
taught as fome of the Heathen Sages recommended Virtue, i. e. for Virtue's Sake, and as its own Reward, the Motive might have been too weak to carry Men on, and the World's Temptations. to Difobedience too powerful to be with ftood; but that the Leffons here aught us are of another Nature, and of t the utmost Confequence, may be gathered from thofe weighty Sanctions which go along with them, fuch as an Affurance of the Soul's Immortality, of a Day of Trial and future Judgment, for every Work done in the Flefh, of the Joys of Heaven for a Reward, and the eternal Pains of Hell for a Chaftifement.

This is the Sum and Substance of that holy Religion, which the kind Providence of God has inftructed us in, whofe Discoveries have raifed our Hope, and whofe Light is given us to walk by; in whofe facred Writings we believe we have eternal Life, and by whofe Faith and Obfervance we promife our felves a future Inheritance of Blifs and Immortality. In Acknowledgment of thefe Mercies of the Almighty, and under a grateful Senfe of his ineftimable Benefits


conferred, we are labouring to make him fome Returns, and are aiming at a faint Refemblance of his Goodness, by extending the Happinefs we enjoy to our Fellow-creatures, and carrying the glad Tidings of Salvation to those who fit in Darkness, and where the Doctrine of a reconciled God, a compleat Satisfaction for Sin, and of a glorious Redeemer, has either not been taught, or is loft and forgotten.

In diftributing the things of this World, Men are often check'd by the Confideration that what they give to others is taken from themfelves, and that by every Act of their Beneficence they become poorer; but fuch is the diffufive Nature of fpiritual Treasures, that they are not impaired, nor in the least diminished by being communicated. A property in this Wealth would take from the Worth of it, and what is a feeming Contradiction, a part is preferable to the whole; the more Sharers and joint Heirs there are in this Inheritance, the richer and more valuable is every one's Poffeffion.


The Jews indeed had other Sentiments of the Divine Favour, and were for confining it to themfelves; they gloried in their Covenant, for its being peculiar to their Nation, and were fo narrow fpirited in limiting every Bleffing to their own Tribes, that it may look like an Inconfiftency in them to have travelled Sea and Land to make Profelytes, while they imagined that none of their Converts, whether of the Gate or of the Covenant, could attain to an equal Acceptance with God, and to the fame Rank of Favour which they stood in. But we who are Difciples of a more gracious Law, and a better Covenant, and who perceive, with St. Peter, that A&s 10. of a Truth God is no Respecter of Perfons; but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him, have greater Encouragement to extend our Religion, not only to the loft Sheep of the House of Ifrael, Mat. 10. but to the opening alfo a Door of Faith Aas 14. unto the Gentiles; to increafe, as much as we are able, the Number of the faithful, that the Heathen may become our Lord's Inheritance, and the uttermoft Parts



Parts of the Earth his Poffeffion; that every Language and People, from the Eaft, and from the Weft, from the North, and from the South, may be gathered unto his Flock, and become one Fold under one Shepherd.

This was the good Intent, and has hitherto been the Bufinefs of our SocIETY; and to this End have been directed our united Counfels and Contributions, with the kind Affiftance of many others who wish well to, and have given an helping Hand to our Defign. The Luke 10. Harveft indeed is great, and the Labourers few; but how diftant foever the Time of reaping, and of bringing in the Fulness of the Gentiles may be, yet we faint not, neither grow weary in well doing, while our Undertaking is fo laudable. And we have in the


IId Place, The following Encouragements to carry us on with it, viz. That we are promoting the Happiness and Salvation of as many of our Fellow Creatures as we are able; that we contribute, by extending the Gofpel Light among Men, to the Increase of God's


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Glory; and that by fuch our Endeavours we may hope at least to obtain an additional Bleffing to our selves.


If we have in earnest embraced 'the Christian Faith, do believe its Doctrines, and rely upon its Promifes, we cannot but account our Religion one of the greatest Bleffings we enjoy. And if the Nature of this Happinefs be such, that we can let the rest of Mankind partake of it without Prejudice to our felves, purposely to hide and restrain it from them, would be great Cruelty; and not to be at fome little Trouble to impart it, is neither agreeable to Christian Charity, nor humane Compaffion. Whereever we find the Form and Image of our Maker, i. e. the Faculties of a reafonable Soul, it is our Duty to take all Opportunities of communicating the glad Tidings, and gracious Terms of Salvation; but where we have a frequent Intercourfe by Commerce, and carry on an advantageous Traffick, and enrich our Country by the Wealth or Labours of an uncivilized, illiterate People, it is but bare Justice, and a Debt we owe


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