

Address, Annual, from the Conference to
the Societies, 69, 174, 295, 407, 519,
619 standing directions respecting the
distribution of, 66, 171, 292, 404, 516,
616-from the Irish to the British Con-
ference, 74, 178, 299, 415, 525, 624:
Answers to ditto, 77, 182, 303, 419,
528,627-from the Methodist Episcopal
Church in America to the British Con-
ference, 185, 306, 422: Answers to
ditto, 187, 308, 424

Address from the Quarterly Meeting of
the London South Circuit noticed, 400
Auxiliary Fund, Committee, &c., of, 64,
167, 278, 396, 511, 611-District-
Minutes respecting, to be sent to the
Treasurer, 64, 167, 279, 397, 512, 612
-Allowances for affliction and funeral
expenses to be chargeable on the Con-
tingent Fund, if not provided by the
Circuits, 511-sons of deceased or
supernumerary Preachers to be ad-
mitted into the Schools, 512-donations
to, 279, 397, 512-subscriptions for,
when to be solicited, 68, 174, 294,406,
518, 619. See also Preachers' Annui-
tant Society.

America, Methodist Episcopal Church in,
mission of the Rev. W. Capers from,
noticed, 401-Addresses from, to the
British Conference, 185, 306, 422-
number of members belonging to, 47,
152, 262, 382, 493, 598

Baptism, administration of, 513
Barker, Rev. Jonathan, to visit Ireland,
48-Treasurer of the Auxiliary Fund,
64, 167, 279, 396, 511, 612
Book Affairs, 56, 160, 271, 388, 502,

Catalogue of Books to be revised, 56
Editor's term of service, rule respect-
ing, 604

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Brown, Rev. John, Secretary of the Tract
Committee, 57-Editor of the Child's
Magazine, 160, 271, 388, 502, 604
Bunting, Rev. Jabez, thanks to, 57, 290,
398, 402-calumniations of, noticed,
398-requests made to, 402, 515-to
attend the Irish Conference, 48, 154,
383-to visit Scotland, 154, 383-to
attend the Welsh District-Meeting,
495-alarming illness of, mentioned,
627, 629

Burdsall, Rev. R., thanks to, 398
Butterworth, Joseph, Esq., M. P., thanks
to, 50, 51-death of, mentioned, 155,
Buxton, Thomas F., Esq., M. P., thanks
to, 51

Candidates for the ministry, a series of
questions to be prepared for, 168-se-
curities for the character, qualifications,
and orthodoxy of, 279

Capers, Rev. William, the mission of,
noticed, 401

Carsons, Messrs., of Dublin, thanks to,

Chairmen of Districts, standing directions

to, respecting the School-Fund, 55,
158, 269, 387, 501, 603-the Chapel-
Fund, 58, 160, 272, 389, 504, 605—
the Auxiliary Fund, 64, 167, 279, 294,
397, 406, 512, 518, 612, 619-the
Contingent Fund, 295, 406, 518, 619
-Circuit-Schedules, 66, 171,292, 404,
516, 616-District-Minutes, 405, 517,
618-the July Collection, 406, 517,
618-candidates for the ministry, 279,
280-the annual settlement of their
accounts, 282-inquiries on points of
discipline, 65, 171, 292, 389, 403, 515,
Chapel-Building Committee, 59, 161, 273,
391, 505, 607: number to form a quo-
rum, 391, 505, 607-cases to be sanc-
tioned by, 59, 162,273, 391, 505, 607—
parties to receive a copy of the condi-
tions of sanction, 391, 506, 607-form
of application to, 59, 162, 274, 391,
506, 607-to request subscriptions
from Trust-Funds, 506, 607
Chapel-Fund, regulations concerning, 57,
160, 271, 389, 502, 605
Annual Grants to be reduced one-
third, 504

Applications for relief, mode of, 606
Assistance to be solicited from Trustees

of chapels that are free from debt,


Chairmen to inquire what chapels have
been erected in their respective Dis-
tricts, and whether the stipulated
conditions have been complied with,
390-in cases of Grants, to see that
securities to the full amount
destroyed, and copies taken, 605
Chapel-debts, £1000 to be annually
applied to the reduction of, 503
Chapel-Fund Committee to be annu-
ally appointed in each Circuit, 504,

Chapel-Fund Loan Committee, ap-
pointment of, 273

Chapel-Schedules, duplicates of, to be
annually sent to the Chairman of the
District, from chapels that have been
relieved, 57-to be examined and
signed by the Superintendent, 58-
to be compared with those of the
preceding year by the Chairman of
the District, 608

Circuit-Plan to be produced at District-
Meetings, 58

Collections, &c., to be reported at Dis-
trict-Meetings, 58, 160, 272, 389,
504-when to be made, and to whom
remitted, 68,173, 294, 406, 518, 619

Chapel-Fund, continued.
District-Schedules, regulations respect-
ing, 606

General Treasurers, &c., 58, 160, 272,
390, 504, 606

Inquiry to be made whether distressed
chapels be occupied as Sunday-
schools, 160, 272, 389

Loans on mortgage of trust-premises,
rule respecting, 605

New Loan of £5000, regulations re-
specting, 503

Private subscriptions to be annually
raised in each Circuit, 389
Scotch chapels, Rev. V. Ward to collect
money for the relief of, 503-Sub-
Committee to regulate the payments
of money for, 605-a list of the dona-
tions for, to be annually published,
Children's Fund, General Treasurers, &c.,
of, 60, 163, 274, 392, 507, 608-
Children's Allowances to be provided
by, 61, 163, 275, 393, 507, 608-ab-
stract of the accounts of, 103, 215, 335,
445, 549, 649

Circuit-Plan to be produced at District-
Meetings, 58

Circuits, regulations respecting the divi-
sion of, 280-different, in the same
town, the Preachers of, advised to meet
regularly, 281

Clarke, Dr. Adam, requested to corre-
spond with the Preachers in the Shet-
land Isles, 29, 134, 242, 362, 473,
Class-Leaders, directions to, 168-a series
of questions to be prepared for, 168
Class-Meetings, diligent attendance at,
recommended, 70

Clement, St., extract from, on divisions in
the Church, 412

Collection, July, standing orders respect-
ing, 68, 174, 295, 406, 518, 619-
general view of, in the several Districts,
438, 542, 642-amount of, in the Cir-
cuits, see Accounts of Contingent Fund.
Collection, Yearly, when to be made, 68,
173, 294, 406, 518, 619-general view
of, in the several Districts, 101, 213,
333, 438, 542, 642-amount of, in the
Circuits, see Accounts of Contingent

Collections, usual, 68, 173, 294, 406, 518,

Committee, Missionary, 49, 155, 264, 385,
496, 600-for guarding Privileges, 49,
154, 264, 384, 495, 600-for Kings-
wood and Woodhouse-Grove Schools,
53, 157, 268, 386, 499, 602-Book,
57, 160, 271, 389, 502, 604-Chapel-
Fund, 58, 161, 272, 390, 505, 606-

Chapel-Building, 59, 161, 273, 391,
505, 607-of Eleven, 64, 167, 278,
396, 511, 612-for preparing a plan
for the management of Sunday-schools,
169: for the improvement of Preachers
on the List of Reserve, 514
Committees preparatory to Conference,
when to meet, 66, 172, 293, 404, 516,

Conference, arrangements for facilitating
the business of, 282
Contingent Fund,-

Maximum of Allowances to the several
Districts, 63, 166, 277,395, 510, 610
Grant to the Irish Conference, 166,
278, 396, 511, 611
Thanks to benefactors, 164
General Treasurers, &c., 62, 164, 276,
394, 509, 609

Accounts of, 80, 191, 311, 428, 532,

Ordinary Deficiencies in the several

[ocr errors]

Districts, general view of, 101,
203, 333, 438, 542, 642-in the
several Circuits, arranged in Dis-
tricts, viz.,-

Aberdeen, 95, 206, 327, 437, 541,

Bath, 86, 197, 317, 432, 535, 635
Birmingham, 87, 198, 319, 433,
536, 636

Bradford, 538, 638

Bristol, 85, 196, 316, 431, 535, 634
Carlisle, 94, 206, 326, 437, 541, 640
Cornwall, 84, 195, 315, 431, 535,

Darlington, 436, 540, 640
Derby, 323, 435, 539, 638
Devonport, 84, 195, 315, 431, 534,

Edinburgh, 95, 206, 327, 437, 541,


Exeter, 85, 196, 316, 431, 535, 634
Guernsey, 84, 195, 315, 430, 534, 633
Halifax, 90, 201, 321, 434, 538, 637
Hull, 92, 204, 324, 436, 539, 639
Isle of Man, 95, 206, 326, 437, 541,

Kent, 81, 192, 312, 429, 533, 632
Leeds, 90, 202, 322, 434, 538, 638
Lincoln, 92, 203, 324, 435, 539, 639
Liverpool, 89, 200, 320, 433, 537,

London, First, 80, 191, 311, 428,
532, 631

London, Second, 80, 191, 311, 428,
532, 631

Lynn, 82, 193, 313, 429, 533, 632
Macclesfield, 88, 199, 320, 433,537,

Manchester, 89, 200, 321, 434, 537,

[blocks in formation]

Northampton, 83, 194, 314, 430,
534, 633

Norwich, 82, 93, 313, 429, 533, 632
Nottingham, 92, 203, 323, 435, 539,

Oxford, 82, 193, 313, 430, 533, 632
Portsmouth, 83, 194, 314, 430,
534, 633

Sheffield, 91, 202, 322, 435, 538,

Shetland, 96, 207, 327, 438, 541,
Shrewsbury, 88, 199, 319, 433, 537,

Wales, North, 536, 635
Wales, South, First, 536, 635
Wales, South, Second, 536, 635
Welsh, First, 86, 197, 317, 432
Welsh, Second, 87, 198, 318, 432
Whitby, 93, 205, 325, 436, 540, 640
York, 93, 204, 325, 436, 540, 639

Travelling Expenses, 97, 208, 328,
439, 543, 643-Furniture, 98,
210, 330, 441, 545, 646-Mis-
cellaneous Expenses, 99, 210, 330,
441, 545, 646

General Statement, 102, 214,334, 443,
547, 647

Depository for important documents, esta-
blishment of, 291

Deputations, Missionary, the plan of, to
be revived, 52

Discipline, various branches of :-
Baptism, administration of, 513
Candidates for the ministry, examina-
tions of, 168, 280

Circuits, regulations on the division of,

Laws and usages of Methodism, on
novel interpretations of, 512
Leaders' Meetings, directions respect-
ing, 167

Lessons for the Day, Society-Meetings,
and Lord's Supper, regulations re-
specting, 65-Chairmen of Districts
to inquire whether they have been
observed, 65, 171, 292, 403, 515, 616
Minutes of 1820, extract from, to be
read at every District-Meeting, 65,
171, 292, 403, 515, 613

Young members, how to promote the
spiritual welfare of, 281
District-Meetings, extract from the Mi-
nutes of 1820 to be read at, 65, 171,
292, 403, 515, 613-Welsh, arrange-
ments for the, 48, 154, 263, 384, 495,

Editor's term of service, rule respecting,

Fasts, Quarterly, observance of, recom-
mended, 522, 613

Graham, Rev. Charles, labours of, in Ire-
land, mentioned, 625

Hill, Rev. Thomas, resolutions of Con-
ference respecting, 11
Holy Spirit, regards due to the, 623

Irish Conference, Addresses of, to the
British Conference, 74, 178, 299, 415,
525, 624 - exertions of, to liquidate
their debt, 527-grant to, from the
Contingent Fund, 166, 278, 396, 511,

Ireland, stations of Preachers in, 29, 134,
242, 363, 474, 578-Missionaries in,
32, 137, 245, 366, 477, 580-
Preachers who have died in, 9, 112,
222, 341, 452, 557-number of mem-
bers in, 42, 147, 256, 376, 488, 592
-appointment of the President for,
and of Preachers who are to attend
the Irish Conference, 48, 154, 263,
383, 495, 599-Mission-Schools in,
noticed, 76, 180, 301, 416, 526, 626
India, petitions for the abolition of human
sacrifices in, recommended, 515

Jackson, Rev. Thomas, thanks to, for his
services as Editor, 57

Jamaica, resolutions of Missionaries in,
disowned, 51

Kershaw, Rev. John, Secretary of the
Committee of Privileges, 49, 154-
office of Book-Steward resigned by,

Leaders' Meetings, directions concerning,
168-on the right of, to express their
opinions to the Conference, 399
Leeds, the dissensions at, noticed, 397,
408, 420, 426, 513

Lessons for the day to be read every Sab-

bath, 65-Chairmen of Districts to
inquire whether this rule has been
observed, 65, 171, 292, 403, 515,

Letters on public business to be post-

paid, 66, 172, 292, 404, 516, 617
Local Preachers, to answer a series of
questions prepared by order of Confer-
ence, 168

London South Circuit, resolutions of Con-
ference on an Address from the Quar-
terly Meeting of, 400

Lord's Supper, communicants at, to

produce Society-tickets, 65-Chairmen
of Districts to inquire whether this
rule has been attended to, 65, 171,
292, 403, 515, 616-means to promote
a regular attendance at, 513-pastoral
advice respecting, 522

Lushington, Dr., M. P., thanks to, 51

Maria Mail-Boat, obituaries of Mission-
aries lost in the, 114

Marsden, Rev. George, thanks to, 290,
398 to attend the Welsh District-
Meeting, 154, 384
Mason, Rev. John, Missionary Secretary,
50, 156-appointed Book-Steward, 271
-Secretary of the Committee of Pri-
vileges, 264, 384, 496, 600
Members in Society, number of, in the
several Circuits, 38, 143, 252, 372,
483, 588-total number of, in Great
Britain, 42, 147, 256, 376, 488,
592-in Ireland, 42, 147, 256, 376,
488, 592-on the Mission Stations,
46, 152, 262, 382, 493, 598-
in the United States of America, 47,
152, 262, 382, 493, 598

Missionaries, stations of, 32, 137, 245,
366, 477, 580-total number of, 48,
153, 263, 383, 494, 599-not to return
home without leave, 53-regulations
respecting the appointment, stay, and
return of, 266

Missionary Anniversaries to be visited by
Deputations, 52

Missions, Committees, Treasurers, &c.,
for, 49, 155, 264, 384, 496, 600-
thanks to Members of Parliament for
defence of the Wesleyan Missions,
51-disavowal of resolutions pub-
lished by Missionaries in Jamaica,
51-the plan of Annual Deputations
to be again tried, 52-rule on the
return of Missionaries, 53: regula-
tions respecting their appointment,
stay, and return, 266 - death of
Joseph Butterworth, Esq., M. P., 155 :
of Thomas Thompson, Esq., of Hull,
497-Collections for the Mission Fund,
when to be made, 68, 173, 294, 406,
518, 619

Moore, Rev. Henry, regret of Conference
on the retirement of, 170

Newton, Rev. Robert, thanks to, 290,
398 to attend the Welsh District-
Meeting, 48, 264, 495-to accompany
the President to Ireland, 383, 599

Obituaries. See under Preachers.
Organs in our chapels, on the right of
Leaders' Meetings to memorialize Con-
ference respecting, 399

Ouseley, Rev. Gideon, labours of, in Ire-
land, noticed, 625

Pastoral visitations, resolutions respect-
ing, 612

Plan, Conference, to be published annu-
ally, 291, 403, 515, 615-Circuit, to
be produced at District-Meetings, 58
Preachers' Annuitant Society, donations
to, 64, 167, 279, 397, 512, 612
Preachers admitted into full connexion,
remaining on trial, and received on
trial, 3, 104, 216, 336, 446, 550
Preachers who have desisted from tra-
velling :-


Bewley, Thomas H., 559
Bott, Joseph, 116
Burgess, Francis, 559
Davis, Thomas, 455

Eden, William H. L., 224

Grimshaw, Jacob, 224
Heywood, Thomas, 116
Jackson, Henry, 455
Jackson, Robert, sen., 11
Jones, Robert, 1st, 11
Kerpezdron, Armand de, 455
Lavers, William, 344
Mansfield, Robert, 455
Melvin, James, 344
Orth, George, 344
Pope, John, 344

Priestley, James, 11

Sheriffe, James, 344

Sutherland, James, 344

Tremayne, Francis, 116, 344

Walker, William, 116

Walton, John, 224

Waudby, John, 344

Woodall, William, 224

Worrell, Joseph, 224

Preachers who have died during the years

[blocks in formation]

Preachers who have died, continued.

Entwisle, Samuel, 555

Furness, John, 554
Gill, Thomas, 447
Griffith, Walter, 6
Hardacre, Richard, 341
Hill, William, 220
Hopkins, Robert, 220
Horner, William, 218
Hunter, William, 107
Isles, George, 339
Jackson, Daniel, sen., 5
Jenkin, William, 554
Jewitt, Arthur G., 448
Johnson, Robert, 451
Jones, David, 552
Jones, Robert, 112
Judd, William, 551

Kaye, William, 449
Lancaster, John, 552
M'Allum, Daniel, M.D., 221
Manwaring, George, 107
Martin, William, 110
Miller, Robert, 451
Mollard, Thomas, 338
Mortimer, James, 552
Mowat, George, 106
Muff, Isaac, 552
Myles, William, 339
Nelson, John, sen., 111
Peck, James, 339
Peet, William, 451
Pollard, Thomas, 552
Porter, Jonathan, 339
Riles, John, 110

Scholefield, James, 218
Shepherd, Thomas S., 107

Siddle, Jonathan, 554
Simmons, Caleb, 109
Smith, John, sen., 8
Stoner, David, 218
Taylor, Joseph, sen., 555
Tindale, George, 7
Tunnicliffe, Charles, 341
Vasey, Thomas, 219
Vipond, William, 107
Walker, Thomas, 3d, 556

Warrener, William, 108
Whitehead, Joseph, 554
Woolmer, Samuel, 221
Wood, Thomas, A.M., 109
Wrigley, Francis, 5
Yewdall, Zechariah, 553
In Ireland, eleven, viz.,-
Barber, Thomas, 112
Dowling, Blakeley, 557
Hamilton, John, 9
Irwin, James, 452
Kerr, John, 557
M'Kee, James, 9
M'Mullen, Daniel, 222
Malcomson, John, 341

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