Paragraph 1. The place and station of law and gospel in general, 332 Parag. 2. The place and station of law and gospel in par ticular, 333 Parag. 3. The gospel no new law; but a joyful found of grace and mercy. 338 Parag. 4. The gospel further described, as a bundle of good news and gracious promifes, 31 Chap. III. Concerning justification and fanctification, their difference and harmony, 343 Sect. 1. The difference between jusification and sanctification, or righteousness imputed and grace imparted, in upwards of thirty particulars, Sect. 2. The harmony between justification and sanctification, Chap IV. Concerning faith and sense, ib. 349 351 Sect. 1. Faith and sense natural, compared and distin guished. ib. Se&. 2. Faith and sense spiritual, compared and distin. guished, 354 Sect. 3. The harmony and discord between faith and fense, 356 Sect. 4. The valour and victories of faith, 357 Sect. 5. The heights and depths of fenfe, Sect. 6. Faith and frames compared, or faith building u 360 pon sense discovered, 361 Chap. V. Concerning heaven and earth, 364 Sect. 1. The work and contention of heaven, ib. Sect. 2. Earth despicable, heaven desirable. 367 PARTI. The BELIEVER'S ESPOUSALS: A POEM Upon ISAIAH liv. 5. Thy Maker is thy husband. HARK ARK, dying mortal, if the Sonnet prove A fong of living and immortal love, 'Tis then thy grand concern the theme to know, If life and immortality be fo. Are eyes to read, or ears to hear a trust? Shall both in death be cramm'd anon with dust? Then trifle not to please thine ear and eye, But read thou, hear thou, for eternity. Pursue not shadows wing'd, but be thy chase, The God of glory on the field of grace: The mighty hunter's name is lost and vain, That runs not this substantial prize to gain. These humble lines assume no high pretence, To please thy fancy, or allure thy sense : But aim, if everlasting life's thy chase, To clear thy mind, and warm thy heart through (grace. A marriage fo mysterious I proclaim, Betwixt two parties of such diff'rent fame, That human tongues may blush their names to tell, To wit, the PRINCE of HEAV'N, the heir of hell! But, on so vast a fubject, who can find Words fuiting the conceptions of his mind? C Or, if our language with our thought could vie, CHAP. I. A general account of Man's fall in ADAM, and the remedy provided in CHRIST: and a particular account of man's being naturally wedded to the law, as a covenant of works. SECT. I. The FALL of ADAM. LD Adam once a heav'n of pleasure found, While he with perfect innocence was crown'd; His wing'd affections to his God could move In raptures of defire, and streams of love. Man standing spotless, pure, and innocent, Could well the law of works with works con tent; Though then, (nor fince), it could demand no Than personal and perfect righteousness: [less These unto finless man were easy terms, Though now beyond the reach of wither'd The legal cov'nant then upon the field, [arms, Perfection fought, man could perfection yield. Rich had he, and his progeny remain'd, and skill? Can filthy dross produce a golden beam? : Nay, now its direful threat'nings must take Who natively his holy will gainsay, *Gen. iii. -6. In vain do mankind now expect, in vain Nay, death is threaten'd, threats must have their due, Or fouls that fin must die *, as God is true T SECT. IF. Redemption through CHRIST. HE second Adam, sovreign Lord of all, From bofom of eternal love descend, dur'd, Stern justice must have credit by the match, * Ezek. xviii. 4. |