

FOR many years, I have felt an ardent desire,

that the Biography of two of the most zealous and useful Characters, who have lived since the Apostolic days, should be universally introduced to the religious world.

Having communicated my intentions to a few friends; by their counsel, in July 1804, I published a Prospectus of the present Work; and submitted my Plan to the Irish Conference, then assembled in Dublin, hoping for their Patronage. This I deem needful to state, to evince my earnest desire of acting in unison with that great body of men, the effects of whose ministerial labours establish a divine call. As no official objection to the disseminating of these volumes, was received, in due time they were edited and committed to Press. And here I must avow,




that to me, it is extremely grateful, to be assured by many judicious friends, that this Work meets their decided approbation, and cannot fail affording peculiar gratification to the impartial Reader.

In the fear of the Lord, and from a love for truth, I have laboured to render this undertaking both useful and interesting to effect which, the additions to Dr. Whitehead's original Work, will be found very considerable. This could only be accomplished, by adding an Appendix, printed on a smaller Type than that used in the body of the Work; which Appendix consists of Dr. Whitehead's excellent Funeral Sermon ; selections from Minutes of different Conferences; Mr. Wesley's Journals; Dr. Haweis, Alexander Knox, Esqr. and other Writer's Characters of Mr. John Wesley, also an interesting List, from Myles's Chronology, of the Names of all the Preachers who laboured in the Methodist connexion, and of all the Preachinghouses built for public worship, with a correct statement of the Numbers in Society throughout the world; the whole embracing every particular worthy of record.

In these volumes, the Reader will see in a series of more than 70 years, what God hath done in the earth, by means of babes, who, though disesteemed for a time, by the wise and prudent, having been divinely called, were singularly honoured of God! We know,


by perusing the Scriptures, what he hath graciously promised to effect; and from the unceasing spread of the Gospel, we have good reason to hope, that the time is not far distant, when He shall take unto himself his great power, and reign without a rival.

That this Work may, in common with other means, under the divine approbation, have a tendency in hastening the happy epoch, is the sincere desire of the publisher,


Dublin, Bride-street,
Jan. 1806.


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