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anto went to coje 26 And they brought footh the t Images out of the house of Baal, and burnt them.

27 And they brake downe the image of Baal,
and bzake downe the house of Baal, and made
28 Thus Jehu deftroted Baal out of If
it a draught house,bnto this day.

29 Cowbeit, from the finnes of Jeroboam
the fonne of Rebat, who made Jfrael to finne,
Jehu departed not from after them, to wit, the
golden calues that were in Bethel, and that were

o anda ryico part tharbe at the gate of Sur,
and a third part at the gate bebinde the guard:
to thall yee keepe the watch of the house, that it
be not broken downe.

7 And two parts of all you, that goe foorth
on the Sabbath, euen they thall keepe the
watch of the house of the LORD about the

8 And yee shall compalle the Bing round a
bout,euery man with his weapons in his hand:
and hee that commeth within the ranges, let
him be laine: and bee yee with the king, as hee
goeth out, and as he commeth in.

9 And the captaines ouer the hundreds did
according to all things that Jehoiada the
Piet commanded: and they tooke every man
his men that were to come in on the Sabbati,
with them that should goe out on the Sabbath,
and came to Jehoiada the Pzielt.

10 And to the captaines ouer hundzeds, did
the Briefk giue King Dauids speares & Chields,
that were in the Temple.

11 And the guard flood, euery man with his weapons

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11 So Jehu flew all that remained of the 21
house of Ahab, in Jezreel,and all his great men, ban
and his kinfefolkes, and his pzielts, bntill hee Ho
left him none remaining.

12 CAnd hee arofe, and departed, and came
to Samaria: And as hee was at the thearing t
house in the way,





15 CAnd when hee was departed thence, he
lighted on Jehonadab the fonne of Rechab, th
comming to meete him: and he faluted him,and tit
fayd to him, Is thine heart right, as my heart
is with thy heart: And Jehonadab answered,

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Printed for G.G & J. ROBINSON

N°25 Pater-nofter Row.

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