
Willemet, M. his reflections on the proper.

ties of the agaric of oak, 507.
Wimmington, acc. of the parish of. 23.
Wimpy, Mr. on economical registers,
346. On the impropriety of allowing

a bounty on corn, 347.
Wollaton, Mr. on a new fyftem of wires
in the focus of a telescope for obferving
the comparative right afcenfions and de.
clinations of celeftial objects, 216.

Enophon's Memorabilia. See Edwards.

YEar, folar, duration of, fettled, 503.

Young, Mr. Arthur, his effay on hoc-
ing turnips animadverted on, 169. On
the culture of the clustered potatoe,


Zodiac, inquiry into the origin of the
figures and figns of, 503.

ERRATA in this Volume.

P. 277, par. 2, 1.8, for partial,' r. impartial.

→ 318, 1. 1. for The Earl of Chesterfield,' r. The ears of Lord Chesterfield,
351, 16, from the bottom, for 1, 1. 37-




368, in the last line of Matthews's Article, for veracity,' r. truth.


418, 1.4, from the bottom, for healthy,''r. beatky,


Errata in the Appending to Vol. 75.

P. 552. t. 8. for wrongs,

r. wrong.

554.-5. for that general","
7. that in general
556.-22. for the original, r. their original.
562. Par. 2. l. 3. for spread";' r. spred. for "discoveries &. discourses.


in the Sunday bord. 95.

For Doucet' r. Douleet.

"Marot, rr. Maret.

[ocr errors]

In Two large Volumes Octavo, Price 15s. in Boards,

[blocks in formation]

From its Commencement, to the End of the Seventieth Volume.
By the Rev. S. AYS COUGH,


Containing a Catalogue of the Books and Pamphlets character-
ized, with the Size and Price of each Article, and References
to the Reviews wherein the Account of them, with the Book-
fellers' Names, are inferted. Alfo an Index to the principal
Extracts, Obfervations, and remarkable Paffages.

Sold by T. BECKET, Pall Mall.

AT length this Compilement, fo long and frequently called for
by our Readers, hath made its appearance; and we hope it will
anfwer the expectations of thofe who have been fo defirous of fuch
a publication. Of the manner in which the Work hath been executed,
fome idea may be formed, by attending to the following extract from
the Compiler's Preface.

"The FIRST Volume contains an Index to the Titles, AUTHORS'
NAMES, Sizes, and Prices of all the Books and Pamphlets (digefted
under their respective claffes) which are characterized in the Re-
views, from the beginning of the Work, in 1749, to the end of
the SEVENTIETH Volume, which was finished in the year 1784.

"In respect to the Prices of Books and Pamphlets, they are given
as they ftand in the Reviews; and it must be observed, that they
are fometimes the prices bound, or in boards, or fewed; which it
was not poffible to distinguish, in every inftance, with perfect accu-
racy. The names of the Bookfellers and Publishers will be found in
the Reviews; to which the reader is conftantly directed, by the
First Volume, or Catalogue part, as we may term it, of this Work.

"For the accommodation of those who may wish to know what
hath been written by or concerning any particular Author, during the
period of the Reviews, an INDEX to ALL the Names is added to the
TABLE OF CONTENTS, of which the First Volume confifts.

"In the SECOND VOLUME is given an INDEX to the principal
Extracts, Obfervations, and remarkable Paffages. As thefe mate-
rials could not be fo properly arranged in Claffes as those of the
First Volume, they are wholly comprehended under one General
Alphabet; and the particulars are literally copied from the original
Indexes, fubjoined to the different Volumes of the Review.”

To what Mr. A. hath obferved, we need only to add one re-
mark, viz. That even to readers who are not poffeffed of fets of the
Review, these volumes will be of great ufe, as they may, with strict
truth, be affirmed to comprehend the moft general, and moft com-
plete priced Catalogue that ever was offered to the Public.

It may be further obferved, with refpect to thofe whose sets of
the Review are incomplete, that to fuch perfons the publication before
us will be found peculiarly ufeful, as it will, in fome meafure, fup-
ply the want of thofe volumes of the Review in which their fets are
deficient, and which, perhaps, are no where to be procured.'
REV. March, 1786.


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