
glyphics, have opened up a new field of research, and have unfolded important secrets of far-distant centuries.

Those researches have been regarded with deep interest, as well by the infidel as the Christian. The former felt confident that the revelations of the ancient monuments of Egypt would contradict and overthrow the revelations by Moses, and establish Deism throughout the world; whilst the latter, confident in the grounds of his faith, looked on calmly, and looked up trustfully to Him who sitteth on high beholding all the works of men, knowing assuredly that every true record of every age must confirm the declarations of God's word. And so it has eventuated thus far. The present investigations of Dr. Lepsius will, also, as certainly as the past, prove that Moses wrote with a perfect knowledge of the country, and strengthen our faith in his divine inspiration.

The work before us of Dr. Hengstenberg is timely, and must operate as a powerful antidote to infidelity. It is an appeal to facts, and shows convincingly the authenticity of the Pentateuch, by exhibiting the multiplied instances of coincidence between the testimony of Egyptian monuments and the books of Moses-instances sufficient totally to overwhelm all the objections of the skeptic. It is an admirable book for the Christian, as well as for the mere scholar, and the translator has done the cause of science and of true religion a valuable service, by offering it to the public in an English dress.

4.-The Voice of the Church one, under all the successive forms of Christianity; A Discourse pronounced at the opening of the Theological School at Geneva. By J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, D. D. [Translated by Rev. R. Smith, Waterford, N. Y.] New-York: John S. Taylor & Co. 1844. pp. 63.

As will be apparent from the title, this is a Discourse delivered by the celebrated Dr. Merle, at the opening of the Theological School at Geneva. The Christians of the United States have become so fascinated by his History of the Reformation, that every thing from his pen is eagerly sought after. He is unquestionably one of the most dramatic writers of the day, making his prose living with all the interest of romance. He is also synthetical, and in this 'Voice of the Church,' has reduced the history of the Church synthetically, into Four Periods, or forms of Christianity. The primitive, or the form of Life; the form of Dogma; the Scholastic, or the form of the School; the form of the Re

formation.' The form of Life embraces the early period of the Church, in which the living efficacy of the faith was pow. erfully manifested in the life. The form of Dogma, that in which the practical part of Christianity is comparatively forgotten in an attention to creeds. The form of the School, that in which the spirit of science becomes manifested in breaking itself loose from the authority of the Church. The form of the Reformation, that in which the three preceding forms are reunited; former things re-established. But we need say no more to recommend this little 'Voice' to the Christian public. 5.-The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. By Gilbert Burnet, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of Salisbury. With a Copious Index, Revised and Corrected, with additional Notes and a Preface calculated to remove certain difficulties attending the perusal of this important History; by the Rev. E. Nares, D. D. With two Engravings, in 3 vols. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1843.

Whilst we have been disposed to regret the floods of cheap, trashy literature, scarcely, indeed, deserving the name,which have almost overwhelmed the surface of society, we rejoice that there are some works of real value thus made accessible to the public. Among these must be enumerated Burnet's History of the Reformation in England. Such a work, indeed, merits a better dress, and those willing to pay for it can have it; yet when we think of three large 8vo vols. for $2,50, the paper and binding are certainly better than might have been expected. And, when we reflect that many a poor man will thus be enabled to enrich his mind with its treasures, who must otherwise dispense with that privilege, we are much inclined to withdraw our objection. We trust, at all events, that as the enterprising publishers have manifested a desire to afford all an opportunity of possessing the work, their enterprise will meet with its just reward.

Burnet's work has its faults and errors, yet it is a standard work of great celebrity, and should be read by every student of history. The present edition is printed in large type, with marginal summaries, and contains an important preface by Dr. Nares, as well as a valuable index of forty-three pages. 6.-The Flower Garden; or, Chapters on Flowers. A Sequel to Floral Biography. By Charlotte Elizabeth. New-York: M. W. Dodd. 1844. pp. 328.

This work has already interested many readers, and is again offered to tempt the fancy of those who may wish to make a

delicate New Year or Christmas Gift. It abounds in beautiful thoughts, striking similes, and graceful expressions, and must add interest to a walk in the Flower Garden. "What my gracious Lord and Saviour has invited me to consider, I will not overlook; what he tells me that Solomon in all his glory could not equal, I will not refuse to admire; and what he represents as being clothed by the hand of God, as a symbol of his providential care over me, I will not fail to recognize as among the sweetest tokens of his love. While I live, flowers shall multiply in my garden, and be cherished in my bosom; and when I die, if any kind hand will place them there, flowers shall smile upon my grave."

Charlotte Elizabeth, as is known, has adopted the opinions of the Literalists, and believes in the premillenial advent of Christ. Hence, speaking of the Lord's reign, she says, "The Russian violet, springing from the frozen ground, amid storms and every mark of devastation, presents also a more exact type of what I conceive will be the circumstances of that period. That the world will be converted by the preaching of the Gospel, I have not the slightest expectation."

7.-The Trial of the Pope of Rome, the Antichrist, or Man of Sin, described in the Bible, for High Treason against the Son of God. Tried at the Sessions' House of Truth, before the Right Hon. Divine Revelation, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesty's Court of Equity; the Hon. Justice Reason, of said Court; and the Hon. Justice History, one of the Justices of His Majesty's Court of Reformation. Taken in short hand, by a Friend to St. Peter, Professor of Stenography, etc. Second American edition, with an Appendix. Boston: Tappan & Dennet. 1844. pp. 176.

The title of this little volume is, in itself, sufficient to excite attention, and awaken interest; and the perusal will fully meet the awakened interest. The Pope is tried for high treason against Jehovah, King of Heaven, for usurping his supremacy, titles, etc. The form of a state trial is kept up. The Pope is supposed to be always existing, only under different names. The dead, martyrs and others, are revived and summoned as witnesses. They make their own statements under examination by the lawyers, and thus the principal facts of history on this subject are adduced in a manner adapted to impress them on the memory. It of course becomes an abridgment of ecclesiastical history, and a confirmation of the testimony of Scripture.

8.-Geological Cosmogony; or an Examination of the Geological Theory of the Origin and Antiquity of the Earth, and of the Causes and Object of the Changes it has undergone. By a Layman. New York: Robert Carter. 1843.

The author of this small volume is evidently an original thinker; and his observations and arguments are well worth the consideration of the Christian and the Geologist. He examines the theories of Buckland, Lyell, J. Pye Smith and others, and concludes that, whilst they are ingenious and account for many phenomena, they leave out of view many other facts and relations, which are difficult of explanation in accordance with their theories. He is a firm believer in the Divine inspiration of the Scriptures, and thinks that no theory of the earth can be satisfactory which leaves out of view the revelations of that book, especially those relating to the fall of man, and the consequent corruption of the human family. His own opinion is, that the changes on the earth's structure occurred subsequently to the fall of man, and that they are all sufficiently accounted for consistently with the plain sense of the Scriptures, without any such theories as have been recently promulgated.

9.-Memoir of the Life, Labors, and Extensive Usefulness, of the Rev. Christmas Evans; a distinguished Minister of the Baptist Denomination in Wales. Extracted from the Welsh Memoir: by David Phillips. New-York: M. W. Dodd. 1843. pp. 258.

This memoir details the history of an interesting and rather remarkable man. In early life he had no opportunities of instruction, indeed could not read a syllable when seventeen years of age. Yet he felt prompted to become a preacher of righteousness, and began to exhort in public when quite young and without much knowledge. He was finally inducted into the ministry in the Baptist Church, became extremely popular and extensively useful. He was born in 1766, on Christmas day, and died in July, 1838, having lived to a good old age, and then departed in peace to his rest in heaven.

The volume will, doubtless, be acceptable to members of the Baptist denomination, especially as Mr. Evans says, 'After having gone through the whole of the New Testament, I could not find one passage substantiating the rite of infant baptism.' It ought to be remembered that this examination was made about two or three years after he had first learned to read.

10.-A Protestant Memorial: comprising, I. A Concise Historical Sketch of the Reformation. II. The Antiquity of the Religion of Protestants Demonstrated. III. The Safety of contin uing in the Protestant Church. IV. Romunism Contradictory to the Bible. By Thomas Hartwell Horne, B. D. From the ninth London edition. New-York: John S. Taylor & Co. 1844. pp. 149.

The title of this work sufficiently designates its plan and object. It was prepared in view of the celebration, on the fourth of October, 1835, of the completion of Coverdale's Bible, the first entire English Protestant Version of the Bible, finished Oct. 4, 1535. It is an excellent Manual, adapted to inform those, who are ignorant, on the rise and progress of the Reformation, and also to show that the Protestant religion is anterior to the Papal, and that the latter is contrary to the Scriptures.

Under the fourth chapter, the author quotes copiously from the authorities of the Church of Rome, and shows, on a great variety of topics, how totally diverse they are from the pure principles of the Gospel.

11.-Governmental History of the United States of America, from the earliest settlement to the adoption of the present Constitution. By Henry Sherman, Counsellor of Law, New-York. In four parts. New-York: Mark H. Newman. 1843. pp. 282.

We think it highly important that the rising generation should become familiar with the history of those institutions on which our life, as a nation, is dependent. Let them early imbibe the principles of wholesome, well-regulated liberty, and learn the story of the conflicts and trials of the Colonies, in their efforts at establishing an independent government.

This book we consider well adapted to instruct our youth in our governmental history, and would recommend its adoption as a text book for schools. It embraces all the important points on that subject, in four parts:-I. History of the Southern Colony of Virginia; II. History of the Northern Colony of Virginia or New England; III. Governmental History of the Colonies in their smaller divisions to the time of the Declaration of Independence; IV. Governmental History from the Declaration of Independence to the time of the adoption of the present Constitution.

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