PAGE SONNET 88. 2. After the Peace of Tilsit, July 1807, Bavaria under its king, Maximilian Joseph, became a member of the Confederation of the Rhine. 89. 2. The first mighty Hunter-Nimrod. Genesis x. 9, and Paradise Lost xii. 30. 90. 91. 1. Spain rose in arms after Napoleon had given the Spanish Crown to his brother Joseph, June 6, 1808. 1. The rising of the Tyrolese peasants under Andreas Hofer was rendered ineffectual by the battle of Wagram, July 6, 1809, and the Treaty of Vienna made between the Emperor Francis and Napoleon on October 14, following. See page 95, Sonnet 2. 1. After an obstinate resistance Saragossa was captured by the French, Feb. 21, 1809. Friedrich Schill, one of the leaders of a German rising against Napoleon, fell in the streets of Stralsund, May 31, 1809. 96. 2. Gustavus IV. of Sweden was forced by his people to abdicate, March 29, 1809. 93. 96. 1. 97. 104. 105. 2. Professor Knight conjectures that the Sonnet refers to Palafox, the defender of Saragossa, who became a prisoner of the French in Feb. 1809, though this as it would seem from the next Sonnet-was not known to Wordsworth. 2. Relates to the effect made by the sight of the Rhine on the Austrian army under Schwartzenberg, before the invasion of France by the Allies in 1814. 1. 105. 2. After the battle of Leipsic, Oct. 16 to 19, The Duke d'Enghien, of the House of 4 PAGE SONNET 109. parte. He was disinterred in 1816 after the Restoration. 1. The Fast was occasioned by the Cholera of 1832. 110. 1. Professor Dowden says that the blank in the last line takes the place of the name 'Grote.' 115. 129. 134. 1. Young England was the name given to the 1. Refers to the spring at Donaschingen in the 148. Sir W. S. left Abbotsford, Sept. 23, 1831. Wordsworth had arrived to bid his friend good-bye on Sept. 21. Scott reached Naples on Dec. 17. 162. 167. 1. like Cocytus. W. refers to the notion that the word Greta' is from the Northern 'greet,' to weep. 1. Hillary. Sir W. Hillary aided in founding the Tower of Refuge and the life-boat establishment at Douglas. 168. 1. timely aid furnished by the Poet's son. 172. 1. See p. 152 Sonnet 1. 175. 2. The concluding lines are from a sonnet of Russel.' 192. 1. The quotation in line 1, is from the poet 220. Daniel. a Gospel Teacher, the Rev. Robert Walker, whose devoted life Wordsworth has described at length in a note on this poem. 1. Wordsworth here referred to the story of Pope PAGE SONNET Alexander III. setting his foot on the neck of the Emperor Barbarossa at Venice. Being told that this was a mere legend, he directed the reader to substitute for it the penance inflicted by Gregory VII. on the Emperor Henry IV. 245. a lovely maid the Poet's daughter, seen by him in a dream when he was at this point of the sonnet-series. 252. 2. White. The first Bishop of the American Episcopalian Church, Bishop White, was consecrated at Lambeth, 1787. |