
sex County, incorporated in 1683; and contains 801 inhabitants, and is 23 miles w. n. w. of Boston.]

[STOW, a township of Vermont, Chittenden County, about 25 or 30 miles e. of Burlington.]

[STOWE Creek, one of the seven townships into which Cumberland County in New Jersey is divided.]

[STRABANE, two townships of Pennsylvania; the one in York County, the other in that of Washington.]

[STRAFFORD, a township in Orange County, Vermont, w. of Thetford, adjoining, having 845 inhabitants.]

[STRAFFORD, a county of New Hampshire, bounded n. and n. w. by Grafton, s. e. by Rockingham, and e. by the district of Maine. It contains 25 townships, almost wholly agricultural, and has no sea-port. The branches of the Piscataqua and Merrimack, and other streams, water this county; besides the lakes Winnipiseogee and Osse. It contains 23,601 inhabitants, of whom 22 are slaves. Chief towns, Dover and Durham.]

[STRAITS OF BEERING, or BHERING, separate the n. w. part of N. America from the n. e. coast of Asia. Beering's Island lies in lat. 55° n. and long. 164° 35' e.]

[STRASBURG, a post-town of Virginia, Shenandoah County, on the n. w. branch of the n. fork of Shenandoah River, and contains a handsome German Lutheran church, and about 60 or 70 houses. It is 64 miles n. e. by n. of Staunton, and 17 s. s. w. of Winchester.]

[STRASBURG, a town of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; situate on an eminence, and in the centre of a fertile and well cultivated country, and contains about 60 houses, several of which are built of brick. It is about nine miles w. from Strasburg Gap, where the road leads through the mountains; seven miles e. of Lancaster, and 49 w. of Philadelphia.]

[STRASBURG, a settlement in Kentucky, near the Bullit Lick.

[STRATFORD, a township in Grafton County, New Hampshire; situate on the e. bank of Connecticut River, between Cockburn township n. and Northumberland on the mouth of the Upper Amonoosuck on the s. It was incorporated in 1773, and contains 146 inhabitants. is 56 miles above Hanover.]


[STRATFORD, a pleasant post-town of Connecticut, in Fairfield County, on the w. side of Stratford River, which contains two places for public worship, and several neat and commo

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dious houses. It is 12 miles s. w. of New Haven, 16 n. e. of Norwalk, and 124 n. e. of Philadel phia. The township of Stratford, the Cupheag of the Indians, was settled in 1638, principally from Massachusetts.]

[STRATFORD River. See HoUSATONIC.] [STRATHAM, or STREATHAM, a township of New Hampshire, situate in Rockingham County. Incorporated in 1693, and contains 882 inhabitants. It lies on the road from Portsmouth to Exeter; 11 miles w. of the former, and four e. of the latter.]

[STRATTON, a township of Vermont, Windham County, about 15 miles n. e. of Bennington, having 95 inhabitants.]

[STRAWBERRY Gap, a pass in the mountains on the road from Philadelphia to Lancaster; 42 miles w. of the former, and 16 s. e. of the latter.]

[STRAWBERRY River, falls into Lake Ontario; and is thus named from the great quantity of large fruit of that name growing on its banks.]

[STROUDS, a stage on the new road from Lexington in Kentucky, to Virginia. It is 17 miles n. e. of Lexington, and nine from Holden.]


[STUART'S Island, on the n. w. coast of N. America, is about six or seven leagues in circuit; about 45 miles from Cape Denbigh on the continent. Lat. 63° 41′ n.]

and a

STUART TOWN, in Grafton County, New Hampshire, is situate on the e. bank of Connec ticut River, between Colebrook on the s. tract of 2000 acres on the n. belonging to Dartmouth college.]

[STUMSTOWN, a small town of Pennsylvania, Dauphin County, on a branch of Little Swatara. It contains about 20 houses, and a German Lutheran and Calvanist church united. It is 24 miles e. n. e. of Harrisburg, and 66 n. w. by w. of Philadelphia.]

[STURBRIDGE, a township in the s. w. corner of Worcester County, Massachusetts, containing 28,929 acres, divided from Woodstock and Union on the s. in Connecticut by the state line, and on the n. by Brookfield. It was incorporated in 1738, and contains 1704 inhabitants. The butter and cheese made here have obtained high credit in the markets. It is 54 miles s. w. by w. of Boston, and 21 s. w. of Worcester.]

[STURGEON Creek. See KITTERY.] [STYX, a small branch of Patowmac River, where it is called Cohongoronto. It rises in the

Laurel Thickets, in the Alleghany Mountains; runs n. and empties opposite to Laurel Creek.] SUACHA, a settlement of the corregimiento of Boza in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada; a place chosen by the religious of S. Francisco as a leading step to the conversions they made amongst those Gentiles. It is of an extremely cold temperature, but abounding in vegetable productions, and contains more than 100 housekeepers, and as many Indians, and is three leagues s. of Santa Fé.

SUAITA, a settlement of the corregimiento and jurisdiction of Velez, in the same kingdom as the former. It is of an hot, but healthy temperature, and produces in abundance sugar-cane, of which much sugar is made in the mills; honey and conserves, plantains, yucas, and cotton; contains 500 housekeepers, and is eight leagues n. of its capital.

SUANCA, SANTA MARIA DE, a settlement of the missions which were established and held by the Jesuits in the province and government of Sonora.

SUAPURE, a river of the province and government of Guayana, or Nueva Andalucia. It rises in the sierra Maiguatida, runs w. collecting the waters of many other rivers, and enters the Orinoco opposite the rapid stream of the Maru



SUASA, a small river of the province and country of Las Amazonas; which runs through the territory of the Chunamas Indians to the e. and enters the Marañon just before this runs into the Iza or Paraná.

SUATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada; situate on the side of a small mountain. It is of an hot temperature, but with moderation; pleasant and delightful, and abounding in the vegetable productions of all climates, and particularly in sugar-canes, dates, pomegranates, and other fruits. The natives make great quantities of sugar and delicious conserves; and in these productions it maintains a great trade, having a large public market every Sunday. Its population is composed of more than 1000 housekeepers: 24 leagues n. of Tunja in the high road leading to Merida, Pamplona, and the province of Caracas.

SUAY, CONCEPCION DE, a settlement of the province of Guayana and government of Cumaná: one of those composed of the missions held there by the Catalanian Capuchin fathers; and the first which was founded by them in 1724:

it is two leagues inland from the garrison of Santo Tomé de la Guayana.

SUAZA, a river of the province and government of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It runs w. and enters the Grande de la Magdalena opposite the city of La Plata.

SUBA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Boza in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a cold temperature, abounding in wheat, maize, barley, and papas; and is three leagues n. of Santa Fé.

SUBCUNCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Aimaraez in Peru; annexed to the curacy of the settlement of Ancobamba.

SUBERCIAS, a barbarous nation of Indians, discovered a few years since in Peru: descended from the Chiquitos, and of whom little is known to the present time.

SUBIA, an ancient province of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada; celebrated for the magnificent palace of the zipas, or kings of Bogota; and although there was here a great fortress well furnished with artillery to suppress the incursions of the infidel Panches Indians, who lived on the borders of it, yet nothing now remains of these people or the fort but the mere memory.

[SUCCESS, a bay, also called Good Success, on Terra del Fuego, or the w. shore of Strait le Maire. Lat. 54° 49′ s. long. 65° 14' . Cape Success, on the point of this bay, lies in lat. 55° s. and long. 65° 19' w.]

[SUCCESS, a township of New Hampshire, in Grafton County, n. e. of the White Mountains on the e. line of the state, incorporated in 1773.]

SUCHIAPA, a settlement of the province and alcaldía mayor of Villalta in Nueva España. It contains 41 families of Indians, and is 34 leagues from its capital.

SUCHITEPEQUE, a province and alcaldic mayor of the kingdom of Guatemala: bounded n. by the province of Sololá and Atitán; w. by that of Soconusco; and s. by the Pacific Sea, on the shore of which its jurisdiction extends. It was discovered and conquered by Captain Pedro de Alvarado, by the order and through the commission of Hernan Cortes, after that he had made himself master of Mexico. It is throughout of a very hot temperature, and subject to continual rains, with tempests of thunder and lightning. Its principal productions are cacao, achote, vanilla, and other drugs, in which it carries on a great land-trade with Nueva España, and with the kingdoms of Tierra Firme and Peru through the ports of the Sea: nor is it without some cultivation of indigo and cochineal,

[blocks in formation]

This province is watered by different rivers, all of which flow down from the sierra of the n. part, and run to empty themselves into the sea: the principal of these are, the river of its name, called also Nahualate, the Chipilapa, the Acome, and the Escuita, which serves as a boundary to the province, dividing it from the district of this name: in all these rivers is found abundance of fish of excellent sorts, the preference being given to that called by the Indians ternepechin, and which is, indeed, of singular estimation.

The capital of this province is the settlement of the same name with the dedicatory title of San Antonio; [72 miles n. w. of the city Guatimala, in lat. 14° 47′ n. and long. 92° 14' w.] It is of a very hot climate; situate on the shore of the river of its denomination, contains 1480 Indians of the Sutuhil nation, dedicated to the cultivation of cochineal and indigo, and annexed to its curacy is the settlement of San Juan Nigualapa, in which dwell 80 other inhabitants. The other settlements are: San Juan Nugualapa, San Martin Sapotitlán, San Felipe,

San Antonio Retarulent,

San Sebastian,

S. Bartolomé Masate

[blocks in formation]

Santa Bárbara,
Sta. Catalina Retalu-

Santiago Zambo,
San Gaspar Cuyute-

nango, San Andres,

SUCUBUTI, a river of the province and government of Darien and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It has its origin in the mountains of this province in the e. part, and follows its course to the w. until it enters the grand river of Chucunaqui.

SUCUMBIOS, a settlement of the province and government of Pastos in the kingdom of Quito, on the shore of the river San Miguel.

SUCUNCA, SANTA MARIA DE, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva España; on the shore of a river in the territory of the Sobaipuris Indians, near the town and garrison of San Felipe de Guevavi.

[SUD, DE, a river of N. America, which rises in the mountains, and falls into the St. Lawrence at St. Thomas, after watering a beautiful and rich plain, which runs up into the country for many miles. This river is one of those which literally falls into the river St. Lawrence. This fall is not to be compared to some of the others; but still, when the river is full, it has a fine effect, as the precipice is about 20 feet. It affords excellent situations for mills, of which the lord of the manor has availed himself.

The banks of this river are thought to be preferable for farming land than those of the river De Loup, although it is near 200 miles further up the St. Lawrence, and consequently further to the s. and although there certainly is an extensive tract of very valuable land in that quarter, and situate too between Quebec and Montreal.]

SUDBURY, a city of the county of Middle-

Santa Catalina Ziquis- sex. nalá, La Asuncion,

San Francisco Sapo- San Andres,

San Francisco Ichan

guegue, Zamaya, Sto. Domingo Retalulent,

Santa Lucia Maqualpán,

San Pablo Xocopilas,
Santo Tomas,
San Miguel,

San Francisco de la

S. Bernardino Sinacó, [SUCK Creek empties into Tennessee River from the s. s. e. at the Suck, or Whirl, where the river is contracted to the breadth of 70 yards. It is a few miles n. from the Georgia n. line. See TENNESSEE and SHALLOW FORD.]

[SUCKLING Cape, on the n. w. part of N. America; off which, and to the n. e. end of Kaye's Island, is a muddy bottom with from 43 to 27 fathoms water. The s. w. point of Kaye's Island is in lat. 59° 56′ n. and long. 143° 32′ w.]

[SUDBURY, a county of New Brunswick, on the w. side of St. John's River, towards its mouth.]

[SUDBURY, a township of Vermont, in Rutland County, having Orwell on the w. It contains 258 inhabitants.]

[SUDBURY, EAST, a township of Massachusetts, Middlesex County, on the post-road 18 miles w. of Boston. It was incorporated in 1780, and contains 801 inhabitants.]

[SUDBURY, West, or SUDBURY, a township w. of E. Sudbury, and 23 miles w. of Boston. It was incorporated in 1639, and contains 1290 inhabitants.]

[SUDBURY, CANADA, in York County, dis trict of Maine, is situated on the s. side of Androscoggin River, and s. of Andover. In 1796, it was erected into a township called Bethel, and has two parishes.]

SUDCHA, a settlement of the province and

corregimiento of Guailas in Peru; annexed to the curacy of the settlement of Aija.

[SUE, LA, a powerful nation of Indians inhabiting w. of Lake Superior and the Mississippi. Warriors 10,000.]

[SUER, FORT LE, in Louisiana, is on the w. bank of the Mississippi, and e. of Fort L'Huillier, on St. Peter's River.]

SUERTE, a river of the province and government of Veraguia in the kingdom of Tierra Firme. It enters the N. Sea between the port of Portete and the river of Los Anzuelos.

SUESCA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Ubate in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada; situate in a llanura, and being of a cold temperature and abounding in the vegetable productions and fruits of this climate. It was a curacy of the religious of St. Domingo, the curate having been the Fr. Juan de Ladrada, afterwards bishop of Cartagena. It was, in the time of the gentilism of the Indians, a large and rich city, called Suezusa, signifying, in the idiom of the country, colour of guacamaya, from the variety of green tints found in the llanura. This city was free after the manner of the Republic of Geneva, and afforded an asylum to all those who fled to it. It was conquered by Gonzalo Ziminez de Quesada in 1537; who afterwards retired to it, and wrote a compendious history of the conquest of that kingdom, with the title of Ratos de Suesca. It is now reduced to a small village, containing about 100 inhabitants and as many Indians: 29 miles n. n. e. of Fé.

SUETI, a river of the province and government of Chocó in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in the interior of the mountains, runs w. and enters the mouth of the great river Atrato, serving as limits and division between this province and that of Darien.

SUETI, another river, in the province and government of Darien; which runs to the same rhumb as the former, and enters the grand river Chucanaqui.

SUEUR, a fort of the province and government of Louisiana in N. America; built by the French on the shore of the river Mississippi, and at the entrance of the river Bois.

[SUFFIELD, a pleasant post-town of Massachusetts, Hartford County, having a handsome church and some respectable dwelling-houses. It is on the w. bank of Connecticut River, on the great post-road from Boston to New-York, nine miles s. of Springfield, 15 n. of Hartford. This township was purchased of two Indian sachems for £30, and, in 1670, was granted to

Major John Pyncheon by the assembly of Massachusetts.]

[SUFFOLK, a county of Massachusetts, so named from that in England, in which Governor Winthrop lived, before he emigrated to America, It contained, in 1790, 23 townships, 6335 houses, 13,038 families, 44,875 inhabitants. In 1793 the county was divided; and now the new county, Norfolk, comprehends all the towns except Boston, Chelsea, Hull, and Hingham. Suffolk was constituted a county, May 10, 1643. See MASSACHUSETTS and BOSTON.]

[SUFFOLK, a county of New York, Long Island, is about 100 miles long and 10 broad, and comprehends all that part of the state bounded e. and s. by the Atlantic Ocean, n. by the Sound, and w. by Lloyd's Neck, or Queen's Village, Cold Spring Harbour, and the e. bounds of the township of Oyster Bay; the line continued s. to the Atlantic Ocean, including the Isle of Wight, now called Gardner's Island, Shelter Island, Plumb Islands, Robin's Island, and the Gull Islands. Fisher's Island also belongs to it. It contains 16,440 inhabitants, of whom 1098 are slaves. There are nine townships, and 2609 of the inhabitants are electors. Suffolk County court-house is 13 miles from Southampton, 27 from Sagg Harbour, and 57 from New York City.]

[SUFFOLK, a post-town of Virginia, in Nansemond County, on the e. of the river Nansemond. It contains a court-house, gaol, and about 40 houses. The river is thus far navigable for vessels of 250 tons. It is 16 miles w. by s. of Portsmouth, 56 e. s. e. of Petersburgh, and 66 s. e. of Richmond.]

[SUFFRAGE, a township of New York, situate in Otsego County, on the n. side of Susquehannah River; taken from Unadilla, and incorporated in 1796.

SUGACHI, a river of the province and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito. It rises in the serrania which divides this province from that of Quixos and Macas, runs inclining to s. s. e. and enters the Pastaza.

SUGAMUXI. See SOGAMOSO. [SUGAR Creek, or CESAR's Creek, a considerable branch of Little Miami River.]

[SUGAR Hill, a ragged eminence, the top of which overlooks and commands the whole works of Ticonderoga, where the waters of Lake George empty into Lake Champlain, and opposite to Fort Independence, in the State of Vermont. General Burgoyne made a lodgment on this hill, which the Americans esteemed inaccessible; and

thus forced General St. Clair to abandon the fort in June, 1777.]

[SUGAR River, in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, rises in Sunapee Lake, and, after a short course w. empties into Connecticut River at Clermont, and opposite to Ashcutney mountain in Vermont. There is a strong expectation of uniting this river, by a short canal, with Contocook, which falls into Merrimack River at Boscawen.]

[SUGAR, a river of Veragua, which empties into the Bay of Honduras.]

[SUGAR-LOAF Bay, on the n. e. side of Juan Fernandez Island.]

SUGUACHI, a large and abundant river, which runs through unknown territories to the s. e. to where the river Pastaza divides itself into two arms, forming a large island; and it enters this river by the w. side, in lat. 3° 35'.

SUILA, a small settlement of the province and government of Darien and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It is of gentile Indians, and is situate on the shore of the Gulf of Darien.

SUIPACHA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichas and Tarija in Peru; situate on the top of a mountain, on the skirt of which runs a river: 20 leagues from Cotagaita.

SUIPIRA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Piura in Peru; annexed to the curacy of the settlement of its capital.

SUIST, a river of the island of Jamaica, which rises in the centre of the same, towards the c. head, runs n. and enters the sea between the river Grande and Orange Bay.

SULA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district and alcaldía mayor of Barca in the kingdom of Nueva Galicia in N. America.

SULETI, a river of the province and government of Choco in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in the mountains, and enters the sea by the w. part, at the mouth of the river Atrato, near the limits which divide this province from that of Darien.

SULIA, a large and abundant river of the province and government of Pamplona in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It rises in the vicinity of this province, runs constantly n. and collecting the waters of many other rivers, unites itself with the Catacumbo; and again separating itself after a little space, forms three mouths, whereby to enter the lake of Maracaibo; first, of itself forming a great lake, called El Barardero, above the city of Grita. Its mouth is in lat. 8° 35' n.

SULIA, a settlement of the same province and

government as the former river; situate n. and at a small distance from the city of Pamplona, in the road leading to Santa Fé. It was founded some years since by order of the king by Don Sebastian Guillén.

[SULIVAN, a township of Cheshire County, New Hampshire, containing 220 inhabitants.

[SULIVAN, a post-town of the district of Maine, Hancock County, and on Frenchman's Bay, 12 miles n. v. of Goldsborough, 23 e. of Penobscot. The township contains 504 inhabitants. See WAUKEAGUE.]

[SULIVAN, a county of Tennessee, in Washington district. In 1795 it contained, according to the state census, 8457 inhabitants, of whom 777 were slaves.]

[SULIVAN'S Island, one of the three islands which form the n. part of Charleston Harbour, in S. Carolina. It is about seven miles s. e. of Charleston.]

SULLANA, an ancient province of Peru, in the territory and jurisdiction of the Gran Chimu. It was conquered and united to the empire by Huayna-Capac, 13th monarch. It extends its whole length along the coast of the Pacific Sea, and now forms part of the province of Santa.

[SULPHUR Creek, LITTLE, one of the s. upper branches of Green River in Kentucky; and lies s. w. of another branch called Bryant's Lick Creek. Near this is a sulphur spring.]

[SULPHUR Islands. See MARGARET'S ISLES.] SULPHUR Mountain, a noted mountain in the island of Guadaloupe, famous for exhalations of sulphur and eruptions of ashes. On the e. side are two mouths of an enormous sulphur-pit; one of these mouths is 100 feet in diameter; the depth is unknown.]

SUMA, a small river of the province and government of Guayana, or Nueva Andalucia. It rises in the country of the ferocious Caribes Indians, and enters the Caroni above the mouth, where this is entered by the abundant stream of the Arvi.

[SUMANYSTOWN, a village of Pennsylvania in Montgomery County, situate on the e. side of Great Swamp Creek, which empties into the Schuylkill above Norriton. It is 28 miles n. w. by n. of Philadelphia.]

SUMAPAMPA, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán in Peru; on the shore of the river Dulce or Del Estero, and to the s. of the city of this name.

SUMAPAZ, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Pasca in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. See ALTAGRACIA.

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