1791 - 498 pagina’s
...welcome joy and feast. SONG. Midnight shout and revelry, Tipsy dance and jollity : Braid your lochs with rosy twine, Dropping odours, dropping wine. Rigour now is gone to bed; And Advice with scrup'lous head+ 160 Stritt Age and sour Severity, With their grave saws, in slumber lie. We, that...
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