[ocr errors]

Ballad to his mistress, 41.

world was guilty of a, 29.
Ballad-mongers, same metre, 57.
Ballads from a cart, 228.

of a nation, 236.

to make all the, 236.
Balloon, something in a huge, 409.
Ballot-box, 492

Balm from an anointed King, 53.
in Gilead, 564

of hurt minds, 93.

Bands of Orion, 545.

Bane and antidote, 251.

of all genius, 493-

of all that dread the Devil, 403.
precious, 173-

Bang, many a, 214
Banish plump Jack, 56.

strong potations, 381.

Bank and bush, o'er, 11.
and shoal of time, 90.

I know a, 33.

moonlight sleeps upon this, 38.

of violets, 46.

Banner in the sky, 535-
star-spangled, 491.
Banners, army with, 561.

hang out our, 98.
Banquet-hall deserted, 457.
Banquet song and dance, 528.
Banquet's o'er, when the, 301.
Baptism o'er the flowers, 159.
Baptized in tears, 373.
Bar my constant feet, 311.
Barbarians all at play, 475-
Barbaric pearl and gold, 174.
Barbarous dissonance, 197-
Barber and a collier fight, 314.
Bard here dwelt, 311.
Bare, back and side go, 9.
Bargain, hath sold him a, 30.
in the way of a, 57.
Barge, drag the slow, 371.
Bark and bite, 254.

attendant sail, 276.
drives on and on, 472.
is on the sea, 483.

is worse than his bite, 156.
perfidious, 200.

watch dog's honest, 486.
Barkis is willin', 538.
Barleycorn, John, 385.
Barren sceptre, 94
Base envy withers, 308.

from its firm, 449.

in kind, 366.

is the slave that pays, 62.
uses we may return, 118.
who is here so, 85.

Baseless fabric of this vision, 18.

Bastard Latin, 484-

to the time, 49.

Bastards, nature's, 198.

Bastion fringed with fire, 522.
Bate a jot, 206.
Bated breath, 36.
Bathe in fiery flood, 24.
Bats and to the moles, 562.
Battalions, heaviest, 589.

sorrows come in, 117.
Battle and the breeze, 441.
division of a, 123

feats of broil and, 123.
for the free, 528.

freedom's, once begun, 477-
front of, lour, 388.

how are the mighty fallen in,


in the lost, 446.

in the midst of the, 542.
not to the strong, 559-
perilous edge of, 171.
's lost and won, 88.
smellest afar off, 543-

Battled for the true, 523
Battlements bore stars, 423.
Battles fought o'er again, 220.
sieges, fortunes, 124.

Battle's magnificently stern array,


Bauble, pleased with this, 273-
Bay deep-mouthed welcome, 486.
the moon, 87.
Be-all and the end-all, go.
Be blind to her faults, 241.
bold everywhere, 11.
England what she will, 357.
just and fear not, 73-
not afraid, it is I, 568.
not deceived, 574-

not overcome of evil, 573-

not the first to try the new,

not worldly-wise, 154-
of good cheer, 568.

or not to be, 110.
plain in dress, 303.

quiet and go angling, 154

she fairer than the day, 151.
sober be vigilant, 578.
that blind bard, 436.
there a will, 384.

thou a spirit of health, ros.

thou familiar not vulgar, 103.
thy intents wicked, 105.

to her virtues very kind, 241.
wise to-day, 261.
wise with speed, 267.
wisely worldly, 154.
ye all of one mind, 577.

Be ye angry and sin not, 575.
Beach, there came to the, 441.
Beadle to a humorous sigh, 30.
Beadroll, Fame's eternall, 11.
Beads and prayer-books, 273.

pictures, rosaries, 218.
Beak from out my heart, 525.
Beam, full midday, 208.
Beams, candle throws his, 38.
orient, 183.

tricks his, 200.
Bear a charmed life, 99.

another's misfortunes, 297.
is to conquer, 442.
it calmly, 239.
like the Turk, 286.

pain to the, 511.
rugged Russian, 95.
the palm alone, 82.
those ills we have, 111.
to live, 274.

up and steer right onward, 206.
Bear-baiting, heathenish, 511.
Beard and hoary hair, 330.
of formal cut, 41.

the lion in his den, 447.
Bearded like the pard, 41.

men, tears of, 447.

Beards be grown, 542.
wag all, 7.

Bearings of this observation, 538.
Bears and lions growl, 254.

his blushing honours, 72.
Beast, familiar, to man, 20.
righteous man regardeth, 553.
that wants discourse of rea-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

familiar, 250.

upon the cheek of
night, 77

if she unmask her, 103.
immortal, 359

in a brow of Egypt, 34.
in his life, 130.

in naked, 309.

is its own excuse, 527.
is truth, 499.

lines where, lingers, 477.
making beautiful, 135.
music in the, 161.

of a thousand stars, 15.
of the good old cause, 413.
ornament of, 135.
she walks in, 481.
smile from partial, 439.
smiling in her tears, 440.

stands in the admiration, 191.

such as a woman's eye, 30.

thou art all, 244.

truly blent, 46.

waking or asleep, 184.

with my nails, 66.

Beauty's chain, 458.

ensign, 81.

heavenly ray, 479.

Beaux, where none are, 324

Became him like the leaving it,

nothing, 89.
Beckoning ghost, 296.

shadows, 195.

Beckons me away, 300.
Bed at Ware, 258.

by night, 346.

go sober to, 147:

of death, smooth the, 287.

of down, 125.

of honour, 215, 258.

up in my, 508.

Bed, with the lark to, 392.

Beddes hed, at his, 2.
Bedecked ornate and gay, 193.
Bedfellows, strange, 18.
Beds of raging fire, 177.

of roses, make thee, 15.
Bedtime, would it were, 59.
Bee had stung it newly, 157.
the little busy, 254.
where sucks the, 18.
Beehive's hum, 399.
Beer, bemus'd in, 285.
chronicle small, 126.
felony to drink, 66.
Bees, hive for, 140.

innumerable, 521.
Beetle, that we tread upon, 24.
three-man, 60.

Before and after, 116.

that which was, 215.
Beggar, dumb, may challenge
double pity, 13.

maid, loved the, 77-
that I am, 109.

Beggared all description, 131.
Beggarly account, 8o.

Tast doit, 364.
Beggars die, when, 84.
Beggary in love, 131.
Begging the question, 583.
Begin in gladness, 405.
Beginning and the end, 578.
late, 188.

mean and end, 516.
of our end, 34-
of the end, 594.

Begone dull care, 588.
Begot of nothing, 77.

Beguile her of her tears, 124.

the thing I am, 126.
Behind, worse remains, 116.
Behold how good it is, 551.

how great a matter, 577.
now is the accepted time, 572.
our home, 480.

the child, 273-

the upright, 547.

Beholding heaven, 452.
Being, God a necessary, 232.
Being's end and aim, 274.
Belated peasant, 173.
Belerium, old, 294.
Belgium's capital, 470.
Belial, sons of, 172.
Belief, prospect of, 88.
Bell, as a sullen, 60.

church-going, 369.
each matin, 431.
silence that dreadful, 126.
strikes one, 261.

Belle, 'tis vain to be a, 324-
Bellman, fatal, 92.

Bells jangled out of tune, 112.
ring out wild, 524-
those evening, 456.
those village, 364.

Belly, God send thee good ale, 9.
whose God is their, 575-
with good capon lin'd, 41.
Belongings, thy, 22.
Beloved face on earth, 482.
from pole to pole, 430.
Bemus'd in beer, 285.
Ben Adhem's name led, 492.
Bench of heedless bishops, 327.
Bend a knotted oak, 256.
Bendemeer's stream, 459.
Bends the gallant mast, 459-
Beneath the churchyard stone, 509.
the good how far, 330.
the milk-white thorn, 390.
the rule of men, 505.
Benedick the married man, 26.
Benediction, perpetual, 421.
Benighted, feels awhile, 455.

walks, 196.

Bent him o'er the dead, 477-
o'er her babe, 373-
top of my, 114

Bequeathed by bleeding sire, 477-
Bereaves of their bad influence,

[blocks in formation]

Best state, man at his, 548.

who does the, 262.

Bestial, what remains is, 126.
Bestride the narrow world, 82.
Beteem the winds of heaven, 101.
Betray, nature never did, 407.
Betrayed for gold, 446.
Better be d-d, 373.

be with the dead, 94.
bettered expectation, 26.
days, have seen, 81.
fifty years of Europe, 520.
for worse, 579.

grace, does it with a, 46.
had they ne'er been born, 451.
horse, gray mare the, 606
is a dinner of herbs, 553.
late than never, 7, 603.
part of valour, 59.
reck the rede, 387.
spared a better man, 59.
than his dog. 518.
than one of the wicked, 54.
than secret love, 553-
than you should be, 604.
thou shouldest not vow, 558.
to be lowly born, 71.

to have loved and lost, 522.
to hunt in fields, 224.
to reign in hell, 171.

to sink beneath the shock, 478.
Better-half, 14.

Bettering of my mind, 17.
Between two dogs, two hawks, 65.

two opinions, 543.

Betwixt a smile and tear, 474-.
Damiata, and Mount Casius,

wind and nobility, 55.
Bevy of fair women, 191.
Beware of desperate steps, 370.
of entrance to a quarrel, 104.
the Ides of March, 82.
Bezonian, under which king, 62.
Bible, but litel on the, 2.
Bibies laid open, 155.
Bid me discourse, 134.
Bids expectation rise, 349.
Bienfait s'escrit en l'onde, 73.
Big with the fate of Rome, 250.
with vengeance, 314.

Bigger, in shape no, 76.
Bigness which you see, 231.
Billows never break, 244.

swelling and limitless, 433.
trusted to thy, 476.

Bind him to his native mountains,

[blocks in formation]

Bird of dawning, 100.
of the air, 559.

shall I call thee, 404.

that shunn'st the noise of
folly, 203.

Birds, charm of earliest, 183.
in last year's nest, 531.
joyous the, 188.

melodious sing madrigals, 15.
of the air, 567.
Birnam Wood, 99.

Birth, death borders upon our, 146.
dew of thy, 11.

is but a sleep, 421.

nothing but our death, 265.
revolts from true, 78.

Biscuit, remainder, 40.
Bishop, church without a, 508.
Bishops, heedless, 327.
Bit me, though he had, 122.
Bite, recovered of the, 349.

the hand that fed them, 355.
worse than his bark, 156.
Bites him to the bone, 314.
Biteth like a serpent, 552.
Bitter as coloquintida, 125.
change, 176.
erelong, 189.
is a scornful jest, 318.
memory, 18o.

o'er the flowers, 468.
Bittern booming, 510.
Bitterness, his own, 553.

of things, 420.

Blabbing eastern scout, 195.
Black and midnight hags, 96.
despair, 493.

eyes and lemonade, 459.
hung be the heavens with, 65.
is not so black, 398.
it stood as night, 177.
spirits and white, 96.
to red began to turn, 216.
white will have its, 598.
with tarnished gold, 395.
Blackberries, plenty as, 56.
Blackbird to whistle, 212.
Blackguards both, 489.

Bladder, blows up a man like a,

Blade, heart-stain on its, 459-
trenchant, 213.

vengeful, 397.

Blades, shining, 458.

two, of grass to grow, 246.
Blame, she is to, that has been
tried, 303

Blameless vestal's lot, 293.
Blandishments of life, 300.
will not fascinate us, 378.

[blocks in formation]

Bliss, bowers of, 300.

centres in the mind, 343-
how exquisite the, 386.
hues of, 335-
ignorance is, 329.
momentary, 328.
of paradise, 362.
of solitude, 404.
source of all my, 347.
virtue makes the, 276, 339.
waking, 196.

was it in that dawn to be
alive, 425.

winged hours of, 440.

Blithe, no lark more, 357.

Bleed, hearts for which others, 256. Blockhead, the bookful, 283-

Bleeding country save, 439.

piece of earth, 85.

sire to son, 477.

Blend our pleasure, 406.

Bless, none whom we can, 469.

thee Bottom, 33.

the turf that wraps their clay,

Blessed do above, 169.

it is twice, 37.

mood, 406.

more, to give, 572.

who ne'er was born, 241.

with temper, 278.

with the soft phrase of peace,

[blocks in formation]

Blood and state, 160.

cold in, cold in clime, 478.
drizzled upon the Capitol, 84
dyed waters, 439.
felt in the, 406.

flesh and, can't bear it, 305.
freeze thy young, 106.
hand raised to shed his, 269.
hey-day in the. 115.

in their dastardly veins, 458
more stirs, 55.

of a British man, 121.
of all the Howards, 274-
of the Martyrs, 581.
of tyrants, 394.

rebellious liquors in my, 40.
spoke in her cheeks, 143-
stirs to rouse a lion, 55-
summon up the, 63.
unreclaimed, 108.
was thin and old, 509.
weltering in his, 220.
whoso sheddeth, 540.

will follow where the knife is
driven, 268.

Bloods, breed of noble, 83.
Bloody instructions, 90.

Bloom, kill the, before its time,

[blocks in formation]
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