for want of towers, 245. Elm, star-proof, 200. Elms, immemorial, 521. Eloquence, heavenly, 223. resistless, 192. the soul, 176. to woe, 480. Eloquent, old man, 205. Elves, criticising, 357-
whose little eyes, 158. Elysium, lap it in, 195. on earth, 453-
whose circuit is, 67. Emathian conqueror, 205. Embalmed in tears, 449. Embattled farmers stood, 527. Embers, glowing, 203. Emblem of untimely graves, 363. Emblems of deeds, 478.
right meet of decency, 327. Embosomed in the deep, 343- Embrace me she inclined, 206. Embryo, chancellor in, 327. Emelie, up rose, 3. Eminence, that bad, 174.
Eminent, tax for being, 247.
Emits a brighter ray, 349.
Emperor without his crown, 262.
Empire, course of, 257.
cutpurse of the, 115. rod of, 333.
star of, 257- trade's proud, 319.
Empires, whose game was, 485. Employment, hand of little, 117. wishing the worst, 264. Employments, how various his, 362. Emprise and floure, 5.
Empty boxes, beggarly account of, 80.
praise, pudding against, 291. Empty-vaulted night, 195 Enamell'd eyes, 200.
Enamour'd, hung over her, 184 Enchant thine ear, 134-
Enchantment, distance lends, 439. Enchants the world, 309. Encompass the tomb, 460. Encounter, free and open, 208. of our wits, 68.
End, attempt the, 160. beginning of our, 34. beginning of the, 594- crowns all, 74- hope to the, 577-
in wand'ring mazes, 176. of fame, 487.
me no ends, 613.
means unto an, 516.
must justify the means, 242. original and, 320.
served no private, 279. to know mine, 547.
End-all, might be the, go. Endeavour, too painful an, 277-
Ending, never, still beginning, 221. Endless night, 330.
Endow a college or a cat, 278. Ends, neglecting worldly, 17.
of verse, 215. old odd, 69.
thou aimest at, 73- Endurance foresight, 404. Endure, human hearts, 319. we first, then pity, 273. Endured, not to be, 27, 44- Enemies, naked to mine, 73.
of nations, 361.
shall lick the dust, 549- Enemy in their mouths, 127. invention of the, 249.
thing devised by the, 71. Enemy's dog, 122.
Energy divine, 289.
Engineer hoist with his own petar, 116.
England, mariners of, 441. martial airs of, 464.
never shall lie at the proud
foot of a conqueror, 51.
roast beef of old, 315.
slaves cannot breathe in, 361. this realm, this, 52.
true to itself, 51.
with all her faults, 357, 361. English, abusing the king's, 20. air, sweet as, 520.
English dead, close the wall up with, 63.
legs, one pair of, 63. undefyled, well of, 11. Enjoy your dear wit, 198. Enough is as good as a feast, 604. verge, for more, 230. Ensample, this noble, 2. Ensanguined hearts, 363. Ensign beauty, 81.
imperial, 172, 330. tattered, 535:
Enskied and sainted, 22. Entangling alliances, 377.
Enterprise, life-blood of our, 58. Enterprises, impediments to great, 136.
of great pith, 111. Entertained angels, 577.
Entertains the harmless day, 141. Enthroned in the hearts, 37. Entire affection hateth, 10. Entity and quiddity, 213. Entrance to a quarrel, 104. Entrances and exits, 41. Entuned in hire nose, 1. Envious tongues, 73. Envy hatred and malice, 579.
of less happier lands, 52. will merit, 282.
withers at another's joy, 308.
Ephesian dome, 248. Ephesus, dame of, 248. Epicurus' sty, 350.
Epitaph, no man write my, 443. Epitaphs, let's talk of, 53. Epitome, all mankind's, 223. Epocha in the history of America,
Equable and pure, 407; Equal, all men created, 376.
and exact justice, 376. to all things, 347:
Equity is a roguish thing, 152. Equivocation of the fiend, 97. will undo us, 117.
Ercles' vein, 32. Ere I was old, 435- Erebus, dark as, 38
Erect, above himself he can, 142.
Eremites and friars, 180.
Erin, exile of, 441.
Err, they do not, 445.
to, is human, 83.
Erring sister's shame, 477. spirit hies, 100.
Error, he was guilty of no, 504. of opinion, 376.
wounded, writhes with pain,
Errors, female, 284.
like straws, 228.
Eruption, bodes some strange, 100. Eruptions strange in nature, 57- Escape calumny, shall not, 111. Eschewed evil, 543.
Estate, fallen from his high, 220. flies of, 155.
Esteem, to love, to, 434- Eternal anarchy, 178.
blazon must not be, 106. friendship, 398.
frost, that skirt the, 433. hope springs, 270.
now does always last, 167. smiles his emptiness betray, 287.
summer gilds them yet, 488. summer shall not fade, 134- sunshine settles, 345. Eternities, two, 452. Eternity in bondage, 251.
intimates to man, 251. mourns that, 515. opes the palace of, 194. thou pleasing dreadful, 251. wander through, 175.
wanderers o'er, 472. white radiance of, 494-
Ether, ampler, 408.
Ethereal mildness, 308.
Ethiopian change his skin, 564. Etrurian shades, 171.
Euphrasy and rue, 190. Europe rings, 206. Eve, ear of, 183.
fairest of her daughters, 182. from noon to dewy, 173. grandmother, 29.
Even, gray-hooded, 195. such is Time, 597. ushers in the, 135. Even-handed justice, 90. Evening bells, 456
comment, meek Nature's, 414. dews of the, shun, 306. now came still, 182.
shades prevail, 252. welcome peaceful, 363.
Evening's close, hie him home at,
means of, 171.
news ride post, 194. obscures the show of, 36. out of good, 177. partial, universal good, 271. report and good report, 575. root of all, 576.
still educing good from, 310. sufficient unto the day is the, 567.
that men do lives after them, 85.
vice lost half its, 353- Evils, less of two, 5, 609.
present, triumph over philoso- phy, 210.
Example, influence of, 326. teaching by, 258.
you with thievery, 81. Exceeding wise fair-spoken, 74- Excel, 't is useless to, 324.
unstable thou shalt not, 541. Excellence it cannot reach, 308. Excellent thing in woman, 122.
to have a giant's strength, 23. Excess of glory obscured, 172.
of light, blasted with, 330. wasteful and ridiculous, 51. Exchequer of the poor, 52. rob me the, 58.
Excrement, general, 81. Excuse, fault worse by the, 51. for the glass, 383.
Excused his devilish deeds, 182. Execrable shape, 179.
Execute their airy purposes, 172. Executes a freeman's will, 492. Exempt from public haunt, 39. Exercise, for cure depend on, 224. Exhalation, like an, 173.
Exhalations of the dawn, 436. Exhaled and went to heaven, 264. he was, 226. Exhausted worlds, 318. Exile of Erin, 441.
Existence, secured in her, 251. Exit, called to make our, 378. Exits and their entrances, 41. Expatiate free o'er all this, 269. Expatiates in a life to come, 270. Expectation, better bettered, 26. fails, oft. 45.
makes a blessing dear, 157. Experience be a jewel, 21. made him sage, 502. old, do attain, 203. tells in every soil, 343- to make me sad, 43- Expletives their feeble aid, 281. Explain a thing till all men doubt,
the asking eye, 287. Explore the thought, 287. Expose thyself to feel, 121. Exposition of sleep, 33. Express, painting can, 257. Expressed in fancy, 104. Expressive silence, 310. Extend a mother's breath, 287. Extenuate, nothing, 130. External ordinances, 321. Extravagant and erring spirit, 100. Extreme, few in the, 273.
perplex'd in the, 131. Extremes by change more fierce, 176.
heard so oft in worst, 171. in man, 278.
in nature, 278.
Extremity, most dark, 450. Exultations agonies, 412. Eye and prospect of his soul, 28. apple of his, 541, 546. behind you, 47- curtains of thine, 18. defiance in their, 343- dissolved in dew, 373- explain the asking, 287. fades in his, 250. fire in each, 285. for eye, 541.
great task-master's, 205.
Eye, harvest of a quiet, 418. heaven in her, 187. in a fine frenzy rolling, 34. in my mind's, 102. inward, of solitude, 404. jaundiced, 283. lack-lustre, 40. like Mars, 115.
looks with a threatening, 50. nature's walks, 269. negotiate for itself, 26.
not satisfied with seeing, 557. of a needle, 568.
of day, 5, 205.
of Greece, 192.
of heaven, beauteous, 10, 51. of nature, 420.
of newt and toe of frog, 96.
of vulgar light, 454- one dropping, 101. peril in thine, 77. precious seeing to the, 30. pupil of the, 459.
saw me it gave witness, 542. sublime declar'd, 181. tear in her, 447-
to watch, 456. twinkling of an, 574- unborrowed from the, 406. unforgiving, 383. was dim and cold, 509. was in itself a soul, 479. was on the censer, 536. where feeling plays, 408. which hath the merriest, 65. white wench's black, 79. will mark our coming, 486. Eyeballs roll, 294. Eyebrow, to his mistress', 41. Eyelids of the morn, 199. weigh down my, 61.
Eyes are dim, 418.
are homes of silent prayer, 522. i are in his mind, 436. dear as these, 236. death within mine, 69. drink to me only with thine, 144.
dying, were clos'd, 296. happiness through another
man's 43 hath not a Jew, 36.
history in a nation's, 334- lids of Juno's, 48.
light in woman's, 456. like stars, 106.
look your last, 81.
love looks not with, 32. make pictures, 436.
man with large gray, 402.
give me a, 144.
hides a shining, 369. in her, excuse, 190. in his morning, 346. is as a book, 90.
labour bears a lovely, 165. like the milky way, 157. look on her, 284.
man had fixed his, 409. mind's construction in the, 89. music breathing from her, 479. music of her, 161.
of heaven so fine, 79. of joy we wear, 418. one beloved, 482.
pardoned all except her, 490. shining morning, 41. some awful moment, 419. sweat of thy, 540.
ten commandments in your, 66, 610.
that launched a thousand ships, 15.
that makes simplicity a grace,
no such word as, 505. not for sorrow, 524- we will not, 91.
Failed the bright promise, 460. Failing, every, but their own, 477. Failings leaned to virtue's side, 345.
Fails, oft expectation, 45. Fain would I climb, 13.
Faint and fear to live alone, 503.
heart ne'er won, 605.
Fair as a star, 402.
gift for my, 327. good-night, 447- humanities, 436. is foul, 88.
is she not passing, 19. laughs the morn, 331.
none but the brave deserve
Science frowned not, 335. spoken and persuading, 74. to fair he flew, 446. undress best dress, 310.
women and brave men, 470.
Faire, to bud out, 10. Fairer spirit conveyed, 300.
than the evening air, 15. Fairest of her daughters Eve, 182. Fairies' midwife, 76. Fairy fiction drest, 331.
hands their knell is rung, 339- takes nor witch, 101.
Faith and hope, 274
and morals which Milton held,
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