
Bacchanal, dance in honour of
Bacchus, A. & C. ii. 7. 109.
back, support, backing. Ham. iv. 7.
152; mount. Cym. v. 5, 428.
back, to the very, all through. T.A.
iv. 3. 47.

backwardly, perversely. Tim. iii.
3. 18.

badged, marked as with a device
or livery-mark. Mac. ii, 3, 103.
bail, procure liberation from ar-
rest or prison by becoming surety
for a person. T.A. ii. 3. 299.
bait, harass, worry. Mac, v. 7, 58,
baked meats, meat pies, R. & J.
iv. 4. 5; Ham. i. 2. 180.

bald, bare-headed. Cor. iv. 5. 206.
bale, have, get the worst of it.
Cor. i. 1. 164.

ballad, make the subject of a
popular song. A. & C. v. 2. 215.
ballasting, freight, weight. Cym.
iii. 6. 77.

ballow, cudgel. Lear iv. 6. 242.
balm, soothe, heal. Lear iii. 6. 102;
anoint with fragrant oil or liquid.
Per. iii. 2. 65.

balmy, deliciously soothing. Oth.
ii. 3. 255; fragrant. Oth. v. 2. 16.
balsam, balm. Tim. iii. 5. 112.
band, obligation, bond. Ham. iii. 2.

bandy, contend, fight. T.A. i. 1. 312;
R. & J. iii. 1. 87; impel (as a ball).
R. & J. ii. 5. 14; give and take.
Lear i. 4. 83; ii. 4. 175,

bane, cause of death. T.A. v. 3. 73 ;
murder, destruction. Mac. v. 3.

bank, sea-shore. T. & C. i. 3. 328 ;
shelving elevation in the sea or
bed of a river. Mac. i. 7. 6.
banquet, course of sweetmeats,
fruit, and wine; dessert. R. & J.
i. 5. 125; Tim. i. 2. 156,
bar, obstruction, barrier. J.C. i. 3.

barber-monger, frequenter of the
barber's shop, fop. Lear ii. 2. 33.
bare-faced, unconcealed, undis-
guised. Mac. iii. 1. 119.

bark about, cover as with bark.
Ham. i. 5. 71.

Basan, cf. Ps. xxii. 12. A. & C. iii.
11. 127.

base, dark-coloured. T. A. iv. 2. 72 ;
'home' in a boys' game. Cym. v. 3.


bases, pleated skirt, appended to
the doublet, and reaching from
the waist to the knee. Per. ii. 1. 166.
basis, pedestal. J.C. iii. 1. 115.
bat, stick. Cor. i. 1. 162.
batch, quantity of bread produced
at one baking. T. & C. v. 1. 5.
bate, in hawking, to beat the wings
impatiently and flutter on the
perch. R. & J. iii. 2. 14; reduce,
weaken. Tim. iii. 3. 26; deduct.
Ham. v. 2. 23; Cym. iii. 2. 54.

batten, grow fat. Cor. iv. 5. 35;
Ham. iii. 4.67.

battery, beating, attack. Ham, v.
1. 105; Cym. i. 4. 22.

battle, main body of an armed
force. Mac. v. 6. 4.

bauble, toy. T. & C. i. 3. 35; stick
carried by a court fool. T.A. v. 1.
79; Cym. iii. 1. 27; foolish person,
trifler. Oth, iv. 1. 135.

bawd, hare. R. & J. ii. 4. 133.
bay, deep prolonged barking. T.A.
ii. 2. 3; hold at bay. J.C. iv. 1. 49;
bark at. J.C. iv. 3. 27.

bay, at, position of a hunted animal
when it turns and faces the hounds.
T.A. iv. 2. 42.

bead, drop, tear. J.C. iii. 1. 284.
beagle, small variety of hound,
tracking by scent, used contemp
tuously of a woman. Tim. iv. 3.

beam, lance. T. & C. v. 5. 9.

bear, carry as a consequence. Tim.
i. 1. 132; move. J.C. iii. 2. 168; the
constellation Ursa Major. Oth. ii.
1. 14; contain, A. & C. i. 2. 124.
bear a brain, have remembrance.
R. & J. i. 3. 29.

bear down, overwhelm. T.A. ii. 1.
30; Cym. ii. 1. 55,

bearer, possessor. T. & C. iii. 3. 104.
bear hard, bear ill-will to. J.C. i.
2. 311.

bearing, behaviour. Cor. ii. 3. 252.
bear it, carry the day. T. & C. ii. 3.
218; Oth. i. 3. 23.

bear it out, have the upper hand.
Oth. ii. 1. 19.

beastly, like a beast. A. & C. i. 5.
50; Cym. v. 3. 27.

beat, think or ponder laboriously.
Ham. iii. 1. 177; Lear iii. 4. 14.
beautied, beautified. Ham. iii. 1. 51.
beaver, face-guard of a helmet.
Ham. i. 2. 229.

become, be fitting. T.A. i. 1. 347;
adorn. Cym. v. 5. 407.
becomed, becoming, befitting. R. &
J. iv. 2. 27.

becomings, graces. A. & C. i. 3. 96.
bed, grave. Cym. iv. 4. 52.
bedded, laid in a smooth layer.
Ham. iii. 4. 120.

Bedlam, madman. Lear iii. 7. 103.
bed of down, delightful resting-
place. Oth. i. 3. 231.

ted-work, easy work such as could
be done in bed. T. & C. i. 3. 205.
beef-witted, thick-headed. T. & C.
ii. 1. 14.

beer, small, trifling matters. Oth.
ii. 1. 160.

beetle, overhang threateningly.
Ham. i. 4. 71.

beetle brows, prominent eye-
brows. R. & J. i. 4. 32.

before, in front. Mac. v. 7. 75.
beget, obtain. Ham. iii. 2. 7.

beggar, make valueless. T. & C.

ii. 2. 91; exhaust the resources of. A. & C. ii. 2. 203. beggared, destitute. Ham. iv. 5. 91.

beggary, contemptible meanness. Cym. i. 6. 115.

beguile, divert attention from. T.A. iv. 1. 35; rob, deprive. Oth. i. 3. 156, 210.

behalf, favour, benefit. Oth. iii. 4. 19; Cym. iii. 2. 73; name, Tim. iii. 1. 18.

behave, control. Tim. iii. 5. 22. behaved, as he is, according to his behaviour. Ham. iii. 1. 35. beholding, sight. Cor. i. 3. 9; Lear iii. 7.9; looks, aspect. Per. v. 1. 224. behove, benefit, advantage. Ham. v. 1. 65.

behoveful, necessary. R. & J. iv.3.8. being, life, existence. Mac. iii. 1. 55; &c.; stay dwelling. A. & C. ii. 2. 39; Cym. i. 5. 51.

beldam, old woman, hag. Mac. iii.

[blocks in formation]

be-monster, make monstrous, deform. Lear iv. 2. 63.

bench, senators collectively. Cor. iii. 1. 105; sit as a judge. Lear iii. 6. 39.

bencher, senator. Cor. ii. 1. 83.

bench-hole, privy. A. & C. iv. 7. 9. bend, look, glance. J.C. i. 2. 123; A. & C. ii. 2. 213; direct one's course, turn, proceed. Ham. i. 2. 55, 115; Lear ii. 1. 47.

bending, submissive, courteous. T. & C. i. 3. 236.

beneath world, world below. Tim. i. 1. 45.

benediction, blessing. Lear ii. 2.


beneficial, advantageous. Oth. ii. 2.7.

be-netted, ensnared. Ham. v. 2. 29. benison, blessing. Mac. ii. 4. 40. bent, inclination. J.C. ii. 1. 210; Cym. i. 1. 13; intent. Mac. iii. 4. 134; Per. ii. Gower 23; endurance, capacity. Ham. iii. 2. 389.

bent for, turned in direction of. Ham. iv. 3. 47.

berattle, fill with din. Ham. ii. 2. 847.

bereaved, impaired, spoiled. Lear iv. 4. 9.

bereft, taken away from. Oth. i. 3. 258.

be-rime, celebrate in rime. R. & J. ii. 4. 41.

be screened, concealed. R. & J. ii. 2.52.

beseech, entreaty. T. & C. i. 2. 304. beseeming, appearance. Cym. v. 5. 410.

besides, beyond. Cym. ii. 4. 149. besort, befit. Lear i. 4. 250; suitable company. Oth. i. 3. 238. bespeak, address. Ham. ii. 2. 140. best, at the, in the most advantageous condition. R. & J. i. 5. 122; Tim. i. 2. 153; iii. 6. 28; in the best possible way. Oth. i. 3. 173.

best, in the, at best. Ham. i. 5. 27. bestow, confer as a gift. Cor. ii. 3. 210; T.A. iv. 2. 165; Lear ii. 1. 127; spend. J.C. v. 5. 61.

bestride, stand over so as to defend. Mac. iv. 3. 4.

beteem, allow. Ham. i. 2. 141. bethought, thought of. Ham. i. 3.90. bethought, am, intend. Lear ii. 3.6. betray,cheat, disappoint. T.A. v. 2. 147; lead astray, deceive. Tim. iv. 3. 147: Mac. i. 3. 125; Oth. v. 2. 6. better foot before, best foot foremost. T.A. ii. 3. 192.

better, thou hadst been, it were better for thee to. Oth. iii. 3. 363. bevy, company. Ham. v. 2. 189. bewept, wet with tears. Ham. iv. 5. 39. bewray, reveal. Cor. v. 3. 95; T.A. ii. 4. 3.

beyond beyond, surpassing everything. Cym. iii. 2. 56.

bias, awry. T. & C. i. 3. 15; swollen. T. & C. iv. 5.8.

bias, assays of, indirect attempts. Ham. ii. 1. 65.

bias-drawing, indirect dealing. T. & C. iv. 5. 168.

biding, dwelling. Lear iv. 6. 225; place. Per. ii. 1. 161.

bi-fold, double, twofold. T. & C. v. 2. 141.

big, with child. Cym. i. 1. 39. bilboes, shackles sliding on an iron bar locked to the floor. Ham. v. 2. 6. bill, note or account_of_charges. Tim. iii. 4. 50; placard. J.C. iv. 3. 171; note. J.C. v. 2. 1; list. Mac. iii. 1. 100.

bill, brown, halberd browned to preserve from rust. Lear iv, 6. 92. billet, enroll. Cor. iv. 3. 44; assign quarters. Oth. ii. 3. 377.

bird, young bird. T.A. ii. 3. 154; term of endearment. Ham. i. 5. 116. birth, nature. R. & J. ii. 3. 20. birth-child, Thetis', child born at sea. Per. iv. 4. 41.

bisson, purblind. Cor. ii. 1. 66; blinding. Ham. ii. 2. 510.

bite by the ear, as a sign of fondness. R. & J. ii. 4. 78.

bite the thumb, an insulting gesture. R. & J. i. 1. 44.

bitumed, pitched as with bitumen.
Per. iii. 1.72; iii. 2. 56.
blackness, wickedness. Per. i. 2.

bladder, boil. T. & C. v. 1. 23,

bladed, not yet in the ear. Mac. iv.

blank, centre of a target; anything
aimed at. T. & C. iii. 3. 232; &c.;
blank in a lottery. Cor. v. 2. 10;
make pale. Ham. iii. 2. 223.
blast, burst. Ham. iv. 7. 153; 'split'.
A. & C. iv. 8. 36.

blastment, blight. Ham. i. 3. 42.
blazon, proclaim. T. A. iv. 4. 18;
describe fitly, publish the praises
of. R. & J. íí. 6. 26; Oth. ii. 1. 63;
revelation. Ham. i. v. 21.

bleeding, unhealed. Cor. ii. 1. 79;
bloody. J. C. iii. 1. 168; Mac. v. 2. 4.
bleeding-new, wounded. Tim. i. 2.


blench, start aside, flinch. T. & C.
i. 1.30; Ham). ii, 2, 605,

blest, endowed with healing vir
tues. Per. iii. 2. 35.

bloat, soft-bodied, bloated. Ham.
iii. 4. 182.

block, wooden mould for a hat,
shape. Lear iv, 6. 184.

blood, the royal family. T. & C. iii.
3.26; full vigour. Cor. i. 1. 160; iv.
5. 224; passion, anger. Tim. iv. 2.
38; Ham. iii. 2. 69; Lear iv. 2. 64;
man of spirit. J.C. i. 2. 150; rela-
tionship. Mac, ii. 3. 141.

blood-boltered, having the hair
matted with blood. Mac. iv. 1. 123,
bloody, blood-red. J.C. v. 1. 14.
blossom, as being full of promise.
T.A. iv. 2. 73.

blossoms, in the, at the height.
Ham. i. 5. 76.

blow, deposit eggs upon and so
make foul. Oth. iv. 2. 66; inflate,
puff up. A. & C. iv. 6. 34.
blown, blossomed. T. & C. i. 3. 317;
A. & C. iii. 11. 39; swollen. Cor. v.
4. 48; Lear iv. 4. 27; whispered,
hinted. Oth. iii. 3. 182.
blowse, ruddy-faced fat wench.
T. A. iv. 2. 73.

blurt at, ridicule. Per. iv. 3. 34.
bob, thump. T. & C. ii. 1. 73; cheat.
T. & C. iii. 1. 72; filch. Oth. v. 1. 16.
bodement, omen. T. & C. v. 3. 80;
augury. Mac. iv. 1. 96.

bodkin, dagger. Ham. iii. 1. 76.
boggler, waverer. A.&C. iii. 11. 110.
boiled, with an allusion to the
sweating-tub. Cym. i. 6. 125.
bold, free with. R. & J. iii. 1. 77;
confident. Oth. ii. 1. 51; Cym. ii.

bold, make, dare to say. Cym. v. 5.

bold upon, are, make free with.
J. C. ii. 1. 86.

bolin, bowline. Per. iii. 1. 43.
bolster, lie together. Oth. iii. 3. 400.

bolt, fetter. A. & C. v. 2. 6 ; Cym. v.
4. 10; arrow. Cym. iv. 2. 300.
bombast, turgid. Oth. i. 1. 13.
bond, chain, fetter. T. & C. i. 3. 66 ;
Cym. i. 1. 117; tie of duty, obliga-
tion of affection. Cor. v. 3. 25 ; &c.;
deed by which one binds oneself to
make a payment or fulfil a con-
tract. Mac. iii. 2. 49.

bondage, binding force. Cym. ii. 4.


bones, young, unborn child. Lear
ii. 4. 162.

bonnet, take off the bonnet in token
of respect. Cor. ii. 2. 27.
benny, pleasant to look upon,
comely. Ham. iv. 5, 185.

book, account-book. Lear iii. 4. 95;
Cym. iii. 3. 26; memorandum-book.
Cor. v. 2. 15; Ham. i. 5. 103; Per. i.

book, by the, with due formality.
R. & J. 1. 5. 113; iii. 1. 100.
book, without, by rote. T. & C. ii.

1. 19.

boot, something into the bargain.
T. & C. iv. 5. 40; enrich. A. & C. ii.


boot of, profit by. A. & C. iv. 1. 9.
bootless, unavailing. T.A. iii. 1. 36
border in itself, keep within its
own bounds. Lear iv. 2. 33.

bore, small hole. Cor. iv. 6. 88; Cym.
iii. 2. 57; calibre. Ham, iv, 6. 23.
Boreas, north wind. T. & C. i. 3. 38.
boine, conducted. Mac. iii. 6. 3.
boine, surly, of surly behaviour.
T. & C. ii. 3. 239.

torrow, derive, receive. T. & C. ¡v.
5. 132; assume. Lear i. 4. 1.
borrowed, counterfeit. R. & J. iv.
1. 104.

bosom, surface. R. & J. i. 4. 102;
admit to close companionship.
Lear v. 1. 13; affections. Lear v.
3. 50; intimate thoughts. Oth. iii.
1. 57.

bosom, in the; of the, in the con-
fidence of. J.C. v. 1. 7; Lear iv. 5.
botch, flaw resulting from unskil
ful workmanship. Mac. iii. 1. 134;
patch unskilfully. Ham. iv. 5. 10.
botcher, cobbler. Cor. ii. 1. 89.
botchy core, central hard mass of
a boil or tumour. T. & C. ii. 1. 6.
bots on't, an oath. Per. ii. 1. 122.
bound, enclose, restrict. T. & C. i.
3. 111; iv. 5. 128; intending to go.
Cor. iii. 1. 53; ready, prepared.
Ham. i. 5. 6; iii. 3. 41; Lear iii. 7.
10; certain. Cym. iv. 3. 18.
bounds, territory, district. Tim. v.
4. 61.

bourn, boundary, limit. Ham. iii. 1.
79; Lear iv. 6. 58; A. & C. i. 1. 16;
brook. Lear iii. 6. 26.

bout, round or turn, in dancing,
R. & J.j.5.20; in fencing. Ham, iv.
7.157; v. 2. 284.

bow, cause to bend, make crooked. Cor. v. 5. 25; Per. iv. 2. 89. bow-boy, Cupid. R. & J. ii. 4. 16. bower, embower, enclose. R. & J. iii. 2. 81.

bowl, cause to roll. Ham. ii. 2. 500. boy my greatness, female parts were taken by boys on the Elizabethan stage. A. & C. v. 2. 219. boy-queller, boy-killer. T. & C. v. 5. 45.

T.A. ii. 1.

brabble, quarrel, brawl. 62. brace, state of defence. Oth. i. 3. 24; (?) coat of armour. Per. ii. 1. 131.

brach, bitch-hound. Lear i. 4. 111; hound that hunts by scent. Leariii. 6. 70.

brag, boast of, vaunt. Cor. i. 8. 13; Cym. v. 3.93; talk with just pride of. R. & J. i. 5. 70; ii. 6. 31. bragless, without vain boasting. T. & C. v. 9.4.

braid, upbraid. Per. i. 1. 93. brain, conceive in the brain. Cyın. v. 4. 146.

brainish, headstrong. Ham. iv. 1. 11.

branch, hand. T.A.ii.4. 18; division. Ham. v. 1. 12; Cym. v. 5. 384. branchless, destitute. A. & C. iii. 4. 24.

brand, Cupid's torch. Cym. ii. 4. 91. brass, harden. Ham. iii. 4. 37. brave, defiant threat. T.A. ii. 1. 30. bravery, bravado, defiance. J.C. v. 1. 10; Cym. iii. 1. 18; ostentatious display. Ham. v. 2. 79.

brawling, clamorous, discordant. R. & J. i. 1. 177.

brawn, fleshy part of the body. T. & C. i. 3. 297; Cym. iv. 2. 311. brazed, hardened. Lear i. 1. 11. breach, wound. T. & C. iv. 5. 244; violation, infraction. Ham. i. 4. 16; Cym. iii. 4. 26; disagreement. Lear i. 2. 154.

bread, God's, sacramental bread. R. & J. iii. 5. 177.

break, crack. T. & C. i. 3. 148; fall out, quarrel. Cor. iv. 6. 49; become bankrupt. R. & J. iii. 2. 57; reveal, disclose. Mac. i. 7. 48; interrupt. A. & C. iv. 12. 31.

break the parle, open negotiations. T.A. v. 3. 19.

breath, breathing-space. T. & C. ii. 3. 111; speech, language. Lear i. 1. 60.

breathe, speak. Ham. ii. 1. 44. breathed, inured. Tim. i. 1. 10; exercised, trained. A. & C. iii. 11. 177. breathing, utterance. A. & C. i. 3. 14; exercise. Per. ii. 3. 101. breathing time, time for exercise. Ham. v. 2. 174.

bred, kept. Lear iv. 2. 73.

bred of, supported with. Cym. ii. 3.


bred out, degenerated. Tim. i. 1. 258.

breeched,covered as with breeches. Mac. ii. 3. 117.

breed, family. Mac. iv. 3. 108; kind, species. Ham.iii. 2. 319; race, strain. Cym. iv. 2. 25.

breese, gadfly. T. & C. i. 3. 48; A. & C. iii. 8. 24.

Briareus, a giant with a hundred hands. T. & C. i. 2. 29.

briber, something which wins indulgence. Tim. iii. 5. 62.

brief, short account, summary. A. & C. v. 2. 137.

briefly, soon, quickly. Cor. i. 6. 16; &c.

briefness, quickness. Lear ii. 1. 19; Per. v. 2. 15.

brinded, marked with streaks of a different colour from the bodycolour. Mac. iv. 1. 1.

bring, escort. J.C. iii. 2. 53; report, inform. Ham. v. 2. 195; A. & C. iv. 11. 10.

bring, be with... to, get the upper hand of. T. & C. i. 2. 290. bring forth, express, put forth. T. & C. i. 3. 242.

bring in, establish in position. Oth. iii. 1. 52.

bring it to that, make it mean that. A. & C. ii. 5. 33.

bring off, deliver, rescue. T. & C. v. 6. 25.

bring on, induce. Ham. iii. 1. 9; A. & C. iii. 2. 44.

bring out, give birth to. Tim. iv. 3. 189.

brisk, quick, active. R. & J. i. 5. 17. broach, stick as on a spit. T.A. iv. 2. 86; tap. Tim. ii. 2. 180; introduce in conversation. A. & C. i. 2. 174. broad, arrogant. T. & C. i. 3. 190; free, -ly, unrestrained, -ly. Tim. iii. 4. 64; Mac. iii. 6. 21; Ham. iii. 4. 2 widely diffused. Mac. iii. 4. 23; fully, full. Ham. iii. 3. 81. broad-fronted, with a broad forehead. A. & C. i. 5. 29.

brogue, rude kind of shoe, generally made of untanned hide. Cym. iv. 2. 214.

broil, become heated or excited. T. & C. i. 3. 379.

broke, cut, bruised. R. & J. i. 3. 38. broke my heart, died. T. A. v. 1. 113. broken, interrupted with sobs. T. & C. iv. 4. 47; bankrupt. Cym. v. 4.

19. broken meats, remains of food, eaten by servants. Lear ii. 2. 15. broken music, music arranged for parts. T. & C. iii. 1. 52. broker, agent, go-between. Ham. i. 3. 127.

broker-between, go-between. T. & C. iii. 2. 202.

brooch, jewel-ornament worn round the neck. Ham. iv. 7. 92.

brooched, adorned as with a jewel.
A. & C. iv. 13. 25.

brood, on, brooding like a hen.
Ham. iii. 1. 168.

brought forth, set in the public
view. Mac. iii. 4. 125; A. & Ĉ. v. 2.


brow, aspect, appearance. Mac. iv.
3. 23; Ham. i. 2. 4.

bruit, rumour, report. Tim. v. 1.
194; herald with noise. Mac. v. 7.
22; echo. Ham. i. 2. 127.

brush, hostile encounter. T. & C.
v. 3. 34; Tim. iv. 3. 265,

budge, flinch. Cor. i. 6. 44; i. 8. 5;
J.C. iv. 3. 44.

bug, bogey. Ham. v. 2. 22; Cym. v.
3. 51.

bulk, body. T. & C. iv. 4, 127; Ham.
ii. 1. 95; framework projecting
from the front of a shop. Cor. ii.
1. 215; Oth. v. 1. 1.

Bull, the sign Taurus of the Zodiac.
T.A. iv. 3. 70.

bull-bearing Milo carried a bull-
ock on his shoulders forty yards.
T. & C. ii. 3. 248.

buoyed, risen. Lear iii. 7. 60.
burgonet, steel cap. A. & C. i. 5. 24.
burn daylight, burn candles in
daytime, waste time. R. & J. i. 4.

buss, kiss. T. & C. iv. 5. 219; Cor.
iii. 2. 75.

but, anything but that. Oth. iii. 3.
225; only. Oth. iv. 1. 87; but that,
except that. Cym. v. 5. 41.

but being, if we are not. A. & C. iv.
10. 10.

butt, cask. T. & C. v. 1. 30; goal,
object. Oth. v. 2. 266.
butterfly, vain, gaudily-attired
person. Lear v. 3. 13.

button, bud. Ham. i. 3. 40; knob
on the top of a cap. Ham. ií. 2. 230.
button, butcher of a silk, expert
fencer. R. & J. ii. 4. 23.
butt-shaft, unbarbed arrow used
in shooting at the butts. R. & J. ii.
4. 16.

buxom, lively, brisk. Per. 1. Gower

buy out, bribe. Ham. iii. 3. 60.

buzz, exclamation of impatience at
stale news. Ham. ii. 2. 398; baseless
rumour. Lear i. 4. 326.

buzzer, one who whispers tales in
the ear. Ham. iv. 5. 89.
by, about, concerning. Oth. i. 3. 17.
by-dependances, secondary cir
cumstances. Cym. v. 5. 391.
by-peeping, looking aside. Cym. i.
6. 108.

cabin, lodge. T.A. iv. 2. 181; shut
up in narrow bounds. Mac. iii. 4.

cable, give him, allow him scope.
Oth. i. 2. 17.

cadent, falling. Lear i. 4. 285.

caduceus, wand having two ser-
pents twined about it. T. & C. ii. 3.

caitiff, wretch. Oth. iv. 1. 108.
calendar, guide, directory. Ham.
v. 2. 111.

calf, stupid fellow, dolt. Ham. iii. 2.

callat, lewd woman. Oth. iv. 2. 121.
call on, impeach. A. & C. i. 4. 28.
call upon, make a claim for pay.
ment. Tim. ii. 2. 22.

calm, becalm. Oth. i. 1. 30.
came, became. Ham. v. 1. 162.
camel, awkward, hulking fellow.
T. & C. i. 2. 259; ii. 1. 57.

came over, lit upon. Tim. iii. 2. 81.
camp, serve as a lodging for. A. &
C. iv. 8. 33.

can, be skilled. Ham. iv. 7. 83; be-
gan, did. Per. iii. Gower 36.

canakin, small can or drinking ves-
sel. Oth. ii. 3. 69.

cancel, strike off, annul. Per. i. 1.

Cancer, fourth sign of the Zodiac,
which the sun enters June 21. T. &
C. ii. 3. 195.

candidatus, candidate for office
(lit, one clothed in white). T.A. i.
1. 185.

candied, crystallized with frost.
Tim. iv. 3. 227; sugared, honied.
Ham. iii. 2. 60.

candle-holder, one who lights
others at their work; a looker-on.
R. & J. i. 4. 38.

canker, worm that destroys buds
and leaves. R. & J. ii. 3. 30; Ham.
i. 3. 39: spreading sore or ulcer.
Tim. iv. 3. 49.

canker-bit, worm-eaten. Lear v. 3.

cankered, (1) worm-eaten, (2) malig-
nant. R. & J. i. 1. 97; infected with
evil, corrupt. Cor. iv. 5. 96.
canon, law. Ham. i. 2. 132.
canonize, enrol among famous per-
sons. T. & C. ii. 2. 202.

canonized, buried according to the
rule of the Church. Ham. i. 4. 47.
canopy, firmament. Cor. iv. 5. 41;
Ham. ii. 2. 306.

cantle, segment of a sphere. A. &
C. iii. 8. 16.

canvas-climber, sailor that goes
aloft to trim sails. Per. iv. 1. 61.
cap, with reference to the doffing of
the cap as a mark of courtesy or
servility. Cor. ii. 1. 70; Tim. iii. 7.
101; Cym. iii. 3. 25; top, head, chief.
Tim. iv. 3. 359.

capable, having intelligence or a-
bility. T. & C. ii. 3. 308; sensible,
impressible. Ham. iii. 4. 126.
capable of, susceptible to. Ham.
iii. 2. 12; qualified to hold. Lear ii.
1. 86.
capacity, power of receiving or
containing. A. & C. iv. 8. 32.

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