
step. But all at last earnestly desired to be counted among Christ's professed followers, choosing his service as their dearest delight, and holding his promised strength an all-sufficient support for the weakest moment. If there is joy in heaven over repenting sinners, who shall say that friends. in heaven did not rejoice with those on earth when these four young Christians, with all the high trusts of manhood just before them, publicly took their stand on the Lord's side, and entered into covenant with him and his people!




"WHAT a wonderful book the Bible is!" exclaimed Jerry, one day; "I never like to leave off reading it. I have been thinking that we do not study it enough. how much time we give to our other studies, and how little to the Bible. I do not believe it is right, for what can be of greater importance to us than an understanding of God's word?"

"It can not be right," returned John, thoughtfully; "it seems almost wrong to study chemistry, astronomy, and natural history, when they take so much time from the Bible. Do you not think so, Jerry?"

Jerry did not answer for a while, and then he said, "I told Mr. Warren once that

I did not believe geometry would ever do me any good; and he asked me why I supposed that Robinson Crusoe taught his man Friday that the radii of a circle were all equal; what good it could possibly do him to know that?"

"Why, he wished to teach him to think, he wished to enlarge the range of his mind," said John.


"So I told Mr. Warren," replied Jerry, "and he said he thought the range of my mind would bear enlarging! I think you will need geometry,' he added, ‘but at any rate, your mind very much needs the discipline which the study of mathematics gives.'


"But it seems so much time to give to things which can only serve us in this world, Jerry."

"There I must quote Mr. Warren again," returned Jerry, smiling. "One night I stayed after school to get some

help about my problems; they were so difficult that I was quite discouraged. So after Mr. Warren had helped me to see through them (he does not show us very often, you know, only asks a few questions that help us to find out things for ourselves), — then, he began to talk with me.

"I dare say, Jerry, you think it does not pay to spend so much time over a few problems, but did you ever think that you may feel the benefit of these exertions when you get to heaven?'

"Why, uncle!' said Robert, who was standing near, 'what have algebraic problems to do with heaven? except, — why, yes, I suppose we learn patience, and shall reap the reward of our efforts to do right, even in little things.'

"That is true,' replied Mr. Warren, ‘and important to be remembered; but I meant more than that. These studies discipline and expand our mind, so that our power

Newton, who

of enjoyment is increased. understood so much of the laws by which God governs the universe, had increased the range and power of his mind by study, and consequently was capable of enjoying more, both on earth and in heaven, than one who had not cultivated the talents which God had bestowed upon him. The wicked and slothful servant can not even retain the power God gave him, since it is a law of the mind, that while exercise shall increase its vigor, disuse shall decrease it. All who reach heaven will have all the happiness of which they are capable, but some will be capable of more than others.""

"Yes," said John, "I see that Robinson Crusoe gave his savage a lesson in geometry to improve his thinking powers, and God gives us these lessons for the same reason. So our youth prepares us for manhood, and life prepares us for eternity.


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