
count the religion of the Russians. We shall watch the progress of this great contest of England and Russia, where Asia is the foot-ball, with the intensest interest. What may be the designs of Providence, we cannot, of course, fathom. We cannot but hope, however, that it will tend greatly to the spread of pure Christianity, and to the introduction of a new element of life into the torpid and worn-out dynasties of middle Asia.


We are glad to see that Mr. Medhurst's history of China is now published. We had hoped to review it in the present number of the Repository, but we did not receive it in season. From the character and opportunities of the author we have strong hopes that the book will add much to our knowledge of this immense empire. It takes up the subject of the chronology of China, extent, probable population, civilization, government and laws, language and literature, religions, Catholic missions, Protestant missions to Canton, Malacca, Batavia, voyages up the coast of China, subsequent occurrence, class of laborers required for China, desiderata for the Chinese mission. Mr. Medhurst's history, the Chinese Repository and Davis's History of China, (noticed in the Repository, Vol. X. p. 231,) will furnish excellent materials for obtaining a very correct view of the celestial empire. The Missionary Herald for September contains a specimen of the Chinese metal types prepared by Mr. Dyer, missionary of the London Missionary Society at Malacca. The punches and matrices are the property of that Society, and founts of type will be furnished for benevolent purposes at the cost price. The whole number of characters in the original fount is 3,232; to which it is in contemplation to add another list of 1,648 characters. The cost of a fount is about $500. The presses in connection with the missions of the American Board, in communities where the Chinese language is used, will be furnished with founts.



Active obedience of Christ, views of
the early reformers on, 420.
Analogies between Nature, Providence
and Grace. The order of proceed-
ing in each is gradual 22. Im-
provement or advancement in each
23. Types and prophecies 26.
The earlier stages in each prepara-
tory to the later 29. Economical
wisdom in each 31. Similar dis-
tinctions of time, space, rank, etc.
32. The same end sought in each
35. Remarks. Analogy affords the
best means of answering objec
tions against science and religion
40. Important to study nature and
providence 41. Our duty to fall in
with the analogies of nature, provi-
dence and grace 44.

Anderson, Rev. Rufus, D. D. on Mis-
sionary Schools 87.
Andover Theol. Sem. fourth year of
study in 509.


Angels, the scriptural idea of.
existence of a world of spirits, a
subject of experience and observa-
tion 356. Proved by analogy 357.
Taught by the religious philosophy
of every age 359. The Scriptures
frequently notice spiritual intelli-
gences, their names and titles
360. Explained 361. Not personi-
fications, but real existences 370.
The term spirit, revua, etc. ex-
plained 371. In the Scriptures,
angels appear with bodies 372.
No distinction of sex, of prodigious
stature, etc. 374. Constitute a ce-
lestial hierarchy 375. The sera-
phim 376. The archangel 377.
The number of angels very great

Sheol and hades explained
379. Angels never die 380. Not
mentioned in the Mosaic account of
the creation 381. The ultimate
design of God, the happiness of his
VOL. XII. No. 32.

creatures 383. The notion of the
Christian Fathers respecting guar-
dian angels 385. The world of
spirits not at a great distance,—we
are in the midst of it 387.
Arabian Desert 510, 511.
Arabic Bible 515.

Armenia, works lately published in

Authority, a source of moral obliga-
tion. The prevailing spirit of in-
subordination 276. A sense of
obligation awakened from two
sources, the nature of things and
authority. The latter only con-
sidered. I. Why is authority ne-
cessary as a source of obligation?
277. Different theories 278. Au-
thority necessary because, 1. There
are many purposes essential to the
government of society, which can-
not be gained by leaving mankind
to the separate decisions of each
one's intuitive or reflective percep-
tions 280.-2. Additional sanctions
to moral obligation necessary 283.
II. What is the test of legitimate
authority? The propriety of the
relation between the sovereign and
the subject to be consulted 286.
There must be competent qualifi-
cations 287. Legislation must not
contravene the claims of natural
obligation 289. It must not con-
flict with any higher authority 290.
Authority may give obligation to
that which would otherwise have
been a matter of indifference 291.
Refusal to obey, unless the unrea-
sonableness of the precept be ex-
hibited, makes a man either a rebel
or an outlaw 293. The spirit of
law fills the whole field of its ju-
risdiction 293. Disobedience to the
lowest rightful authority, as truly
sin as disobedience to the highest



Education, home, notice of 251.

Bacon, Leonard, on traffic in spirituous Education in China 498.
liquors 499.
Ballantine, Rev. E.

Translation of
Hengstenberg on the causes of the
denial of the Mosaic origin of the
Pentateuch 458.

Bar, a member of the New York, on
Presbyterianism 219.

Baron De Sacy, notice of 254.
Biblical Analysis 506.

Bush, Prof. G. Commentary on Gen.
esis, notice of 241.

[blocks in formation]

Early Reformers, views of, on faith
179. And on the active obedience
of Christ 420.
Ecclesiastes, the philosophy of 197.
To what description of work does
the book belong? 198. Its style
compared with that of Job 199.
With the proverbs of Solomon and
the maxims of profane authors 202.
The object of the book and its con-
tents 205. The results of its in-
quiries 211.

Ecclesiastical and Voluntary associa-
tions for the promotion of benevo-
lent objects 257.

Editor on the state of the Presbyterian
church 219.

Edwards, Prof. B. B. on the study of
the Hebrew language 113.


Faith, views of the early reformers on
179. Dr. Junkin's charge against
Mr. Barnes 179. Views of Luther
181. The Augsburg Confession
185. Acts of the Colloquium Mar-
purgense 186. The Confession of
Bohemia, Cloppenburg, Tilenus &
Gomar 187. All assert that faith
is not confidence. Dr. Pareus 192.
Wendeline makes faith of three
parts, notion, assent, and confi-
dence 193. Polanus makes it a full
and sure persuasion 195.
Fosdick's German Grammar 507.
Fourth year of study at Andover 509.
Fragments from the study of a pastor


France, state of religion in 497.


Genesis, commentary on, by Prof.
Bush 241.

Geneva Evangelical Society 498.
Geology and Revelation. 1. The ap
parent discrepancy between the
deductions of geology and the Mo-
saic account respecting the age of
the world 2. The latter misunder-
stood 3. Explained 4. Objections
answered 7. Geology illustrates
and supports revelation, by teach-
ing that this world had a begin-
ning 8. That it is the workman-
ship of one God, etc. 9. That men
and the present races of animals
have existed on it only a few thou-
sand years 10. That it has been
covered with a deluge 11. That it
will be destroyed by fire, etc. 13.
The disappointment of infidels 15.
An appeal to the reader 18.
Germany, 514.

[ocr errors]

works lately published in 255.
German Grammar 507.
Gesenius on Phoenician monuments
noticed 492.

Gospel, Matthew's, inquiry respect-
ing the original language of, etc.
Grammar, critical, of the Hebrew
language, notice of 247.


Great Britain, intelligence from 513. Lovejoy, Rev. E. P., memoir of noticed
Greenough, W. W. on the version of
Ulphilas and the Moeso-Gothic
language 295.

Guizot on civilization in Europe 503.


Harvard University, alterations in
course of study 509.
Head of the Church Head over all
things, concluded 22.
Hebrew language, reasons for the
study of 113. Importance attached
to it by the earliest planters of
New England 114. It is the com-
mon privilege of all the professions
118. Examples in France, Eng-
land, and Germany 119.
strengthens the faith of the student
in the genuineness and authority
of the Scriptures 122. Its influ-
ence on the imagination and taste
125. Its bearing upon the mission-
ary enterprise 129.
Hebrew language, a critical grammar
of, by 1. Nordheimer, notice of


Hengstenberg on the causes of the
denial of the Mosaic origin of the
Pentateuch 458.

Hickok, Rev. Prof. L. P. Authority
a source of moral obligation 276.
Holt, Rev. Edwin, on Universalism

Home Education, by the author of
Natural History of Enthusiasm, no-
tice of 251.

Hubbard, F. M. Translation of
Schweighauser on the theology of
Socrates 47.


Intellectual System of the Universe,
Cudworth's, notice of 242.
Intelligence, literary and miscellane-
ous 253.
Italy, 515.


Jerusalem, antiquities of 512.


Landis, Rev. R. W. Views of the

early reformers on justification,
faith, and the active obedience of
Christ 179 and 420.
Library of the New York theological
seminary 253,


Martineau, Miss Harriet, works of
reviewed 389. Her northern birth
suspected 390. Her prepossessions
in our favor, means of information,
at home everywhere except among
orthodox Christians, Unitarians her
chosen companions 391. Her re-
marks on political institutions and
distinguished men 392. Her sec-
tion on the " political non-exist-
ence of women" severely censured
393. Its morality considered 396.
Its bearing upon slaves and free
blacks 398. Her contempt of
women 400. The absurdity of
mingling men and women in the
same employments 401. Its moral
bearing, the character of the man
where it prevails 402. Her views
of marriage and divorce exposed
406. Ours is an astonishing age
408. The tendency of Miss M's
writings to infidelity 410. Her re-
marks on "the first people of Bos-
ton," her views in regard to mis-
sions 411. On Dr. Beecher, revi-
vals of religion, Miss Sedgwick,
etc. 412. Loose views of the Sab-
bath 413. Her censures of the
American clergy 415. The Unita-
rian clergy 417.

Matthew's Gospel, inquiry into the
original language of, and the gen-
uineness of the first two chapters
of the same, with particular refer-
ence to Mr. Norton's view of these

subjects 133. Introductory re-
marks 133. Testimony of the
christian fathers 135. Papias 136.
Remarks concerning 137.
testimony a fair subject of investi-
gation 140. The testimony of He-
gesippus 141. Of Symmachus 142.
The gospel according to the He-
brews was interpolated and spuri-
ous 144. Examples 147. Its re-
semblance to the canonical Mat-
thew 149. Its claims to canonical
authority suspected by the ancient
fathers 154. Evidence in favor of
a Hebrew gospel of Matthew 158.
Remarks on the same 159. Other
circumstances which render the
existence of an early genuine He-

[blocks in formation]


The same subject continued.
troductory remarks 315. Positive
evidence of the genuineness of
Matthew I. II. 317. All the man-
uscript copies and ancient versions
contain them 317. Always found
in the Greek gospel. Quoted by
Justin Martyr 319. Also by Cel-
sus 324. Remarks on this evi-
dence 326. Internal evidence of
genuineness 327. Objections ex-
amined, viz. The gospel of the Ebi-
onites did not contain it 330. The
Proterangelium probably did not,
etc. 331. Seeming contradictions,
Mr. Norton's arguments considered
332. The genealogies given by
Matthew and Luke compared 333.
Other objections 339. The Magi
344. The star seen by them 345.
Not a matter of astrology 350. Re-
sult of the preceding inquiries 353.
Additional considerations 354.
Mayer, Lewis, D. D. on the scriptural
idea of angels 356.
Medical philosophy, a popular treatise
on. Notice of 239.
Meditations on the last days of Christ

Missionary Schools 87.

Extent of
territory embraced by the Apostoli-
cal missions 88. State of Educa
tion in those countries 90. Schools
and public libraries 92. Facts il-
lustrative of the Apostolical mis-
sions 94. The gift of tongues 98.
Circumstances of modern missions
contrasted with those of the N. Test.
99. They are prosecuted in less
civilized countries 109. Need ex-
traneous influences 101. Intellec-
tual degradation of the present
heathen world 102. What place
education should hold in the sys-
tem of modern missions 107.
testimony of experience 108. A
general rule in respect to their es-
tablishment 109. Should combine
the college and the school of theolo-
gy 110. The claims of education
among the oriental churches 111.


Moeso-Gothic Language, the Ver-
sion of Ulphilas 295. Original
settlement of the North and Middle
of Europe. Early history of the
German, Teutonic or Gothic tribes
295. Appear first in history 19

years B. C. Their emigrations
probably compulsory 297. A. D.
376, Moesia was assigned the
Christian Goths as a residence.
Their wars, etc. 299. The Version
of the Bible by Ulphilas into Moeso-
Gothic, the first specimen of Ger-
man literature. Some account of
Ulphilas 300. His invention of
the Moeso-Gothic Alphabet. The
runic letters in use from the re-
motest ages 301. The Goths ac-
quainted with the Greek and Latin
alphabets 303. The Version of
Ulphilas proved to have been made
from the Greek 305. The great
value of this version asserted 306.
Fragments of it only remain 307.
Other relicts of the language,
curious 309. Some account of the
Germanic languages 310. A par-
ticular account of the Moeso-Gothic
etc. 311.

Moral Obligation, Authority the
source of 276.

Morrison Education Society 498.
Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuch,
Causes of the Denial of the 458.


New York Bar, a member of on Pres-
byterianism 219.

New York Theological Seminary, Li-
brary of 253.

Nordheimer, Dr. I. A critical gram-
mar of the Hebrew Language, no-
tice of 247.
Nordheimer, Prof. I. on the Philoso-
phy of Ecclesiastes 197.
Notices, Critical 238, 492.


Obedience, active, of Christ, Views of
the Early Reformers on 420. The
position of Dr. Junkin and Mr.
Barnes on this subject explained
in a note 420 A belief in the
imputation of Christ's active obe-
dience not necessary to correct
views of justification 421. The
question unknown till after the

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