

sorrowful. It needs not learning to understand, nor the practised eye of art to admire. We see its beauty-we feel its power-our thoughts are raised—our hearts are purified; and the spirit, thus exalted, bows with gratitude to Heaven for the creation of Earth. We cannot suppose that

all who travel, and gaze, and admire, are equally accessible to feelings such as these. There are,

of course, degrees in the pleasure derived, and variations in their course, though springing from one source; but, in all, it seems to awaken some exciting sensation. It raises the spirits-it soothes the wretched-it invigorates the languid -it tempts a spirit of adventure-it casts away the petty cares of life, and leaves their prisoner to enjoyment.

We are often disposed to quarrel with the presence of those unrefined specimens of our fellow-countrymen, with whom, travel where we

will-on mountain or plain-on river or lake

by sea or by land

by steam or by coach, we

are sure to be molested.

The similarity of

language makes us conscious of the dissimilarity of manners. Our amour propre blushes that others should see that vulgarity, which we perhaps can alone appreciate. We instantly perceive their grade-we do not stop to know their feelings-we think they vulgarise the scene—we ask not if they sympathise in our delight. We turn with disgust from Mr. Simkins's preparations for a pic-nic on the mountains; we say he views the Alps as Richmond Hill; we wish that Mrs. Simkins, with her reticule and parasol, had never quitted the purlieus of London; and then we gaze with romantic admiration on the troop of young students, who loiter, staff in hand and pipe in mouth, before the door,

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tricked out in all the fancy foppery of a well

studied picturesqueness.

Yet this is not fair. Our prejudices are too easily offended by one, our imaginations too quickly captivated by the other. We do not remember that the mind of the former may dwell in admiration on all around, whilst the thoughts of the latter may be centred in admiration of himself. We think that those whose presence decks the scene will enter best into its charms; and, whilst we loathe the sight of sandwiches and rolls, forget that, though enthusiasm will revive with refreshment, it withers away where frivolity blooms. The details of life can never sound romantic, and even the outset on a mountain expedition will not be exempt from this rule."Where is my great-coat?" exclaims one voice. "Don't forget the telescope!" cries another.

"Is the bundle put up?" "I am sure the mule will kick!" "Nonsense, my dear, you will be tired to death with walking!" "Papa! may I walk?" "Mamma! may I ride?” “Where are the guides?" "Thomas, take care of the children!" "Make haste, or we shall lose the sunset!" "Now, all ready!"- and away go a happy family party, full of frolic, fear, and expectation, to toil up the mountain-side.

It was one fine summer's afternoon, when just such a party had left the inn of a little village in Switzerland, that two English gentlemen desired that a guide for themselves and a mule for their valise might be ready to attend them up the Righi. Whilst these preparations were making, they entered the inn; and first they amused themselves with perusing the impressions recorded in the Livre des Voyageurs, of the dangers and wonders of the expedition they

were about to make; and then they listened, with equal amusement, to the conversation of those who were engaged in the discussion of their own feats, intended or performed.

"A most tremendous descent, indeed!" said a little, fat, bald-headed man, who wiped his forehead at the recollection how hot he had been.-"We came down wonderfully well!"

"No wonder,” replied his companion, with the air of a coming joke, "for you came down so often."

"Come, come, James, remember it was my first attempt, so no jokes on me and my pole."

"Very true, Mr. Brown, very true; no man succeeds in his first Polar expedition, so I wish you better success next time.'

"Monsieur a vu le lever du soleil ce matin, n'estce pas ?" said a young French traveller in a green shooting-jacket and a willow travelling-cap.

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