Nores, Jason de, his comments on North, Dudley, viii. 48 n. 56 n. North Pole, Johnson's conjectures re- Officers, military, v. 151.; vi. 124. ; ix. 55. Ogden, Dr. Samuel, v. 6.; viii. 103 n. His' Day Norton, Sir Fletcher, iii. 92.; vi. Oglethorpe, General, i. 140 n.; iii. 110 n. Nourse, Mr., bookseller, vi. 130. Novelty, paper on, in the Spectator,' vi. 151. Nowell, Rev. Dr., iii. 178.; viii. 298, 'Nugæ Antiquæ,' Harington's, viii. Nugent, Robert, Lord, iii. 153 n. Numbers, science of, vi. 65. Nuremberg Chronicle, v. 215. Nuž yog EgXET,' (for the night 0. 215. 217, 218. 220, 221 n.; v. 294. 296 n.; vi. 173. 179.; * Οι φιλοι, οι φιλος, he that has O'Kane, Irish harper, v. 48. Old age, vii. 10. 88, 88 n. 193. 203. 369. ; Old Bailey dinners, vii. 192 n. Oldham's imitation of Juvenal, i. 130. Oldmixon, John, ii. 49. Oldys, William, i. 176. 202. Omai, vi. 123. policy and inefficacy of such tests, Oaths, iii. 259. ; v. 141. 260.; vi. 160. Obscenity, viii. 298. Observer,' Cumberland's, viii. 36. Ode,' Ad ornatissimam Puellam,' i. Odyssey, vii. 324.; viii. 18. 213. Ofellus, in the Art of Living in Lon- Orrery, John Boyle, Earl of, i. 214. don,' who, i. 114. Offely, Mr., a pupil of Johnson, i, 104. 289.; ii. 51.; vii. 81. 163.; viii. 8. Orton's Life of Doddridge,' iv. 303. Ostervald's Sacred History,' iii. 28. Otway, Thomas, vii. 368, 368 n. Ouran-outang, iv. 39. 273. Overbury, Sir Thomas, iii. 76.; vi. Overall, Bishop, v. 100. Oxford University, advantages of, iii. Oxford, Earl of, his library, i. 176. P. Pagan mythology, vii. 363. Painting, ii. 131 n.; vi. 68. ; ix. 39. 139. Palaces, vi. 8. Paley, Dr., iv. 211, 212. Palmer, Rev. John, on Philosophical • Palmerino d'Inghilterra,' vi. 115. Parental authority, vii. 249. ; ix. 7. Parish clerk, viii. 105. Parker, Rev. Mr., ii. 68. Anecdotes Parker, Sackville, bookseller, viii. 310. Parliament, iii. 73. 131.; iv. 52.; v. Parnell, Dr., v. 199.; vi. 294.; vii. 46. Parr, Dr. Samuel, ii. 124 n. ; vii. 363, Party, necessity of sticking to, iv. 25. Paten, Rev. Dr. Thomas, viii. 148, 149 n. Paterson, Samuel, author of 'Coriat, Paterson, Samuel, his son, viii. 265 n. Patriots, self-styled, viii. 63. ; ix. 147. Pearce, Dr. Zachary, Bishop of Ro- Pearson, Rev. Mr., vi. 109 n. ; vii. Pearson, Mrs., of Lichfield, i. ix. Peel, Right Hon. Robert, vi. 88 n. Peiresc, his death lamented in forty Pembroke, Lord, his description of Penance in church, iv. 219. Penn, Governor Richard, vii. 338. His His Physic, vi. 140.; vii. 264.; ix. 44. 44. 131. 'Physico-Theology,' Derham's, v. 58. 'Picture,' Massinger's play of the, vii. Piety, ix. 34. Pig, the learned, viii. 379. 'Pension,' Johnson's definition of, ii. Pinkerton, John, viii. 332. Pepys, William Waller, vii. 314. 322. 325.; viii. 57 n.; ix. 49. ; x. 114. Perceval, Lady Catherine, v. 209 n. Percy, Dr., Bishop of Dromore, i. 44. 323 n.; vi. 84 n. 114, 115. 230. 311.; ix. 22. 193. 239. Peruvian bark, viii. 296. Petitions, facility of getting them up, Petty, Sir William, vii. 352. Peyton, Mr., i. 216.; iii. 182, 183. 228.; Philips, musician, Johnson's epitaph Philips's 'Cyder,' a poem, iv. 77. Philosophers, ancient, their good hu- Philosophical necessity, vii. 132. Piozzi, Mrs., commencement and pro- Pitcairne, his Latin poetry, iv. 54. Pitt, Right Hon. William, his son, Place-hunters, vii. 64. Plagiary, Sir Fretful, character of 'Plain Dealer,' i. 179, 179 n. 200. Players, i. 192, 193. 231.; ii. 177.; iii. Pleasure, v. 183.; vii. 76. 136. 263.; Pleasures, necessary to intellectual 'Pleasures of the Imagination,' Poets, iv. 85. The preservers of lan- | Pott, Archdeacon, his Sermons, vi. 91. guages, vi. 154. "Polite Philosopher,' vi. 138. Politian's Latin poems, i. 94, 94 n. Poor, ix. 31. A decent provision for, Pope, Alexander, i. 61. 140. 145. 159, Pope, Dr. Walter, his Old Man's Popery, i. 281.; iii. 109. 111, 112. Porridge Island, ix. 40. Porter, Mr., of Lichfield, i. 99 n. ; viii. Porter, Mrs., afterwards Johnson's wife, i. 35. 38. 89. 100, 101 n. 106. 280, Porter, Miss Lucy, i. 35. 95 n. 281.; ii. 97.; iii. 162.; vi. 94. 103. 105. 109 n.; ter, afterwards Bishop of London, Portland, Lady Margaret, Duchess Potter, Rev. Robert, vii. 91. ; ix. 22. Power, despotic, vii. 124. Praise, iii. 40.; vii. 115. 263. 378.; viii. Praise and flattery, v. 202. Prayer, form of, arguments for, v. Prayers, Johnson's classification of, Prayers and Meditations,' Johnson's, Preceptor,' i. 220. Prejudice, viii. 156. Johnson's, against Prendergast, Colonel Sir Thomas, iii. Presbyterians, v. 130. 132. Prescience of the Deity, vii. 134, Prescription of murder in Scotland, Presentiment of death, iii. 221 n. Priestley, Dr. Joseph, iii. 138.; vii. Primrose, Lady Dorothea, viii. 22 n. 'Prince Titi,' history of, vi. 5. Portrait, inscription on the frame of Pringle, Sir John, iii. 195.; v. 124. Johnson's, viii. 170 n. Portrait-painting, v. 308. Portraits, iv. 234. 131 n. 132. vi. 55. 125. 185.; vii. 78. Printing, iii. 203.; v. 215.; vi. 155 n. Portraits of Dr. Johnson, list of the Printing-house, Virgil's description various, X. Post-chaise travelling, vi. 83. 119. 303. of the entrance into hell applied Prior, Matthew, iii. 79.; vii. 10, 11. 173.; x. 121. Pritchard, Mrs., actress, i. 228.; iii. 94.; iv. 132. ; v. 293.; viii. 238. Procrastination, i 236. Procurators of Edinburgh, argument Propensions, evil, ix. 209. Property, iii. 294.; vi. 37. 46. Prophecies, ix. 189. Propitiatory sacrifice, iv. 89. Prosperity, vii. 212. Prussia, King of, i. 220.; vii. 190.; Psalmanazar, George, vii. 163. ; viii. Psalms, biblical version of, v. 204. Public opinion, ix. 135. Public schools, vi. 127. ; vii. 316. ; ix. 'Rambler,' i. 233, 234. 242. 249. 266, Ranby, John, vii. 24. Ranelagh, iii. 201, 201 n.; vii. 19. Rank, its importance in society, ii. Rasay, Isle of, iv. 178. 185. 188. Rasay, Miss Flora, iv. 195. vii. 167. 219.; viii. 97.; x. 23. 91. 140. neglect of Johnson at Oxford, ii. 18. Rawlinson, Dr. Richard, the antiqua- Raynal, Abbé, ix. 37. 329. Reading, i. 56.; ii. 213.; v. 306.; vi. |