
The Members were called to order by the Rev. Daniel Smith; the Rev. Thomas Punderson was chosen Scribe.

The Rev. Samuel Goodrich was chosen Moderator.

The Rev. Epaphras Goodman was chosen Assistant Scribe. The certificates of the election of members were read. The session was opened with prayer, by the Moderator. The Rev. Messrs. Swift, Brockway, Hyde, Waldo, Stone and Reid were appointed a Committee of Overtures.

The Hon. Jonathan Brace, John Caldwell, Esq. Enoch Perkins, Esq. Samuel Pitkin, Esq. Thomas Hubbard, Esq. Daniel Wadsworth, Esq. and the Rev. Messrs. Nathan Perkins, D. D. Calvin Chapin, D. D. Samuel Goodrich, Henry A. Rowland, Noah Porter and Joel Hawes were elected Trustees of the Missionary Society of Connecticut.

Andrew Kingsbury, Esq. was chosen Treasurer, and the Rev. Horace Hooker was chosen Auditor of the Missionary Society for the year ensuing.

The following persons were chosen Directors of the Domestic Missionary Society for the year following. Messrs. Timothy Dwight, Timothy Stillman, Matthew Marvin, Esq. Richard Hubbard, Esq. John Hall, Esq. and the Rev. Joel Hawes, Caleb J. Tenney, Samuel Merwin, Aaron Dutton, Abel McEwen, Isaac Lewis, Juo. William Andrews, Daniel Dow, Luther Hart, Ralph Emerson, Aaron Hovey, William L. Strong, and Zephaniah Swift.

The Rev. Leonard Bacon was chosen Secretary; Samuel J. Hitchcock, Esq. Treasurer, and Roger S. Skinner, Esq. Auditor for the year ensuing.

Adjourned to half-past two.

Met according to adjournment.

The Report of the Committee of Overtures was read and accepted.

The Rev. Messrs. Eliot, Benedict, Pierce, Fisher, Cushman and Coleman were appointed a committee to prepare a report on the state of Religion.

Communicatious from delegates to other Bodies were read. The Report of the Treasurer of the General Association was read and accepted. See Appendix No. III.

The following persons were appointed receivers of moneys in their respective Associations, the Rev. Messrs. Joy H. Fairchild, Joab Brace, Leonard Bacon, Timothy P. Gillett, Salmon Cone, Sylvester Eaton, Andrew Eliot, Ambrose Edson, Charles Prentice, Stephen Mason, Isaac Parsons and Chauncey Booth.

The Rev. Messrs. Pierce, Cone and Kellogg were appointed a Committee to prepare a list of Ministers and Candidates.

The following list of names appointed by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church as a standing Committee to certify the good qualifications of Preachers travelling from the bounds of the Presbyterian Church to officiate in the bounds of any of the As

sociations maintaining intercourse with the Assembly; presented by their delegates was read. The Rev. Samuel T. Mills, of Moscow, New-York; the Rev. Henry Axtell, D. D. of Geneva, N. Y.; the Rev. John Chester, D. D. of Albany, N. Y.; thé Rev. Thomas McAuley, D. D. LL. D. of the city of New York; the Rev. Samuel Miller, D. D. of Princeton, N. Jersey; the Rev. Ashbel Green, D. D. LL. D. of the city of Philadelphia; the Rev. Francis Herron, D. D. of Pittsburgh, Pa.; the Rev. James Culbertson, of Zanesville, Ohio; the Rev. Joseph Badger of Gustavus, Ohio; the Rev. John H. Rice, D. D. of Hampden-Sidney, Va.; the Rev. John Breckinridge, of Lexington, Ky.; the Rev. Alexander McEwen, of Abingdon, Va.; the Rev. John Witherspoon, of Hillsborough, N. Carolina; and the Rev. Benjamin M. Palmer, D. D. of Charleston, S. Carolina. Whereupon,

Voted, That this list be inserted on our minutes.

A communication was received from the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, requesting the appointment of a Committee to confer with a Committee of theirs which was named, in reference to a certain grievance complained of by the Presbytery of Philadelphia; and likewise for the purpose of inquiring whether any, and if any, what further articles or alterations of the present terms of intercourse between the Presbyterian Church in the United States and the members of the Congregational Churches in Connecticut may be expedient, &c. Whereupon,

Voted, That the subject be referred to a Committee to report. The Rev. Messrs Brockway, Waldo, Dr. Taylor, Reid, Cushman and Dr. Blythe were appointed on this Committee.

The Association attended divine service. The Sermon was preached by the Rev. James Beach, from 1. Cor. ix. 22.

A circular from the Synod of Albany, on the sanctification of the Sabbath, was introduced from Litchfield North, and read. Whereupon, it was

Voted, That the subject be referred to a Committee to report to this body.

The Rev. Messrs. Beach, Hyde, Benedict and Walker, were appointed on this Committee.

The Rev. Messrs. Jeremiah Hallock, Thomas Robbins, and Noah Porter, were appointed a Committee on the Everist Fund.--For Report, See Appendix No. IV.

The Rev. Isaac Lewis, Jun. was appointed to preach the Concio ad Clerum.

A report from the several District Associations, with regard to the proposition submitted to them from this body, in reference to an increase of representation, was attended to; from which it appeared that the majority were opposed to said proposition.

The following Delegates were appointed, to attend the several Ecclesiastical Bodies in connection with us.

The Rev. Messrs. George A. Calhoun, Salmon Cone and Sylvester Eaton, to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, at their session in Philadelphia, on the third Thursday of

May, 1827; and the Rev. Messrs. Lavius Hyde, Alfred Mitchell and Edward W. Hooker, their substitutes.

The Rev. Thomas J. Murdock and the Rev. Thomas Punderson, to the General Association of Massachusetts, on the fourth Tuesday of June, 1827; and the Rev. Messrs. Anson S. Atwood and the Rev. Joshua Leavitt, their substitutes.

The Rev. Erastus Clapp and the Rev. Noah Smith, to the General Association of New-Hampshire, on the first Tuesday of September next; and Rev. Messrs. Epaphras Goodman and Grove L. Brownell, their substitutes.

The Rev. Jacob Scales and the Rev. Lyman Strong, to the General Convention in Vermont, on the second Tuesday of September next; and the Rev. Isaac Parsons, and the Rev. Augustus B. Collins, their substitutes.

The Rev. Messrs. Jacob Allen and Saul Clark, to the Evangelical Consociation in Rhode Island, on the second Tuesday of June, 1827; and the Rev. Messrs. Joshua L. Williams and Allen McLean, their substitutes.

The subject of the Connecticut Sunday School Union being introduced; the Rev. Mr. Selden and the Rev. Mr. Benedict were appointed to report to this Body resolutions thereon.

Adjourned till to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock.

June 21. Met according to adjournment.

The committee appointed on the communication from the General Assembly reported. Whereupon, it was

1. Resolved, That this Association deeply as they regret that any thing should occur which should be deemed matter of grievance by the Presbytery of Philadelphia, have no authority or power either to decide on the reality of such grievance, or to interfere with the proceedings of the particular Association complained of in this case.

2. Resolved, That the Rev. Messrs. Daniel Smith, Aaron Dutton and Nathaniel Hewit be a Committee to confer with a Committee appointed by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, on that part of their communication which respects the terms of intercourse betwen the General Assembly and this Association; and that this Committee report the result of such conference to this Association at their next meeting.

Voted, that the above named committee, confer with the committee of the General Assembly, and agree with them as to the time and place of meeting.

The report of the Treasurer of the Domestic Missionary Society, was read and accepted.

The committee to whom was referred a communication from Litchfield North Association on the sanctification of the Sabbath Reported. Whereupon, Resolved,

1. That in the opinion of this Association, the Sabbath is essential to the permanency of all other religious institutions; and is identified with the existence of the Christian Religion.

2. That the evidence which has been laid before them of an

increasing violation of this holy institution, calls for the attention of this body. Whereupon,

3. Resolved, That it is the duty of the ministers and members of our churches to be particularly careful at the present time, to avoid the appearance of evil on this subject.

4. That it be recommended to the churches to guard the sanctity of the Sabbath by the faithful exercise of christian discipline; and that they discountenance the profanation of this sacred day, by patronizing such travelling establishments, and such men, in the different occupations of life, as respect the Sabbath.

5. That it be recommended to all the ministers in connexion with this Association throughout the State, to preach on the subject, before the first of September next.

A report of the trustees of the Missionary Society of Connecticut was read and accepted. See Appendix No. I.

Voted, That a sermon before the Missionary Society of Connecticut be preached during the Session of the General Association of each year.

Voted, 'That the Rev. Joel Hawes be the preacher for 1827; and that the Rev. Noah Porter be his substitute.

Voted, That the Trustees of the Missionary Society be desired to address the ministers and people of the State, recommending in the name of the Society, an annual contribution in all the congregations in connection with this body; and to take such other measures to increase the funds of the Society, as they may deem expedient.

Resolved, That in the view of this Association, it is highly desirable that the Trustees of the Missionary Society of Connecticut apply the funds of this Society, to the permanent location of ministers, so far as it may be practicable.

The Committee on the subject of the Connecticut Sunday School Union, reported. Whereupon,

1. Resolved, That this Association highly approve of the object of the Connecticut Sunday School Union, and of the measures adopted to carry that object into effect.

2. Resolved, That this Association earnestly recommend the establishment of Sabbath Schools, and the formation of Sabbath School Societies auxiliary to the Union in every Church and Society in our connection, as one of the most effectual means of promoting the truth, and perpetuating our religious institutions; and that this body recommend to all the Ministers in our connection to use their influence to carry the design of this resolution into effect.

3. Resolved, That in the opinion of this body, Sabbath School Libraries are an important part of the system of Sabbath School instruction; and that it is desirable a library should be instituted in connection with every Sabbath School in the State.

The following persons were appointed to certify the regular standing of preachers, travelling from this into other States: Rev. Messrs. Nathan Perkins, D. D. Calvin Chapin, D. D. Jeremiah Day, D. D. Matthew Noyes, Joseph Strong, D. D. Isaac Lewis,

Jr. Andrew Eliot, Daniel Dow, James Beach, Luther Hart, Frederick W. Hotchkiss, and Nathan Williams, D. D.

The Committee appointed to make out a list of Ministers and Candidates reported the following list which was read and accepted. See Appendix No. V.

A communication from a number of ministers, on the subject of the formation of a Brief Summary of the principal doctrines of our Holy Religion, was read, and referred to a Committee, consisting of the Rev. Messrs. Hawes, Taylor, Waldo, President Day, Stone, Rowell, Cushman and Coleman to report thereon.

On motion, it was voted, that the printed minutes of this Association, in the hands of our delegates to other Ecclesiastical Bodies, shall be considered a certificate of their respective appoint


Adjourned till 2 o'clock P. M.

Met according to adjournment.

The members of the Association, attended public worship, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

The Committee appointed for the purpose, made a report on the state of Religion, which was accepted. See Appendix No. 11. Adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning.

Met according to adjournment.

The report of the Directors of the Domestic Missionary Society was read. Whereupon,

Voted, That it be accepted; and that it be committed to the Secretary to be published.

The Committee to whom was referred the communication from a number of Ministers, in reference to a Brief Summary of Christian Doctrine, reported. Whereupon, it was

1. Resolved, That it is desirable to attempt the formation of a Summary of Christian Doctrine, to be recommended to the adoption of the particular Associations in this State, as the symbol of their faith.

2. Resolved, That Rev. Messrs. Joel Hawes, Jonathan Cone, Nathaniel W. Taylor, D. D. Timothy P. Gillett, Abel McEwen, Nathaniel Hewit, Thomas Punderson, Daniel Dow, Ralph Emerson, Luther Hart, Aaron Hovey, Diodate Brockway and Bezaleel Pinneo be a Committee, to prepare and submit to this Association, at their next meeting, such a summary, with the further design that if it meet their approbation, and if it shall then he deemed expedient, by them, it shall be recommended to the adoption of the particular Associations.

3. R solved, That the Delegates from this Association to other Ecclesiastical Bodies in New England, be directed to communicare to them the proposal referred to above, with these resolutions, and to invite those bodies to appoint a Committee of couference with the Committee appointed by this Association for the purpose

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