
ployment, God Almighty will direct your dear father to what is best for you; only be good, and be not led away by idle, profligate boys, who are never happy themselves, and always make their poor parents miserable. Papa tells me he thinks of sending you to college: there you will learn everything that is great in learning, and wonderful in nature; and whatever your employment in life may afterwards be, you will, if you are industrious, always bear about with you the advantage of such a good education; above all studies, you will find mathematics to give you a superiority which no other kind of learning can boast of: I often regret most bitterly that I did not apply myself to them more diligently; but papa will tell you all about them, and why they are so important.

You must tell Arthur that I am delighted with the little note he sent me, and if I had time I would write to him also; but he shall have my next nephew's letter. Dear grandmamma told me how much amusement the microscope afforded you; it will show you over what little creatures God Almighty watches, and He will therefore never cease to care for us, dear Freddy. You must think of me, my dear boy, as

Your affectionate Uncle, HERBERT.


IN pronouncing sentence on some of the prisoners, convicted of the heinous crime of arson at the Suffolk Assizes, who were transported for life, or for terms of twenty and fifteen years, Mr. Baron Alderson delivered the following deeply impressive address :-" Prisoners at the bar, you are now called upon, all of you, to receive that punishment which the justice of the country requires this Court to award in regard to the several crimes of which you have been respectively convicted. We have together carefully gone over and examined your cases― we have together weighed what punishment it is due to the country that we should award—and I am to announce to those who were tried before me, as my learned brother (Williams) will do to those who were tried before him,



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what is the result of our joint deliberations, for on this occasion I was anxious, and he was anxious, that we should take the same view of the case, and that the same species of punishment, and the same measure of punishment, should be awarded by us in both courts. And with a view to show how solemn an occasion we regard this to be, we have felt it expedient to be both of us present. And I wish to address you all and through you those who may hear me in this court-and would to God I could be heard by all those who, like yourselves, have been carrying havoc and desolation through the homestalls of this previously happy county! Would that my voice was heard by them, as well as by you the persons in this court, that it might warn them of the consequences to which their career tends! Depend upon it that though the season of retribution may arrive slowly it will come surely ! In your case it is come in theirs it is not. It is probable it will arrive to them in this world, and assuredly it will arrive to them in the world to come-most assuredly! What you have done, as you thought, in the darkness of night, some of you---others when no eye saw you when no ear heard you the Providence of God has made as manifest as the light Here you stand to answer for it. You thought your selves secure--but here you are! They think themselves secure, but here they will probably be! And what profit had you in those things whereof you are now ashamed? Other crimes have at least some miserable palliation, in that they give to the person who commits them some pleasure or some advantage in life; but you -what pleasure have you? What advantage have you found from the gratification of your unmixed malignity of passion? Did you gain anything by it? Was the destruction of your neighbour's property was the ruin of his children--was the destruction of all belonging to him and all around him was the happiness you destroyed in his homestall and his house-was that of any advantage to you? Or think you that you can have any pleasure in the remembrance of the unoffending animals sacrificed to your feelings of revenge?—of the horse that perished in his stable, the kine that died in the stall, the sheep


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that perished in the fold, and the faithful dog, the guard
and companion of his master, destroyed in the kennel?
Think you, these things will not rise up against you on
Almighty God's judgment-day hereafter, when you will
have to answer at that tribunal where there will be no
doubt where there will be no dispute where this and
all the other crimes you have committed in the flesh will
be made manifest as the sun at noon-day? I beseech
you, think of these things while you live, in the time
spared to you, lest you think of them only in the awful
day of God's judgment! But in this world you must
your punishment, and that will be very, very, very
severe! You may think, and people like you may think,
that the punishment of transportation, which alone thet
law allows us to award, is a light punishment; but you
are mistaken, fearfully mistaken; it is a punishment
which I fear to contemplate, and which makes my blood.
run cold when I think of it. In the punishment which
you will have to undergo you will be excluded from your
families, your friends, your country; your lives will bet
most miserable; you will have to go to a country where
you will meet with nought but unmixed villany and
wickedness, and with men whom the justice of the
country has cast out as most unworthy to remain here.
You will meet with them only. In that society there
will not be a mixture as in society here, of good with
bad, but the bad will remain in painful isolation and
connexion together, a foretaste of that hereafter where
the bad will congregate alone. That society will be a
hell upon earth, and that it is which, as I said, makes my
blood run cold when I think of it. This, nevertheless,
will be your portion. It is my bounden duty to tell you,
and to warn through you those who hear me, who may
have committed crimes like those you have committed,
that they are by no means light crimes, and that to them
is awarded a punishment most severe and painful."

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Come hither, little worshipper,

And let me school my heart from thee,
Who prov'st within the house of God
"The perfect law of liberty."

Thy wing is strong, thy will is free,
And many a songster from on high
Seems gaily tempting thee abroad,
To range with him the azure sky.
But still the altar of the Lord
Is dearer to thy constant heart;
And from his courts thy willing mind
Shall never but with life depart.

I've seen thee plume that little wing,
And gaily sing thy hymn of praise;
I've marked thee too, with drooping head,
That scarce its languid eye could raise.

But never from the holy place
Dost thou depart in time of gloom,
Still waiting with a patient hope
Till "seasons of refreshing" come.

'Tis there the sun more brightly shines,
Thy food, though lighter, seems more sweet
And never yet was nest so calm

As this, thy hallow'd, best retreat.

When sullen winds are heard without,

And driving storms obscure the sky,

More smoothly shines thy glowing heart,

More brightly gleams thy happy eye.

Then louder trills thy little voice,

Though frowns the world, thy heaven doth shine;
And nought is heard, above, around,

Save that sweet, fearless song of thine.

But who at silent dawn or eve,

When suppliant crowds have hush'd their prayer,
Shall tell how eloquent its strain,

When only God and thou art there?

Oh! tell me when thy death draws nigh,

That I may hide thee in my breast;
And print thine image on my heart,
Ere yet I lay thee down to rest.

This hand shall smooth thy ruffled wing,
And, where the brightest turf may bloom
With velvet moss, and sweetest flowers
Prepare thy little quiet tomb.

Then, as I tread these sacred courts
With higher powers, yet lower aim,

Thy memory, little faithful bird,

Shall fill my conscious soul with shame,



E. WOOLLETT WILMOT, Esq., agent to the Duke of Newcastle, writes to the following effect:

"During the last four years I have, under the direction and according to the express wish of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, set out a great number of gardens in the county of Nottingham, nearly 2000, and have found them answer most completely. The tenantry consists of labourers, colliers, and mechanics; and the rents are regularly paid; the land much better cultivated, and the men much more contented and much happier than they were. Numbers who before they had gardens allotted to them were habitual drunkards, and reckless of every right feeling, have by degrees come round to a more steady course, and now spend their money in buying seeds, manure, &c., instead of resorting to the beer-shop. At Basford, near Nottingham, during the last winter, when trade was in a most deplorable state, many mechanics, who have gardens under his grace, told me, that if they had not had a garden, and been able through its produce to keep a pig, they must have starved or gone to the workhouse. A garden to the mechanic or labourer acts as a savings' bank, when nothing else would persuade him to save his money for long together. If he has a garden, he must have seeds, and generally a pig; for these last he will save; and if it be not the best way of saving, it is the only sure one; and I have always found that as soon as you can persuade a man to endeavour to better his condition by his own exertions, and assist him by encouragement and advice, although he may at times relapse, yet his tone of moral feeling is much raised, and if he be judiciously assisted he will never fall back into his former state.

"The most sceptical persons, if they would carefully examine the garden-ground and the adjoining lands, would find the produce nearly five times in favour of the garden cultivation; this difference is more chiefly seen in the strong clay soil than in any other."

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