






1 THE book' of the genera'tion of Jesus Christ, the son of Da'vid, the son of A'braham. 2 A'braham begat' I'saac, and I'saac begat' Ja'cob, and Ja'cob begat' Ju'das and his breth'ren, And Ju'das begat' Pha'res and Za'ra of Tha'mar, and Pha'res begat' Es'rom, and Es'rom begat' A'ram, And A'ram begat' Amin'adab, and Amin'adab begat' Na'asson, and Na'asson begat' Sal'mon, And Salmon begat' Bo'oz of Ra'chab, and Bo'oz begat' O'bed of Ruth, and O'bed begat′ Jes'se, And Jes'se begat' Da'vid the king, and Da'vid the king begat' Solomon of her 'that had been the wife' of Uri'as, 7 And Solomon begat' Robo'am, and Robo'am begat' Abi'a, and Abi'a begat' A'sa, 8 And A'sa begat' Jos'aphat, and Jos'aphat begat' Jo'ram, and Jo'ram begat' Ozi'as, 9 And Ozi'as begat' Jo'atham, and Jo'atham begat' A'chaz, and A'chaz begat' Ezekias, 10 And Ezeki'as begat' Manas'ses, and Manas'ses begat' A'mon, and A'mọn begat' Josi'as, 11 And Josi'as begat' Jechoni'as and his breth'ren, about' the time they were carried awa'y to Bab'ylon: 12 And af'ter they were brought to Babylon, Jechoni'as begat' Sala'thiel, and Sala'thiel begat' Zorobabel, 13 And Zorob'abel begat' Abi'ud, and Abi'ud begat' Eliakim, and Eli'akim begat' A'zor, 14 And A'zor begat' Sa'doc, and Sa'doc begat' A'chim, and A'chim begat' Eli'ud, 15 And Eli'ud begat' Eleazar, and Eleazar begat' Mat'than, and Mat'than begat' Ja'cob, 16 And Ja'cob begat' Jo'seph the husband of Ma'ry, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. 17 So all the genera'tions, from Abraham to Da'vid, are fourteen genera'tions; and from Da'vid until' the car'rying awa'y in'to Bab'ylon, 'are' fourteen genera'tions; and from the car'rying awa'y in'to Bab'ylon un'to Christ, 'are' four'teen genera'tions.

18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Ma'ry was espou'sed to Jo'seph, befo're they came togeth'er, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. 19 Then Jo'seph her husband, be'ing a just 'man,' and not willing to make her a public exam'ple, was min'ded to put

her awa'y privily. 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lo'rd appeared un'to him in a dre'am, sa'ying, Jo'seph, thou son of Da'vid, fear not to take un'to thee Ma'ry thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. 21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JE'SUS; for he shall save his pe'ople from their sins. 22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spo'ken of the Lo'rd by the proph'et, sa'ying, 23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emman'uel; which, (be'ing inter'preted,) is, Go'd with us. 24 Then Jo'seph, be'ing ra'ised from sle'ep, did as the angel of the Lo'rd had bidden him, and took' un'to him his wife; 25 And knew her not till she had brought fo'rth her first' bo'rn son: and he called his name JE'SUS.

CHAP. II. NOW, when Je'sus was' bo'rn in Bethlehem of Jude'a, in the days of Her'od the king, behold, there came wise men from the e'ast to Jeru'salem, 2 Sa'ying, Where is he that is bo'rn King of the Jews? for we have seen his sta'r in the e'ast, and are come to wor'ship him.

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3 When Her'od the king had heard these things,' he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gath'ered all the chief priests and scribes of the people togeth'er, he deman'ded of them where Christ should be born. 5 And they said un'to him, In Beth'lehem of Jude'a: for thus it is written by the proph'et, 6 And thou Beth'lehem, ‘in' the land of Ju'da, art not the least amon'g the prin'ces of Ju'da: for out of thee shall come a Gov'ernor, that shall rule my pe'ople Is'rael. 7 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enqui'red of them diligently what' time the sta'r appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him,' bring me word again', that I may come and worship him also. 9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the sta'r, which they saw in the e'ast, went befo're them, till it came and stood' o'ver where the young child was. 10 When they saw the sta'r, they rejoi'ced with exceeding great joy.

11 And when they were come in'to the house, they saw the young child with Ma'ry his moth'er, and fell down and wor'shipped him and when they had o'pened their treasures, they presen'ted un'to him gifts; go'ld and frank'incense, and myrrh. 12 And be'ing wa'rned of Go'd in a dream that they


should not return' to Herod, they departed in'to their o'wn coun'try another way.

13 And when they were departed, behold, the a'ngel of the Lo'rd appeareth to Jo'seph in a dream, sa'ying, Ari'se, and take the young child and his moth'er, and flee in'to E'gypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Her'od will se'ek the young child to destroy' him. 14 When he aro'ṣe, he took' the young child and his moth'er by night, and departed in'to Egypt; 15 And was there until the death of Her'od: that it might be fulfilled which was spo'ken of the Lo'rd by the prophet, sa'ying, Out of Egypt have I called my Son.

16 Then Her'od, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exce'eding wroth', and sent fo'rth, and slew a'll the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof', from two years old and un'der, acco'rding to the time which he had diligently enqui'red of the wise men. 17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jer'emy the proph'et, sa'ying, 18 In Ra'ma was there a voice heard, lamenta'tion, and we'eping, and grea't mo'urning, Ra'chel we'eping 'for' her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.

19 But when Her'od was dead, behoʻld, an a'ngel of the Lo'rd appeareth in a dream to Jo'seph in Egypt, 20 Sa'ying, Ari'se, and take the young child and his mother, and go in'tọ the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life. 21 And he aro'se, and took' the young child and his mother, and came in'to the land of Israel. 22 But when he heard that Archela'us did re'ign in Jude'a in the room of his father Herod, he was afraid to go thith'er: notwithstan'ding, be'ing wa'rned of Go'd in a dream, he turned asi'de in'to the parts of Galilee: 23 And he came and dwelt in a cit'y called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the proph'ets, He shall be called a Nazare'nę.

CHAP. III. In those days came John the Bap'tist, preach'ing in the wilderness of Jude'a, 2 And sa'ying, Repent' ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 3 For this is he that was spoken of by the proph'et Esa'ias, sa'ying, The voice of one cry'ing in the wilderness, Prepa're ye the way of the Lo'rd, make his paths straight. And the same John had his ra'iment of cam'el's hair, and a leath'ern girdle about his loins; and his me'at was lo'custs and wild honey.


5 Then went out to him Jeru'salem, and a'll Jude'a, and a'll the region round about' Jo'rdan, 6 And were baptized of him in Jo'rdan, confes'sing their sins.



7 But when he saw man'y of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his bap'tism, he said un'to them, O genera'tion of vi'pers, who hath wa'rned you to flee from the wrath to come? 9 Bring forth ther'efore fruits me'et for repentance: And think not to say within' yourselves, We have A'braham to 'our' fa'ther: for I say un'to you, That Go'd is a'ble of these sto'nes to ra'ise up children un'to A'braham. And now also the axe is la'id un'to the root' of the trees: therefore ev'ery tree which brin'geth not fo'rth good' fruit is hewn down, and cast' in'to the fi're. I inde'ed bapti'ze you with wa'ter un'to repentance: but he that com'eth af'ter me is might'ier than I, whose sho'es I am not worthy to bea'r; he shall bạpti'ze you with the Holy Gho'st, and with' fi're: 12 Whose fan 'is' in his hand, and he will thro'ughly purge his flo'or, and gath'er his whe'at in'to the ga'rner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquen'chable fi're.

13 Then com'eth Je'sus from Gal'ilee to Jo'rdan un'to John, to be baptized of him. 14 But John forbad'e him, sa'ying, I have ne'ed to be baptized of thee, and com'est thou to me? 15 And Je'sus an'swering, said un'to him, Suf'fer it to be so' now for thus it becom'eth us to fulfil' a'll right'eousness. Then he suffered him. 16 And Je'sus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the wa'ter: and, lo, the heavens were opened un'to him, and he saw the Spirit of Go'd descen'ding like a dove, and light'ing upon' him: 17 And lo a voice from heaven, sa'ying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well ple'ased.

CHAP. IV. Then was Je'sus led up of the Spirit in'to the wilderness, to be tem'pted of the dev'il. 2 And when he had fas'ted forty days and fo'rty nights, he was afterward an hun'gered. 3 And when the tem'pter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of Go'd, command' that these sto'nes be ma'de bread. But he an'swered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alo'ne, but by every word that proce'edeth out of the mouth of Go'd. 5 Then the dev'il ta'keth him up in'to the holy city, and set'teth him on a pin'nacle of the temple, 6 And saith un'to him, If thou be the Son of Go'd, cast' thyself' down: for it is written, He shall give his angels cha'rge concer'ning thee; and in 'their' hands they shall bea'r thee up, lest at an'y time thou dash thy foot' against a stone. 7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again', Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Go'd. 8 Again', the dev'il ta'keth him up in'to an exce'eding high moun'tain, and

she'weth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glo'ry of them; 9 And sa'ith un'to him, A'll these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fa'll down and wor'ship me. 10 Then sa'ith Je'sus unto him, Get thee hence, Sa'tan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lo'rd thy Go'd, and him o'nly shalt thou serve. Then the devil le'aveth him, and, behold, angels ca'me and min'istered un'to him.

12 Now, when Je'sus had heard that John was cast' in'to prison, he departed in'to Galilee; 13 And leaving Nazareth, he ca'me and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon' the se'aco'ast, in the bo'rders of Zab'ulon and Neph'thalim: 14 That it might be fulfil'led which was spo'ken by Eṣa'ias the prophet, sa'ying, 15 The land of Zab'ulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond' Jo'rdan, Galilee of the Gen'tiles; 16 The people which sat in darkness saw grea't light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.

17 From that time Je'sus began' to pre'ach, and to say, Repent': for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

18 And Je'sus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Si'mon called Pe'ter, and An'drew his broth'er, cast'ing a net in'to the sea for they were fish'ers. 19 And he saith un'to them, Follow me, and I will make you fish'ers of men. 20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. 21 And go'ing on from thence, he saw oth'er two brethren, Ja'mes 'the son' of Zeb'edee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zeb'edee their father, men'ding their nets; and he called them. 22 And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.

23 And Jesus went about' a'll Galilee, te'aching in their syn'agogues, and pre'aching the gospel of the kingdom, and he'aling all man'ner of sic'kness, and a'll man'ner of disease, among the people. 24 And his fa'me went throughout' a'll Syria and they brought un'to him all sick people that were taken with di'vers dise'ases and to'rments, and those which were posses'sed with devils, and those which were lu'natick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them. 25 And there followed him grea't multitudes of pe'ople from Galilee, and from' Decap'olis, and 'from' Jerusalem, and 'from' Jude'a, and 'from' beyond' Jo'rdạn.

CHAP. V. And se'eing the multitudes he went up in'to a moun'tain; and when he was set, his disci'ples ca'me un'to him: 2 And he o'pened his mouth, and ta'ught them,

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