
Education of the mind, letter on, 49-Mercantile, 238,
246, 258.

Education, Bell and Lancaster, respective merits of, 340,
340, 348, 359, 368, 375, 375, 384, 392, 392, 400, 400,
408, 423-English and Scotch, 391.
Education-see also Hamiltonian.
Education of the people, 270.

Edward the Black Prince, autograph of, 189.
Eel, habits of the, 207-Eggs, preserving, 6.
Electrical telegraph, 133.

Gerard, Mr. the painter poet, poetical letter to, by S. T. 312
-Interesting account of, 324, 329-Verses by, 329, 352.
German student, 83-Pronunciation, 431.
Ghost story, by Madame Genlis, 415.

Generva, portrait of, 28-Ginger beer, recipe for, 28.
Girl, a, weeping and smiling at the same time, 108.
Glacier, solution of a, 66.

Gloire militaire, 216-Translated, 233, 244.
Glove, the, from Schiller, 233, 296.

Golden age, verses, 285-Good-bye, lines so called, 140.

Elephant bones, remains of, 325—see Earth, Geology, and Grammatical queries, controversy, 67, 76, 82, 92, 92, 92,


Emerson, life of, 129, 138.

Emperor, proclamation by a (verses) 115.

Enigmas-see Vive la Bagatelle.

England, lines to a person leaving, 372.

103, 104, 109, 119, 120, 195, 324, 348.

Grasso, Il, the cabinet-maker, original translation, 397, 402.
Gratitude, lines on, 240.

Grease, spots of, to remove, 343.
Green colour for walls, 358.

Epigrams, 52, 60, 80, 160, 216, 248, 276, 284, 312, 320, Grief, for the loss of relatives, impropriety of, 255.

372, 404-Editorial remarks on, 160, 168, 396.

Epilepsy, alleged cure for, 428.

Escape, most extraordinary, in a fog, 311-Down the falls
of the St. Lawrence, 330.

Essay and Oration, paper on, 255.

Esteban, Don, memoirs of, a Spaniard, 365.

Etna, Mount, eruption of, 265, 273.

Euler, the mathematician, memoir of, 394.

Even, how sweet," &c. (verses) 260.
Exchange of coats, whimsical adventure, 211.
Exercise and employment, 350.
Exciseman outwitted, 223.

Egypt, manufactures and institutions of, 391.

Family, numerous, 189.-Fanaticism, 67.

Farewell, Farewell, to a distant land," 216.
Fare thee well." (stanzas) by G. 188.
Fashions, Ladies'-see first number in each month.
Father's lament over the body of his infant son, 60.

Fauntleroy, Mr. letter respecting the case of, 183-Me-
moir of, with a portrait, 202.

Feeling, man of, query as to the author of, 136.

Fernandez's, Mr. Spanish grammar, critiques on, 194.
Fidelity, lines on, 224.

Filtering machines, with an engraving, 6.

FINE ARTS, 86, 102, 106, 109, 119, 127.


Ladies' Charity, of Liverpool, 200.

Lancashire, manners of the people of, 395.
Lancaster and Bell systems, 340-see Education.
Landlord and tenant, law of, 175, 196.

Languages, learned, 220-see Learned and Quotations.
Lapsus linguæ, whimsical, 31.

Larder, economy of the, 71-Latin Grammars, 184.
Latin verses, by a Westminster scholar, 233-And tra
lations, 240, 248, 260, 268.

Laughter, essay on, 235-Laurel, native oil of, 147.
Law, nice point of, 287.

Law suit, pride and pleasure of a, 19—Ancient, 79.
Lawrence, River St. most wonderful escape down the fa
of, 330.

Lawyers wearing black, origin of, 358, 439.
Lawyers' wigs, epigram on, 320.

Gymnasia, original collection of active feats, with engrav-Lean poet, epigram on a, 284.
ings, 8, 16, 24, 29, 40, 48, 53, 76, 84, 88, 92, 96, 108,
127, 132, 144, 168, 173, 180, 201, 220, 332, 336, 360,
363, 382.

Gymnastic performances, wonderful, at the Circus, 332,


[blocks in formation]

Hanover, inundations in, 302.—Happiness, lines on, 353.
Haunted Chamber, the, (verses) 12.
Heaven (verses) by G. 248.
Health, mode of preserving, 335.

Healths drinking, on the custom of, 206, 222.

Learned quotations, letters on, 96, 123, 134, 139, 166, 16

171, 178, 184, 195, 206, 207, 249.

Learning, remarks on, 185-Leather liquid, 379.
Lectures, public, property in, 286.

Leg (putting out) pun on, 211-Loss of, whimsical 1
marks on the, 215.

Leghorn, description of, 121, 129.
Letter, rhyming, to the editor, 72.

Leven Water, ode to, 345-Libels, legal, 171.
Libraries recommended for the Liverpool Infirmary, 24
Life, retrospect of, an original essay, by Z, 78-Reflectio
on, 79-Verses on, by G, 398.
Life-boat, how to form a, from a common boat, 405.
Lifting at Easter, 340.

Lions, interesting anecdotes of, 107.

Literary dinner, 115-Literary German lady, 365,
Literary squabbles, 109, 119, 194-Plagiarist, see Plag
arist Literature, English, 43, 108, 194, 255, 437.
LIVER, the (notices of Liverpool)—see Liverpool.

Henry VIII. answer received by, on offering marriage, 337. Liverpool and the neighbourhood, notices of, 38, 287-
Herculaneum, modern discoveries in, 255.
Hermite en Italie-see Translation.
Heroisin, female, 135.

Heywood, B. A., address of at opening of the Manchester
Mechanics' Institute, 346, 410.

Hippopotamus, 349.-Hoarseness, syrup for, 295.

Fire, best mode of lighting a, 391-Produced from water Hobbes, the celebrated Thomas, description of, 439.
and ice, 288.

Pires, hints for extinguishing, 272, 291.

Fish, table of, when in and out of season, 247.

Fish frozen, and brought to life again, 15.

Fish, tame, &c. most interesting account of, 75.

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 199.

Florence, account of, 77, 105.-Flowers at Christmas, 47.
Foe, Daniel de, letter respecting, 263-Grand-daughter
of, 287.

Fog, extraordinary escape in a, 311.

"Home, sweet home," (song) lines on hearing, 80.
Honour, point of, in an affair of love, 58.
Hope, sonnet by G. on, 88.

Horns of stags, found under Wallasey Pool, 80.
Horse of a miser, recipe to cure, 231.
Hot day, whimsical lines on, 81.
HOUSEWIFE, THE, a collection of receipts, &c. 6, 11.
28, 35, 47, 67, 71, 79, 99, 135, 147, 166, 192, 200, 247,
259,267, 283, 295, 335, 343, 358, 363, 428.
Hulks, description of the, 247.

Food and physic, 267.-Food, human, hints respecting, 67. Hydrophobia, editorial article on, 62, and letters, &c.
Foreigners, blunders of, 47.

Forest, subterraneous, in Scotland, 189.

"Forget, oh! when," &c. by G. 209.

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Forget me not" (verses) 268.

Fortune-hunter, from the German, 154, 161, 170.

Forty years since, 50.

Fossil man, pretended, 183.-Fossil animal-see Bones.
Fowls, Albanian, mode of killing, 189.

Fragment, by G. 372.

Franklin, Captain, overland despatch of, 315-see Voyage.
Freischutz, Der, 236-Burlesque verses on, 249-Plot of,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

French verses and translations, 125, 140, 148, 216, 233, Infant sleeping, Mrs. Robinson's verses to, 412.

240, 248.

Friction-see Mechanical Paradox, and Roberts.
Friday, Good, 858.-Friend, lines to a, 140.
Friendships, early, 110-Lines on, by G. 296.
Fuzeli, the late Mr. notice of, 374.


Gardens of Boboli and Cascine, 113.

Garrick and Lord Orrery, good anecdote of, 89.
Gaming-houses in Paris, 322.

Gas, nitrous oxide, respiration of-see Smith, Egerton,
letter of

Gas vacuum machine-see Brown.

Gas, Sir W. Congreve contracts to light various towns on
the Continent with, 287.

Cases, pump for compressing, 83.
Genealogists, puzzle for, 379.
Genius, extraordinary, for painting, 31-Definition of, 371.
Gentleman, character of a, 176.
GEOLOGY, 192, 235—Original translation of a French

work on-see Earth.

Infirmary, Liverpool, annual report of, 86.
Inundations in Hanover, 302.

Inventions, singular, 192-sce Patents and Scientific.
Jones, Paul, letter of, 286.

Journal, interesting-see Pepus.-Irons in the fire, 439.
Iron-trade, letter to Joseph Hume, on, 353.
Irving, the Rev. Mr. letter respecting, 211.
Islands newly discovered, 274.

Junius' Letters, the real author of, at length detected, 437.
INVESTIGATOR, new department of the Kaleidoscope,
including Political Economy, &c. 292, 294, 326, 339,
346, 353, 364, 372, 390, 406.

Ivy, the, by Mrs. Hemans, 436.


Kaleidoscope, address of Editor, on concluding the fifth
volume, 433-G.'s valedictory verses to, 428.
Kean, Mr. notices of, 152,152.-Severe criticism upon, 140.
Kemble, John, humorous anecdote of, 319.
Kindred feeling (verses) 12.-Kissing, epigram on, 312.
Kitchen drawer, whimsical catalogue of things found in, 148.

Liverpool Apprentices' and Mechanics' Library, M
Walker's lecture to the readers of, 176; Notices c
258; Annual report of, 294; Lectures recommend
for, 332-Liverpool Cemetery, with an engraving, 33
see Burying-places-Liverpool exhibition of pictures, &
102, 106, 109, 119, 127-Liverpool Mechanics' Institut
or School of Arts, recommended, 253, 396, 400, 400, 40
413; Established, and address of Dr. Traill at the pu
lic meeting, 430; Speeches of the Rev. Mr. Wilson at
of Mr. Egerton Smith, at, 438-Liverpool in 1855, a
ticipations of a correspondent, 299, 299, 368-Liverpo
Royal Humane Society, 432.

Loch Lomond, excursion to, 318, 331-Critique on, 34
Lock of hair, lines on a, 304.

Longevity, instances of, 286, 358-Lotteries, letter on, 37
Lottery, matrimonial, 185.

Love at first sight, 47-Sonnet on, 72-Disappointed,

--Disinterested, 91-Verses on, by G. 125-Until deat
156-Hopeless, 168-A sonnet, by G. 284.
Lover's Dream, by G. 72.

Lyra, the infant, a musical prodigy, 8, 338.-Lines to, 2

[blocks in formation]

Manchester ship canal humbug, 272, 276, 276, 276, 27

279, 279, 284, 284, 296, 353.

Maniac (verses) by G. 164.

Manuscripts, ancient classical, found, 192.
Marine Humane Society, of Liverpool, 8.

Marriage, Voltaire's remarks on, 239-Epigram on, 31
Married lady, lines to a, 188.

Mary, death of, by Charles Wolfe, 216.
Mary, lines to, by G. 268-Mary's Grave, by G. 276.
Mastodontes, extinct animals, 341.
Matrimonial partnership dissolved, 439.
Mathews, Charles, biographical sketch of, 234, 354.
Matthew's church, Manchester, view of, 342.
Maturin, the late Rev. Mr. lines of G. to, 180-Biograph
cal sketch of the life of, 182, 218-Letter respecting, 20
Mauvaise honte, 198.

May, Dr. Darwin's lines on, 404.
Meat, eggs, butter, &c. how to choose, 11.
Mechanical paradox respecting locomotive machines, 2
224, 250, 275, 275, 275, 287. 287. 297, 298, 313-A
editorial objections to, 215, 263, 270.

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Moore's Melodies, selection from, 173.

More, Sir Thomas, head of, discovered, 7.
Morris dancers, &c. 377.

Mourning in the Sandwich Islands, 31.

Mummy, Egyptian, 288.

Murder, extraordinary, 353.
Murderer, extraordinary, 434.
Murdered maid, by G. 344.

Music, viz.,by Salvator Rosa, 5-Esquimaux, specimens
of, 16, 21- My boat is on the shore," 35-Waltz, by
J. Walker, 61-Answer to Fair Allen, 98-Echo
Waltz, from Der Freischutz, 118-" Reviens à moi !"
124-Air, by Rousseau, 133-Bohemian Air, 141-
130th Psalm, 156-Waltz, from Der Freischutz, 165
-March, from Der Freischutz, 172-Waltz, by Wilms,
of Berlin, 180-Round, by Ferrare, 188-Christmas
Carols, 208-Lima National Air, 217-Market Qua-
drille, 232-Original Waltz, 241-Original March, 253
-Mr. Webb's Prize Catch, 269-The kiss, dear
maid," original song, 277-Air, by Beethoven, 289-
Coda, to ditto, 297-Original Quadrilles, 313, 329. 337
-Finland Peasant's Song, 345-The Snowdrops, 366-
Gipsy Dance, by Weber, 373-Burns's Song, 381-
Song, "O'er the heart of Childe Harold, 390-The
Primrose, 398-A Round, "Poor Johnny is dead," 405
-Italian Trio, 414-Ecossaise movement, 421-Song,
from Rothelan, 435.

Music, adaptation of, to the sentiment, editorial remarks
on, 156-Church or psalmody, 127, 156.
Musical department of the Kaleidoscope, editorial remarks

on, 172.

[blocks in formation]

Naples, King of, singular whims of, 15.

* Napoleon and the Bourbons, 66-And the ants, 365—
Anecdote of, 389.

Narrative, wonderful and interesting--see Lawrence,

River, St.

National wealth, Mr. M'Culloch's lecture on, 406.
NATURAL HISTORY, GEOLOGY, &c. original transla-
tion of the whole of a new French work on-see Earth.
Natural history, 75, 100, 107, 168, 176, 184, 185, 189,
207, 228, 291, 426-see Scientific, Geology, and Earth.
NATURALIST'S DIARY-see first or second Tuesday in

every month since Christmas.

Navigation, commerce, &c. Mr. Pope's paper on,
Navy, average mortality in the, 286.

TO intellect, 433.

North American Review, 204.


Peg too low, origin of the phrase, 353.

Pepys, Samuel, Esq. F.R.S. interesting journal of, 433.
Permutation, the law of, 211.

Persia, atmosphere of, 67.

Petrarch, sonnet from the Italian of, 60.

Philharmonic Society in Liverpool recommended, 278.
Philosophy versus theology, 287.

Phrenology, letter on, 127-Remarks on, 181.
Ficture-dealer-see Connoisseur.
Pictures, price of some, 67.
Pigs, dancing, 337.

Pindar, paraphrase on, 88.

Pirate chief, generous act of a, 427.

Pisa, account of, 1, 8.

Rush-bearings and country wakes, 324, 328.
Ryley, Mr. takes benefit at the Theatre, 280.

Sackville, Lord Viscount, the real Junius, 437.


Sadler, Mr. ascent of, from Dublin, 46-His dreadful
death, and narrative of his life, 116.
Safety-lamp, 14.

Satire, remarks on, 305.

Saturday's Liverpool paper, letter to the editor of, 160.
Scanzano, description of, 169, 177.

Screw, new, 288.

Ships, extraordinary in former days, 167.

Ship, immense, for wood, 6,000 tons freight, 96.

Shipwreck, plans of rafts, &c. for preserving lives from,
with engravings, 37, 45, 54,

Scientific information, 6, 13, 21, 27, 37, 46, 48, 51, 75,
81, 83, 97, 133, 173, 185, 189, 192, 214, 223, 235, 236,
250, 263, 287, 288, 382, 399, 428-see Geology and
Earth, also Patents,

Scotch novels, doggerels on the, 364.

Plagiarism, editorial remarks on, 360-Verses on, 396- Scott, Sir Walter's last novel, 19, and the Scotch novels,

see Moore, Anacreon.

Pluralist and favourite, 419.
POETRY-see cach number.
Poetry, genius of, by G. 312.

Poison, pump for extracting, from the stomach, 97.
Poisoning, good theatrical anecdote respecting, 319.
Poisons, antidote to, 358.
Pneumatic engine, 64.


Sea, sinking bottles in the, 48.
Seal, domesticated, 201.
Security, personal, 231.

Segars, enormous in China, 211.
Serpents in the Tower, 100.

Shakspeare, original edition of the works of, discovered,
254, 260.

Sickness, a sonnet by G. 320.
Sick-room, verses by G. 404.
Sienna, description of, 145.
Silent woman, 311.

Simnel, verses on, 420.
Sleep, the bliss of (poetry) 20.
Smith, a very common name, 190.

Polar seas, remarks upon, 51-see Voyage, and Richard- Sheathing ships' bottoms, 64.
son, and Franklin and Parry.
Polish, German, for furniture, 295.
Political economy, 100, 207.
Pompeii, modern discoveries in, 255, 371.
Pope, Mr. on shipping, navigation, and commerce, 372.
Population and wages, 328.
Posse comitatus, whimsical mistake respecting, 215.
Presence of mind, extraordinary, 102.
Prices, four brothers so called, remark on, 215.
Primrose, lines on the appearance of the, by G., 156.
Prize-fighting, 140-Law respecting, 371, 380.
Procrastination from the German, 121.
Profession, choice of, 113.
Promises of a courtier, 287.
Pronunciation, vicious, 439.
Psalmondy, letter on, 127, 156.
Pugilism-see Prize-fighting.
Pulpits, two, in America, 199.

Puns, 15, 66, 79, 80, 189, 190, 211, 215, 337, 431.
Punishment, capital-see Death.

Putnam, Mr., lines addressed to, 96-His recitations, 103.
Puzzles, &c.—see Vive la Bagatelie.

Quill, piece of wood found in, 31.
Quotations, learned-see Learned.

Rafts-sce Shipwreck.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Rail-roads, or not Rail-roads" (a parody) 320.
Rail-ways and Mechanical Paradox, 214, 215, 224, 250,
263, 270, 292-Editorial objections to, 215-Greaves's
report on rail-roads, 225.

Ramsbottom, Dorothea, laughable letter from, respecting
the fine arts, 254.
Randles, Miss, Cambrian prodigy, memoir of, 338.
Ranks and dignities, book of, 87.
Razor, mode of sharpening, 67.
Redgauntlet, critique on, 3, 11, 19-Extract from, 19.
Reformation, Protestant, letters, &c. on, 282, 806, 310.
Relic, verses by G. styled, 132.
Religious sects, enumeration of, 64.
Reply, singular, of a child, 439.

North Briton's Society, of Liverpool, address of the Rev. Republic, small, 67.

Mr. Philip to, 198.

orthern expedition, 174-see Voyages.

Smith, Egerton, letter of, describing the effects of the
nitrous oxide gas upon himself, 128-Extracts from his
pamphlet on preservation from shipwreck, &c. 405-
Speech of, at the meeting to establish the Liverpool
School of Arts, 438.

Smoke-hood, Roberts's, 358.
Snow drops, verses by G, 304.
Sofa, The, see Vive la Bagatelle.

Song, 132.-" Oh, take no heed of Mary's Eye," 304.

Sonnet by G. 380-By T. H. S. 248.

Southport, alias North Meols, lines on, 52.

Spaniard, memoirs of a-see Esteban.

Spanish language, grammar, and literature, observations
on, 149, 167, 195, 242, 313, 416, 418, 431.
Spider, American, 189.

Spinning machines, improvements in, 64.
Sports-see Rural and Rush-bearings.

Spring, Latin lines on, and translation, 248, 260.

Stag's horns found in Wallasey Pool, 81.

Stanhope, Lady Hester, interesting memoir of, 29, 203,
Stanzas by G., 60.

[blocks in formation]

Respiration of nitrous oxide—see Smith, Egerton, letter of. Sun, on the setting of (verses) 364.
Resurrection-men and plagiarists compared, 396.

tshell, a German story, original translation from the Retaliation, letter on, 426.

German, 59, and the succeeding numbers.

[blocks in formation]

Retreat, the, 436.

Rhinoceros, account of the, 349.
Ricardo, Mr. on foreign commerce, 100.
Richardson, Dr. and the artic travellers, 436.
Riego, Madame, on the death of, 216.
Rings, change of, in love of friendship, 189.
Rising early, advantages of, 311.
Roads, right of-sce Thoroughfares.
Roberts, Mr. experiment of, on friction, 298.
Roberts's smoke-hood, 358.

Rolls, Mrs. Henry, philanthropic verses by, 353.
Roman Lady, toilet of, 103.

Roses, otto or attar of, 99.

Rob Roy, notice of him, 43.

Rural amusements of England, 378, 388.

Sunrise, as seen from the Pyrenees, 239.

Sunset on the Mersey (verses) 296.

Superstitious customs, 320, 332, 340, 378, 403-see Suttee.

Surgical operations and suspended animation-see Ani-

Suttee, or burning a widow, 95.

Sweetmeats, copper in, test of, 47.

Swimming school-see Floating Bath.

Swiss horn, 135.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Tick and Sheridan, 337.

Translation, Il Grasso, the cabinet-maker, 397.
Translations, original, paper on, 227, 231, 239, 250.
Travelling six thousand miles for a guinea, 211.
Travelling, ancient and modern, 90.

Tree, immense American, 358.

Walnuts recommended as medicine, 147.

Warning, giving, to a wife, 253.

Water, glass of, how to invert, without spilling, 287.
Waters of the ocean, on the mass of, 385, 393.

Watt, the late Mr. speech of Mr. Jeffrey, respecting, 34.

Trees, how to make names grow upon, 79-Subterrene, Wayte, Thomas, Esq. biographical notice of, 347, 351.

189 Remarks upon planting, 189.
Trials, ludicrous, 91.
Truth, by G. 328.

Tuscany, festivals of, 57.
""Twas but a moment" (verses) 428.
Twist, Dr. Timothy, letter from, 24.
Typographical punning, 80.


Vacuum, pneumatic, engine, 64.
Valentine of a sailor, 284.

Vandenhoff, Mr. remarks on, 128, 223.

Whale, enormous, stranded, 388, 395, 401.
Whale found in a moss in Scotland, 189.

Whalebones (burlesque lines) 200.

Wealth, national, Mr. M'Culloch's lecture on, 406.

Wealthy commoners in England, 287.

Webbe, Mr. prize Catch, by, 269.

Week, explanation of the days of the, 250.

Weights and measures, alterations in, 63, 163, 821—Ori

ginal letters respecting, 190, 191.

Wet feet, precautions against, 343.
White, Henry Kirke, lines by, 380.

Wife, right of, to a dower, 287-How to choose a, 428.
Will, curious, 107.

Time, voice of, by G., 44-Sonnet on, by G., 80-Epi- Vapour bathing recommended for the poor, 384, 384-see Wilson, the Rev. Mr. speech of, at the meeting to establis

gram on the loss of, 80.

Tippling females, or sham poison, 364.

Toads, or frogs, in solid rock, 100, 176, 184, 291.

Tom (blind) curious biography of, 374.

Tooth-ache, recipes for, 147, 335, 371.

Touchard's coffee-house, 350.

Townshend's sonnet, lines after reading, 4.
Trade-see Iron.

Traill, Dr., address of, at the opening of the Liverpool

School of Arts, 430.

Translation, original, of an entire French work on geo-
logy, natural history, &c.-see Earth.-Whimsical, 67

-see French verses-see Latin.
Translations expressly for the Kaleidoscope from L'Her-
mite en Italie, 1, 8, 17, 25, 41, 57, 69, 77, 105, 113,
121, 129, 145, 153, 161, 169, 177-From the German,
18, 26, 33, 42, 50, 58, 70, 121, 135, 154, 161, 170, 238,



Vegetable phenomenon, 67, 152, 192, 192.
Vermin, destruction of, 47.
Verona, journey to, 17.

Vesuvius, eruption of, 273.

Viginti and Nonaginta, conversation (in verse) between, 38.
Virtue, lines to, 200.

VIVE LA BAGATELLE-Solution of conundrums, puzzles,
enigmas, &c. 7, 14, 24, 33, 40, 220, 228, 232, 244, 256,
Volcanoes, 265, 273.
264, 272, 277, 289-see also Gymnasia.

the Liverpool Mechanics' Institute, 438.

Wine, compound, 35—And Bark, versified, 352-Pars
nip, 363.

Winds, lines by G. on, 52.

Winter cautions, 231-see Latin verses.
Wolves harnessed to a carriage, 439.
Woman, the essentials in a, 54.

Wood, subterraneous, in Scotland, 189.

Worcester, Marquis of, Century of Inventions, a reprin
of the whole, beginning at page 21, and continued eac

Voyages of discovery, 174, 274, 315, 399, 405, 436-see Worms, cure for, 335.
Parry and Franklin.


Wages and population, 328.
Wakes, country, and rush-bearings, 324, 328.

Year, dying, by G. 216-Retrospect of the last, 285.
York Assize week (verses) 353.

Zinc plates for engraving, 235.

Zodiacal signs-see Astronomical Signs.

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Halifax-R. Simpson;
-N. Whitley;
Hanley-T. Allbut;
Haslingden-J. Read;
Huddersfield-T. Smart;
Hull-J. Perkins;

PSON L'ERMITE EN ITALIE, THE LATEST WORK OF MR. JOUY. [Translated expressly for the Kaleidoscope.]

1 set out on horseback from Spezzia, accompanied by a guide, and we soon arrived at Lerici, the ancient Erix, or Portus Erici of Ptolemy. This town, situated at the foot of a range of rocks, is excluded from every view except that of the sea. Its gulf is separated by a narrow Deck of land from that of Spezzia. Towards sunset, we reached Sarzana, situated on the frontiers of Tuscany and the territory of Genoa, and separated from Lerici by mountainous country, about five or six leagues in exent. Sarzana, called by the Latins Sarazana, Sergianum, nd Lunama, forms a part of the Genoese territory, and eighteen leagues distant from the city of Genoa. It ormerly belonged to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, but le ceded it in the fifteenth century to the Republic of Benoa, in exchange for a small hamlet of fishermen's guts, called Leghorn, a name still retained by the great own which now occupies the same site. Sarzana has a all uninteresting appearance, and the houses are of a gray dusky hue, like those of most of the old towns in Italy. The most remarkable buildings are the cathedral and public palace. Near Lunenza are quarries containing a sort of marble called by the Latins lapidi lunensi. It is of the purest white, and the grain is exceedingly ine. It is so transparent that it has often been mistaken Parian marble, the latter being even inferior to it in solity and whiteness. The house of Benedetti, at Sarzana, built of this marble.

passed the night at Sarzana, and the next day hired a arriage, which conveyed me to Pisa, a large and fine city Tuscany.

The quay of the Arno is the finest ornament of Pisa, nd has even been thought to surpass in beauty the quay the Arno at Florence. It extends in the form of a et from the gate delle Piage to that called del Mare, presents a magnificent coup d'œil from whatever is surveyed. Palaces and fine houses are erected ng this quay, which is also adorned by three bridges ring a communication between the quarters of St. ary and St. Antony. The scene is enlivened by the men's barks, and boats laden with merchandise, inually crossing each other upon the river, which pes itself into the sea, at the distance of two or three

grass, which is permitted to grow in many of the streets, gives to the interior of the town a solitary dismal aspect. The population, which once amounted more than a hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, ow reduced to sixteen thousand. This town is very

N wich-G. Fairhurst;
No tingham-C. Sutton;
Gm-The Postmaster;
Ormskirk-W. Garside;
Oswestry-W. Price;
Penrith J. Shaw;

TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1824.

Stockport-T. Claye
Ulverston-J. Soulby
Wakefield-Mrs. Hurst:
Warrington-J. Harrison
Welchpool-R. Owen;
Whitchurch-R. Parker;
Wigan-Lyon and Co.;

J. Brown;
Wrexham-J. Painter;

PRICE 344.

ancient, and is supposed to have been founded by a Greek | tude for a prince, who had, as they said, withdrawn them
colony. The founders came from a city of Greece, of the from the tyrannical dominion of the Florentines.
name of Pisa, built on the shores of the river Alpheus, in owe to the French," said they, "our liberty, which is
Elis, a province of Peloponesus.
dearer to us than life, and we are determined never to be

Virgil says, speaking of Pisa, verses 179 and 180 of the separated from that generous people. Our town formerly

tenth book of the Eneid:

"Hos parere jubent Alpheæ ab origine Pisa,

Urbs Etrusca solo. Sequitur pulcherimus Astur."
Pisa is situated in a vast, richly cultivated, and popu-
lous plain. The marshes which once infected the purity
of the air, have been drained, and its climate is now
esteemed one of the finest in Italy, the extremes both of
heat and cold being less frequent than at Florence.
Snow never falls there, and the frost does not continue
above eight days in the year. It is usual, in the months
of December and January, to dine with the windows open,
and the mild spring weather begins as early as the month
of February. The heats of summer are constantly tem-
pered by the sea winds.

Pisa was, in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, a

republic no less powerful than that of Genoa. She then
made conquests in Africa and the Mediterranean, pos-
sessed herself of Carthage, and took from the Sarrasins
the Balearic Isles, Corsica, and Sardinia. She sustained
long wars with the Florentines and Genoese, to whom
she finally owed the destruction of her power.

A village of the name of San-Pietro is built upon the
land formerly bathed by the waves of the ancient port,
w ich fell in o ruin, when fortune and the Mediterranear
deserted it. A large loose stone, in the middle of the
nave of the parish church, designates the spot, where,
according to tradition, Saint Peter landed and fastened
the anchor of his vessel, when he visited Pisa, one of the
first towns where Christianity was established. The Flo-
rentines deprived the inhabitants of Pisa of their liberty
and government in 1406. Charles the Eighth, at the
time of his journey into Italy, assisted them in recovering
both; but, in 1609, they again lost them; and have, from
that time, remained in the power of the Grand Dukes of

In 1500, Lewis the Twelfth, in conformity with his promise to assist the Florentines in their attempts upon Pisa, lent them 6,000 good infantry and a large body of cavalry. Determined to allow the inhabitants of Pisa no quarter, the Florentines insisted upon choosing their general themselves, and demanded of the King of France Hugh de Beaumont, as a man whose stern and inflexible character rendered him a fit instrument of their animosity.

constituted a part of the Duchy of Milan; we therefore belong to France. Let the king deign to receive us among the number of his subjects, and we will willingly submit to the conditions he shall impose, however severe

they may be; but let him not abandon us to pitiless placable enemies. If we cannot obtain this favour, let him at least grant us an asylum in his kingom, since we prefer exile and poverty to the horrors of servitude which

wolves, to inexorable tyrants; to the Florentines, our im

would await us in our own country."

deavouring to persuade the people to submit by promises Whilst the captains, affected by this appeal, were ento alleviate the severity of their fate, the gates of the hall were thrown open, and five hundred young girls, dressed in white, and with dishevelled hair, entered, conducted by feet of the two envoys, conjured them to remember the two venerable matrons, and throwing themselves at the solomn oath they had taken, on receiving the order of chivalry, to be the defenders of the fair sex, and not to abandon them to the brutality of their enemies. Arbouville and Mortemar bent their eyes to the ground, much embarressed, and attempted to withdraw, but these young girls, surrounding them, dragged them before an image of the Virgin, and would not allow them to depart, until they had moved them to tears by the earnestness of their entreaties. The envoys then returned to their camp, loaded with presents, and related what they had seen and heard.

It was difficult for an army of French soldiers to attack a people who opposed to them arms like these, but though the principal officers wished the assault to be deferred until further orders were received from the king, Beaumont persisted in his resolution to invest the town. not, however, prevent a friendly intercourse from being He could established between the besiegers and the besieged. All the French soldiers who presented themselves at the gates, either during the day, or in the night time, were hospitably entertained, and often dismissed with wine and meat for their comrades in the camp. When the attack was commenced, the inhabitants pointed out to them the places upon which the cannons of the town were to fire, in order that they might avoid them. Some assaults were made, but little slaughter was committed. The soldiers by degrees abandoned their posts, until the desertion became so general, that Beaumont was obliged to retire with his Having arrived before Pisa, Beaumont sent D'Arbou- army in the night time, leaving the sick and wounded at ville and Hector de Mortemar, two of his principal cap-the mercy of the besieged. The inhabitants of Pisa, attains, to summon the inhabitants, in the name of the king, to return to the yoke of their former masters. The magistrates received the envoys with great ceremony, and led them to the town-hall. They there shewed them the portrait of Charles the Eighth, honourably placed under a canopy, and surrounded by the emblems of their grati

tracted by the groans uttered by the disabled soldiers upon seeing their comrades depart from them, came out from the gates of the city, carrying torches, and removed these wretched men into the town, where they bestowed upon them every care necessary for the re-establishment of their health. They then permitted them to return to Milan,

,nd furnished them with money for their journey, still expressing to them their desire to belong to France.


must do Napoleon the justice to own that less entreaty was necessary to induce him to grant a people the honour of forming a part of the great empire.

My mind continued occupied with these remembrances a I passed through the streets. I at length alighted at an inn, situated on the quay. The bridge is said to be of marble, which does not answer to the descriptions given of it. The surface of its free-stone parapets is covered to the height of at least twelve feet with pieces of marble, joined together. The inhabitants, taking a part for the whole, boast that their bridge is built of marble, and as the causeway and pavement are composed of flags of common stone, much resembling, at the first glance, unhewn marble, the deception is not easily discovered.

At one extremity of the quay, near the gate of Lucca, is an immense square, part of which is occupied by the dome, baptistry, Campanile, or steeple, and, Campo Santo or cemetery. These four buildings are very lofty, and of great extent. They are entirely composed of white mar ble, and surrounded on the outside by antique columns of different orders, incrustated with marbles of various colours, and adorned by gothic sculptures. The Campanile, a circular building, situated at the western extremity of the dome, is the most deserving of attention. It is a hundred and ninety feet high, and its summit inclines from its base more than forty feet; it is ornamented by seven rows of pillars. The interior staircase is so easy of ascent, that it is said to be practicable to a man on horseback. The inhabitants call this Torre Rotta. Some assert that the architect sported w his art, when he gave this tower so marked an inclination; others maintain, that after having been regularly constructed, it gradually ussumed an inclined position, as the soil stink under its weight.

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"Perdi una hija donzella

Que era la flor desta tierra
Cien doblas dava por ella

No me las estimo en nada."-Moorish Ballad.

I was born in London, in the year 1775, just about the breaking out of the American war. My father was repurably established in life as a tallow-chandler, and was considered by many as a man of property. He loved me, and I loved him, and never shall I forget the kind manner in which he used to make me a small present for my own use, though he certainly had a very queer way of tacking to his gift this phrase there, and don't make a beast of yourself." He was not much informed, but was what the world call an easy man; easily imposed upon he was, 'tis true; but then, he could not help mankind being vil laias, and if he was more unfortunate than his neighbours, why, he could not help it-so there it might end." My mother, be it known, was completely different; in opposition to my father's corpulency, she was slim and lengthy in her person, and possessed what she termed a "vast mind." This vast mind" of hers was, however, only filled with scraps from badly selected novels; and armed with every quotation from the last romance, she assaulted my father with a vigorous display of her transcendant talents. Some one had told her that every clever woman was absent and thoughtful; she, too, would therefore be absent, and would frequently, in some of her reveries, overturn the tea urn with her arm, or upset the whole tea equipage with her foot, and she could not be brought back to her herself, but by the cups and saucers clattering about her feet; and after being wet and scalded in every direction, she just found out that she was not in the midst of a wood, but sitting down with her "clump of a husband," as she called him, at the odious tea table. She would sit up all morning, poring over the "lettered page," and feasting herself and her "vast mind" on the rich stores of the impenetrable secret, or a romance of the sixteenth century, she would exclaim-“Oh that I should be wedded

The interior of the Metropolitan church is majestic; it is ornamented by seventy-six pillars, numerous basso-relievos, and paintings by the first masters. I remarked particularly a Saint Agnes, of Andrea del Sarte. The pavement is of Mosaic; the choir rises in the form of an inverted half globe, and is composed of a substance having the appearance of painted glass, penetrable to the light, and in which the rays of the sun are refracted. At the bottom of this half sphere is observed an image of the Almighty, of gigantic size, painted several centuries ago. My father bore all this with patience (but as in my own The doors at the bottom of the church are of bronze, story I should wish to adhere to truth, so in that of others and covered with numerous figures moulded with them, the same principle ought to be observed.) I must inwhich the inhabitants pretend to have been brought from form you that he was rather henpecked, and feared my Jerusalem by their ancestors in 1070. These figures repre-mother's vast tongue a great deal more than her "vast sent traits in holy writ. The lateral doors possess nothing remarkable.

to a tallow chandler"

mind." They lived, however, as happily as a literate wife could live with an illiterate husband, and if they The Campo Santo, or cemetery, is about a thousand often quarrelled, they did, to do them justice, very often feet in circumference. It is rendered interesting by the agree: one point they did differ on, and had they lived to paintings, in fresco, which adorn the whole extent of its eternity, would have still differed on,—this was politics. interior walls. The figures are of the thirteenth and My father was a tory, my mother was a whig; he loved fourteenth centuries, and represent the historics of the peace, she loved war; he was contented with the then Old and New Testament, and views of Paradise, Purga-present state of affairs, she railed against thein; he sided tory, and Hell. The latter are particularly worthy of study. On one of the wails is painted the celebrated pic ture of Vergogna, or Modestina, who, to avoid seeing her father Noal, extended near her, naked and intoxicated, covers her eyes with her hands, the fingers of which remain separated. The dampness has spoiled most of these paintings. Copies of them may be found in a collection of engravings published by Morghen, in 1810, and the years following.

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with the ministers, the opposed them. Amidst this clash of
opinions no wonder there were sparks; but my mother got
the better in the argument, if argument it could be called,
and in the whirlpool of liberty, rights of man, privilege
of women, tyranny, and oppression, my poor father was
lost. The only resource he had was his shop; to that he
hastened as his "sanctum sanctorum," for there my mother
would not condescend to enter; and, shrouded in its gloom,
he dipped on in peace and quietness. Whether my father
had suffered enough from his own ignorance, or wh. ther

The inhabitants of Pisa affirm that the reddish earth of this cemetery, in which their dead are interred, was brought | he imagined that the knowledge of Latin and Greek would from Mount Calvary, near Jerusalem, in the twelfth century, and that it consumes the body in the course of twenty-four hours.

A vast gallery, contained in the cemetery, is bordered by ancient tombs, of which the sculpture attests the great antiquity. The inscriptions are unfortunately for the most part illegible.

prevent me from enduring the yoke which he so quietly
bore, I could never determine, but he took great pains to
select for me a school where these necessary accomplish-
ments to a man of any pretensions to ability were most
completely of the greatest importance, and where every
thing else but the classics were quite neglected. I went
through the usual routine of a classical education; had

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Zenophon, Tully, Herodotus, Homer, Virgil, Plato, Cato, and the whole host of Romans and Greeks marshalled in battle array on the tablet of my memory, but the utile was quite forgotten. Of our own history I knew little or no thing; whether the Normans conquered the Saxons, or the Saxons the Normans, I was quite ignorant. Geography was put aside; astronomy ne'er enlightened my mind; the Black Sea might unite with the Baltic, and the Wolga with the Ganges, for all that I knew about the matter: the course of the celestial bodics might have attracted my attention, but to believe that the earth moved round the sun, seemed to me too large a draft on my credulity. I will not tire you with an account of my school pranks, they were like those of others, and if I was a little more daring than the rest of my competitors, I generally suffered in a proportionable ratio. At sixteen I was taken from school, and homewards bent my way. My father was then getting old, and even my mother's vast mind" had fallen considerably away. By dint of diligence and economy my father had now amassed a very handsome fortune, and one morning as I passed him on the stairs, he called after me to come up into his own room,. for I want to speak to thee, my lad, about thy future welfare," said he, with a laugh upon his face. When we were fastened up (for he had a great dislike to an open door) he commenced his harangue thus:-"Will, my boy, I am old, and have scraped together more than thou'lt spend, so I don't see why I should go on in business, wasting myself for nothing-I'll shut up shop, and we'll live in some comfortable place in the country, and thou, my lad, shall be a gentleman." Of course I did not dissent from such a proposal; for, to tell the truth, I had a natural aversion to business: I answered as became a dutiful child, that their will was mine." So the shop was shut up, and every thing sold, and away we posted to our country-house, my mother quite delighted with the change, and I myself not less so. We had purchased the manson of a gentleman near the pleasant town of -, most charmingly situated, and commanding a fine view of the river , as it swept along with its rapid current. Mr. F, the gentleman from whom the house was purchased, had once been a very considerable merchant, but owing to a reverse of fortune, he had been obliged to sell his estate, and live in a more retired manner at a small house in the neighbourhood. The mansion had been uninhabited for some time, for the grass was on the walks, and the trees were scattering their wild branches in every direction, but still it was evident that the whole had been planned and executed in an elegant and tasteful manner.

Sheltered from the northern blast by a row of stately firs, our garden bloomed in the severest weather. The ra nunculus, the hyacinth, the modest lily of the valley, and the blushing anemone, were scattered in profusion over the ground. Rose trees innumerable shed their fragrance in the air; but one in particular attracted my attention: this was close under one of the windows, and, from its height and beauty, seemed to have received no common care. In a few days my father set to, got the garden cleared of its incumbrances, and again brought it into its original state. Being myself fond of exercise, I frequently (for want of better employment) busied myself in digging around the different trees, not forgetting my favourite one. I had been occupied thus one evening, and had left the earth perfectly level round the root of the finest, when, on returning in the morning to view its opening beauties, I was surprised to find the prints of feet about it. Robinson Crusoe could not have been more agitated when he saw the marks of footsteps on his barren and desolate shore, than I was then; for, upon examining them more particularly, from the size, I discovered them to be those ef a female!" Perhaps 'tis the servant's ?-ro, no; we had but one female, and she had never such a foot as this. Perhaps 'tis my mother's ?-oh, Lord, said I to myself, her foot would make six of these! Then whose could it be?-a stranger's-that's certain. But when could she come? not in the morning, for I was an early riser, and

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