• How justly does he, when his work is done, • Possess the centre of his Father's throne? How justly does his awful throne before, • Seraphic armies prostrate him adore; That's both by nature and donation crown'd, • With all the grandeur of the Godhead round? 'But wilt thou, Lord, in very deed come dwell • With me, that was a burning brand of hell? With me so justly reckon'd worse and lefs Than infect, mite, or atom can express? 'Wilt thou debase thy high imperial form, • To match with such a mortal, crawling worm? • Yea, sure thine errand to our earthly coaft, • Was in deep love to feek and save the loftt; And fince thou deign'st the like of me to wed, Ocome and make my heart thy marriage-bed. Fair Jesus, wilt thou marry filthy me? Amen, Amen, Amen; so let it be. CHAP. III. The FRUITS of the Believer's Marriage with : CHRIST, particularly gospel holiness and obedience to the law as a rule. SECT. I. The sweet folemnity of the marriage now over, and the fad effects of the remains of a legal spirit. T HE match is made, with little din 'tis done, But with great power, unequal prizes won. The Lamb has fairly won his worthless bride; She her great Lord, and all his store beside. He made the pooreft bargain, tho' most wife; And the, the fool, has won the worthy prize, † Luke xix. 10. : Deep floods of everlasting love and grace, The bride now as her all can Jefus own, Though thus her new created nature foars, And lives aloft on Jefus' heav'nly stores; Yet apt to stray, her old adult'rous heart Oft takes her old renounced husband's part: A legal cov'nant is so deep ingrain'd, Upon the human nature laps'd and stain'd, That, till her spirit mount the pureft clime, She's never totally divore'd in time. Hid in her corrupt part's proud bosom lurks Some hope of life still by the law of works. Hence flow the following evils more or less ;) Preferring oft her partial holy dress, Hence joying more in grace already giv'n Than in her Head and stock that's all in heav'n. Hence grieving more the want of frames and Than of himself the spring of all folace. (grace, Hence guilt her foul imprisons, lufts prevail, While to the law her rents insolvent fail, [bail. And yet her faithless heart rejects her Husband's Hence foul disorders rife, and racking fears, While doubtful of his clearing past arrears; Vain dreaming, fince her own obedience fails, His likewise little for her help avails. Hence duties are a task, while all in view Is heavy yokes of laws, or old or new: Whereas, were once her legal bias broke, She'd find her Lord's commands an easy yoke. No galling precepts on her neck he lays, Nor any debt demands, save what he pays By promis'd aid; but, lo! the grievous law, Demanding brick, won't aid her with a straw. Hence alfo fretful, grudging, discontent, Crav'd by the law, finding her treasure fpent, And doubting if her Lord will pay the rent. Hence pride of duties too does often swell, Prefuming she perform'd so very well. } Hence pride of graces and inherent worth Springs from her corrupt legal bias forth; And boasting more a present with'ring frame, Than her exalted Lord's unfading name. Hence many falls and plunges in the mire, As many new converfions do require: Because her faithless heart fad follies breed, Much lewd departure from her living Head, Who, to reprove her aggravated crimes, Leaves her abandon'd to herself at times; That, falling into frightful deeps, she may From fad experience learn more stross to lay, Not on her native efforts, but at length On Chrift alone, her righteousness and strength: Confcious, while in her works she seeks repose, Her legal spirit breeds her many woes. SECT. II. Faith's victories over fin and Satan, through new and farther discoveries of CHRIST, making believers more fruitful in holiness than all other prétenders to works. T HE gospel-path leads heav'n-ward; hence the fray, Hell pow'rs still push the bride the legal way. So hot the war, her life's a troubled flood, A field of battle, and a scene of blood. But he that once commenc'd the work in her, Whose working fingers drop the sweetest myrrh, Will ftill advance it by alluring force, [vorce: And, from her ancient mate, more clean diSince 'tis her antiquated spouse the law, The strength of fin and hell did on her draw. Piece-meal she finds hell's mighty force abate, By new recruits from her almighty Mate. Fresh armour fent from grace's magazine, Makes her proclaim eternal war with fin. The shield of faith, dipt in the Surety's blood, Drowns fiery darts, as in a crimfon flood. The Captain's ruddy banner, lifted high, Makes hell retire, and all the furies fly. Yea, of his glory every recent glance Makes fin decay, and holiness advance. In kindness therefore does her heav'nly Lord Renew'd discov'ries of his love afford, That her enamour'd foul may with the view Be cast into his holy mould anew: i For when he manifests his glorious grace, * † Matt. vii. 17, 18. ‡ Cant. vii. 2. 2 Cor. iii. 18. § Rom. vii. 4. |