


Miscellaneous Essays. - Origin of Johnson's Acquaintance with Murphy. -- Akenside and Rolt. - Масkenzie and Eccles. Letters to Baretti. - Painting and Music. - Sir George Staunton. - Letter to a Lady soliciting Church Preferment for her Son. The King confers on Johnson a Pension of 300l. a Year.- Letters to Lord Bute. - Visit to Devonshire, with Sir Joshua Reynolds. — Character of Collins.Dedication of Hoole's Tasso.

IN 1760 he wrote "An Address of the Painters to George III. on his Accession to the Throne of these Kingdoms," + which no monarch ever ascended with more sincere congratulations from his people. Two generations of foreign princes had prepared their minds to rejoice in having again a King, who gloried in being " born a Briton." (1) He also wrote for Mr. Baretti the Dedicationt of his Italian and English Dictionary, to the Marquis of Abreu, then Envoy-Extraordinary from Spain at the Court of Great Britain.

Johnson was now either very idle, or very busy with his Shakspeare; for I can find no other public composition by him except an Introduction to the Proceedings of the Committee for Clothing the French

(1) ["Born and educated in this country, I glory in the name of Briton." - GEORGE III.'s first Speech to his Parliament.

Prisoners;* one of the many proofs that he was ever awake to the calls of humanity; and an account which he gave in the Gentleman's Magazine of Mr. Tytler's acute and able vindication of Mary Queen of Scots.* The generosity of Johnson's feelings shines forth in the following sentence:

"It has now been fashionable, for near half a century, to defame and vilify the house of Stuart, and to exalt and magnify the reign of Elizabeth. The Stuarts have found few apologists, for the dead cannot pay for praise; and who will, without reward, oppose the tide of popularity? Yet there remains still among us, not wholly extinguished, a zeal for truth, a desire of establishing right in opposition to fashion."

In this year I have not discovered a single private letter written by him to any of his friends. It should seem, however, that he had at this period a floating intention of writing a history of the recent and wonderful successes of the British arms in all quarters of the globe; for among his resolutions or memorandums, September 18., there is, "Send for books for Hist. of War." (1) How much is it to be

(1) The following memorandum, made on his birthday in this year, may be quoted as an example of the rules and resolutions which he was in the habit of making, for the guidance of his moral conduct and literary studies: "Sept. 18. Resolved, D (eo) j (uvante),

To combat notions of obligation:

To apply to study :

To reclaim imaginations:

To consult the resolves on Tetty's coffin:

To rise early :

To study religion :

To go to church:

To drink less strong liquors:

To keep a journal:

To oppose laziness, by doing what is to be done to-morrow:


regretted that this intention was not fulfilled. His majestic expression would have carried down to the latest posterity the glorious achievements of his country, with the same fervent glow which they produced on the mind at the time. He would have been under no temptation to deviate in any degree from truth, which he held very sacred, or to take a licence, which a learned divine told me he once seemed, in a conversation, jocularly to allow to historians. "There are (said he) inexcusable lies, and consecrated lies. For instance, we are told that on the arrival of the news of the unfortunate battle of Fontenoy, every heart beat, and every eye was in tears. Now we know that no man eat his dinner the worse, but there should have been all this concern; and to say there was (smiling), may be reckoned a consecrated lie."

This year Mr. Murphy, having thought himself ill-treated by the Rev. Dr. Francklin (1), who was one of the writers of " The Critical Review," published an indignant vindication in " A Poetical Epistle to Samuel Johnson, A. M." in which he compliments Johnson in a just and elegant manner:

Rise as early as I can :

Send for books for Hist. of War:
Put books in order :

Scheme of life."

The fourth item seems obscure and strange. - C. - [Possibly certain resolutions he had committed to writing, after contemplating his wife's coffin, and which he had not consulted for some time. - MARKLAND.]

(1) [Dr. Thomas Francklin, the translator of Sophocles and Lucian. He died in 1784.]

"Transcendent Genius! whose prolific vein
Ne'er knew the frigid poet's toil and pain;
To whom APOLLO opens all his store,
And every Muse presents her sacred lore;
Say, powerful JOHNSON, whence thy verse is fraught
With so much grace, such energy of thought;
Whether thy JUVENAL instructs the age
In chaster numbers, and new-points his rage;
Or fair IRENE sees, alas! too late,
Her innocence exchanged for guilty state;
Whate'er you write, in every golden line
Sublimity and elegance combine;
Thy nervous phrase impresses every soul,
While harmony gives rapture to the whole."

Again, towards the conclusion;

" Thou then, my friend, who see'st the dang'rous strife
In which some demon bids me plunge my life,
To the Aonian fount direct my feet,

Say, where the Nine thy lonely musings meet?
Where warbles to thy ear the sacred throng,
Thy moral sense, thy dignity of song?
Tell, for you can, by what unerring art
You wake to finer feelings every heart;
In each bright page some truth important give,
And bid to future times thy RAMBLER live."

I take this opportunity to relate the manner in which an acquaintance first commenced between Dr. Johnson and Mr. Murphy. During the publication of "The Gray's Inn Journal," a periodical paper which was successfully carried on by Mr. Murphy alone, when a very young man, he happened to be in the country with Mr. Foote; and having mentioned that he was obliged to go to London in order to get ready for the press one of the numbers of that journal, Foote said to him, "You need not go on that account. Here is a French magazine, in which you will find a very pretty oriental tale; translate that, and send it to your printer." Mr. Murphy having read the tale, was highly pleased with it, and followed Foote's advice. When he returned to town, this tale was pointed out to him in "The Rambler," from whence it had been translated into the French magazine. (1) Mr. Murphy then waited upon Johnson, to explain this curious incident. His talents, literature, and gentleman-like manners, were soon perceived by Johnson, and a friendship was formed which was never broken.


At Langton.

"October 18. 1760.

"DEAR SIR, - You that travel about the world, have more materials for letters, than I who stay at home; and should, therefore, write with frequency equal to your opportunities. I should be glad to have all England surveyed by you, if you would impart your observations in narratives as agreeable as your last. Knowledge is always to be wished to those who can communicate it well. While you have been riding and running, and seeing the tombs of the learned, and the camps of the valiant, I have only staid at home, and intended to do great things, which I have not done. Beau (2) went away to Cheshire, and has not yet found his way back. Chambers passed the vacation at Oxford.

(1) When Mr. Murphy first became acquainted with Dr. Johnson he was about thirty-one years old. He died at Knightsbridge, June 18. 1805, in his eighty-second year. The extraordinary paper mentioned in the text is No. 38. of the second series [of the Gray's Inn Journal], published on June 15. 1754; which is a retranslation from the French version of the Rambler, No. 190. - M. [The History of Abouzaid, the Son of Morad.]

(2) Topham Beauclerk, Esq.

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