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that though he fought not to extort from him any circumstance which he might think it prudent to conceal, yet that, if his apparent anxiety arofe from any of the common difappointments of life, he might fafely unbofom himself to a man who, having thared in the calamities of human nature, had a heart to feel, and at least to pity, the diftrefs which he was unable to relieve.

Thus foothed, Mr. Mandeville informed his kind companion, that he was a friendless orphan, who had been deprived of both his parents at a very early period of his life; that he had been liberally educated by a fifter of his father, who he had alfo very lately had the misfortune to lofe; that the care of his perfon, and the very fcanty remains of his father's fortunes, had, at her death, devolved on her's and his father's elder brother, who was a country fquire of little nderstanding, and lefs humanity, and who had placed him, again his inclination, to learn a profeffion which he abhorred, and had abfolutely forbid him to think of any other way of life, on the pain of his withdrawing from him his protection; that notwithstanding his total diflike of his fituation, he should have perfevered in his endeavours to conquer. this averfion, but that a hopeless loveentanglement had made it necessary for him to quit at once the object of his paffion, and the feat of his diffatisfaction; and that he was now on the ftream, doubtful what courfe to fteer; but inclined and thus far on his way to Portf mouth, to enter into the fervice of his country as a private foldier or failor; to either of which ftations he had much rather fubmit, than put a cruel reftraint on his inclinations on the one hand, or involve the object of his paffion in his diftreffes on the other.

This communication, the truth of which the general found not the leaft reafon to doubt, induced him to become at once the patron and protector of the unfortunate youth. He told him, he applauded his refolutions, as the efforts of a virtuous mind, though, perhaps, the generality of the world would not be ready to fubicribe to his prudence; that he had too much delicacy to afk for farther particulars, and would even decline enquiring what part of the kingdom he had left; that he would immediately pro'cure him a pair of colours in the regi

ment he was about to join; and as he doubted not but his conduct would justify his recommendation, he would from time to time affift in his promotion as opportunity offered, and his merit de


Penetrated with gratitude at an offer which led to the gratification of every with of his heart, he attempted to unburden his overflowing foul, and to pay the tribute of thanks to his kind, his benevolent benefactor; but he was only eloquent in tears, and his endeavours were exhaufted in the broken and incoherent expreffions of Father!-Friend! • —and Meflenger of Heaven!'—A language more delightful to the ears of the brave and generous Harcourt, than all the powers of oratory, aided by the utmolt graces of elocution.

He accordingly embarked with his protector, who liberally fupplied him with every neceffary for his voyage; and joining the British forces on the continent of America, he continued to ferve there for two years, with unblemished reputation; his public conduct recommending him to the notice of his fuperior officers, and his private character procuring him univerfal regard and efteem. At the expiration of this time, General Harcourt, preparing to return to England, on account of his health, which had been impaired by a dangerous wound, which had never been compleatly cured, he obtained leave of abfence for Mr. Mandeville; who was become fo dear to him, that he could not bear to be deprived of his company, at a time when his fpirits, which always appeared to labour under fome particular weight, were peculiarly depreffed from bodily infirmity, and the chearful and enlivening converfation of his youthful and lefs affected brother in adverfity, and his grateful and affectionate perfonal care, were fo neceffary to alleviate the diftreffes of his mind, and the pains of indifpofition.

In the courfe of the voyage to England, after a night of unusual restlefsnefs, during which he had been attended with the most watchful folicitude by his young companion and friend, General Harcourt took an opportunity of mingling with the tendereft expreffions of approbation, fome hints of the caufes of his own mental uneafinefs; and finding Mr. Mandeville eagerly though diffi


dently anxious for a more explicit communication, he gave him the following fhort sketch of his history.

That he was the only fon of a private gentleman of large fortune, whofe fondnefs had prevented his parting with him, even for the purposes of education, which he received from a private tutor in his father's houfe, till he was of a proper age to be fent to the univerfity-that he there contracted an intimacy with the fon of a clergyman; and visiting with him at his father's, he fell in love with his friend's only fifter; and, after offering her marriage privately, and engaging himself to her by the moft folemn ties, fhe, in a moment of tendernefs, furrendered to him that virtue which he was bound to protect-that his amour was very foon difcovered by his father, who compelled him to accept a commiffion in a regiment then embarking for the East Indies, where he had remained but little more than three years before he was informed that his wife (for fo he had ever efteemed her) had paid the debt of nature, together with an infant fon, who had been born a few months after his departure that the letters which conveyed this intelligence contained alfo an invitation to him to return, and he accordingly procured leave of abfence from his regiment; but, on his arrival in England, found that his father had been dead fome months; and having new no attachment, he determined to purfue a military life; and purchafing fuperior rank in a regiment (tationed in America, he took his paffage for that continent in a veffel which carried feveral other paffengers, and among them a young woman with whom he formed a connection, and who had brought him a daughter; but as he had great reafon to difapprove the conduct of the mother, they had parted, and she had since married; though he had charged himself with the care of the child, who was now about feventeen, beautiful in her perfon, and of disposition truly amiable-that he had never got over the impreffion of his first love, nor found it poffible to fupprefs an idea that the fruit of that unhappy affection had furvived it's unfortunate mother-that he had, however, in vain fought to difcover his existence; and was now returning to England with a defign to retire to the feat of his ancestors, and to spend the remainder of a life, which, from

bination of mental and corporeal injuries, feemed drawing to a period, in the enjoyment of thofe comforts which he might derive from the converfation of his darling daughter, and in providing for her fuch an establishment as might extend his care of her happiness even beyond the period of his diffolutionthat on his arrival in England, he should fpend fome months in the metropolis, for the neceffary purposes of arrangements, as to paft and future concerns; and should immediately fend for his Annabella, who had never yet known the name fhe was in future to bear, and whofe education he had entrusted to a worthy and excellent woman at N.

As the general advanced in his recital, the mind of Mandeville underwent the moft agonizing fenfations of curiofity and apprehenfion; but the conclufion of it removed all his doubts, and excited all his fears to have found in the perfon of his beloved, the daughter and intended heirefs of his benefactor, to aspire to whofe hand, would be equally abfurd and ungrateful; yet, at the fame time, to have found an additional reafon for the increafe, if poffible, of an affection which could only be heightened by fuch difcoveries; were circumftances fo diftrefsful, that an involuntary exclamation of Good God!' efcaped him the moment General Harcourt had finished his tale; who, turning his eyes to his young friend, was aftonished to find him bathed in tears, and difcovering the mott viglent emotions, though his attention only had appeared to be engaged during the former part of the recital.

It was impoffible for him to avoid enquiring into the occafion of this very extraordinary appearance; and the general had no fooner afked Mr. Mandeville what particular part of his ftory had proved fo extremely affecting to him, than he threw himself at the feet of his patron, and with anguish which wrung the heart of the humane veteran, be fought him to abandon the moft unfortunate of men who was not only defined to feel the sharpeft pangs of mifery himfelf; but, like a contagious difeafe, to communicate his wretchedness to thofe whofe tendernefs deferved from him fuch returns only as fhould be produ&ive of pleafure and fatisfaction.

But though you abandon me, Six,' continued the unhappy Mondeville, ⚫ condemn me not: my offence has been involuntary;

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