neficed in the diocese of Raphoe in Ireland, of which he is Archdeacon. Of a work which has been before the publick for thirteen years with increasing approbation, and of which near four thousand copies have been dispersed, it is not necessary to say more; yet I cannot refrain from adding, that, highly as it is now estimated, it will, I am confident, be still more valued by posterity a century hence, when all the actors in the scene shall be numbered with the dead; when the excellent and extraordinary man, whose wit and wisdom are here recorded, shall be viewed at a still greater distance; and the instruction and entertainment they afford, will at once produce reverential gratitude, admiration, and delight. June 20, 1804. E. M. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIFTH EDITION. In this fifth edition some errours of the press, which had crept into the text and notes, in consequence of repeated impressions, have been corrected. Two letters written by Dr. JOHNSON, and several new notes, have been added; by which, it is hoped, this valuable work is still further improved. January 1, 1807. E. M. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SIXTH EDITION. GREAT pains have been taken to make this sixth edition accurate, in point of typography. With this view the entire work has been read over by the authour's second son, JAMES Boswell, of the Inner Temple, Esq.; by which means many errours of the press, occasioned by repeated impressions, have been discovered. All these have been carefully amended. Several new notes and some letters have been added; and in the Index,-a very useful appendage to a book containing so much miscellaneous and unconnected matter,many new articles have been inserted. By these improvements the present impression has been rendered the amplest, and, it is hoped, will be found the most correct edition of this valuable work, which has yet appeared. FOLEY-PLACE, May 2, 1811. E. M. |