
On examination of this unhappy man it appeared that "He had originally served in the Kangaroo, and lost his leg by an accident on board the Atalanta. He had been admitted a pensioner at Greenwich Hospital, where he had remained eighteen months; but six months back he had misconducted himself towards his wardsman, and had been turned out. From that period, which was in December, he had been without pension or means of support. He petitioned the Lords of the Admiralty for redress, but in vain; he then, on the nineteenth of April last, petitioned the King. This petition he took to Whitehall, and he had reason to believe it had reached the King at Windsor, for it was sent back to the Lords of the Admiralty, and he was again informed, through their Secretary, that his claims could not be recognized; he then became desperate; he had no means of support; and, as he said, 'he might as well be shot or hanged, as remain in such a state.'

"In this feeling it was he came to Ascot, determined to be revenged on the King. He admitted he threw the stone which struck his Majesty, as well as that which fol lowed. He had no accomplices, and acted entirely from his own feelings, and without the suggestion or dictation of any person. He then produced his papers, to show that his story was well founded; and on being reasoned with on the atrocity of his conduet, he said he was sorry for it. His manner was perfectly collected and rational; and he was recognized by some of the Bow street officers as having been before the Magistrates of that establishment for some former misconduct. On examining his head, there was a mark of a wound, which we collected from him had been inflicted by a fall. He was not intoxicated, but he admitted he had been drinking beer, which he purchased with a shilling which had been given to him by a gentleman that morning He had walked down from London, and had slept in a shed in the neighbourhood of Windsor the preceding night. This was the substance of his own statement. "Depositions were then taken on the spot by the Clerk of the Magistrates. The man was committed, and the impression was, that his offence might be considered High Treason."

Ireland was still in a very unquiet state; and in Dublin a conflict between the Orangemen and their antagonist party, was feared. The Cholera still existed in Britain, as well as in Ireland; and the last accounts state, that after an abatement, it had revived, with increased violence and malignity, both in London and Dublin. Ín Liverpool it had proved very mortal, and there had been riotous attempts to prevent patients being carried to the hospitals. It would seem as if it were a part of this calamity, wherever it extends, that the poor and ignorant, who suffer from it the most, should suspect and abuse their best friends-those who are making every effort and sacrifice for their relief.

FRANCE-France is unhappily agitated by political parties, two of which, although of very opposite views, united in endeavouring to produce a revolution in Paris, on occasion of the immense concourse of people collected to pay funeral honours to General Lamarque, on the 6th of July last-each party hoping, as it would appear, to avail itself of the confusion of a revolutionary movement, to obtain the ascendancy, and finally change the government in its own favour. There are in France, five distinct parties. First, the Carlists, so denominated from the ex-monarch dethroned two years since. These are no other than royalists of the old school. They would rejoice to see France governed as it was before the revolution of 1789. They still rally under the White Flag. 2. Republicans, opposed not only to the Carlists, or old royalists, but to the present government, and indeed to every thing short of the democracy which prevailed in France before the usurpation of Buonaparte. Their ensign is the Red Flag. 3. The Juste Milieu, that is, the just medium, between the two parties already mentioned; or, rather, between those who would go too far towards either arbitrary power, or popular licentiousness. They profess to deprecate such royalty as existed under Charles and Louis, and such republicanism as desolated France in the early part of the revolution that overthrew the old monarchy. They call the government which they say they like, a Republican Monarchy. This is the present governing party; and as far as we can judge, it embraces a large majority of the whole nation. The Tri-coloured flag, as the national ensign, is adopted by this party, as well as by the two that remain to be mentioned. This is the party which, in connexion with the one next mentioned, produced the revolution of 1830, and formed the present constitution. 4. The Libe rals; who united with the Juste Milieu, in dethroning Charles, and whose members, indeed, were among the most active on the three great days. They profess to be satisfied with the present form of government, but are much dissatisfied with its administration. They say, that nearly from the first, the principles on which the government was established and organized, and to the support of which Louis Philip was solemnly pledged, have been, to a great extent, disregarded and violated. General Lafayette may be considered as the head of this party. After the last recess of the Chambers, a number of the Deputies who remained in Paris, drew up, on the 30th of May, what they styled a Compte-rendu; that is, a manifesto, or statement to their constituents of their principles, views, and course of action, similar to the letters which

our members of Congress often address to their constituents. It was signed at the time by 41 names, and about a hundred are stated to have been added since. They all unite in the objections, contained in this paper, to the administration of the present government. They think it partakes too much, and indeed deeply, of the same spirit with that which it displaced-leans too much to royalty-did not succour, as it might have done effectually, the oppressed Poles-did not prevent, as it ought to have done, an Austrian influence in Italy-does not act, as it ought to do, independently of the Holy Alliance, but trims, and is indeed subservient to the despots who constitute that alliance-has not sustained, as it should have done, the National Guard, which might have been rendered such as to leave no necessity for so large a number as now exist of troops of the line-has not diminished as inuch as it might, the publick burden of taxes-has not provided for general instruction as it should have done; and has trammelled the press more than was necessary. These are among the principal items of complaint. It is a bold and decided publication, and it is believed that a great part of the nation are imbued with the sentiments of the Liberals, but not yet prepared for decided action. Eventually, however, it is thought that this party will become dominant; and either new model the government entirely, or make it, as now organized, to conform practically to Liberal principles. 5. The Buonapartists. If we rightly understand the views and wishes of this party, they are not directed to the new modelling of the government, farther than would be unavoidable in putting a successor to Napoleon, in the place of Louis Philip-the Buonapartean in place of the Orleans dynasty. They say that Napolean was elected to the sovereignty of France by a vole of the people, and that no such vote has ever placed Louis Philip where he is. Some think that the sudden departure of Joseph Buonaparte for Europe, has been with a reference to the wishes of this party in France. The party, however, we think, is not large. By the way, we were in error-deceived by a positive statement in a European print-in stating, two months since, the death of young Napoleon, the Duke of Reichstadt. The last accounts say that he is not dead, but so ill that his life is despaired of.

As many of our readers do not peruse newspapers a great deal, we have thought the above statement of the parties in France might be gratifying to them, and of some use. The statement will also help to illustrate the nature of the late attempt at revolution in Paris. General Lamarque was a prominent member of the Liberal party, and his name was placed on the Comte-rendu, while he was on his death-bed, and unable to write it. Public honours, it was known, were to be bestowed on his funeral, and that an immense concourse of people, and publick functionaries, would be in the procession. In fact, a large part of the population of Paris was present, either as forming part of the procession, or as spectators. The Royalists and Republicans, it is affirmed, and with apparent truth, entered into a combination to attempt on this occasion to overturn the government; and each party hoped that this being done, it would obtain the ascendant in a new organization. They appear to have drawn to their aid a good many Liberals, who were not fully apprized of their design. In pursuance of their plan, and to bring on the wished for crisis, they required the procession to depart from its projected rout, and their requisition was so strongly insisted on, that it was partially complied with, under colour of doing additional honour to the memory and remains of the deceased; but when they demanded that the corpse should be carried to a place which they knew the government would prohibit, and were accordingly refused, they commenced an attack on the military part of the procession. The corpse, however, was carried to the place of its destination, and after two or three speeches, was deposited. Then the multitude, in opposition to his wishes and remonstrances, removed the horses from the carriage of General La Fayette, and drew him to his residence in triumph. They had previousiy endeavoured to make him one of their party, by offer. ing him a crown, or Bonnet-rouge, the republican favourite badge; but he indignantly threw it from him. In the mean time, the contest was kept up between the armed insurgents and the governmental troops; and the latter, for a time, had the worst of the fight. But they were reinforced from every quarter, till they amounted ultimately to about 50,000 men, with a powerful train of artillery. The insurgents, however, erected barricades, and fired on the troops from windows and walls, and contended desperately for about 48 hours, when they gave up the contest all at once; and on the 9th, the city became entirely tranquil. The King behaved with great firmness, coolness, and address, through the whole; that is, after he arrived from Versailles, on the evening of the first day of the conflict. He reviewed the troops and was loudly cheered. A proclamation was issued immediately after order was restored, and the city was put under martial law; and, by the advice of a cabinet council, the captured insurgents, and those who were arrested on suspicion of being engaged in the revolutionary attempt, were ordered to be tried, not by a civil tribunal, but by a court martial. This has created new uneasiness-many have refused to answer a question before the courts martial, protesting that the order for trial there is unconstitutional. This has been particularly done by the celebrated Viscount de Chateaubriand, who, with the Duke

de Fitz James, and the amiable Baron Hyde de Neuville, have been arrested on suspicion. How this matter will terminate, remains to be seen-Chateaubriand has published a letter to a printer, containing a statement of his case.

The death of the Prime Minister, Perier, seems to have encouraged all the discontented parties in the Kingdom to make each an effort in its own favour. Among the rest, the Royalists were excited by the Dutchess de Berri, the mother of the heir ap parent to the crown after Charles X., to rise in the south and west of France. With the spirit of an infatuated heroine, she went to France, with her son and the marshal Bourmont, the conqueror of Algiers, and excited the Vendeans and Chouans to take arms in her behalf. They did so, and for a short time were partially successful; but they were soon overwhelmed, and are now said to be completely subdued by the troops of the Government. It it stated that the Dutchess is still in France, and likely to be captured. Here again we have been misled, by a positive statement in a European print, that she was actually captured before she landed, and had been sent back to her associates at Holyrood House, in Scotland.

Since the death of M. Casimir Perier, Talleyrand has been called from England to France. The object of this call has been conjectured to be, that he might take the place at the head of the cabinet, vacated by the death of Perier; but this is gainsaid by some of the journals, and they affirm that M. Dupin Ainé, will be appointed Prime Mi nister by the King. On the whole, France is in a very agitated and critical state; and till her moral state is improved, we have little expectation that she will enjoy perma nent tranquillity. Infidelity awfully prevails; yet it is not, as in the days of Jacobinism, disposed to persecute. There is not in the world, we verily believe, another field for the preaching of the gospel, so wide and fair as now exists in France. Britain is send ing thither a large number of Bibles, as may be seen in our article of Religious Intelligence. But the living teacher is needed-May the Lord raise up a host of evangeli cal missionaries among this interesting people; for we are given to understand that foreigners are not acceptable preachers. Their want of a perfect acquaintance with the language of the country is a great disadvantage, and the pride of a very refined and intellectual people leads many to refuse instruction from foreigners. If God intends mercy, as we hope he does, for the present generation of Frenchmen, he can and will provide teachers from among themselves; but every assistance, by pecuniary contributions, and by the sending to them a supply of Bibles and Tracts, ought, as far as possible, to be afforded by those who know the value of the gospel in its purity.

We have so extended our notice of the affairs of Britain and France, as to leave no room for details, in regard to other countries. Spain and Portugal remained in much the same situation as was stated in our last number. Don Pedro's expedition was hourly expected to appear, but had not yet appeared, off Lisbon; where Don Miguel had a large army to oppose him, which many believed would, to a great extent, desert him, if his rival should effect a landing. A large British naval force was in the Tagus, and some French ships of war, and one American frigate.-Russia, Austria, and Prussia, were reported to be forming a league, to keep their subjects in subjection, and to prevent the spread of those principles which are unfriendly to their despotick sway. The affairs of Belgium and Holland were still unsettled, and remained pretty much as they were at our last report.-The Turkish Sultan Mahmoud, had declared the Pacha of Egypt and his son Ibrahim, to be rebe's; and was organizing all the force he could muster to take vengeance on them. In the meantime, Ibrahim had vanquished the Sultan's troops in Palestine, and taken the strong fortress of Acre.-In the southern part of our own country, civil war continued in Mexico, and the anti-governmental party and army were said to be likely to prevail. The affairs of the other republicks seemed, on the.whole, to be improving. General Santander had reached Colombia in safety, and had been received with great joy. In Brazil we know of no recent change. -In our own country, we need hardly say, that two great topicks absorb the publick mind-the Cholera, and the approaching election of electors of a President of the United States. Of the Cholera we have said all that we have to say, in the preceding pages of our present number.-Except that we made a mistake, in stating last month, that both Houses of Congress had agreed in a resolution to request the President to recommend a day for a national fast. We certainly so understood the statements made in the publick papers at that time. But we deeply regret to find, that the fact was, that the resolution before the House of Representatives, having been modified, so as to recommend a day without the concurrence of the President, was in that state laid on the table-that is, negatived, in this courteous form. Alas! the pestilence is not a courteous visitant; and so our whole nation may find, before the visitation ter minates. The days recommended by the Governors of the States of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, have been, we believe, observed with much solemnity. Such has cer tainly been the fact within the sphere of our own observation. As to the election of a President, we have only to say, that our prayer is, that he may be one whom the Omniscient Sovereign of the Universe may see to be best qualified, and best disposed, to promote the welfare of our beloved country.




Religious Communications.


fined to the Jews, his natural de

CHISM OF THE WESTMINSTER AS- Scendants, but to be extended to




We are now more particularly to consider the sacraments of the New Testament, which are stated in our Catechism to be, "Baptism and the Lord's Supper."

When the sacraments of the New Testament are specially mentioned, there is an implication that there were also sacraments under the Old Testament. Such is the fact, and it is a fact of importance to be noticed; because we believe that the Christian dispensation was engrafted on the Mosaic; both dispensations being equally given under the covenant of grace, and the latter being only the completion or perfecting of the former.

It appears from several passages of the New Testament, that Baptism and the Lord's Supper in the Christian church, have succeeded to Circumcision and the Passover in the Jewish. If you will read attentively the fourth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, and the third chapter of the Epistle to the Galatians, you will see that the blessings of the covenant which God made with Abraham, and of which circumcision was to him the seal, were not intended to be conCh. Adv.-VOL. X.

the Gentiles also; he being by the divine appointment the father of the faithful to the latter, as really as to the former. It will also appear from the four last verses of Galatians iii., that Christians are "baptized into Christ," as their seal of the gracious covenant, just as circumcision was that seal to Abraham and his seed.

That the Lord's Supper is the Christian Passover, is not less evident. It was in the close of the Jewish Passover supper, that our Redeemer instituted the sacramental supper of his own death; thus engrafting the new dispensation on the old, and in place of the type exhibiting the antitype, the substance instead of the shadow; and for the paschal lamb, directing the view of his disciples to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world-the Lamb, without blemish and without spot, slain from the foundation of the world. Hence the apostle, Cor. iv. 7, says, "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us."

In the xviith chapter of Genesis, we have a full and distinct account of the institution of the rite of circumcision, which you ought to read with attention and care.Speaking of the spiritual meaning of this sacramental ceremony,

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Fisher says justly, "It signified the impurity and corruption of nature, the necessity of regeneration, or being cut off from the first Adam as a federal head, and of being implanted in Christ, in order to partake of the benefits of his mediation, together with a solemn virtual engagement to be the Lord's." In the xiith chapter of Exodus, we have a very particular and interesting account of the institution of the Jewish Passover. You are aware that it derived its name from the fact, that the destroying angel, who smote to death all the first born, both of man and beast among the Egyptians, passed over every house of the Israelites, whose door posts and lintel were sprinkled, according to the divine direction, with the blood of the paschal lamb. Every part of this remarkable institution was typical, and strikingly significative of the redemption of Christ, and the benefits of his most precious blood-shedding. The very name of the institution imported much-imported that the sword of divine justice will pass over and never slay the soul which is sprinkled with the atoning blood of the Saviour. The passover lamb was to be without blemish, to denote that although our sins were imputed to Christ, yet he was in himself "a Lamb without blemish and without spot-holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners." The paschal lamb was to die in no other way than by shedding its blood; to intimate that without the shedding of the blood of our Redeemer, there could be no remission of sin; that in no other way could divine justice be satisfied, and the sinner be reconciled to his God. The lamb of the passover was to be prepared for being eaten, exclusively, by being roasted with fire; intimating that the Redeemer, when he stood as the Surety of sinners, was to endure the most exquisite and extreme sufferings, and to be made, in body

and soul, a burnt sacrifice, as it were, for the sins of those in whose room and stead his awful agonies were endured-"It pleased the Lord to bruise him-God spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all." The lamb of the passover was to be eaten entire -no part of it was to remain unconsumed. Did not this signify that faith must receive a whole Christ-in all his offices, and for all the purposes for which he be came a Saviour?-That he must be made of God unto all his people "wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemp tion." "The whole assembly of the congregation of Israel" were required to prepare and partake of the passover supper, at the same time; to denote, we may reasona bly believe, that there is enough in Christ to satisfy the spiritual necessities of all his people, be the number ever so great-"In him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

"The solemn eating of the lamb was typical of our gospel-duty to Christ. The paschal lamb was killed, not to be looked upon only, but to be fed upon; so we must by faith make Christ ours, as we do that which we eat; and we must receive spiritual strength and nourishment from him, as from our food; and have delight and satisfaction in him, as we have in eating and drinking, when we are hungry and thirsty. . . . . . It was to be eaten immediately, not deferred till morning. To-day Christ is of fered, and is to be accepted while it is called to-day, before we sleep the sleep of death. It was to be eaten with bitter herbs, in remembrance of the bitterness of the bondage in Egypt. We must feed upon Christ with sorrow and brokenness of heart, in remembrance of sin; this will give an additional relish to the paschal lamb; Christ will be sweet to us if sin be bitter. It was to be eaten in a departing pos

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