
lasting sanctions of religion? Such were obviously the views of the Framers of the Constitution of this State. All restraints on religious liberty; all invasions of the rights of conscience; all preferences of one sect or denomination to another; all impositions, by the civil power, of creeds and liturgies, we sincerely deprecate. No enlightened Christian, nor enlightened patriot, would wish to see, in our favored country, a religious establishment. It would corrupt religion, without affording substantial aid to the state. Nor is it to be desired that such provision should be made by Christian societies, for the clergy, as should render the sacred office a lure to ambition, or to avarice. The system, so opposite to this, which has long prevailed in this state, has had its influence, it may be believed, to preserve the purity of the clerical profession. Still, that a minister of the gospel, instead of relying on the justice of a society which has pledged him a support, should be liable to be cast on the world; should even find himself a mere pensioner on private bounty; cannot be favorable, either to his dignity, or his usefulness. By the nature of his office, he is required to declare unwelcome truths, and to press unwelcome duties; to dispense warnings, admonitions and rebukes, without partiality, and without fear, to all classes of mankind. The best interests of his hearers therefore, and of society at large, forbid that he should be subjected to such temptations to unfaithfulness, as no ordinary degree of virtue can withstand. Should he even, by a rare moral heroism, combine an entire independence of mind with an extreme dependence of circumstances; still his influence in guiding the judgment of the community, in forming its taste, and regulating its manners, would be comparatively small."

I will merely subjoin to these excellent sentiments, that not only is extreme dependence of circumstances unfavourable to the character and influence of Christian ministers; but extreme ignorance also. An enlightened and religious people will not fail to require knowledge and sound learning, as well as fervent piety, in those who sustain the clerical profession.

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