The Waverley Novels, Volume 2

A. and C. Black, 1859

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Pagina 423 - It has been my object to describe these persons, not by a caricatured and exaggerated use of the national dialect, but by their habits, manners, and feelings ; so as in some distant degree to emulate the admirable Irish portraits drawn by Miss Edgeworth, so different from the " Teagues" and " dear joys" who so long, with the most perfect family resemblance to each other, occupied the drama and the novel.
Pagina 256 - And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.
Pagina 430 - He saw a party of the foot, who were then bravely fighting near him, and whom he was ordered to support, had no officer to head them ; upon which he said eagerly, in the hearing of the person from whom I had this account, ' These brave follows will be cut to pieces for want of a commander...
Pagina 300 - Bradwardine, who was destitute of the devoted enthusiasm of loyalty, which, to her friend, hallowed and exalted misfortune. These reveries he was permitted to enjoy, undisturbed by queries or interruption ; — and it was in many a winter walk by the shores of...

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