Cum huc illuc (Deus novit) Nec stat sanguis, qui me fovit, Cum peccatis me juventæ, Serpens premit violentæ, Vero heu consentiente, Solare, dulcis Spiritus! Aures gemitus obtundunt! Nervi sine te succumbunt! Solare, dulcis Spiritus ! En judicium declaratur : Solare, dulcis Spiritus! H. D. Psalmus xix. QUICQUID habet cœli vertex et splendidus ordo, Sidera quot splendent, quot sunt super æthera flammæ, The unwearied sun from day to day And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail, While all the stars that round her burn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole. What though in solemn silence all Move round the dark terrestrial ball? What though nor voice nor minstrel sound Among their radiant orbs be found? With saints and angels they rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice, For ever singing as they shine, The hand that made us is divine.' Addison. Sol qualis niteat, quali sit origine natus, Quum modo victrices descendunt vesperis umbræ, Et sua miranti memorans primordia terræ, Illius ætherium quot servant sidera cursum, Quot gyri in cœlo, noctivagæque faces, Singula confirmant cantu, quæ singula narrant, Et capit unanimes axis uterque modos. Ergone, terrestrem circa dum volvitur orbem, Stella secat tacitam pendula quæque viam ? Ergone Sol nullos, nullos dant astra susurros, Nec faciunt de tot millibus ulla sonum? Scilicet angelicos interlabentia cætus Clarescunt superi murmura læta poli; W. G. H. It is : be not afraid. WHEN I sink down in gloom or fear, Thy whisper, Lord, my heart shall cheer, Or startled at some sudden blow, Nor will I quit thy way, though foes For each rough voice the watch-word goes, And O! when judgment's trumpet clear Awakes me from the grave, Still in its echo may I hear, " 'Tis Christ! He comes to save.' Lyra Apostolica. New Self. WHY sittest thou on yonder sea-girt rock, With downward look and sadly dreaming eye? Playest thou beneath with Proteus' flock? Or with the far-bound sea-bird dost thou fly? Ἐγώ εἰμι μὴ φοβεῖσθε. Cum vel metu, vel cordis in caligine, Molli susurro vox Dei me sublevat, Ictu repente sim lacessitus gravi, Solvunt dolores verba, sanant vulnera, Hostes propinquas occupent angustias, It voce ab omni martialis tessera, Sic cum resurgam de sepulcrali domo, Percussus æther fortiter respondeat, Tu ne timeto: Christus est!' H.D. Quod Sum. CUR rupem maris insides, Demissis oculis, tristia somnians? Ludis cum grege Protei? An mergum sequeris per freta præpetem? |