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IN presenting this volume to the public, we deem it proper to accompany it with a few observations.

Though the public are already in possession of many valuable collections of sermons, it is nevertheless necessary that new publications should constantly be made, to answer the increasing demand, and to supply the places of those which are yearly growing into disuse.

The curiosity in the human mind for that which is novel, will incline many to read a new book, to the neglect of an old one of equal merit. No exertion should be spared to excite the attention of a 'world lying in wickedness, or to allure the reluctant mind to receive spiritual instruction.

A volume containing the works of many preachers, eminent in the sacred profession, and resident in dif. ferent parts of the United States, and exhibiting a specimen of their respective talents and must afford a pleasing variety, and be more inesting to the reader, than a volume from a single author.

One important object of this undertaking is to bring to public view many valuable discourses in manuscript, which after once powerfully impressing and delighting one auditory, would otherwise be of no further use to the world.

It is the design, of the editor that this collection shall clearly exhibit the distinguishing doctrines of grace and that nothing opposed to these (as we conceive) shall be admitted.

In collecting this volume, we have had to encounter difficulties which will not probably occur in the

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