
Comfort to my age, 39.
Comforted, would not be. 566.
Comforters, miserable, 544-
Coming events, 441.

eye will mark our, 486.
Command success, 250.
Commandments, set my ten, 66.
Commands all light, 147.
Comment on the shows, 414.
Commentators each dark passage
shun, 267.
plain, 384.
Common as light is love, 494.
growth of mother earth, 409.
he nothing, did, 219.
men, roll of, 160.
people of the skies, 141.
souls, flight of, 341.
sun, air, 335.

use, remote from, 486.
walk, privileged beyond the
Commonplace of nature, 403.
Communion holds, 513.

[blocks in formation]

thou 'dst unfold, 130.

him, 270

Conceits, wise in your own, 572.
Concentred in a life intense, 472.
Conception of the joyous prime,


Concerted harmonies, 505.
Conclusion, a foregone, 129.
impotent, 126.

of the whole matter, 561.
Concord, heart in, 402.
holds, firm, 176.
of sweet sounds, 38.
Condemn the fault, 23.
the wrong, 585.
Condemned alike to groan, 328.
with life to part, 349.
Condescend to take a bit, 246.
Condition, wearisome, 14.
Conduct and equipage, 244.
of a clouded cane, 285.
still right, 347.

Confer, nothing to, 402.
Conference a ready man, 136.
Confidence of reason, 419.

plant of slow growth, 322.
Confident to-morrows, 425.
Confine, lies to his, 100.
Confines of daylight, 208.
Confirm the tidings, 253.
Confirmations strong, 128.
Conflict, dire was the, 186.
irrepressible, 515.
rueful, 411.

Company, faithful dog shall bear Confusion his masterpiece, 93.

shirt and a half in, 58.
with pain, 419.

Compare, beautiful beyond, 438.

great with small, 603.
Comparisons are odious, 143, 154.
are odorous, 27, 604.
Compass, narrow, 168.

of a guinea, 465.
Compassed by inviolate sea, 517.
Compassion, bowels of, 578.
Compelled sins, 23.
Competence, peace and, 274.
Complete steel, 196.
Complies against his will, 219.
Composture of excrement, 81.
Compound for sins, 213.

of villanous smell, 21.
Compulsion, a reason on, 56.
Compunctious visitings, 89.
Compute, what's done we may,

Comus and his midnight crew,

[blocks in formation]

on thy banners, 330.
worse confounded, 179.
Congenial to my heart, 346.
Congregate, merchants, 55.
Congregation of vapours, 109.
Conjectures, I am weary of, 251.
Conjure with them, 83.

Conquer Love, they, that run, 150.
our fate, 442.

twenty worlds, 165.

we must when our cause it is
just, 491.

Conqueror creates a muse, 169.
proud foot of a, 51.
Conquerors, a lean fellow beats all,


Conquest, ever since the, 234.
Conquest's crimson wing, 330.
Conscience avaunt, 249.
catch the, 110.
coward, 70.

does make cowards, 111.
hath a thousand tongues, 70.
is corrupted, 66.

of the worth, 188.
wake despair, 180.
with gallantry, 383.

"Conspicuous by its Absence" Earl Russell. Of Puppincott hev.654.50

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]


Constellations, happy, 188.
Construction, mind's, 89.
Consumedly, laughs, 258.
Consummation devoutly to be
wished, 110.

Consumption's ghastly form, 527.
Contagion to this world, 114.
Contagious blastments, 103.
Contemplation, formed for, 181.
of my travels, 42.
Contemporaneous posterity, 601.
Contempt upon familiarity, 20.
Content and poor, 128.
farewell, 129.

humble livers in, 71.

if hence the unlearned, 283.
measureless, 91.

to dwell in decencies, 277.
Contented, when one is, 8.
Contentions, fat, 207.

Contentious woman, 557-

Contentment of the noblest mind,


Contests from trivial things, 284.
Contiguity of shade, 360.
Continual dropping, 557-

plodders, 29.

Contortions of the sibyl, 355.
Contradiction, woman 's a, 278.
Contrived a double debt, 346.
Controls them and subdues, 419.
Conversation coped withal, 112.
Conversation's burrs, 536.
Converse, formed by thy, 275.

with the mighty dead, 310
Conversing, I forget all time, 183.
Convey, the wise call it, 20.
Conveyed, bud to heaven, 434.

the dismal tidings, 346.
Convolutions of a shell, 423.
Cool reflection came, 451.
sequestered vale, 334-
shade of aristocracy, 465.
Cope of heaven, 184.
Coped withal, 112.

Corages, nature in hir, 1.
Coral, his bones are, 17.
Cord be loosed, 560.

threefold, 558.

Cordial, gold in phisike is a, 2.
to the soul, 210.

Core, heart's, 113.

Corinthian lad of mettle, 56.
Corioli, Volscians in, 75-
Cormorant, like a, 181.
Corn, reap an acre of, 402.
two ears of, 246.
unbending, 282.

Corne, cometh al this new, 4.
Corner of the house-top, 555-
sits the wind in that, 26.
Corners of the world, 51.
Corner-stone of a nation, 532.
Coronets, kind hearts are more
than, 517.

Corporal sufferance, 24.
Corporations no souls, 8.
Corpse of public credit, 463.
Corrector of enormous times, 150.
Correggios and stuff, 348.
Correspondent to command, 17.
Corrupt good manners, 574-
the youth, 67.

Corrupted freemen, 338.
Corruption, honour from, 74.
lighter wings, 278.

wins not more, 73.
Corsair's name, he left a, 480.
Corse, unhandsome, 55.
Cortez, like stout, 499.
Cost a sigh, 378.
Costard, rational hind, 29.
Costly thy habit, 104.
Cot beside the hill, 399.
Cottage of gentility, 427.

poorest man in his, 323-
the soul's dark, 168.
with a double coach-house,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

the, 557.

of truth, 206.

Counterfeit a gloom, 203.

presentment, 115.

Counterfeited glee, 346.
Counters, such rascal, 87.

wise men's, 151.

Countless thousands mourn, 388.

Country bleeding, 439.

God made the, 360.
good of my, 258.

he sighed for his, 442.
his first best, 342.
in another, 197.

left, for country's good, 391.
loved my, 485.

right or wrong, 461.

undiscovered, 111.

Country's cause, 297.

wishes blessed, 339.

Courage and compassion, 252.

mounteth with occasion, 49.
never to submit, 170.

screw your, 91.

Couriers of the air, 91.

Course, I have finished my, 576.

of empire, 257.

of human events, 376.

of justice, 37.

of one revolving moon, 223.
of true love, 32.

Courses, steer their, 214.

Courted in your girls again, 599.

by all the winds, 193.

Courteous, the retort, 443-
though coy, 384

Courtesy, heart of, 14.
pink of,


Courtier, heel of the, 118.
Courtier's, scholar's eye, 112.
Courtsied when you have, 17.
Courts, day in thy, 549.
Covenant with death, 563.
Coventry, march through, 58.
Cover my head now, 508.
Covered with two narrow words,
Hic jacet, 13.
Covert yield, try what the, 269.
Covetousness, cause of, 16.
Coward conscience, 70.

flattery to name a, 400.
instinct, 56.

Coward sneaks to death, 300.
that would not dare, 446.
thou slave, 50.

Cowards, conscience makes, 111.
die many times, 84.
plague of all, 56.
Cowslips wan, 200.
Cowslip's bell I lie, 18.
Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, 337-
Coy and hard to please, 447.
courteous though, 384.
submission, 182.
Cozenage, strange, 229.
Crabbed age and youth, 134.
and harsh, 197.

Crab-tree and old iron rang, 214.
Crack of doom, 96.

the voice of melody, 536.
your cheeks, 120.
Cradle, little one's, 539.

of reposing age, 287.
standing in the, 146.
Cradled into poetry, 494-
Cradles rock us, 265.
Craft so long to lerne, 4.

Craftiness, wise in their own, 544.
Crams and blasphemes, 198.

Cranny, every, but the right, 370.
Crannying wind, 471.

Crape, saint in, 276.

Cras amet, 259.

Cream and mantle like a stand-
ing pond, 35.

Create a soul, 197.

Created equal, all men, 376.

half to rise, 272.

Creation, false, 92.

of some heart, 474-
ploughshare, o er, 266.
sleeps, 261.

tire of all, 537-

Creation's dawn beheld, 476.

[blocks in formation]

Credulity, ye who listen with, 320. | Crown, fruitless, upon my head, 94

Creed of slaves, 323.

outworn, 410.

sapping a solemn, 472.

Creeds agree, 354-

half the, 523.

keys of all the, 522.

Creep in one dull line, 281.

into his study, 28.
wit that can, 287.
Creepeth o'er ruins old, 538.
Creeping like snail, 41.

where no life is seen, 538.
Creeps in this petty pace, 98.
Crested fortune, 371.
Cribbed confined, 94
Cricket on the hearth, 203.
Cried razors up and down, 373-
Crime, maddens to, 478.

numbers sanctified the, 356.
of being a young man, 322.
worse than a, 394.

Crimes committed in thy name,

[blocks in formation]

head that wears a, 61.

of glory, a hoary head is a, 554-
of life, receive the, 577-
of sorrow is remembering hap-
pier things, 519.

old winter's head, 163.
ourselves with rosebuds, 566.
sweet to wear a, 67.
Crowning good, 380.
Crown's disguise, 337-
Crow-toe, tufted, 200.
Crude surfeit reigns, 197.
Cruel as death, 309.

as the grave, 561.

death is always near, 600.
only to be kind, 116.
Cruelty to load a falling man, 74-
Crumbs, dogs eat of the, 568.

picked up his, 609.
Crusaders, think they are, 536.
Crush of worlds, 251.

Crust of bread and liberty, 288.
Crutch, shouldered his, 348.
Cry and no wool, 214
bubbling, 487.
have a good, 508.
Havock, 85.

is still, They come, 98.

no language but a, 523-

not when his father dies, 322.
Crying, Give give, 557-
Cuckoo buds, 31.

Cucumbers, sunbeams out of, 246.
Cud of bitter fancy, 43

Cudgel, know by the blow, 216.
thy brains no more, 117.
Cummin and anise, 509.
Cunning, right hand forget, 551.
in fence, 48.

Cup, inordinate, 127.

kiss but in the, 144
life's enchanted, 470.
of hot wine, 161.

of water, little thing to give a,

Cupid is painted blind, 32.
kills with arrows, 27.
Cupid's curse, 140.
Cups, in their flowing, 64.
pass swiftly round, 161.
that cheer, 363.
Cur of low degree, 349.
Curded by the frost, 75.
Cure for life's worst ills, 515.
on exercise depend, 224
the dumps, 246.
Curfew time, 196.

tolls the knell, 332.
Curious child, 423.

[blocks in formation]

Dacian mother, 475.
Daffed the world, 58.

Daffodils before the swallow, 48.

fair, we weep to see, 159.
Dagger I see before me, 92.
of the mind, 92.

smiles at the drawn, 251.
Daggers, speak, 114.
Daggers-drawing, 216.
Daily beauty in his life, 130.
Daintie flowre or herbe, 10.
Daintier sense, 117.
Dainties bred in a book, 30.
Daisie the eye of the day, 5.
Daisies, myriads of, 416.

pied, 31, 201

that men callen, 5.
Daisy by the shadow, 420.
Dale, haunts in, 436.

[blocks in formation]

Damned be him who first cries,
Hold, 99.
better be, 373.

see him, ere I would, 48.
to fame, 275, 291.
Damp my intended wing, 189.
Damsel lay deploring, 301.
with a dulcimer, 434.
Dan Chaucer, 11.
Dan Cupid giant-dwarf, 30.
Dan to Beersheba, 326.
Dance and jollity, 194.
attendance, 74.

on with the, 471.
when you do, 48.
Dances in the wind, 227.
midnight, 296.

such a way, 157.
Dancing days, past our, 77.
drinking time, 226.

in the chequer'd shade, 201.
Danger on the deep, 502.
out of this nettle, 56.
Dangerous, delays are, 229.
to be of no church, 320.
Dangers, loved me for the, 125.
make us scorn, 385.
of the seas, 156.

Danger's troubled night, 441.
Daniel come to judgment, 37-
Dank and dropping weeds, 206.
Dappled turf, 403.

Dare do all becomes a man, 91.
not die, 503.

stir abroad, 100.

the elements to strife, 480.
to be true, 155.

what man, I dare, 95.

what men, do, 27.

Dares think one thing, 298.

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