Two strings to his bow. Hooker's Polity, Book v. Ch. lxxx. Butler, Hudi bras, Pt. iii. Canto 1, l. I. Ghost, Book iv. Masques, Sc. xiii. Churchill, The Fielding, Love in Several Virtue is her own reward. Dryden, Tyrannic Love, Act iii. Sc. 1. Virtue is its own reward. Prior, Im. of Horace, Book iii. Ode 2. Gray, Epis tle to Methuen. Home, Douglas, Act iii. Sc. 1. Virtue is to herself the best reward. Henry More, Cupid's Conflict. Ipsa quidem Virtus sibimet pulcherrima merces. Silius Italicus, Punica, Lib. xiii. l. 663. Wherever God erects a house of prayer, The devil always builds a chapel there. De Foe, The True-Born Englishman, Pt. i. l. 1. God never had a church but there, men say, The devil a chapel hath raised by some wyles. I doubted of this saw, till on a day I westward spied great Edinburgh's Saint Gyles. Drummond, Posthumous Poems. No sooner is a temple built to God, but the Devil builds a chapel hard by. George Herbert, Jacula Prudentum. Where God hath a temple, the Devil will have a chapel. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, Pt. iii. Sc. iv. M. 1, Wrong sow by the ear. Ben Jonson, Every Man in his Humour, Act ii. Sc. 1. Butler, Hudibras, Pt. ii. Canto 3, 1. 580. Colman, Heir-at-Law, Act i. Sc. 1. Word and a blow. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act iii. Sc. 1. Parish me no parishes. Peele, The Old Wive's Tale. Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle. Shakespeare, Richard II., Act ii. Sc. 3. Thank me no thanks, nor proud me no prouds. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act iii. Sc. 5. Vow me no vows. Beaumont and Fletcher, Wit without Money, Act iv. Sc. 4. Plot me no plots. Beaumont and Fletcher, The Knight of the Burning Pestle, Act ii. Sc. 5. O me no O's. Ben Jonson, The Case is Altered, Act v. Sc. 1. Cause me no causes. Massinger, A new Way to pay Old Debts, Act i. Sc. 3. But me no buts. Fielding, Rape upon Rape, Act ii. Sc. 2. Aaron Play me no plays. Foote, The Knight, Act ii. Clerk me no clerks. Scott, Ivanhoe, Ch. 20. Diamond me no diamonds! prize me no prizes. Tennyson, Idyls of the King, Elaine. INDEX. AARON'S serpent, 272. all Roman fame, 289. that which is written, 573- the smoke and stir, 194. Abra was ready, 241. Abridgment of all that is pleasant in man, 347- Abroad, schoolmaster is, 504. Absent from him I roam, 438. in body, 573. Absolute rule, 181. sway, 238. the knave is, 117. Abstracts and brief chronicles, 109. Academes that nourish all the world, 31. Accept a miracle, 268. Accepted time, 575 Accident of an accident, 371. sent to my, 107. | Aching void, 368. Acorns, oaks from little, 393- upon better, 20. Acre of his neighbor's corn, 402. how like an angel in, 109. suit the, to the word, 112. of the last age, 164. Actor, condemn not the, 23. Actors, these our, 18. Acts being seven ages, 41. little nameless, 406. the best who thinks most, 516. to these retired leisure, 202. Adding fuel to the flame, 194. insult to injury, 584. so sweetly she bade me, 327. Admiration of virtue, 207. season your, 102. Admit impediments, 135. Admitted to that equal sky, 270. nothing he did not, 319. eye, 400. whatever he spoke upon, 319. Advantage, were nailed for our, 54. Adversity, bruised with, 25. sweet are the uses of, 39. run to waste, 475. sons, 386. Affront me, well-bred man will not, 367. Afraid, be not, it is I, 568. Africa and golden joys, 62. sunny fountains, 461. After death the doctor, 156. the high Roman fashion, 132. After-loss, drop in for an, 135- actions of the last, 164. in every, in every clime, 295. of chivalry is gone, 353- of sophisters, 353. pyramids doting with, 209. serene and bright, 408. soul of the, 145. summer of her, 230. that melts in unperceived de- old, 97. thou art shamed, 83. to come my own, 166. 'twixt boy and youth, 446. Aged bosom, plant of slow growth Ages, his acts being seven, 41. famous to all, 207. |