[blocks in formation]

conjunct, closely joined or con-
nected. Lear ii. 2. Ï18.

conjunctive, closely united. Ham.
iv. 7. 14; Oth. i. 3. 368.
conjuration, solemn appeal or en-
treaty. R. & J. v. 3. 68; Ham, v. 2.
38; incantation. Oth. i. 3. 92.
conjure, influence by incantation,
charm. T. & C. v. 2. 122 ; &c.; call
upon solemnly, adjure. Ham. iv. 3.

conscience, sound judgement. Tim.
ii. 2. 178; conscientiousness, Oth.
iii. 3. 203; inward knowledge, in-
most thought. Cym. i. 6, 116.
conscionable, conscientiousness.
Oth. ii. 1. 238.

consent, unanimity. Cor. ii. 3. 23;
v. 3. 71; opinion, or? party. Mac. ii.
1. 25.

consent in, agree in planning. Oth.
v. 2. 296.

conserve, make into a conserve.
Oth. iii. 4. 75.


Cym. ii. 3. 29.


considerate, considering, thought-
ful. A. & C. ii. 2. 115.

considered, suitable for deliberate
thought. Ham. ii. 2. 81.

consigned, added by way of rati-
fication. T. & C. iv. 4. 44.
consist, insist. Per. i. 4. 83.
consonancy, agreement, accord.
Ham. ii. 2. 291.

consort, associate, league. R. & J.
ii. 1. 31; accompany, attend. R. &
J. iii. 1. 44, 129; fellowship, com-
pany. Lear ii. 1. 98.

conspectuity, sight. Cor. ii. 1. 66.
conspire, plot. T. & C. v. 1.65; Oth.
iii. 3. 142.

constantly, confidently. T. & C. iv.
1.40; fixedly, resolutely, faithfully.
J.C. v. 1. 92; Ham. i. 2. 234; Cym. iii.
5. 118.

constrain, violate. T.A. v. 2. 178;
assume, put on by an effort. Lear
ii. 2. 97; produce by compulsion,
force. A. & C. iii. 11. 59; Cym. v. 4.


constringe, compress, constrict.
T. & C. v. 2. 170.

consul, senator. Oth. i. 2. 43; Cym.
iv. 2. 385.

consummation, death. Ham. iii. 1.
63; Cym. iv. 2. 280.

contagion, contagious or poison-

ous influence. J.C. ii. 1. 265; Ham.
iii. 2.396; iv. 7. 146.
containing, contents, tenor. Cym.
v. 5. 431.

content, fulfilment of one's desire,
desire. T. & C. i. 2. 305; agreed. Cor.
ii. 3. 49; A. & C. iv. 3. 22; calm. J.
C. iv. 2. 41; be calm. Lear i. 4. 314;
Cym. v. 4. 102; gratify. Ham. iii. 1.
24; recompense. Oth. iii. 1. 1.
contented, well, agreed! Mac. ii. 3.

contentless, discontented. Tim.
iv. 3. 216.

con thanks, be grateful. Tim, iv. 3.

continent, restraining, self-re.
straining. Mac. iv. 3. 64 ; Lear i. 2.
172; cover, enclosure. Ham. iv. 4.
64; Lear iii. 2. 58; A. & C. iv. 12. 40;
summary, sum. Ham. v. 2. 112.
continuance, permanence. R. & J.
prol. 10.

continuate, lasting. Tim. i. 1. 11;
uninterrupted. Oth. iii. 4. 176.
continue, come as a sequel. Tim.
ii. 2. 5.

contraction, betrothal. Ham. iii. 4.


contrary, oppose, thwart. R. & J.
i. 5. 88.

contrary, in the, to the contrary.
Oth. iv. 2. 175.

contrive, devise, plot. T. & C. i. 3.
201; J.C. ii. 3. 15; Ham. ii. 2. 213.
control, overmaster. Cor. iii. 1.

controller, critic, detractor. T.A.
ii. 3. 60.

controlment, restraint, check. T.A.
ii. 1. 68.

controversy, courage. J.C. i. 2. 109.
conveniences, comforts, advan-
tages. T. & C. iii. 3. 7; Oth. ii. 1. 231,
conveniency, advantage. Oth. iv.

2. 178.

convenient, fitting, proper. T. A.
v. 2. 90; Lear v. 1. 36.
convent, summon, convene. Cor.
ii. 2. 54.

conversation, intercourse. Ham.
iii. 2. 55; Cym. i. 4. 108; behaviour,
conduct. Oth. iii. 3. 264; A. & C. ii.
6. 127; Per. ii. Gower 9.
converse, intercourse, conversa-
tion. Ham. ii. 1. 42; Oth. iii. 1. 39.
convert, change into something
else. Mac. iv. 3. 228; Ham. v. 1. 219.
convey, manage
with secrecy.
Mac. iv. 3. 71; Lear i. 2. 105; stolen.
Cym. i. 1. 63.

conveyance, channel for convey-
ing liquor. Cor. v. 1. 55; escort, con-
duct, convoy. Ham. iv. 4. 3; Oth.
i. 3. 286; document by which trans-
ference of property is effected.
Ham. v. 1. 112.

convince, prove guilty. T. & C. ii.
2. 130; overcome. Mac. i. 7. 64; &c.
convive, feast. T. & C. iv. 5. 271.

convocation, assembly. Ham. iv. 3.


convoy, means of conveyance. R.
& J. ii. 4. 193; Ham. i. 3. 3.
cope, meet, encounter. T. & C. i. 2.
33; Lear v. 3. 125; Oth. iv. 1. 86;
come into contact with. Ham. iii.

copped, peaked. Per. i. 1. 101.
copy, pattern, example. Tim. iii. 3.
32; copyhold. Mac. iii. 2. 38.
cordial, restorative, comforting.
Cym. i. 5. 64.

core, central part of an ulcer. T. &
C. ii. 1.7; v. 1. 4; v. 8. 1.
Corinth, house of ill-fame. Tim. ii.
2. 71.

co-rival, vie with. T. & C. i. 3. 44.
corky, withered. Lear iii. 7. 29.
cormorant, ravenous, rapacious.
T. & C. ii. 2. 6; Cor. i. 1. 122.
coronet, chaplet, garland. Ham.
iv. 7. 172.

corporal, bodily, material. Mac. i.
3. 81; i. 7. 80.

corporate, belonging to a body of
persons. Tim. ii. 2. 206.

corrigible, correcting. Oth. i. 3.
327; submissive. A. & C. iv. 12. 74.
corse, corpse. J.C. iii. 1. 199.
costard,large kind of apple; hence,
head. Lear iv. 6. 242.

cote, pass beyond, outstrip. Ham.
ii. 2. 323.

cot-quean, man that busies him-
self with matters belonging to the
wife's province. R. & J. iv. 4. 6.
couch, lie hidden, in ambush. T.A.
v. 2. 38; &c.

counsel, counsel-keeping, secret.
Cor. i. 2. 2; T.A. ii. 3. 24 ; Ham. iv.
2. 11.

count, reckoning, account. R. & J.
i. 3. 71; A. & C. ii. 6. 54.
countenance, favour, patronage.
Cor. v. 5. 40; Ham. i. 3. 113; be in
keeping with. Mac. ii. 3. 81; bear-
ing, demeanour. Lear i. 2. 163.
counter, debased coin. J.C. iv. 3.
80; following the trail in the wrong
direction. Ham. iv. 5. 109.
Oth. i. 1. 31.
counterchange, exchange. Cym.
v. 5. 397.


[blocks in formation]

course, pursue. Mac. i. 6. 21; Lear
iii. 4. 55; A. & C. iii. 11. 11; one of
a series of attacks in bear-baiting.
Mac. v. 7. 2; Lear iii. 7. 54; line of
action. Lear i. 3. 27; regular order.
Lear iii. 7. 101; Oth. i. 2. 86; cus-
tomary procedure, habit. Oth. iv.
1. 281.

court-cupboard, movable side-
board or cabinet. R. & J. i. 5. 8.
courtesy, curtsy, bow. T. & C. ii.
3. 105; Lear iii. 7. 26.

courtier, wooer. A. & C. ii. 6. 17.
courtly, refined. T. & C. iii. 1. 30;
Cym. iii. 5.71; characteristic of the
falseness of courtiers. Tim. v. 1. 27.
court of guard, guard-room. Oth.
ii. 1. 217; A. & C. iv. 9. 2.
courtship, state befitting a court
or courtier. R. & J. iii. 3. 34; court.
liness. Oth. ii. 1. 170.

cowish, cowardly. Lear iv. 2. 12.
coxcomb, cap worn by a profes
sional fool. Lear i. 4. 94; ludicrous
term for the head. Lear ii. 4. 123.
coy, disdain. Cor. v. 1. 6.

coystril, base fellow. Per. iv. 6. 174.
coz, cousin. R. & J. i. 5. 68.
cozen, cheat. Lear v. 3. 155; Oth.
iv. 2. 132.

cozenage, cheating. Ham. v. 2. 67.
cozener, impostor. Lear iv. 6. 164.
crack, lively, pert little boy. Cor.
i. 3. 69; breach. Oth. ii. 3. 321; utter
loudly. Cym. v. 5. 178.

craft, made a good job of it. Cor.

iv. 6. 119.

crank, winding path. Cor. i. 1. 138.
crants, garland, wreath. Ham. v.
1. 239.

crare, small trading-vessel. Cym.
iv. 2. 205.

craven, render cowardly. Cym. iii.
4. 78.

craver, beggar. Per. ii. 1. 91.
cream-faced, pale. Mac. v. 3. 11.
credent, believing, trustful. Ham.
i. 3. 30.

creek, winding part of a rivulet.
Cym. iv. 2. 151.

crescent, growing, increasing.
Ham. i. 3. 11; A. & Č.ii. 1. 10; Cym.
i. 4. 2.

crest, comb, tuft of feathers, &c.,
on the head. T. & C. i. 3. 380; Cor.
iv. 5. 224; ridge of a horse's neck.
J.C. iv. 2. 26; helmet. Mac. v. 7. 40;
serve as a crest to. A. & C. v. 2. 83.
cribbed, hampered. Mac. iii. 4. 24.
crimeful, criminal. Ham. iv. 7. 7.
cringe, distort. A. & C. iii. 11. 100.
crisp, shining.clear. Tim. iv. 3. 184.
crop, yield a crop. A. & C. ii. 2. 233;
lop off. Per. i. 1. 141.

cross, perverse. T.A. ii. 3. 53; R. &
J. iv. 3. 5; have one's debts can-
celled. Tim. i. 2. 164; passing from
side to side. J.C. i. 3. 50; Lear iv. 7.
35; thwart, go counter to. Mac. iii.
1. 81; meet, face. Ham. i. 1. 127.

crotchet, whim, fancy; musical note. R. & J. iv. 5. 120. crow, crowbar. R. & J. v. 2. 21. crowd, squeeze, crush. J.C. ii. 4. 36. crow-flower, buttercup. Ham. iv. 7. 169.

crow-keeper, one employed to keep crows away, scare-crow. R. & J. i. 4. 6; Lear iv. 6. 89. crowner, coroner. Ham. v. 1. 4. crownet, coronet. A. & C. v. 2. 91. crush, discuss, drink. R. & J. i. 2. 82.

crutch, symbol of old age. Cym. iv. 2. 200.

cruzado, Portuguese coin, stamped with a cross. Öth. iii. 4. 26.

try, supplicate, appeal. Tim. ii. 1. 20; yelp. Ham. iv. 5, 108; call for, demand loudly. Oth. i. 3. 277. cry on, invoke with outcry. T. & C. v. 5. 35.

cry out, tell plainly. R. & J. iii. 3. 108.

cub-drawn, sucked dry by her cubs. Lear iii. 1. 12.

cumber, harass, trouble. Tim. iii. 6. 49; J.C. iii. 1. 264.

cunning, knowledge, skill. T. & C. v. 5. 41; &c.; skill, ability. R. & J. ii. 2. 101; Ham. iv. 7. 154; A. & C. ii. 3. 34; skilful, clever. R. & J. iv. 2. 2; Ham. iii. 4.138; profession. Tim. iv. 3. 210; dexterously wrought or devised. Oth. v. 2. 11. 332. cup, ply with drink, intoxicate. A. & C. ii. 7. 122.

cur, used without depreciation of the mastiff, &c. Mac. iii. 1. 93. curb, bow. Ham. iii. 4. 155; restrain. Cym. ii. 3. 122.

curdied, congealed. Cor. v. 3.66. cure, be remedied. R. & J. i. 2. 48. cure, stand in bold (hard), be in a healthy (desperate) state. Lear iii. 6. 104; Oth. ii. 1. 51. curiosity, nicety, delicacy, fastidiousness. Tim. iv. 3. 303: &c. curious, causing or involving care. T. & C. iii. 2. 65; observant. R. & J. i. 4. 31; made with care, skilfully wrought. Lear i.4.33; &c.; anxious, Cym. i. 6. 191.

curiously, minutely. Ham. v.1. 212. curstness, malignancy, ill humour. A. & C. ii. 2. 25.

cushion, symbol of peace and ease. Cor. iv. 7. 432.

customer, harlot. Oth. iv. 1. 119. custom, of, customary. Mac. iii. 4. 97; Oth. iii. 3. 122.

cut off, make an end of, break off. J.C. iv. 1.9; Lear ii. 4. 174; put to death. Ham. i. 5. 76. cutpurse, pickpocket. Lear iii. 2. 88.

cutter, sculptor. Cym. ii. 4. 83. Cyclops, one of the one-eyed giants who forged the thunderbolts. T.A. iv. 3. 46; Ham. ii. 2. 493.

cynic, an ascetic philosopher rude fellow. J.C. iv. 3. 131.

Cynthia, the moon-goddess. R. & J. iii. 5. 20.

daff, put off. Oth. iv. 2. 176; A. & C. iv. 4. 13.

dainty, scrupulous or particular about. T. & C. i. 3. 145; Mac. ii. 3.


dainty, make, be chary or loth. R. & J. i. 5. 22.

damask, blush-red colour. Cor. ii. 1. 221.

dame, woman of rank, lady. Mac. iv. 2. 63.

damnation, term of abuse. R. & J. iii. 5. 235.

dancing-rapier, sword worn only for ornament in dancing. T.A. ii. 1. 39.

danger, range, harm. J.C. ii. 1. 17; Mac. iii. 2. 13; Ham. i. 3. 35. Dansker, Dane. Ham. ii. 1. 7. dare, defy. R. & J. ii. 4. 12; &c.; defiance. A. & C. i. 2. 187. dareful, defiant, Mac, v. 5. 6. dark, eclipse, obscure. Per. iv. Gower 35.

darken, deprive of lustre or renown, eclipse. Cor. ii. 1. 263; A. & C. iii. 1. 24.

darking, eclipse. T. & C. v. 8. 7. darkling, in the dark. Lear i. 4. 217. darting, shooting darts. A. & C. iii. 1. 1.

dash, daunt. Oth. iii. 3. 214.

date, duration, term of existence. R. & J. i. 4. 3, 109.

dateless, endless. R. & J. v. 3. 115. daub, dissemble. Lear iv. 1. 52. daw, type of foolishness. Cor. iv. 5. 47.

dawning, morning. Lear ii. 2. 1. dawning, bird of, cock. Ham. i. 1. 160.

day, light. A. & C. iv. 8. 13.

days, take no longer, be no longer about it. T.A. iv. 2. 167. dazzle, grow dim. T. A. iii. 2. 85. dead, darkand dreary. Ham. i. 1.65; deadly pale. Oth. ii. 3. 174.

dead, is, has died. R. & J. v. 3. 210. deadly, mortally. T. & C. v. 5. 12; Cor. ii. 1. 63; death-like. Lear v. 3.


deadly-standing, fixed with deathly stare. T. A. ii. 3. 32.

dealt on lieutenantry, fought by proxy. A. & C. iii. 9. 39.

dear, zealous. T. & C. v. 3. 9; precious, valuable. Cor. i. 6. 72 ; ii. 3. 99; Lear i. 4. 272; rare, ?loving. R. & J. iii. 3. 28; important. R. & J. v. 2. 19; Lear iii. 1. 19; hard, dire. Tim. iv. 3. 378; v. 1. 229; Oth. i. 3. 260. deared, held dear. A. & C. i. 4. 44. dearer, more deeply. J.C. iii. 1. 196.

dearly, richly, finely. T. & C. iii. 3.

96; Cym. ii. 2. 18; deeply. Ham. iv. 3. 43.

dearth, costliness, high value. Ham. v. 2. 119.

death-like, deadly, mortal. Per. i. 1. 29.

death-marked, marked out for death. R. & J. prol. 9. death-practised, whose death is plotted. Lear iv. 6. 278. death-token, plague-spot betokening the approach of death. T. & C. ii. 3. 176.

debatement, deliberation. Ham.v. 2.45.

debile, weak. Cor. i. 9. 48.

debitor, and creditor, statement of account. Cym. v. 4. 168. debonair, gentle, meek. T. & C. i. 3. 235.

deboshed, debauched. Lear i. 4. 241. decay, ruin. Lear v. 3. 298; perish. A. & C. ii. 1. 4; destroy. Cym. i. 5.


deceptious, delusive. T. & C. v. 2. 120.

decimation, selection of every tenth man for death. Tim. v. 4. 31. decipher, reveal, detect. T.A. iv. 2. 8.

declension, deterioration. Ham. ii. 2. 149.

decline, go through in order. T. & C. ii. 3. 51; decay. T. & C. iii. 3. 76; &c.; fall, sink. T. & C. iv. 5. 188; &c.

deed, performance. Tim. v. 1. 26; Ham. i. 3. 27; Lear i. 1. 71. deed-chieving, achieved by acts of valour. Cor. ii. 1. 177. deedless, inactive. T. & C. iv. 5. 98.

deem, thought. T. & C. iv. 4. 58. deep, depth. J.C. iv. 3. 224; grievous, heinous. Tim. iii. 4. 31; Mac. i. 7.20; grave, serious. Mac. i. 3. 126; Cym. ii. 3. 93.

deeply, solemnly. Ham. iii. 2. 228. deer, objects of chase. Lear iii. 4. 135.

defeat, undo, destroy, ruin. Tim. iv. 3. 164; &c.; disfigure. Oth. i. 3. 312.

defect, faultiness. Mac. ii. 1. 18. defence, arms, armour. R. & J. iii. 3. 133; A. & C. iv. 4. 10; art of defending oneself. J.C. iv. 3. 200. defend, forbid. Oth. i. 3. 267; A. & C. iii. 3. 43.

defiance, challenge to fight. J.C. v. 1. 64.

deficient, fainting. Lear iv. 6. 24. definement, description. Ham. v. 2. 114.

definite, resolute. Cym. i. 6. 43. defunct, discharged, laid aside. Oth. i. 3. 265.

defy, reject, despise. Ham. v. 2. 219; Per. iv. 6. 27; challenge. A. & C. ii. 2. 163.

deign, condescend to take. A. & C. i. 4. 63.

deject, downcast. T. & C. ii. 2. 50; Ham. iii. 1. 158.

dejected, abased, humbled. Lear iv. 1. 3; Per. ii. 2. 46.

delated, expressly stated, convey. ed. Ham. i. 2. 38.

deiation, accusation. Oth. iii. 3. 123. delicate, graceful, dainty. Tim. iv. 3. 381; Oth. ii. 3. 20; delightful, pleasant. Mac. i. 6. 10; Oth. i. 3. 355; A. & C. ii.7. 113; tender, not robust. Ham. iv. 4.48; Oth. i. 2. 74; skilfully wrought. Ham. v. 2. 153; skilful, ingenious. Lear iv. 6. 185; Oth. iv. 1. 191; Cym. v. 5. 47.

delight, charm, delightfulness. R. & J. i. 3. 82.

delighted, affording delight, delightful. Oth. i.3. 290; Cym. v. 4.102. deliver, speak. Cor. i. 1. 95; present, exhibit. Cor. v. 3. 39; v. 5. 140; declare, report. J.C. iii. 1. 181; Mac. i. 5. 10; Ham. i. 2. 193; bring forth. Oth. i. 3. 371; Per. v. 1. 107.

deliverance, more, rejoiced, did childbirth more rejoice. Cym. v. 5. 371.

demerit, merit, desert. Cor. i. 1.273; Oth. i. 2. 22; offences, sins. Mac. iv. 3.225.

demesne, region, domain. R. & J. ii. 1.20; iii. 5. 182; Cym. iii. 3. 70. demi-Atlas, one that holds up half the world. A. & C. i. 5. 23. demon, attendant or ministering spirit. A. & C. ii. 3. 19. demonstrable, apparent. Oth. iii. 4. 140.

demonstrate, exhibit, manifest. Ham. i. 1. 124; Oth. i. 1. 61; prove. Oth. iii. 3. 432.

demure, look demurely. A. & C. iv. 13. 29.

demurely, with subdued sound. A. & C. iv. 9. 31.

denotement, indication, token. Oth. ii. 3. 313.

denounce, proclaim. A. & C. iii. 7. 5. deny, refuse permission to, not allow. T.A. ii. 3. 174.

depart, separate. Tim. i. 1. 262; Cym. i. 1. 108; quit. Lear iii. 5. 1. depend, to be in a position of dependence. T. & C. iii. 1. 4; Lear i. 4. 249; impend, be imminent. R. & J. iii. 1. 118; lean. Cym. ii. 4. 91; remain in suspense. Cym. iv. 3. 23. dependancy, dependence. A. & C. v. 2. 26; Cym. ii. 3. 120.

dependant, impending. T. & C. ii. 3. 19.

depositary, one with whom anything is lodged in trust. Lear ii. 4, 251.

depravation, defamation, detraction. T. & C. v. 2. 129.

deprave, vilify, detract. Tim. i. 2.


deprive, take away. Ham. i. 4. 73,
deputation, office of deputy. T. &
C. i. 3. 152; A. & C. iii. 11. 74.
depute, appoint. Oth. iv. 1. 240; iv.

deracinate, uproot. T. & C. i. 3. 99.
derive, trace the origin of. T. & C.
ii. 3. 61; descend. J.Č. ii. 1. 322; ob-
tain. Lear i. 2. 85.

dern, dark, wild, drear. Lear iii. 7.
63; Per. iii. Gower 15.

derogate, debased. Lear i. 4. 280;
act in a way derogatory to one's
position. Cym. ii. 1. 46; degener-
ate. Cym. ii. 1. 49.

derogately, disparagingly. A.&C.
ii. 2. 38.

derogation, disparagement. Cym.
ii. 1. 45.

descending, descent, lineage. Per.
v. 1. 130.

descent, lowest part. Lear v. 3. 138.
descry, reconnoître. Lear iv. 5. 13;
sight of a distant object. Lear iv.
6. 214.

deserved, deserving, meritorious.
Cor. iii. 1. 290.

deserving, meritorious act. Lear
iii. 3. 23; due reward. Lear v. 3. 305.
design, thing in view, project, en-
terprise. T. & C. ii. 2. 194; Mac. ii.
1. 55; A. & C. v. 1. 43; draw up.
Ham. i. 1. 94.

designment, enterprise, undertak-
ing. Cor. v. 5. 35 ; Óth, ií. 1. 22.

desire, desire to come or go. T. &C.
iv. 5. 149, 156.

desired, sought after, beloved.
Oth. ii. 1. 204.

despair, have no hope in. Mac. v.

desperately, in despair. Lear v. 3.


desperation, toys of, thoughts of
self-destruction. Ham. i. 4. 75.
despised, despicable. R. & J. iii. 2.
77; Tim. iv. 3. 458,

despite, defiance of another's wish.
R. & J. v. 3. 48; contempt. Oth. iv.
2. 116; malice, ill-will. Oth. iv. 3.90.
despite, in my, notwithstanding
my opposition. Cym. iv. 1. 14.
detain, withhold. Lear i. 2. 42.
detecting, detection. Ham. iii. 2.

detention, withholding. Tim. ii. 2.

determinate, decisive. Oth. iv. 2.


determination,decision, sentence.
T. & C. ii. 2. 170; resolution. Ham.
iii. 1. 171.

determine, come to an end. Cor.
iii. 3. 42; &c.
detested, detestable. Lear i. 2. 79;
ii. 4. 217.

devest, undress. Oth. ii. 3. 178.
device, thing devised for dramatic
representation. Tim. i. 2. 151; de-
sign, shape, cut. Cym. i. 6. 189; em-

blematical figure in heraldry. Per.
ii. 2. 15; &c.

devil-porter, play the, act the
porter of hell. Mac, ii, 3. 17.
devise, think. Cor. i. 1. 102.
dexter, right. T. & C. iv. 5. 127.
dial, clock. R. & J. ii. 4. 116.
dialogue, hold a conversation.
Tim. ii. 2. 51.

diameter, extent from side to side.
Ham. iv. 1. 41.

dich, do it. Tim. i. 2. 73.

dictator, chief magistrate with
absolute power, elected in ancient
Rome in times of emergency. Cor.
ii. 2. 89.

diction, expression or description
in words. Ham. v. 2. 120.

die, i.e, with laughing. T. & C. i. 3.
176; singular of dice.' Tim. v. 4.

diet, feed. Cor. i. 9. 52; &c.; pre-
scribed course of food, reginien.
Tim. iv. 3. 87; victuals, board. Oth.
iii. 3. 15.

dieter, regulator of diet. Cym. iv.
2. 51.

die the death, suffer capital pun-
ishment. Cym. iv. 2. 96.

[ocr errors]

difference, characteristic or dis
tinguishing feature. Ham. v. 2. 110.
difference, at, in disagreement.
Cor. v. 3. 201.

difference, passions of some, con-
flicting emotions, J.C. i. 2. 40.
differency, difference. Cor. v. 4. 11.
difficult, i.e. to be estimated. Oth.
iii. 3. 82.

diffidence,distrust, suspicion. Lear
i. 2. 152.

diffuse, render indistinguishable.
Lear i. 4. 2.

digest, arrange. T. & C. prol. 29;
Ham. ii. 2. 444; Lear i. 1. 128; A.& C.
ii. 2. 181; amalgamate,comprehend,
understand. Cor. i. 1. 151; iii. 1. 130.
digestion, aid to digestion. T. & C.
ii. 3. 40.

digress, depart, deviate. T.A. v. 3.
116; R. & J. iii. 3. 126.

dilate, relate at length. Oth. i. 3.

dilated, spread far and wide. T. &
C. ii. 3. 251.

diligence, assiduity in service.
Ham. v. 2.93; speed, dispatch. Lear
i. 5. 4.

diligent, assiduous, esp. in service.
Lear v. 1.53; Cym. iii. 5, 120.
dimensions, proportions. Lear i.


diminutive, very small thing. T. &
C. v.1.36; A. & C. iv. 10. 50.
dint, force. J.C. iii. 2. 194.
dire, direness, horrible, horror.
Mac. ii. 3. 58; v. 5. 14.
directitude, direction. Cor. iv. 5.


directive, subject to direction.
T. & C. i. 3. 356.

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