
This our Saviour often remarks in the character they trusted in themselves: :

of the Pharisees:

'twas no wonder then they despised others.

This, I believe, might principally relate to spiritual pride; which, by the way, is the worst of all pride and as it is a very bad species of a very bad passion, I cannot do better than conclude the discourse with some remarks upon it.

In most conceits of a religious superiority, there has usually gone hand in hand with it another fancy, which, I suppose, has fed it; and that is, a persuasion, of some more than ordinary aids and illuminations from above. Let us examine this matter.

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That the influence and assistance of God's spirit, in a way imperceptible to us, do enable us to render him an acceptable service, we learn from Scripture. In what particular manner this is effected, so that the act shall still be imputed ours, the Scriptúre says not: we know only the account is so; but as for any sensible demonstrations of its workings to be felt as such within us, - the word of God is utterly silent; nor can that silence be supplied by any experience. We have none; unless you call the false pretences to it such, suggested by an enthusiastic or distempered fancy. As expressly as we are told and pray for the inspiration of God's Spirit, there are no boundaries fixed, nor can any be ever marked, to distinguish them from the efforts and determinations of our own reason; and, as firmly as most Christians believe the effects of them upon their hearts, I may venture to affirm, that since the promises were made, there never was a Christian of a cool head and sound judgment, that, in any instance of a change of life, would presume to say which part of his reformation was owing to Divine help; which to the operations of his own mind;

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who, upon looking back, would pretend to strike the line, and say, here it was that my own reflections ended;'-and, at this point the suggestions of the Spirit of God began to take place.' However backward the world has been in former ages in the discovery of such points as God never meant us to know, we have been more successful in our own days:-thousands can trace out now the impressions of this divine intercourse in themselves, from the first moment they received it, and with such distinct intelligence of its progress and workings, as to require no evidence of its truth.

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It must be owned, that the present age has not altogether the honour of this discovery; there were too many grounds given to improve on in the religious cant of the last century: when the incomings, in-dwellings, and out-lettings of the Spirit were the subjects of so much edification; and when, as they do now, the most illiterate mechanics, who, as a witty divine said of them, were much fitter to make a pulpit than get into one, were yet able so to frame their nonsense to the nonsense of the times, as to beget an opinion in their followers, not only that they pray'd and preach'd by inspiration, but that the most common actions of their lives were set about in the Spirit of the Lord.

The tenets of the Quakers (a harmless, quiet people) are collateral descendants from the same enthusiastic original; and their accounts and way of reasoning upon their inward light and spiritual worship, are much the same; which last they carry thus much further, as to believe the Holy Ghost comes down upon their assemblies, and moves them, without regard to condition or sex, to make intercessions with unutterable groans.

So that, in fact, the opinions of Methodists, upon which I was first entering, is but a republication, with some alterations, of the same extravagant con

ceits; and as enthusiasm generally speaks the same language in all ages, 'tis but too sadly verified in this; for though we have not yet got to the old terms of the in-comings and in-dwellings of the Spirit, yet we have arrived at the first feelings. of its entrance, recorded with as particular an exactness as an act of filiation; so that numbers

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will tell you the identical place, the day of the month, and the hour of the night, when the Spirit came in upon them, and took possession of their hearts.


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Now there is this inconvenience on our side, That there is no arguing with a frenzy of this kind: for unless a representation of the case be a confutation of its folly to them, they must for ever be led captive by a delusion, from which no reasoner can redeem them: for if you should inquire upon what evidence so strange a persuasion is grounded? - they will tell you, They feel it is If you reply, That this is no conviction to you, who do not feel it like them, and, therefore, would wish to be satisfied by what tokens they are able to distinguish such emotions from those of fancy and complexion, they will answer,― That the manner of it is incommunicable by human language, but 'tis a matter of fact; they feel its operations as plain and distinct as the natural sensations of pleasure, or the pains of a disorder'd body and since I have mentioned a disorder'd body, I cannot help suggesting, that amongst the more serious and deluded of this sect, 'tis much to be doubted, whether a disorder'd body has not ofttimes as great a share in letting in these conceits as a disorder'd mind.

When a poor disconsolated drooping creature is terrified from all enjoyment, prays without ceasing, till his imagination is heated, fasts, and mortifies, and mopes, till his body is in as bad a

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plight as his mind, is it a wonder that the mechanical disturbances and conflicts of an empty belly, interpreted by an empty head, should be mistook for workings of a different kind from what they are? or that in such a situation, where the mind sits upon the watch for extraordinary occurrences and the imagination is pre-engaged on its side, is it strange if every commotion should help to fix him in this malady, and make him a fitter subject for the treatment of a Physician than a Divine?

In many cases they seem so much above the skill of either, that unless God in his mercy rebuke this lying spirit, and call it back, it may go on, and persuade millions to their destruction.



ROM. 1. 22.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

THERE is no one project to which the whole race of mankind is so universally a bubble, as to that of being thought wise: and the affectation of it is so visible, in men of all complexions, that you every day see some one or other so very solieitous to establish the character, as not to allow himself leisure to do the things which fairly win it;

expending more art and stratagem to appear so in the eyes of the world, than what would suffice to make him so in truth.

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It is owing to the force of this desire, that you see, in general, there is no injury touches a man so sensibly, as an insult upon his parts and capacity. Tell a man of other defects; that he wants learning, industry, or application, he will hear your reproof with patience. — Nay you may go further: take him in a proper season, you may tax his morals, you may tell him he is irregular in his conduct, passionate or revengeful in his nature, loose in his principles; deliver it with the gentleness of a friend, — possibly, he'll not only bear with you, but, if ingenuous, he will thank you for your lecture, and promise a reformation.But hint, -hint but at a defect in his intellectuals, touch but that sore place, from that moment you are look'd upon as an enemy sent to torment

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