[blocks in formation]

Macaulay, Mrs., wife of the Rev. K. Maclean, Sir Allan, iv. 167 n.; v. 41.

Macaulay, v. 328.

Macaulay, Catharine, i. 289 n.; ii.
233. 284.; iii. 258. ; v. 277 n.; vi.
166 n. 198.; vii. 1.; ix. 130. 144.
Macbean, Alexander, i. 152. 216.; iii.
238.; vii. 347.; viii. 68.

Macbeth, i. 203. ; iii. 93. ; iv. 119.
Maccaroni,' iv. 204.
Maccaronic verses, vii. 125.
Macclesfield, George, Earl of, ii. 14 n.
Macclesfield, Countess of, reputed
mother of Savage, i. 195. 201 n.
Macconochie, Mr., afterwards Lord
Meadowbank, vii. 35 n.
Maccruslick, iv. 180 n. 197.
Macdonald, Sir James, ii, 235.; iii.

187 n. ; iv. 161. 164. 191. 285. ; v. 15.;
viii. 57.

Macdonald, Sir Alexander, iii. 186.;
iv. 159, 160 n. 163. 173.; v. 48.; vi.

Macdonald, Lady Margaret, vii. 257.
Macdonald, Flora, iv. 203 n., 204, 205,

206. 208 n. 288. 329.

Macdonald, Major-general, iv. 295.
Macdonalds, the, v. 174 n.

Macfarlane, Mr., antiquary, iv. 167.
Mackenzie, Sir George, iv. 224.
Mackenzie, Henry, ii. 127. His Man
of the World;''Man of Feeling,'
iv. 309.

Mackinnon, Mrs., iv. 294.
Mackinnon's Cave, v. 69, 70 n.
Mackintosh, Sir James, v. 182 n.
292 n.; vi. 203 n.; viii. 318. 320.
His character of Johnson, x. 168.
Macklin, Charles, actor, ii. 158. ; vi.

57. 59, 60. 62 n. 69, 70. 75. 80. 84 n.
329.; vi. 229. 260.

Maclean, Rev. Hector, v. 12.
Maclean, Dr. Alexander, his descrip-
tion of Johnson, v. 41. 80.
Maclean, Captain Lauchlan, v. 10.
Maclean, Miss, v. 51. 60.
Maclean of Torloisk, v. 242 n.
Macleod, General John, Laird of

Rasay, iv. 162. 193 n. 215 n. John.
son's letter to, iv. 298. His 'Me-
moirs' of his own life, iv. 320.
Macleod, Lady, some account of, iv.
217, 218 n. 220.

Macleod, Miss, of Rasay, iv. 195.;
v. 11.

Macleod, Sir Roderick, iv. 218. 223.
Macleod, Rev. Neil, v. 78, 79, 80.
Macleod, Malcolm, iii. 551.; iv. 174.

Macleod, Alexander or 'Sandie, of
Muiravenside, iv. 179, 180 n. 195.

Macleod, Dr., iv. 179.

Macleod, Colonel, of Talisker, iv. 179.
Macleod, Professor, his brother, iv. 95.
Macleod, Mr., of Ulinish, iv. 194. 223.

Macleod, Colin, iv. 193.

Macleod's dining tables, iv. 258.
Macleod's maidens, iv. 258.
Maclure, Captain, v. 54.
Macneil, of Barra, iv. 247.
M'Nicol, Rev. Donald, i. 5 n.; v.
242 n.

Macpherson, James, ii. 168.; iv. 95.
262.; v. 138. 224. 227. 229, 230.
233. 235. 243. 245. See Ossian.
Macpherson, Mr., in Slate, v. 47.

Maclaurin, Colin, mathematician, ii.

Macpherson, Dr. John, his Scottish
Antiquities,' iv. 216. His Latin
ode from the Isle of Barra, iv. 297.
Macpherson, Rev. Martin, and family,
iv. 296. 299.

Macquarrie, of Ulva, v. 53. 261. 268.
Macqueen, Rev. Donald, v. 143, 144.
162. 173. 175. 177. 277. 231. 233, 234,
235. 240. 245. 256. 263. 272.; v. 333.
Macra, Mr. John, iv. 242.

Macraes, clan of, iv. 151 n., 152 n.
242 n.

Macsweyn, Mr., v. 14, 15 n. 17. 33.
Macswinney, Owen, vi. 193 n.
Madden, Dr. Samuel, ii. 8. 73, 73 n. ;
v. 258 n. His Boulter's Monu-
ment,' ii. 74 n.

Madness, i. 65.; ii. 170.; vi. 319, 320.;
ix. 117.

Madness and hypochondria, distinc-
tion between, i. 65.

'Mahogany,' a liquor so called, viii.

[ocr errors]

Maiden assize, vii. 96 n.
Maittaire, Michael, Johnson's cha-
racter of, vii. 351. His account of
the Stephani,' Senilia,' and
'Dialects,' vii. 351, 352.
Mallet, or Malloch, David, ii. 15. 85.
184.; iii. 189. 276.; iv. 192.; vii.
12. 280. 284.; viii. 212. ; ix. 149. 195.
His tragedy of Elvira,' ii. 184.
His Life of Lord Bacon,' vii. 13.
His poem on repairing the Univer.
sity of Aberdeen, viii. 211.
Malone, Edmond, ix. x. xv. ; i. 9 n.
11 n. 42 n. 45. 67 n. 73 n. 88 n. 89 n.
174 n. 181. 187 n. 237 n. 240 n. 243 n.
247 n. 249 n. 253 n. 258 n. 268 n.
272 n. 284 n. 285 n. 286 n. 298 n.
301 n. 306 n.; ii. 9 n. 178 n. 290.
Johnson's letters to, viii. 124.

Man, v. 295. Not a machine, iv. 121.
Said to be a cooking animal, iv.
28 n.
Picture of, by Shakspeare
and Milton, viii. 44 n. Difference
between a well and ill bred, viii.

Man of fashion, viii. 160.
'Man of Feeling,' ii. 126.

Man of the World,' iv. 308.
Mandeville's Fable of the Bees,' vii.
135, 136.; ix. 144. His Treatise
on the Hypochondriacal Disease,'
ix. 144.

Mandeville, Sir John, his


in China' recommended, ix. 317.
Manley, Mrs., viii. 189.
Manners, vi. 176. ; vii. 375.
Manners of the great, vii. 216. In-
stances of the change of, iv. 55,
56 n.

Manning, Rev. Owen, ii. 321 n.
Manning, Mr., compositor, viii. 323.
Manningham, Dr., vi. 302.

Mansfield, Lord, iii. 187 n. 222. 231.
268.; iv. 18. 97.; v. 147. 256. 277.;
vi. 113 n. 213. 327 n.; vii. 326.; viii.
20. 168.

Mantuanus, Johannes Baptista, viii.
171 n.

Marana, J. P., author of The Turk-
ish Spy,' viii. 189 n.
Marchetti, an Italian physician, ix.
Marchmont, Hugh, fourth Earl of,
iii. 190 n.; vii. 202. 204. 208. 267.
308.; viii. 20.
Markland, Jeremiah, philologist, viii.
147 n.; ix. 88.

Marlay, Dr. Richard, viii. 46 n.
Marlborough, John, Duke of, iv.
192.; v. 205.; vi. 81. 180.'; vii. 260.
Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of,
i. 174.; iv. 192.; viii. 55.
'Marmor Norfolciense,' i. 156, 157.
Marriage, ii. 110. 151.; iii. 47, 48. 77.
-106. 119, 120. 196.; iv. 230 n.; v.
266. 316.; vi. 88 n., 89. 93. 109. 117.
143.; vii. 153.; viii. 293, 294.; ix.

Marriage service, iii. 119 n.

Marriage, iii. 120. Bill, royal, iii.

Marriages, late, ix. 3.; Second, iii. 77.
Marrying for money, ix. 90.
Marsigli, Dr., ii. 140.; vii. 272.
Martial, Johnson's fondness for, i.
71 n. Elphinston's translation of,
vii. 93. Hay's translation of, v. 113.

Martin's Account of the Hebrides," Melcombe, George Bubb Dodington,
ii. 236. ; iv. l.; vii. 73.
Lord, i. 244 n. 253 n.

Martin's Antiquitates Divi Andrei,' Melmoth, William, vii. 317 n., 318.;
iv. 57, 58.

Martinelli, Vincenzio, iii. 259. 262.
Martyrdom, iii. 291, 292.

Mary, Queen of Scots, ii. 119.; iv. 32.;
v. 176. 188. 190. 226 n.; x. 276.
Mason, Rev. William, iii. 195. ; vi. 150.
His Elfrida,' v. 275. His Carac-
tacus,' v. 276. His prosecution of
Mr. Murray, the bookseller, vii.
138 n. His share in the Heroic

Epistle,' viii. 91. 318 n.

Masquerades, iii. 240.

Mass, iii. 111.

Massillon, v. 43.

Massinger, his play of "The Picture,'
vii. 289.

Masters, Mary, 289 n.; viii. 241 n.
Matrimonial infidelities, vi. 143.
Matrimonial thought, iii. 120.
Maty, Dr. Matthew, ii. 35n.; vi. 238 n.
His 'Bibliothèque Britannique,' ii,
35 n.

Maupertius, iii. 45.

Mawbey, Sir Joseph, iii. 65 m.

Maxwell, Rev. Dr. William, his anec-
dotes of Johnson, iii. 129, 129 n.
Mayne, William, Baron Newhaven,
vii. 291.

Mayo, Rev. Dr., iii. 289. 291. 294,

295, 296 n.

Mead, Dr., vi. 218. 311.

Meadowbank, Lord, vii. 35.

Meals, stated, vii. 153.

viii. 269 n.

Melville, Viscount. See Dundas.
Member of parliament, duty of, on an

election committee, viii. 48 n.
Memis, Dr., Physician of Aberdeen,
v. 223, 224. 230. 320.; vi. 221. 228.
Memory, i. 34.; iv. 65.; vii. 9 n. 285.;
viii. 107.; ix. 8. 185. 218.
Menagiana,' iii. 285.; vii. 175. n.
200 n.; viii. 172 n.

Merchants, ii. 294 n.; v. 63.; vii. 353.
Mercheta mulierum, v. 55.

Merit, intrinsic, ii. 227. Men of, not
neglected, viii. 160.

Metaphysical tailor, viii. 178.
Metaphysics, i. 71.

Metcalfe, Philip, vi. 210.; viii. 145.
Method, advantages of, vi. 220.
Methodism, iií. 133.

Methodists, ii. 246 n.; iii. 133.138.
141.; v. 143.; viii. 332.

Meynell, Hugh, his happy expression
respecting London, i. 84, 85.; vii.

Mickle, William Julius, 220 n.; v. 90.;
viii. 246, 247. 310.
Microscopes, iii. 24.

Micyllus, Jacobus, v. 195.

Middle state, i. 286 n.; v. 100 n.
Middle rank in France, want of, vi.
9 n. 21.

Middlesex election, vii. 46. 292.

Middleton, Lady Diana, iv. 84 n.

Medals, only valuable as a stamp of Midgeley, Dr. Samuel, viii. 189 n.

merit, v. 257 n.

Medicated baths, of, iii. 104.
Meditation on a pudding, v. 93.
Mediterranean, vi. 154.
Meek, Rev. Dr., ii. 18, 19. 21 n.
Melancholy, i. 65.; iii. 34.; iv. 227.; vi.
70. 120 n. 213. 225. 319, 320.; vii. 301.
311, 369.; ix. 209. Johnson's remedy
against, ii. 232.; vi. 70. 120. 320.; vii.
234. Johnson projects a history of
his, iii. 34.

Migration of birds, iii. 289.

Military character, respect paid to,
iii. 83.; vi. 125.

Miller, Andrew, bookseller, i. 211.;
ii. 38 n., 39.; vii. 264 n.
Miller, Lady, her vase at Batheaston,
v. 277 n.

Miller, Professor John, v. 114 n.
Milner, Rev. Joseph, his defence of
the methodisis, ii. 246 n. Lauder's
forgery against, i. 270.
Milton, John, i. 267. 270.; iii. 283 n; iv.
9.; v. 205.; vi. 21.; vii. 222. 253. 287.

Melancthon, Boswell's letter to John
son from the tomb of, vi. 251. 255.

366.; viii. 9.12. 45. 306.; ix. 324. Apo-
theosis of, not written by Johnson,
i. 155. Johnson's prologue for the
benefit of his grand-daughter, i. 267.
His Tractate on Education,' vii.
999 Johnson's Life of, viii. 9. 11.
His picture of man, viii. 46 n.
Johnson's saying respecting, viii.

Mimicry, ix. 151.


Mind, vii. 190, 191.; ix. 71. 186.
fluence of the weather on, ii. 89.
Management of, vi. 70. Cardan's
mode of composing his, vi. 320 n.
Miracles, ii. 230.; vii. 5.; ix. 189.
Miseries of human life, v. 295.
Misers, iv. 116.; v. 48.; vii. 174.
Misery, balance of, viii. 303.; x. 291.
Misfortunes, vii. 378.
Missionaries, v. 143.

Mistresses, ii. 151.

Modesty, vii. 215.

Moira, Earl of, iv. 196 n.

Moltzer, Jacobus, v. 195 n.
Monarchy, vi. 167.

Monasteries, ii. 132. 312.; iv. 58.
Monboddo, James Burnet, Lord, and
his writings, iii. 73. 172, 172 n.
225 n. 303.; iv. 39. 73 n. 76. 82 n.
114.; v. 66 n. 125. 334.; vi. 229. 310.
316,317.; vii. 36. 319.; viii. 105. 270.
Money, iv. 57. ; vi. 324. ; vii. 97. 199 n.;
viii. 133. 137; ix. 90.
Money-getting, v. 261.; vii. 256.
Monks, vi. 4.

Monkton, Hon. Mary, Countess of
Cork and Orrery, vii. 320 n. 324.;
viii. 87.

Monnoye, M. de la, vii. 175.
Monro, Dr., viii. 259.

Montagu, Mrs., iii. 89. 91. 145.; iv. 267.;

vii. 74. 229. 247. 315 n. 317. 319. 324.
336.; viii. 36. 46. 273. ; ix. 65. 254.
256. Johnson's letters to, ii. 113.
115 n.

Montaigne, iii. 134 n.

Montesquieu, iv. 220.; vii. 135'n.
Monthly Review, iii. 25.; vi. 150.
Montrose, William Graham, second
Duke of, vii. 70 n.

Montrose, James, third Duke of, vii.
256.; viii. 86.

Monuments, iii. 282. Inaccuracy of
inscriptions on, vii. 239.

Moody, Mr., the actor, v. 282. 287.
Morality, ix. 212.

More, Sir Thomas, v. 195 n.; vi.
168 n.; vii. 91. 137. 322 n.; viii. 73.
77. 272. 306.

More, Hannah, vii. 137 n.; viii. 306.;
ix. 65. 123. 220. Her anecdotes of
Johnson, ix. 318.

More, Dr. Henry, the Platonist, iii.
192 n.

Morell, Dr. Thomas, v. 91.
Moreri's Dictionary, v. 42.
Morgann, Maurice, his Essay on the
Character of Falstaff,' viii. 182 n.
Morris, Corbyn, his 'Essay on Wit,'
viii. 83.

Mosaic account of the creation, ii.

Moss, Dr., viii. 46.

Motto on the dial-plate of Johnson's
watch, iii. 48.

Mounsey, Dr. Messenger, iii. 56,
56 n.

Mount Edgecumbe, iv. 104.

Mountstuart, Lord (afterwards first
Marquis of Bute), iii. 5.; vi. 58 n.
114. 218 n.; vii. 297.; viii. 108.
200 n. 217 n.

Muck, Isle of, iv. 243.

Mudge, Rev. Zachariah, ii. 147.
Johnson's character of, viii. 51.
Character of his 'Sermons,' viii. 75.
Mudge, Dr. John, ii. 147. ; viii. 234.
Mudge, Thomas, watchmaker, ii.
147 n.

Mulgrave, Constantine Phipps, Lord,
iv. 256.; vi. 123, 124 n.

Mull, Isle of, v. 39. 41. 45. 52. 72. 78.
Muller, Mr., engineer, ii. 116 n.
Mulso, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Cha-

pone, i. 235. 289.; vii. 315 n.; viii.
242. See Chapone.

[ocr errors]

Murder, proscription of, in Scotland,
iv. 14. 87.

Murison, Professor, iv. 60.

Murphy, Arthur, i. 220. 290.; ii. 64

83. 101 n. 121, 122 n. 296 n.; iii. 84.
140 n.; v. 293. 322.; vi. 147, 148,
149, 150, 151. 160.; vii. 55.; viii.
250. His anecdotes of Johnson, x.

Murray, Lord George, chief of the

Pretender's staff, v. 323 n.
Murray, William, Attorney-General,
ii. 49 n. See Mansfield, Lord.
Murray, Patrick, fifth Lord Elibank,
iij. 161 n.

Murray, Mr., Solicitor-General of
Scotland, afterwards Lord Hender.
land, vi. 124.

Murray, John, bookseller (father of
the proprietor and publisher of this
work), vii. 138. Prosecution of, by
Mason the poet, vii. 138 n. His
'Letter to W. Mason, A. M.' vii.
138 n.

Murray, John, jun., his account of
the various portraits of Dr. John-
son, x. 311.

Nash, Beau, viii. 290.
National debt, iii. 142.; ix. 27.
National faith, vii. 369.

Native place, love of, renewed in old
age, viii. 131.

Natural affection, iii. 106.

Natural equality of mankind, ii. 316 n.
Natural goodness, iv. 222. 226.
Natural right, vi. 38.
Nature, ix. 120.

Necessity, doctrine of, viii. 331.
Needle-work, ix. 99.

Negro, Johnson's argument in favour
of one claiming his liberty, vii. 21. 35.
Nelson, Robert, his Festivals and
Fasts,' vi. 90.

Network,' Johnson's definition of,
ii. 47.

Newdigate, Sir Roger, iii. 51 n.
Newhaven, William Mayne, Lord, vii.
291 n.

Newspapers, iii. 204.; vii. 376.
Newspaper abuse, ix. 66.

"Muses' Welcome to King James,' New Testament, v. 116.; vii. 143

iv. 53.

Musgrave, Sir Richard, x. 264 n.
Musgrave, Dr. Samuel, vii. 169 n.
Music, iii. 194. 307 n.; vii. 17. 72.;
ix. 140. 169. 211, 257. 274. The only
sensual pleasure without vice, vii.
369. In heaven, i. 166.; iii. 194.
Johnson's wish to learn the scale
of, six months before his death,
iii. 307 n. His insensibility to the
charms of, ii. 131 n.; v. 47.; vi. 29.
Musk, vii. 229.

Myddleton, Mr., of Gwaynynog, v.
212, 212 n.; vi. 298 n.
Mylne, Robert, architect, ii. 116.
Mysteriousness in trifles, ix. 97.
Mystery, vii. 53. 178.; ix. 131.
Mythology, vii. 351. 364 n.


Nairne, William, afterwards Sir Wil-
liam, iv. 27. 48, 48 n. 52. 58. 67.
Nairne, Colonel, iv. 67, 68.
Nash, Rev. Dr. Treadaway, his ' His-
tory of Worcestershire,' vii, 109.;

Newton, Sir Isaac, ii. 241.; v. 13.;

viii. 118. 213.

Newton, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of
Bristol, Johnson's character of, viii.
286 n.

'Nice' people, ix. 99.

Nichols, Dr. Frank, v. 299 n.; vi. 305.
Nichols, John, viii. 4, 5 n. 34 n. 374.

388. His Anecdotes of Bowyer,'
viii. 146. His Anecdotes of John-
son, x. 62.

Nicknames, ix. 35.

Nicol, George, bookseller, viii. 247,
Johnson's letter to, viii. 369.
Nightcaps, iv. 300.; v. 37.
'Nil Admirari,' ix. 118.

'No, sir,' in what sense used by John-
son, viii. 318.

Nobility, iv. 103. Usurpation of the,
viii. 245.

Nollekens, Mr., his bust of Johnson,
vii. 32. 43 n.; x. 104.
Nollekens, Mrs., viii. 42.

'Nonjuror,' Cibber's play of the, v.

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